Chapter XXXIII: Threat

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The rest of the day went by like a daze on a wintery day, where the rest of the days went by in a flash. I spent it lazing around since I couldn't walk much while Levy was dealing with the school papers for me because we had skipped a lot of classes. He had to explain to them about my medical condition so I was all by myself, in his room and in his big black shirt.

I tried not to get nostalgic as my eyes distracted themselves by mulling over words in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Mrs. Christina was kind enough to let me stay while the police sort out my dad's funeral, which was after four days, I wanted to see his body and all the details but my state was worsened with reoccurring nightmares so the doctor told me if I wanted to get better to see my dad, I couldn't pressurize my legs for a whole week until my ankle was fully healed.

As for the schedule of what my life was going to be after dad was nonexistent, Levy's parents were extremely supportive of me as they brought me food in bed, which I ended up not eating and returning them back, but I did appreciate the fact that they were making an effort for my sake.

I thanked God when I was under the covers the moment the social worker came with a notepad and big eyeglasses, he was a man in his forties with a full black mustache and blonde eyebrows that was covered with his black-rimmed eyeglasses.

He greeted me and sat down next to my bed as I uncomfortably leaned my back against the headboard of Levy's bed with the covers over me, "So, Lia Maxwell, since you are seventeen, you need to have a guardian, your parents died and you have nobody, after the doctor agrees that you are fine, we need to take you to our office so you can get adopted by another family if you want to stay in Oregon."

I frowned at the thought of living with other people, I didn't like that idea and Mrs. Christina interrupted the social worker when she came in, she must have overheard the conversation, "Mr. Gary Frank, I am completely willing to be her guardian, I am sure there is no need for her to be adopted by strangers," Mrs. Christina sensibly stated.

He contemplated over his options as his eyes flickered from Mrs. Christina to me and he noticed how we smiled at each other in affection. "Very well, Mrs. Christina Martin, you may be her guardian since there is no law that can objectify your request," he fixed his eyeglasses and stood up, raising his belt as he wished me a better recovery and talked to Mrs. Christina to fill in the legal forms.

"I will be right back, honey," Mrs. Christina told me and I grinned at her in return. I was glad that she offered that because there was no better motherly figure than Mrs. Christina, she always took care of me.

Did that mean that my step-brother would be Levy? I grimaced when that weird image popped into my head. I quickly denied it when Mrs. Christina arrived again and the social worker went.

"How is your ankle?" she asked me as she patted my shoulder and sat next to me to tell me about the updates about dad's funeral once they talked to her over the phone for the date and place. Mom and dad would be buried next to each other in St. Creighton cemetery.

"It's better than before," I replied honestly. "I start my sessions after school," I confessed to her and she looked at me in surprise.

"You really accepted that idea?" she inquired with a happy smile, the one where she was genuinely interested in the change of my mind.

"I just think that I should allow myself to heal, that would make dad happy up there," I admitted as a tear escaped my face and I was embraced by Mrs. Christina, I hugged her back as I sobbed when I felt myself longing to see my dad again.

"That's good for you, you are taking the right step baby girl," she encouraged me as I let myself smile at the brave woman next to me, "I am so proud of you for being such a strong-willed girl," she gave my wet cheek a kiss and stroked my hair as my head settled on her shoulder.

"Now, I am definitely jealous," Levy stated with a playful wounded expression at our display of affection, he joined us as I scooted over on the king-sized bed so Levy could lay down with us, he settled his head on his mom's left shoulder as we all had a friendly laugh.

It was currently two pm when we went for lunch, the crutches I had to hold really irritated me because it pushed on my underarms making me groan in annoyance.

Levy stared off at a distance while we were eating and I wondered what he was thinking about. Mrs. Christina talked about the house arrangements, she approved of our relationship and agreed that I should stay under Levy's surveillance because if I stayed alone, I would surely get bad hallucinations again and I couldn't have agreed more.

After we finished eating, Levy carried me with his arms and I smiled up at his... dazed face. I frowned as my fingers touched his jaw and he snapped out of it as his eyes tried to ignore mine.

"Are you fine, baby? you have been dazed off lately," I asked in worrisome. It was unlikely for Levy to be so stressed out like this, I knew he was hiding something from me when he averted his eyes, completely not meeting mine.

"Oh yeah, I am good," he was trying to convince himself more than me but I refused to believe that, "tell me what is it?"

"They know about our location and they can come at any time to attack us," he seethed in angst as his eyes swirled in a heated grudge.

"If you mean the Abergil Fam-" I started.

"No, it's not them," he interrupted but answered again, "it's worse than that,"

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