Ch. 27: Gold vs Green

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Luz stared at the masked bastard standing in front of her with Eda's staff in his hands.

"I am going to give you one chance to give me that and tell me where Eda is, or else you're done for." Luz said.

"I'm not scared of you, you're a human." Golden Guard said, "I don't care what anyone says, you're not that intimidating."

Luz crossed her arms and looked at him.

"Then just try and attack me."

Golden Guard ran at Luz, with his staff in hand. He swung the staff at her, but she just put her arm up and it stopped. She felt the impact of the staff within her arm, but paid it no heed as he continued his assault. Swings, punches, kicks, and blows from his staff all rained down upon her. Her mind told her she needed to at least make it convincing, but how could she do that when everything he threw at her was just so... weak? Her fingers wrapped around his arm as he swung it down to deliver another blow, and the shock on his face was clear as she gripped his arm like a vice.

"I've seen Kittens fight better than that." Luz said, kicking his legs out from under him, "Now where are you keeping Eda?"

"I will never tell-"

Luz pulled out a plant glyph and slammed it on the ground, making a vine grow and grab Eda's staff from the Golden Guard's hands, and into the air.

"I am going to give you one more chance, tell me where she is, or else I'm going to get mad."

"You don't scare me."

The Golden Guard tightened the grip on his staff and it began to glow. He teleported into the air and blasted the ground. Luz just took a single step back to avoid it.

'Fine, if he wants to play, I'll play.' Luz thought, pulling out two more glyphs, 'Don't want to reveal my abilities until I found Eda.'

Luz slammed the glyphs together, forming what could only be described as bark armor. She reached to her side and pulled out the sword handle, making the vine sword she made a while ago. The Golden Guard landed on the ground and looked at Luz, before noticing that Luz looked different, she looked ready for a fight. Luz charged at the Golden Guard and thrusted her sword at him, but he just barely managed to dodge and retaliate with his staff. The Golden Guard spun the staff and thrusted it at Luz, hitting her in the stomach. She stumbled back a little, but ultimately, it didn't do much to the young god.

"Weak." Luz said before stabbing at him, watching the guard dodge. "Slow."

Luz kept stabbing at him as the Golden Guard stumbled back, barely able to dodge each attack as his outfit was getting ripped each time.

'She's good!' He thought as he deflected the next stab but watched Luz spin while kicking his legs out! 'Really good!'

Luz held the sword up and slashed down, making him teleport away, as she slashed deep into the ground! Looking up, Luz saw he was in the air and fired a shower of red energy blasts.

'Creative.' Luz thought, manipulating the vine sword and flipping her grip.

With a strong pull, Luz made a large vines rise up and shield her from the blasts. When the blasts were gone, she then removed the vines and pulled out two glyphs, making it look like she was just using them. The Golden Guard landed on the ground and Luz fired vines at him from the glyph. Luz fired everything she could, every plant she knew, both extinct and alive at him, but he teleported past them all. Luz gave one last glyph and grew a plant she thought could work.

'Alright, let's see how he does against this one.' Luz thought, setting the glyph down and making the plant grow to the size of a tree.

"What is that?!" He shouted, landing on the ground.

"Just an innocent flower, it's called California Poppy or Eschscholzia Californic" Luz said with a grin, gesturing to the large, yellow flower next to her. "Have a whiff."

The Guard didn't know what it was, and didn't want to smell it in case the plant was poisonous. Belos said that Luz wouldn't do anything that kills anyone, but the Golden Guard didn't know how Belos could possibly know that. The Golden Guard teleported behind Luz and went to attack, but Luz ducked his strike and delivered a kick to his stomach, sending him backwards a good couple dozen feet. Luz rushed him, delivering several punches to his stomach and chest, his chest felt oddly soft for some reason, like there was a lot of meat on it.. Luz pulled back and delivered a massive headbutt. This simple move knocked the Golden Guard back and he fell right on his back with a groan. Luz walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck, picking him up with one arm.

"Where is Eda?" Luz demanded.

There was a chuckle from the guard.

"With all the time you wasted, she might now even be on the Knee anymore."

Luz's grip tightened, making the guard start to struggle to breath. Luz was NOT happy right now, and there was a voice in the back of her head telling her to crack this bastards head open and find out where Eda was that way... but there was another voice, not telling her to not do it, but giving her a warning.

'Look Out!'

Before Luz could react, the Golden Guard kicked her back and she was suddenly trapped in magic barrier of some kind. Luz looked around, seeing several guards, along with an opening to the barrier at the top, which was at least a few hundred feet up. It wouldn't be a problem when she could just fly up there... but she couldn't. She looked confused, as she kept thinking about being a bird, but she couldn't become it. She tried to use her plants, but the second they grew near the barrier, they died.

"Try whatever you want, but the Emperor made that specifically for you." The Golden Guard said, "Any of those plant things you are using will not work."

The Golden Guard snapped his fingers and two guards brought up a beaten up Eda, who's hands were taken off her body and put into small cage, pretty much preventing her from casting magic.

"Say goodbye, because this will be the last time you see each other." The Golden Guard said, as he and the guards began to leave.

"L-L-Luz!" Eda said, before coughing up blood.

The Golden Guard picked up Eda's staff and they were gone, causing Luz to deliver a strong punch, but the barrier only burned her hand... not that it mattered her, since she felt no pain and healed, but she was still pissed. So much so that she forgot all about that random voice in her head that tried to warn her.

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