14.Ian is always right

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I dedicate this chapter to all those who have siblings and love to bicker with them.And Ian fans you have a surprise in this chapter.

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Davina's POV 

Seeing David leave from there with Siyara left me feel guilty for hurting them knowingly.A part of me wanted him to leave from here without suffering humiliation,but another part of me wanted him to stay here so that I could see him everyday.Life is strange sometimes...even if I rejoiced seeing him here...it would be really heartbreaking to see him getting humiliated.I may have grown into a cold heartless woman,but seeing him near me was bringing back all those emotions which I had hidden under my cold exterior.This was never bound to happen.I will never let that happen.For that I need to talk to my moron brother before  it's too late.I turned to Ian who was standing with a victorious look in his face.Damn him.I cursed mentally.

"Ian ...we need to talk",I said dragging him outside with me towards my car without asking his permission.

"Woah..young lady...you are being pushy",he remarked with fake anger.

"What if I am...You deserve that",I said tossing him the keys of my car.

I sat in the passenger seat while he sat in the driving seat grumbling to himself.

"Do you take me for your driver?",he snapped.

"Yes,Now drive",I replied sarcastically.

"Where to?",he asked me starting the car.

"Well I would like to take you to hell,but they already have Lucifer there and he might get scared seeing you.So for the time being take me to Damien's penthouse",I commented teasingly.

"Did you just call me evil?",he glared at me.

"Yes...I did".

"I hate you,he glared at me.

The feeling is mutual,brother.So now you are friends with David?",I asked him.

"Hmmm...yes sort of..."

"How could you?You are supporting him instead of your own sister..how thoughtful of you?"

"Cupcake..I'm not supporting him...I'm just doing this for you.At first I thought you were hating him because of the misunderstanding.But you had already known the truth,so why are you putting on an act.I have seen the both of you in pain being away from each other.He suffered thinking you were dead and you suffered knowing he was not at fault.Your cursed fate separated you both.But now,it's time to let bygones be bygones and start over.Do you think your acting like you don't care anymore will hurt him and he will eventually leave you?If you think so...then you are absolutely wrong sister.For the past four years,he lived his life imagining you were alive.He never admitted that you were dead.When I knew the truth about him,I couldn't hate him anymore.That's why I forgave him.And cupcake,if you think that all these humiliations he is suffering will make him go away from here,then you are mistaken...he will bear anything with a smile just to be with you.And sister...the relationship that you both share now is one that can never be severed ...not even by a divorce...you understand that right?",he reasoned with me trying to make me realize the truth.

My brother is always right.And the last words of his made me feel like someone has poured a bucket of cold water on me.But I didn't want to admit it.

"So now you are supporting your sister's rapist?",I sneered at him.

"Cupcake..."he stopped the car suddenly and looked at me with pain in his eyes.I felt like a self centered bitch right now for making my brother sad.He was the one who was there for me always and he was the one who ignored his career just to take care of me.

"Do you think of me as someone who glorifies rape?Am I that low in your eyes?If I'm right,you were the one who forgave him first and wanted to move on with him.And for raping you I never forgave him untill the day I knew he was drugged by that bitch Megan",he said sadly.

"H-He was drugged",I couldn't believe what Ian just told me.

"Yes...didn't he tell you how that bitch plotted to throw you out of David's life by making him do something to harm you?",he questioned me.

"N-No...he never once told me that he was drugged.He kept on apologizing for his disgusting act.He always blamed himself for doing such a heinous sin",I said shaking my head in disbelief.

"So he never told you.He is quite unpredictable,sister...atleast he took responsibility for his sins",Ian said holding his forehead with his palm.

"Cupcake,You had forgiven him at a time when you thought he was your culprit,so now what is stopping you from going back with him when you know he is not to be blamed".,he asked me genuinely.

"I-I'm scared...I don't want to go through heartbreak once again.And dad..I don't want to hurt him.My priorities also changed.Don't you know I love someone else now",I said truthfully.

"Well..that someone else is going to be the sole reason that you both are going to be together",He smirked at me starting the car again .

"Why can't you be like Damien?",I glared at him.

"You mean rude and arrogant all the time".

"Speaks who?...the person who is the father of arrogance.And Damien is not rude ,he is my sweet brother who pampers me",I snapped at him again.

"Me and arrogant...I'm sweet and everyone loves me.And Damien doesn't pamper you...he is just spoiling you",he said winking at me.

"Ya whatever",I mocked him

Suddenly his phone which was on the charger blinked showing a notification and I saw him blushing at the message.Did I just see Ian the great blushing.

"Who is she?",my question startled him.

"Who is who?",he quickly answered covering his expression.

Bloody monkey of an actor...hiding his emotions...but I'm his evil sister...I will dig it out of him.

"The person who messaged you".

"It was a random message"..he said brushing me off.

"Really...a random message made my arrogant jerk of a brother blush...I'm not buying that".

"Well I'm selling that",he remarked.

"Come on ...tell me sweet brother..otherwise I'm going to make someone else ask you",I tried my luck again.


"Well someone named Dominique Vincent Knight".

"What.... are you crazy?Why do you want dad to be involved in all these?",he had a look of dismay on his face.

"Got you....Ok then spill it out before I change my mind",I told him again.

"It's just this girl  who is a fan of me and she just asked me out..so that's it..no big deal..."he said blushing again.

"Do you like her?"

"I am not sure...but she reminds me of you...so naive and innocent".

"Ewww...gross ...how can you date a girl who reminds you of your sister".

"Aaargh...it's not like that ...she is so soft spoken and very humble and she confessed that she loves me".

"Wow..finally you have someone in your life.Gods have answered my prayers.I always had this fear that my brother would die a virgin".

"What?...I'm not a virgin",He said defending himself.

"Yes you are",I said mocking him.

"Mom was right...You are just like dad...Old school.Not only me everyone in our family knows that you are an innocent virgin.It is quite evident from your actions sweet brother.You know what...mom was really worried for you because you never had any interest in any woman.She just wanted someone to be in your life so that you were not lonely and she didn't care whether it was a man or woman.She never bothered about anything else.We are actually lucky to have mother with such a modern outlook.Yet I hurt her",I added sadly.

"Shit...she thought I was gay",he facepalmed himself.

"Not actually...we all thought you were...you know...asexual".

"What is wrong with you guys?.Can't a man remain virgin for his woman?.Is that a sin?",he was perplexed.

"No it's not my naive brother...so is she the one?",I interrogated him.

"I-I'm not sure...I actually don't know whatever I'm feeling for Rebecca is love or not.She is a sweet girl.But the problem is her bitch step sister Della who always bullies her",he stuttered amusing me.

"What about her?"

"I-I'm kind of attracted to her.I know I should hate her for bullying Rebecca,but I hate to admit it that I want to kiss her senseless whenever I see that girl.And believe me she is rude arrogant and mean".

"Hmmm... reminds me of someone".


"You...",I started laughing at his misery.

"Are you really my sister?...I have started doubting it cupcake".

I have no doubt that I'm your sister.But wow...my innocent brother is in a love triangle.Is polygamy allowed in Italy?",I laughed teasing him but stopped seeing his serious face.

"I'm really sorry brother...but I'm not an expert in love .But I will advice you to listen to your heart before taking any decision.But I sort of like Della for you..you know all bitchy and arrogant...suits you well".

"What?...you are saying this cupcake",he looked at me like I have grown two heads .

"Yes ...imagine you falling in love with the naive and innocent girl..Isn't it too boring.There is nothing exciting in it...it's like the same story..innocent girl...arrogant boy who wants to protect her..villains... then love...sounds too plain.What if instead you fall in love with the bitchy step sister...Even villains have a story to tell, right dear brother.So I'm just curious to know what her story might be.And also I have a title for your love story...Davian's Evil love",I giggled.

"You want to make me a scape goat just for your curiosities sake",he looked pissed off.

"No Ian...just tell me one thing.Is Rebecca poor?"

"No she is rich",he replied.

"Yet she is naive and innocent.I doubt that she is probably faking it.And Della?"

"She is Rebecca's dad's mistress's daughter and she works as a bartender".

"And yet she is arrogant...well something's not adding up there.Well finally it's your call to decide who you want in your life.Whoever she is"...I paused and looked at him teasingly..."I really pity her".

"I hate you",he announced.

"Tell me something new and no you don't hate me dear brother...you are just offended...And I also love to irritate you",I said giving him my best smirk.

"You know what...I really don't like this upgraded version of you.I prefer the old innocent and  naive version of you.Enjoy  my misery while you can,cupcake...because in a few days you will be going back with my sweet brother in law and I'm gonna miss you so much",he smirked.

"How are you so sure?",I challenged him.

"Because cupcake,haven't you heard that phrase",he asked quoting his hands in air and stopping the car in the car park of Damien's penthouse .

"Which one?",I looked at him all confused.

The one that says  ,"Ian is always right"!!!,he said with an evil smile.

How was the chapter?was it boring?

Is Ian always right?

Do you have a sibling who bickers with you like this?

And is Siya right...should Ian choose the evil step sister?

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