Ch. 26: First Meeting

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Eda landed her staff on the snow and Luz hopped off, before breathing in the air deeply.

"Ah, I love the smell of snow." Luz said.

"I'm still jealous that you don't feel cold." Eda said, getting off the staff.

Eda wore a thick fur coat over her dress, but just enough open for her gem to be showing, maroon gloves, black heeled winter boots, and a hat with four blue eyes on it. Luz on the other hand, just wore her usual outfit, with her cloaks hood down instead of covering her head. Titan stayed home with King, he promised to not eat him, since he was cold blooded and wouldn't do too good here.

"What can I say, I'm a god." Luz said.

"Yes, you keep reminding me of that, at least once or twice a week." Eda said, grabbing her staff, "Behold, Luz, the Knee! Where witches used to come and come connect with the Titan... and where you'll learn if you can find a way to become the animals of the Isles."

"I can't wait!" Luz said, getting very excited.

"Come on, let's go get you into your element."

Eda and Luz walked in the snow... while being watched.

"So, that's the girl, she doesn't look so tough."

"Remember what the Emperor said, leave the big guy to distract the girl, we are here for the Owl Lady."

The group moved to follow them, making sure neither knew they were there. As Eda and Luz were walking, Luz was taking in all the sights. The ruins, the plants, the Slitherbeast that Luz befriended while Eda was telling her that they were dangerous and should not be provoked. Eda rubbed her head with a sigh.

"I really shouldn't be surprised at this point." She said, "Luz, can you let that animal go do it's normal thing so I can teach you some important things about the magic of this world?"

"Aw, but she's so cute!" Luz said, laying on its head and scratching it, "Who's a good murder machine? Is it you? Yes, it is!"

"Luz!" Eda said, "Come on!"

Luz groaned.

"Okay." Luz said getting off, "I'll miss you, sweetie."

The Slitherbeast licked Luz and ran off into the woods. Luz turned to Eda.

"Luz, we'll never get this done if you keep doing things like this."

"One could say that I'm connecting to the Isles in my own special way."

"Come on, we are burning daylight."

The two went walking into the woods of the knee, with Luz smiling as she inhaled the smell of trees.

"I love nature." Luz said.

"I'm well aware of that." Eda said, "Now, in order to connect with the Isles, you need to allow yourself to feel the magic around you."

"Okay, how do I do that?" Luz asked, "It's not like my powers are like your magic, so unless you expect me to open someone's body up and pull out their bile sac, I don't think that will work."

Eda ruffled Luz's hair.

"Oh, Kid, magic is everywhere." Eda said, "You just need to know how to listen to it."

Eda led Luz to a ledge and sat her on a rock. Luz looked out and saw the Titan's skull.


"Yeah, it's an amazing place, don't you think?" Eda said, "Now, sit here and try and listen to the Titan, I have to go gather some ingredients for a potion. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay!" Luz said, before looking at the skull, "Okay, big guy, what can you teach me?"

Luz sat there for a few minutes, waiting for something to happen.

"Yep... I'm bored." Luz said, "Don't really know how to connect with the Isles, Eda didn't really give much of an explanation of how to do this. Speaking of, where is Eda, I'd thought she'd be back by now."

Luz stood up and turned to go into the woods, but stopped when she heard what sounded like breathing. She turned to the Skull but didn't see anything.

"Huh, weird." Luz said, shaking her head a bit, thinking she was hearing things.

She walked into the woods, before noticing something... some of the trees were burned away... fast. There was an entire clearing where there used to be tree. Only a few burnt trees remained. She looked down at the snow and saw something... something red.

"That's blood... something happened here... but what?" Luz looked around and saw something she knew meant something bad happened, "Owlbert?"

She went over to grab the staff, only for it to be covered in a red glow and pulled away from her. Luz was shocked and looked over, seeing someone in a mask holding Eda's staff.

"Sorry, but this is now property of the Emperor's Coven." He said.

"Give that back." Luz said, "Where is Eda."

"She is going to be charged for her crimes, interfere with official coven business, and I will have no choice but to harm you."

"Good luck with that." Luz said, cracking her knuckles, "Who are you anyway?"

"My name isn't of importance, but you can call me... The Golden Guard."

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