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"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I promise. I will make it up to you."

"Wh-What?" I stared at him with wide eyes.

He leaned in close a pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "I have to go." My face flushed and I glared at the devious smirk beneath the mask. "I'll pick you up tomorrow so that we can head to the academy together."

With a nod, he was gone.

What have I gotten myself into? I slumped down into the chair with my head in my hands. I'm such an idiot..


I was hardly able to sleep last night. It was ridiculous, but unfortunately, I can't blame it on Kakashi, like I would like to.

Apparently, he had been here for hours, and by the time he left, it was already dark. About an hour after he left, Iruka brought Naruto home. They were both bruised and Iruka had a stab wound.

Making them both sit down, I cleaned his wound and bandaged it, all the while, they explained what happened, as well as apologized profusely.

From what I understand, Naruto had stolen one of the forbidden scrolls from the Hokage residence. One that was sealed away by the First Hokage, and off-limits to everyone.

Punishing both of them, I sent Iruka home, and grounded Naruto. He's not aloud to have Ichiraku ramen for a week, which will be painful for him. He loves it way to much.

I sighed, taking a sip of the dark liquid inside my mug.

"Morning, Nee-chan," Naruto yawned as he dropped into the seat beside me.

"Morning." I watched as he opened a cup of ramen and pour hot water from the thingy into the cup. "I'm going to take a shower, please don't be late to orientation."

He nodded, still half asleep. Ruffling his hair, I stood and placed my mug on the counter before going to the bathroom.

Once inside, I leaned back against the bathroom door, hoping that this day would pass quickly. Today is the day that Naruto will learn, his big sister is a former Shinobi, one that is coming out of retirement.


Finishing my shower, I dressed normally and brushed my hair, leaving it down. Once finished, I left the bathroom and froze. Who's here now? I groaned in annoyance as I cautiously made my way to the dining room. Both Kakashi and the Hokage were standing in the room.

"It's rude to just enter someone's home, especially when they're here." I glared at them both, arms crossed over my chest. It was amusing to see both men freeze.... Literally.

Turning around slowly, they smiled. More the Hokage than Kakashi.

"Good morning, Ayumi!" The Hokage grinned. "Its been awhile since I've seen you. You're looking well." I raised an eyebrow an eyebrow as I slipped into the kitchen.

"Thank you... I think." I narrowed my eyes. "If you really wanted to see where we're living now, then you could have asked." I stated.

"Yes, well." The Hokage blanched and scratched his cheek with a nervous laugh.

Sighing, I picked up my mug and sipped at the contents before putting it down. "We really should get going," I directed the comment toward Kakashi, who was leaning against the wall.

"Agreed." He sighed. The Hokage nodded, then smiled, disappearing with a 'poof'. "Ready?"

"Just a minute." I moved so that I was standing right in front of him, a slight pink tinting my cheeks as I made sure not to make eye contact. "I- uhm... Wo-Would you mind..."

"Your face is red, are you feeling alright?" He seemed to catch on as he began to tease me. Raising his hand, his fingers brushed against my cheek. My eyes squeezed shut as he leaned down, slightly to my height. 

Lips pressed against my forehead and my eyes snapped open, glaring at him, only to meet his green flak vest as he wrapped his strong arms around me, chin resting atop my head. 

"I know, Yu," He chuckled, gently rocking back and forth. "Naruto will understand." 

"I know, I'm just.. worried." I sighed, pulling away. "Come on, we really need to go. We're late as it is." Kakashi's hands moved to my waist, keeping me from moving far. Catching his very subtle hint, I made the hand sign.

With a 'poof', we were standing in a..... broom closet.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." My hand met my face and I blew out a breath, trying to ignore Kakashi's very clear amusement. "Not. One. Word." I shot a pointed glare at him.

Pushing open the door, I stepped out into the hall, Kakashi hot on my trail as he fell into step beside me as I started for the classroom.

Stopping just before the door, I raised an eyebrow at the eraser between the door and the frame. "THATS WHAT HE GETS FOR BEING LATE!" My little brother shouted, probably grinning from ear to ear.

Kakashi let out a small groan, making me snicker. "Have fun, Kakashi-sensei." I hand to cover my mouth with my hand to keep my giggles quiet. The silver haired man glared at me, then stepped forward, beginning to enter the classroom, and let the eraser fall on his head.

"My first impression, your a bunch of idiots." Kakashi grabbed the eraser from the ground where it dropped from his head, and placed it on the tray.

"Don't be so mean, Kakashi." I scolded lightly, with a teasing undertone as I stepped into the classroom.

"Miss Ayumi?" The three Genin stared at me with wide eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Let's meet on the roof." Kakashi announced. With that, we both used the teleportation jutsu.

Appearing on the roof, I jumped up so I was sitting on the railing.

"This is bound to be interesting. With Sasuke teamed with Naruto and a fangirl," I comments out loud, causing Kakashi to look my way.

He said nothing, but nodded his head.

The door to the roof opened and all three new Genin sauntered out, then took a seat on the steps.

"Hey, Nee-Chan, why are you here?" Naruto asked, frowning, his cute little nose scrunching up with the action.

"I'm going to be your co-sensei." Eyes widened and I smiled.

"Now, let's start with introductions. You first." Kakashi gestured toward Naruto as he spoke.

"Well, what are we supposed to say? Why don't you go first so we know." Sakura said with a haughty attitude.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes," he glanced at me for a moment. "I don't feel like telling you that. My hobbies, I have lots of hobbies. My dream for the future..." He glanced at me again. "Never really thought about it."

"Nee-chan, it's your turn!" Naruto grinned.

"I'm Ayumi Uzumaki. I have alot of likes and dislikes. My hobbies are my hobbies. And my dream for the future?" I couldn't stop the side glance toward Kakashi and I felt my cheeks flush, but forced it down. "Never thought about it."

After that, I sort of.. zoned out, ignoring their introductions.

Awhile later, I was brought back to earth when Kakashi took a gentle hold of my shoulder. One minute we were on the roof of the academy, the next, we were standing in front of a tea house.

"Kakashi...?" I glanced up at him, just as he took my hand in his and began leading me inside. "What are we-" He shot me a look that told me to be quiet. Surprisingly, I agreed.

He kept a hold on my hand as he found an unoccupied, somewhat private booth, and gestured for me to sit. I slid into the booth and tensed a little when he slid into the space beside me, his fingers twining with mine.

"Now, let's talk."


I don't own Naruto.

What do you think they're going to talk about?

Comment Vote and Love Kakashi<3

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