Some Sort of Apology

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"Apologize to her over dinner." Heather said as she pushed her brother to the door of the dining room.

"Why do I have to apologize to her? She called me a bunch of names!" Dagur protested and stumbled forward when Heather gave him a huge push and almost crashed against the door. "You are the worst sister ever."

"Yes, I know. Just get in there, make some small talk and say you're sorry for being rude." Heather said putting her hands on her hips. "And also, do mind your manners big brother."

"Fine!" Dagur groaned, throwing his hands up in the air and walked into the room.

Sansa was already seated at the opposite side of the table sitting patiently and Savage was also in the room for Thor knows what reason but Dagur was sure his sister sent him in there to make sure neither he nor Sansa throttled each other or tried flinging forks at each other. He sat himself down on the seat in front of her so they were face to face and waited.

"So you actually decided to come." She said straightening her back and taking her spoon. "Heather told me you wanted to tell me something and wished to discuss it over dinner."

"Why do you speak so formally?" Dagur blurted out and clamped his hand over his mouth. Sansa shrugged and spooned some broth into her mouth before answering him.

"I have always been like that. I don't know why but I've always been talking as if I'm a proper lady."

"Maybe you were before you forgot everything." Dagur suggested. And he did think she was. The way she spoke, the way she ate with elegance and moved, even her looks were sort of princess like. He wouldn't be surprised is she was a princess, that would have certainly been something to brag about to anyone.

"Maybe...but perhaps I am not. I do know I am not from here." Sansa said taking her cup and taking a sip of the mead.

"Well with a name and looks like yours people would obviously know you were not from around these parts." Dagur said also taking his cup and drank from it. He had never seen anyone with violet eyes or hair like hers before that looked like the same color of her Razorwhip's scales and pale skin that didn't seem to burn or turn brown from spending much time under the sun.

"Quite obviously." Sansa replied with a nod. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Uh I wanted to....umm...." Dagur rubbed his neck nervously and glanced back at Savage as he wondered how was he going to put the apology out in words. He'd never been the type to give an apology to anyone and everyone always apologized to him in fear that he would kill them- and most of the time he would if he didn't like the apology. "C-can you sit a bit closer please?"

"That's what you wanted to tell me?" Sansa asked raising an eyebrow but picked up her plate of food and placed it down near him as Savage dragged her chair over to where she stood and pushed it in for her.

"Well no but I figured it'd be easier to talk without having to raise our voices." Dagur said before taking a bite from his chicken. He watched as Sansa used her fork and knife to extract a piece of chicken from the leg and ate it which was a bit odd in his opinion.

"So how long have you had Storm?" He asked deciding to change the subject.

"I've had him since I was sixteen." Sansa said brushing a strand of her silver hair back behind her ear. "I'm like his mother in a way, I was the one who taught him how to hunt, how to fight, but flying he learned on his own by jumping off my arm, off my head, and even off the roof of someone's hut."

"What do you write in that book of yours anyways? I've always seen you scribbling something in it." Dagur asked, recalling that large leather book she carried around.

"It's uh....private." Sansa said looking away. "I don't wish to discuss it."

"Alright then, we won't discuss that." Dagur decided. "So why did you raise these dragons? Like what's your purpose for raising them?"

"My best friend died saving them before they hatched. I decided to raise my dragons to protect others from people like the man who raided my village and killed my friend." Sansa explained and gripped her fork. "And I swore once they grow big enough I will vanquish whoever is hurting innocents. Storm, Sweet Song and Valyrian are being trained to protect people and hurt their enemies."

"Then I will refrain from getting on your bad side." Dagur said with a nod. "Oh and speaking of which, I wanted to uh...apologize."

"You? Apologize? To me?" Sansa asked looking surprised. "Well I've only been part of this crew for a week and this is the first time you've ever said that."

"Yeah I never say those to anyone. I'm the kind to receive them not give them." Dagur said with a nervous chuckle. "I just wanted to say that I am sorry for being rude the first time we met, for being mean to your dragons as well especially the little one."

"Valyrian, and is there anything else you need to apologize for? I need to check on my dragons." Sansa asked standing up from her seat and moving from the table.

"Wait!" Dagur said suddenly grabbing her hand and felt a surge of warmth when their skin connected. Sansa looked down at his hand wrapped around her wrist and looked at him in surprise. He quickly released her wrist and looked down at his plate. "Uh.... so do you accept my apology?" He asked her sheepishly.

"I'll think about it." Sansa said looking at her hand and looking back at him before leaving the room.

"I think she accepted your apology sir." Savage said helpfully.

"I just hope she did." Dagur moaned and gripped his hair. "Heather's gonna kill me if she doesn't!"

"Well not unless you told her you tried."

"I did try, I did what she told me to do and if I made things worst then I don't know what to do!"


What was that warmth that spread through my arms when we touched? Sansa thought as she petted Valyrian with one hand and stroked Sweet Song with the other. Storm growled and nudged her hip, asking to be petted as well.

"You spoiled thing." She giggled as she stopped petting Sweet Song and rubbed him between his spikes in his favorite spot. "If only understanding men was as easy as understanding dragons."

The Skrill looked at her with his big golden eyes and cocked his head at her words. Sansa smiled knowing he didn't understand a word she had said and went back to petting his baby sisters.

"I believe I should accept his apology. He did say he was sorry and he was trying to be nice." She said gently shaking Valyrian off her arm and standing up and yawned. "Maybe I should tell him tomorrow, it's getting late."

After making sure her dragons and Windshear were comfortable in their cages, Sansa made her way to her sleeping quarters that was located between Dagur's and Heather's sleeping quarters. After undressing and putting on a shift to sleep in, she said her prayers, made sure her book was next to her with the pen in case she had anymore strange dreams or visions to write of that may have clues of her past and went to sleep.

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