Chapter 24

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Sierra sat on her bunk in the Apollo cabin, thinking.

There was Jasmine. Sierra couldn't quite place it, though. It could've just been nerves or something.

No. It's more than that, i know it.

And there definitely was. Sierra needed to find out what it was soon. She didn't know why, but Sierra definitly didn't trust Jasmine, and she wanted to know what it was about her.

Will interrupted her thoughts and sat next to her on her bed. "You should rest. You took quite a beating against that Hellhound."

Sierra raised her head up sharply. "Since when do you care?"

"Since i learned that i can't win an argument with you." Will answered.

"True, true." Sierra admitted. She didn't want to sleep, but at the same time, she did want to. She didn't want to sleep because she might have a vision, but she wanted to sleep because of this. Sierra wanted a vision revealing more about Jasmine.

But she didn't really have a choice, because Will wouldn't give up.

"Do i have to tranquilize you?" Will said irritably. "Go get some rest!"

"Fine." Sierra layed back in her bed slowly to avoid hurting herself.

After a few minutes, Sierra closed her eyes.

She found herself face to face with her father.



You wish to learn more about the girl, do you?

How did you know-

I will show you. And this time, I will protect your mortal soul from burning up long enough for you to see the whole picture.

Well, thanks. I assume i must do something in return.

Yes. Swear on the river Styx that you will not tell a soul of what i will show you.

Okay. I swear on the River Styx.

Sierra was sucked into a horrifying vision.

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