You're a Hero

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This chapter contains mature theme such as gore and other themes that may make you feel uneasy, if you're uncomfortable with this, please don't read.

Jack stared in disbelief, he was frozen. "No." The girls looked up at him and tilted their heads, they looked in the direction he was looking in. They fell out of their seats in shock. The entire west side of the city was set aflame. The sky I turned from lovely midnight blue to a bright scarlet with flickers of yellow and bright oranges. Jack had grabbed the girls and jumped from their room to a nearby building, a high pitched scream followed by a deep roar had filled the entire city and shook the ground, nearly making Jack lose his footing. Jack held on tightly to the girls as he jumped down from the building, "Are you all okay? Is anyone injured?" The shook their heads indicating 'no'. Jack sighed in relief. But his victory was short-lived once heard the metallic sound of metal claws and growls could be heard from behind.

Ashi turned her head and saw a am in a full body iron suit. He chuckled when he was Ashli's frightened form. "Well aren't you a pretty young thing. Why don't you come with me?" She clung tightly onto her sister and tugged on Jack's arm. "Jack, that man, he doesn't seem right. What should we do?" Ashi tried with all her little girl might to gain his attention, but he was frozen. And do you know why, do you know what he saw?


From left to right, all over buildings and walls. Nothing but carnage, it had filled the streets. Innocent civilians with their skin peeled off their limbs and faces, eyes gouged out their sockets, intestines ripped out and put out as if they were on display for decoration and their heads stomped open or bashed in with heavy weaponry. Even poor children were left out on display in worse ways than the adults. "Jack come on! We have to go, please!" They all said as the armored man stepped closer as if taunting them.

"As if that weak-minded fool can protect you, at least not in the ways I can." He took a few more steps closer to girls, just behind Jack and pulled out a large, sharp dagger. Ashi gasped in shock, he waved the knife back and forth on their faces taunting them, daring them to try and grab it like a school bully. Then he laughed before reeling his arm back and prepared to plunge the dagger in the Samurai.

Ashi. You must never relent when you attack. You must always chose the right form and attack on your enemies. If you should find yourself in a situation where you're backed into a corner, what do you do?
"Never back down!!" Ashi shouted as she twisted herself around and kicked the knife out of his hand and in the process broke his wrist.
The man shouted and held his wrist, he looked at Ashi as if he was seeing a mad man. She took her stance and charged, sending punches so fast it was a blur, but it felt like being shot and stabbed. Ashi harnessed all her strength, grabbed her attacker's broken wrist and hurled him over her head and down the street and to top it all off her even gave a little battle cry.

With a little shaking from the girls, Jack snapped out of his trance and realized his mistake. "Girls, I'm sorry, are you all alright?" The girls nodded and pointed to Ashi as she was standing over her attacker. She raised her tiny fist in the air and slammed it down into his chest like a freight train. He screamed in agony as she continued to punch is chest until his screams died down.

"Ashi!" Jack rushed to her and pulled her off the man, he was barely breathing and his chest was split open, he wouldn't service. Ashi heaved in and out while Jack held her to his chest, her fist clenched and her eyes narrowed his in anger. "You have chosen a path of misdeeds, a path no one should choose", he said as he closed the man's eyes. "You could have avoided all this pain, if you listened to those who have tried to help you, but now, there is no help for you."

Ashi was still breathing heavily when she was done, but now she was shaking. She looked down at her black hands and saw blood. Her entire lower body, chest and some of her face were covered in blood. She realized what she had done and broke down.

Jack had never seen the child cry so hard before, it seemed that her actions had done a great deal on her, physically and emotionally. So he did the only thing he could think of.

As Ashi cried, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her small body. Looking up she noticed Jack had pulled her close to him and began shushing her, she also noticed her sisters crowding around her and wrapping their little arms around their oldest sister and whispered in her ear to comfort her.

"Thank you for protecting us, Ashi", Avi said. "We could have died, but you protected us." Aki said as she held her sister tightly, "you're a hero, Ashi."
A late surprise, but I did promise, didn't I?

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