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{A/N: If y'all haven't noticed by now, these are recap's from the previous chapter. There will always - or most of the time - be one at the beginning of the chapter}

"Inside where?" He asked, acting completely oblivious. Rolling my eyes, I hid my hand and made a hand sign, not something I'm used to doing. With a smile and a poof, I was safely shielded inside the apartment again.

Within twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door while I was making tea. "Come in!" I yelled, feeling the chakra behind the door. It opened and in walked Kakashi with an un-amused look.

I let out a small laugh as he dropped into one of the kitchen chairs. I placed a mug down in front of him and sat opposite of him.

"Much better," the corner of my lips tugged into a smirk as he sighed. "Now..."


Crossing my legs at the knee, beneath the table, I folded mu hands in my lap. "What are you planning for their test?" I asked, watching as he propped his elbows on the table, and crossed his arms.

"I'm planning on using Minato-sensei's bell test." He answered. I felt his leg gently bump into mine. "I'm hoping that they'll pass."

"I'm sure they will." I sighed, feeling his leg bump into mine again. He's trying to start something. Once again his leg bumped into mine, and I frowned. "Quit it."

"Quit what?" He asked, this time using his feet.

"Knock it off! This is supposed to be a serious discussion." I glared at him whilst kicking him in the shin semi-gently. He grunted, and narrowed his eye. 

"That's not very nice, Yu." He teased as I picked up my mug as if I had done nothing.

"I have no idea what your talking about." I raised the mug and took a small sip, very aware that he was watching me. "So," I lowered the mug, but didn't put it back on the table. Glancing at Kakashi, I frowned. That look in his eye... "What is it?"

"I was just thinking," he answered quietly, his tone turning serious. "Why did you resign?"

"You already know the answer to that, Kakashi. Why?" I placed the mug on the table and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I want to hear it from you, and not the Hokage." He answered.

"Fair enough," I blew out a short breath and lowered my gaze to the mug. "You know what was going on back then. Jiraiya took Naruto for the first two years of his life, seeing as I was only thirteen, I couldn't care for him at the time." I began. "I didn't know if I would ever see him again, so I just kept going. I was taking any and every Anbu mission I could get. Next thing I know, he came back with a two year old, I barely recognized as my own brother."

"He never told you he would be back?" I shook my head.

"I remember that if was only a few days after you left," tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I felt my eyes sting at the memory. He had left me. With no note, no warning. He was just.... Gone. "I was so dazed, I didn't know what I was doing. But.. the day Jiraiya brought Naruto to me, I went straight to the Hokage and retired." I sighed, forcing the tears that threatened to show, down. "He needed me." I placed my hands on the table.

"You've done a good job in raising him." Kakashi took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.

"He still doesn't know, ya know?" I stared at our hands, feeling my heart warm at the small caring gesture. "I've never told him."

"It will work out, Yu." I barely registered that Kakashi had stood and moved to my side, until he took both of my hands and pulled me to my feet.

"W-What are you doing?" I stuttered as he pulled me into his arms. Both arms wrapped around me securely, as his chin rested atop my head. "K-Kakashi?" Though I mentally cursed myself for stuttering, I had to force myself not to melt in his arms.

"Be quiet." He sighed. "Just let me hold you for a little while." His voice had donned to just barely above a whisper.

I know from experience what he's like. In the past, he was sentimental and loving when we were alone, but acted cool, calm and collected in public. He was never one to show much affection in public. I wonder how much of that has changed.

And as much as my mind was screaming at me to pull away, my heart was yearning to get closer.

"...Okay..." My eyes fell closed as my own arms slipped around his waist.

It was quiet, and all I could hear, was the sound of his heartbeat. After awhile, I found myself asking the one question I had feared the answer to.

"Kakashi?" He hummed in response. "Why.... Why did you leave?" Of course, the answer still scared me, but I wanted - no needed to know.

"Ayumi... " Pulling back slightly, I noticed the uncertainty in his gaze as he looked away. But that look had me reeling.

"No, never mind." I amended, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him away. "I.. I don't want to know."

"Yu..." His right hand raised and set upon my cheek as I nervously chewed on my lower lip, a habit I had started again when he left.

"Kakashi.. I can-"

"I wont. Not unless you want me to." He smiled softly as his thumb traced along my lower lip. "I know that I hurt you, Ayumi."

"You didn't hurt me , Kakashi. You broke me." I placed my hand over his as tears filled my eyes. "I can't go through that again."

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I promise. I will make it up to you."

"Wh-What?" I stared at him with wide eyes.

He leaned in close a pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "I have to go." My face flushed and I glared at the devious smirk beneath the mask. "I'll pick you up tomorrow so that we can head to the academy together."

With a nod, he was gone.

What have I gotten myself into? I slumped down into the chair with my head in my hands. I'm such an idiot.. 


Yay! Update! *does weird Gai dance*

Though half the time I was trying to write Lalashi.... >~

So..... What cha think?

Comment Vote and... Uh... I don't know... Love Kakashi? Yeah.

I don't own Naruto/Naruto characters!

Ja ne~

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