Ch. 17: Library Visit

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When Boscha lost the bet, she expected Willow to use her to test her carnivorous plants, or maybe force her to do her homework, or even make her be a maid for the month... she did NOT expect this.

"This is humiliating." Boscha said.

"It's not that bad." Willow said, walking into her room with a cup of water.

"Uh... I'm a fucking flower!" Boscha said.

She was a pink flower, with her face where the seeds would be. Sure, she could move her leaves, formally known as her arms, but this still sucked!

"Well, you lost the bet, I like plants, and I'm friends with a Goddess that has complete control over plants and animals, hence the reason I had her turn you into a seed this morning." Willow said, pouring the cup into Boscha's clay pot.

"And why didn't you just have her turn me into flower? Why a seed?" Boscha asked.

"Because I wanted you to feel like a flower growing." Willow said, "... And because I wanted to use magic and force you to grow from seed to flower, just to show you that I have true control over you."

Boscha actually leaned back, a bit scared of Willow's crazy look.

"You're starting to scare me." Boscha said, before putting her leaves on her... stem, "... Do it again."

Willow took the cup and dumped the rest of the water over Boscha, causing her petals to get soaked and point to the ground. Willow took the clay pot and brought it to the window sill, letting her get some sun.

"Hey, so, you know that god girl, do you think you can ask her if I can be that creature again?" Boscha asked, "That was fun."

"Well, that's something you'd have to ask Luz." Willow said, "You know, when Eda actually lets her out of the house again." Willow said, "Man, my back still hurts from cleaning that house last night."

"Yeah, if I had bones right now, they'd be aching." Boscha said, "Wonder what that God girl is doing now?"

At the Owl House, Eda hands Luz a stack of books.

"Now, you're going to deliver these to the library." Eda said, "Honestly, after last night, you're lucky I'm even letting you out of the house."

"I said I was sorry!" Luz said.

"Well, you can keep saying that." Eda said, "You animated my house!"

"And it was awesome!" Luz said.

Luz walked out of the house, just as King was bringing in a basket, covered by a blanket. Luz felt something about that basket, something she feels only towards Owlbert. Some kind of... sentient piece of wood.

'Oh, King, I hope you aren't doing anything crazy.' Luz thought.

Luz walked to Bonesborough, easily using her incredible strength to carry the heavy book stack with one hand.

"Bonesborough Library." Luz said, "Always did like going to the library, it's where I learned some of my knowledge of animals and plants when mom was busy. Let's see if doing some research here can help me understand of plants and animals here... and maybe help me turn into them."

Luz made sure her hood was up before entered the Library and the books began floating towards the librarian.

"Late. Late. Late." The Librarian said before looking at one, "Grass, Coffee, and Bloodstains?... These are Eda's aren't they?"

"That was... an interesting night." Luz said.

The librarian sighed and summoned a paper.

"I'll add it to her tab." He said, "We're also closing early for the wailing star meteor shower tonight."

"Oh, a meteor shower?" Luz asked, "I totally want to see that!"

Luz walked off, hoping to learn a bit about the place. Luz was walking around and didn't really pay attention to where she was going, causing her to bump into someone. Both fell to the ground, along with a couple books and a pair of glasses. Luz looked up and saw a familiar face.

"Oh, sorry, Cat!" Luz said, helping the healer up.

Cat, now wearing a blue dress, black jacket, and black boots, got up and rubbed her head.

"It's fine, I was more focused on my book than where I was going." Cat said, picking up her glasses and putting them on, "So, you're out of the house? I thought you would be grounded for the next three centuries."

"Well, Eda let me out of the house to return the books, and I'm taking my sweet time." Luz said, handing Cat her book.

Cat looked a bit nervous but grabbed her book and held it close.

"Thanks, I'll... talk to you later." Cat said, before quickly walking off with the book held tightly against her chest.

"Huh, that's unfortunate, because I really was hoping to ask her about this wailing star thing." Luz said, "Oh well, better keep going."

Luz walked away, while Cat hid around the corner and slid the fake healing cover book sleeve off, revealing a potions book.

'I wish I could do one of my hobbies without having the risk of getting arrested.' Cat thought, 'Potions, Healing, Beast Keeping, and Plants... I'm certainly the most ambitious of our group.'

Cat held in a chuckle, knowing how the entire group, Boscha, Skara, Amelia, hell even Amity, wanted to study multiple forms of magic, though Cat was the only thought about more than just two tracks.

'If only someone could make it possible.' Cat thought as she began reading.

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