Chapter XXXI: Therapy

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It was just the nature of the trauma that made people want to discover the thing that they were missing in themselves for a long time. Insane people weren't insane because it was in their genes, some people were insane because others had a big force of negativity that altered their spiritual peace and interrupted all of their sanity systems by a purpose to ruin what was left of their stable lives.

"You're going to be completely healthy after these therapy sessions with Dr. Alana, she's very talented and she could make your hallucinations fade away," I was not sure if Levy was convincing me or himself. I did appreciate his efforts and his determination to convince me which has successfully been accomplished as he drove his motorcycle to Oregon medical psychological center, to where they treated their insanely disturbed souls.

At first, I disregarded the idea this whole morning until Levy eased my mind by telling me that he would join me in all my sessions and that he was going to be there to support me through all the procedures of self-healing. I agreed to one session only and if I didn't like it, I had the choice to leave it behind.

"Remember, breathe in and breathe out," Levy reminded me as we both got off his motorcycle, Levy helped me as I limped on one leg. Thankfully, they had a wheelchair for me, I could not move one step without my ankle pulsing in agony. If I stayed with a bloodied ankle at the day of my dad's death, I would have been paralyzed but Levy managed to rescue me.

"Try not to think too much about remembering, and don't stress, this session is to help you stay calm," he advised and I nodded, smiling as he gave me more tips for my first therapy session.

The doctor didn't agree with letting me go earlier with a severely injured ankle but Levy promised it was only for the day so I could try out therapy. Luckily enough, the doctor eventually gave in.

The cold air slapped my face the moment we entered and my eyes tried not to look at other mental patients because I would get emotionally distressed, something I didn't since I didn't have a wink of sleep due to these vivid hallucinations.

With my hair lazily in a bun and sweatpants along a big white t-shirt, I was not feeling myself today. I was cranky, frustrated and in a bad mood so I tried to keep quiet to prevent myself from bursting on anyone in my way.

Levy walked back to me after he told me to wait so he could get a wheelchair for me, I blissfully sat as my ankle stopped aggravating me and Levy moved my wheelchair along to Dr. Alana's room.

"I'm starting to think this was a bad idea," I commented as my eyes vigilantly assessed a girl that sat near Dr. Alana's office, bashing her head onto the wall and calling the name 'Peter' repeatedly with careful emerald eyes. I was more disoriented at the thought that were more people who were drowning deeper than me into their disorders.

"Lia, you broke my number one rule," Levy interjected and I let out a small chuckle at his childish manner, "think happy thoughts and don't look around you," he ordered and I rolled my eyes at him but nonetheless, listened to him as my eyes focused forward.

The nurse welcomed me as Levy strolled my wheelchair and stopped in front of Dr. Alana's desk.

To my utter disbelief, she appeared to be very young; almost my age or more than me by a year. I didn't know it was from cosmetic surgery, the one that made peoples' faces seem younger or she graduated early and began to work in the crazy center.

With shiny brown eyes, she greeted me and asked me how I was feeling, anyone looking at my face knew the answer, I was deprived of sleep, angry at myself for these hallucinations and I had the urge to punch someone in the face.

"Levy, long time no see," Dr. Alana shook Levy's hand with a smile on her face. My hormones were acting up as my eyes narrowed at their exchange like a lunatic cat. "How are your parents?"

"They are great, they told me to say hi to you for them," he mentioned and she said hi back as she started to look into my documents.

"So," she scanned the papers and lifted her face up to me, "Lia Maxwell, right?" was she serious? she has my passport copy and she asked me that? therapists were so stupid sometimes.

Calm down and think happy thoughts. I remembered Levy's words and I willed myself to calm down as I nodded in reply.

"It's nice to meet you, is she your sister?" she asked Levy and I was trying too hard not to jump and claw her pretty face out.

"He is my boyfriend, I am not his sister," I strained my voice at her intentionally, she awkwardly let a fake cough in return and continued on gazing at my papers when she saved a file on her computer so we could begin faster.

Levy was amused as he looked down at me, trying not to laugh at the stiff silence that was caused by my rudeness.

She started it when she talked to my boyfriend in a flirtatious way. I snapped internally but widened my smile at her as she weirdly looked at me.

Levy sat next to me as the doctor began to ask me questions, "the first question, when did these hallucinations start?"

"Yesterday," I replied, trying not to let my mind wander back into the dark hallways of the bad memories, I met her olive irises once again as I added further, "when my dad died, I was sent to the hospital for my ankle and it started at night, it's fresh but I want to get rid of them fast," Levy took my hand in his as my breaths started to come out quickly as my eyes saw another hallucination.

This one was about Levy pointing a gun at me this time.

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