Daughter Of the Wild

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The race was on

The wolves ran beside me

The ravens flew above.

The moon shadowed the land


And I was chased

Not by wolves

Nor owls

Nor any creature of the night.


I was chased by people 

Millions running.

Millions screaming

Piercing the cloudless night.


And there screeches continued

Though they must be tiring

And I, Daughter of the wilderness

Was tiring as well.


I ran through the trees,

The starlight playing over my face

And the brambles snagged

At my hair.


I reached the cliff top

I could go no farther.

So I lept, landing harshly

On a small ledge


And I slept that night in the cave beside

Huddled next to my Sparked fire

And the warmth it gave me was small

But it echoed where my Light had once been.


And when I woke, the sun had rose.

And the creatures of the night had left

In there place, were

 eagles, sparrows, and deer.


So I stayed in that cave

And the eagle brought me fish.

And the deer watched the land

And the sparrows brought me berries.


I could not go back

I had to move on.

They knew my secret now.

They knew that I carried the Spark.


But others I had seen

They had the talent to.

The spark burns inside them

But they ignore it, afraid.


And so, as I watched the waves

From my clift-top home

I knew that something had to be done.

Something. Somewhere.


Nobody knew the Spark.

Nobody learned the Light.

I was alone with my magic within me

The power to change life


I had been chased from my home

But there were other places to go.

So I called the eagle, and began to run

To where, I do not know.


This is the 50th poem in Daughter Of the wilderness. I will be taking a short two-week break, but see you soon!

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