Set Straight

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"Okay then Valyrian, I won't be feeding you by hand anymore, 'bout time you learned to feed yourself." Sansa said setting her dragon on the edge of the boat. "You can fly already but you need to learn to hunt on your own."

"Need some help?" Heather asked approaching them.

"Well I'm trying to get Valyrian to learn to hunt on her own." Sansa said nudging the little dragon.

"Maybe Windshear and the older dragons could help her." Heather suggested. At that moment, Storm burst out of the water with an eel in his jaws. Valyrian gave a screech and jumped onto Sansa as the older dragon landed and began to eat the eel.

"Storm get that away from her!" Sansa scolded as Valyrian screeched and buried her face in Sansa's chest. The Skrill snorted in annoyance but did what she asked by slurping up his food in one gulp before the tiny Razorwhip calmed down.

"Windshear! Give us a hand!" Heather called to her dragon. Windshear scurried over to her rider and screeched gently at the smaller dragon. "Go hunt." Heather ordered her. Windshear took off into the skies but stayed up their.

"Go on lass, follow her." Sansa said tossing Valyrian into the air. Valyrian flapped her wings to stay airborne and flew over to where Windshear was at.

Sansa and Heather watched as the two dragons hunted side by side as Storm went hunting on his own. Sweet Song flew over to Sansa with a large fish in her jaws and dropped it at her rider's feet before flying off to go hunt again. Sansa watched her smaller dragons fight each other over a fish.

Soon they'll grow bigger and stronger and they'll be able to defend me and the others. She thought with a smile.

"I still can't believe you came even though my brother is gonna be giving you a hard time."

"I've dealt with worst people than him." Sansa said casting her gaze over the ocean. "Besides if he tries to fight me I can defend myself."

"What did Magnus mean by finding your family? Are you not one of his tribesmen?" Heather asked.

"Well four years ago I woke up on the shores of his island with no memory of who I was. My dragons were inside their eggs at the time and his son found me. They took me in and I was raised as one of their own." Sansa explained. "A few weeks after they took me in, Hiccup was killed in a raid by a man who wanted my eggs. I avenged him by throwing my eggs into a fire and shoving the man into it. After that my eggs began to hatch and Storm was born. Sweet Melody hatched on my best friends birthday a year ago and then Valyrian came a few months later."

"Was the name Sansa given to you by them?" Heather asked.

"I picked it out myself. Figured that was probably my name because it was something that I first remembered." Sansa said as Valyrian landed in front of her with a small fish in her mouth and dropped it in front of the two girls. She gave a small screech and nudged her prize towards Sansa.

"Does she want you to eat it?" Heather asked recalling what Hiccup had once told her that Toothless had done.

"No she wants me to cook it for her." Sansa said making a face. "I made the mistake of giving her cooked meat once and now she prefers her food cooked. I am not cooking it Valyrian, you're a big girl now go cook it yourself or eat it raw like your brother and sister." Sansa pointed to her other two dragons who were tearing apart a small shark that Storm had caugh. Valyrian grabbed her fish and flew over to Dagur who was on the deck and dropped it on his head.

"Eww what the- oh great it had to be you!" He yelled pulling the fish off his head and tossing it to the floor. Valyrian landed and picked up the fish and nudged it towards the Viking and screeched. "Oh what do you want me to do now huh? Do I look like I speak dragon?"

"She wants you to cook it for her to eat, spoiled brat." Sansa explained making a face at her dragon.

"Who the hell cooks their dragon's food?" Dagur asked looking at the Razorwhip with a disgusted face.

Sansa opened her mouth to say something when she heard a woman's voice in her head say "I used to cook their food for them when they were babies till I taught them to cook on their own using one word, dracarys which means dragon fire."

Sansa stumbled back in shock and Storm rushed over to catch her. She braced herself against her Skrill till the weakness in her legs subsided and stood back up. She looked at Valyrian and wondered if what she heard could be of some use to training her dragon.

"Valyrian, come here with your fish." She commanded. Valyrian looked at her confused before grabbing her fish and flying over to the edge of the boat with Sansa.

"What is she doing?" Dagur asked his sister.

"I'm not even sure at all but I think it involves feeding her dragon." Heather said watching the young woman.

"Alright when I say this word you will shoot your flame and hold it out as long as you can." Sansa explained to her dragon. "So when I say dracarys, you cook your fish till it's how you want it cooked."

Several of the hunters gathered around with Heather and Dagur to watch their hired fighter with her metal dragon.

"Dracarys." Sansa said. Valyrian cocked her head to the left in confusion and looked at Sansa puzzled. "Dracarys." Sansa repeated, pointing to the small fish. Valyrian looked at the fish and looked back at Sansa before turning around, taking a deep breath and let out and small bright blue and white plume of fire and cooked the fish. Sansa clapped her hands and Storm let out a growl of approval and Sweet Song gave a small musical screech.

"That was great!" Heather cheered and clapped her hands. "Where did you pick up that trick?"

From someone who used to own dragons, someone I must have known a long time ago. Sansa thought. She just shrugged and watched Valyrian tear at her cooked fish eagerly.

"That word sounded kinda foreign. From where I have no idea or what language but it sounds kind of exotic." Heather said tapping her chin.

"Well now we better not say that word around her, otherwise we'll be torched." Dagur said and Valyrian flapped over to him and cooed. "Oh now what do you want?"

"Come on be nice to her!" Heather said bending down and picking the baby dragon up. "Why can't you be nice to dragons for once? Bet if it was a Skrill you'd be picking it up and cuddling it."

"Ha like you wanna be crushed under one of those." Dagur snorted. "My Skrill is unfortunately trapped in ice thanks to those 'friends' of yours three years ago!"

"Uh mind enlightening me on this?" Sansa asked raising her hand.

"Heather made friends with these dragon riders three years ago from an island called Berk and they threw me in jail." Dagur explained.

"Well they must have had a good reason too do so unless they framed you." Sansa said making a face. "So were you framed or did you really commit a few crimes to land you in jail?"

"He did." Heather said with a nod. "He tried killing multiple people including Alvin the Treacherous, Stoick the Vast, Astrid Hofferson, Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgensen and Hiccup Haddock and their dragons including Hiccup's dragon Toothless who's a Night Fury."

"Hiccup.....I've never heard of him but I knew someone named Hiccup a long time ago." Sansa said feeling her eyes water. "He was my best friend and he died defending my dragons before they hatched. He said he loved me before he died and I killed the man who killed him." Sansa made a fist and gritted her teeth. "He killed so many for my eggs so I threw them into a fire and threw him in it as well. I ran back to see if they were okay and they were and Storm hatched that day. After that I vowed that when the other two hatched I would raise and train them to protect people from horrid monsters like that man."

"That's.....that's hard." Heather said covering her mouth in shock. "I'm so sorry about your friend and what happened to him."

"Wait if that man killed many of those in your village because of your eggs, how are they okay with having dragons living with them?" Dagur asked.

"Magnus allowed me to keep my dragons under one condition, I was not to use them against anyone in the village and I could not tell anyone outside of the village who visited. I had to keep my dragons hidden away from others for four years." Sansa explained. "Besides I am grateful that no one wanted me kicked out or punished for being the reason that half of the village burned down and the male population went down a bit."

Sweet Song at that moment decided to try and get comfy with Dagur by trying to sit on his shoulder and nuzzle him.

"Ahhh! Get it off me!" He shrieked waving his arms and startling the poor dragon. Sweet Song accidentally let loose a ball of amber which hit Valyrian and pinned her to Storm and let loose another one at Windshear.

"It's okay girl! C-calm down!" Sansa yelled grabbing the dragon and holding her to her chest to soothe her. "Shhh it's okay sweetie he just doesn't like dragons and he doesn't like your cuddles. But mommy does love you and it's not your fault." She crooned and rubbed the small blue and gold dragon's back. Sweet Song gave a small coo and cuddled Sansa lovingly before climbing onto her shoulder and perching herself on her head.

"What is wrong with you?" Sansa asked Dagur, placing her hands on her hips and giving him a nasty look. "You scared my dragon into spitting amber! Now it's gonna take forever to get them out!"

"I have a feeling this has happened before." Heather said quickly to herself.

"My fault?! How is this my fault?!" Dagur asked angrily and balled his fists. "If that freaky amber spitting dragon of yours hadn't tried sitting on me this would have never happened! It's your fault for not teaching it what personal space is!"

"She was trying to be friendly with you! And you don't give personal space to anyone either!" Sansa yelled jabbing him in the chest. "You are just asked really cranky, dragon hating, deranged sore looser who needs to be taught a lesson! My guardian once told me that a man needs a woman with bones of iron to set you right and that's what I will do."

"What are you suppose to be, my wife? Because wives whip their husbands into shape if they want them to change if the mother isn't there." Dagur asked folding his arms over his chest. "And as far as I'm concerned we are not married nor planning to get married."

"Who says we have to be married or engaged for me to set you straight?" Sansa asked smirking. "In fact we don't have to have any sort of romantic relationship in order for that to happen."

"Like you're ever gonna set me straight." Dagur snorted.

"You wanna bet pretty boy?" Sansa asked folding her arms over her chest and gave him and hard look.

"Go for it." Dagur sneered. "I'd like to see you try princess, I'd like to really see you try."

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