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They woke up and got ready  and went hunting in the early hours of the morning. Her lover was one hell of a hunters he was really good. They brought the kills back to their camp. They cut the meat together and handing to the elder. The woman that was always making the food she more then appreciative. She even praised them and kiss their heads. They even did the clothes with her because of how hard of a time she lifting it this whole little old lady was doing so much about that once it was ridiculous so they took over like half of. That's when they went through the clothes and if all the time for them in an house. It was fun like this for a while and it was normally pretty calm you know till they noticed that something was watching them I wasn't just them it was the whole tribe. Time was so passing by I just seem to pass by a little movie something wasn't quite right. As I spent every moment of everyday with the man I had come to love so much and that had come to love me with all our hearts and souls. We had suddenly hit what I supposed to be years later within a matter of minutes on the day of our wedding day. When Red and some of his comrades crashed our wedding. Red competed in a dull my now husband since we had already said, our dos. When it seemed to suddenly skipped ahead to see myself Rocking a baby as it looked up at me as it slowly closes eyes falling asleep. She could hear my husband in the background but everything felt like a dream it started fading out really quickly as she heard a woman say.

"Your life took a little longer than. We thought it did for a test run you lost a pretty long but now it's time to wake up we ran out of time." I tried looking around trying to see if. I could see who was talking. But all I seen was black when I heard the sound of my own heart beat and then beeping of a heart monitor. Echo through the empty black void. When I realized what was going on. "No no no those lives weren't just visions, dreaming, it couldn't have been my imagination it's impossible I lived it it's my life. Come on I didn't even get to spend anytime with my mate. I just found him come on I want so little. Why are you doing this to me. It's not fair." I yelled. "Life's not fair love. And thanks to your hard work my child in this life. We were curious of what would happen if we let you be the master of your life. You out lived everything we threw at you. Now we what you to show us what you caon do. With the real life we've given you. This shall be your real life so don't waist it. Like this body lived  before we put you the real soul in it. This is your act creation. Your finally ready to be born. So time for you to wake up wake up." A man's voice echoed before a bright light flashed before eyes as my life flashed before my eyes. My birth, to my first cry, to first my first steps, from looking an unfamiliar couple. The husband was in a military uniform a very high-ranking one a five star general. While the wife looked like a house wife. They smiled saying. "Oh look honey look our precious little princess. Say hi to mommy and daddy." The woman said, picking me up. As soon as she kissed my head. Then my memory started jumping forward to my father being deployed my mother becoming governor thanks to doing her election campaign. With me since I was Seeing her holding me I was such a cute little perfect baby. She spent all her time with me. I watched my father return only when he was on leave to see his family.  Then after my 8 th birthday my parents started fostering because they were looking to adopt after mom found out she couldn't have any more children. After birthing me. Or so they thought after. But they managed to conceive 4 more children after me. After adopting two of they fostered. After they're parents were killed in a car wreck. Hit and run by a drunk driver. I saw how I went from the happiest baby in the world to the most delicated loving parents and happiest thing to slowly growing into more and more unhappy and from the smartest kid top of my class and to and angsty teenager who started not caring about my grades, how I look to the public I still started acting out and not caring about anything including letting my grades drop missing classes getting in trouble being rebellious. Just to get my parents attention because of the fact that they were so Burgers on teen camera siblings so much different where they kind of just ignored me now I went from being their favorite Miss beloved child to being on the they didn't even notice. The older I got the worse I got the more I got in trouble just so they might notice but they didn't notice until I got to high school when I started dating a bad boy and getting into trouble starting like I got some straight letting them see the physical change in me as a straight dressing more goth listen to the metle  and acting like an emo kid. I started wearing a lot of Black eyeliner and just doing things that I never did before. My parents finally caught on what was going on and had to sit down with me. I just snapped at them and ran out the door I ran away from home with my boyfriend next I ended up living with him we ended up pretty much being homeless and even got on some s*** I shouldn't have qualified because of the poverty I live in after a year of living like this I had an incident with no kids should go through the ages of 16 boyfriend abusing me. For the next 2 years. Cheating on me treating me like I was just his pleasing to get money cuz he told me off to whoever was willing to pay. For whatever they wanted me to do. To where I literally turn off myself after I failed to and my life I ended up at the hospital in a coma. That's what I heard the voice again. We were testing or so before we put in your body up until now your body technically has not had a soul because the so that is supposed to have your body is you if you seen the test run that we had shown you and you clearly understand why my mother of all that we made you wait so long to awaken. Now live the life that you want to live in how you want to live it change the world in any way you feel for this soul is ready we have to make sure that you could feel we had to make sure that we had to make sure that we gave the mother of all a proper soul you are special one we love you you really special you know exactly why. You are a very special mother of all we can't even just unless you going to this world without knowing what you're capable of knowing that you're capable of great and extraordinary things and knowing how your soul is molded we know you will perfectly fine for this world that you were about to be dropping though it is not pretty nor easy we had to make sure that it wouldn't corrupt your soul like it did to your body even though you had no soul your body still made some decisions you still live to life you're not working very good one due to the lack of empathy I feel like I'm a solely wanted to make sure that you could reverse in me damage it did when you return your body it will be as if you are really born and now. Remember you you are who you are not what you see here what you see here is what you are without memories or a soul your soul is very ancient and very powerful we had to make sure you'd be able to withstand it and handle the power that we're giving you because where you're going to actually awakened it's not like the world that you were put through and it will be much different than anything you've ever experienced in this world I'm the strongest survive. The week will crumble as you did already now that we have returns your soul to its grateful Place hopefully you live the life you want to live and you also thrive and flourish here in a world without magic hopefully you can bring some magic back to it. No go forth my child and show them what magic can do bring a love and Hope back into this dry miserable planet that has not became nothing but misery this planet has been lost faith and everything your job is to put it back into it and do something to hold on to him getting Something to Believe In for they had lost faith in the gods many years ago." They said. As I am consciously went towards the light and the next thing I know I was gasping her hair with my eyes shot open as soon as I looked around and I noticed that I was surrounded by many flowers. I was talking about all kinds of machines and a ventilator which was helping me get oxygen. Not too much hooked up to a bunch of monitors and IVs. Most of them are black most or black roses but there was no one in my room it was all alone I picked up one of the nose off of one of the black roses little card and read it. " from your biggest fan hope you get well soon. Remember always and forever as it is so it shall be. Don't ever lose your stripes. Don't ever let them start your crown Blood and Tears and scars they own you." I read realizing it was a song I wrote when I was living the hard way when I was actually performing metal music making my own. I made my own album and those were all the names of the songs. Then I read the news article about my suicide attempt had almost killed me and how I had went so downhill that I had ruined my family very much by drag them down with me and that I was the cutest disappointment in the family as I had fallen from Grace then I was the hugest disappointment on my own her family but there were ashamed of me ashamed to be related to me and that I was the worst daughter in the country. Pretty much all degrading me and insulting me for all the s*** that they had gathered from when I left him putting it all on the public news. I wiped my face realizing that I was crying hearing how disappointed my parents were due to the column that they wrote about me." I pulled off my mask and that's when it started beeping a nurse ran like a bat out of hell as soon as I sat up. She tried to stop me telling me it wasn't a good idea but I just stood up showing her that was fine asking if I could call my parents she just gave me a weird look like she was taking it back.

"Yeah sure thing. I'll go have the doctor call them right now are you feeling okay normally you're trying to be the crap out of me by now or screaming at me calling me a b i t c h you literally do everytime that we bring you in here." She asked as I just looked at her and that's what she noticed I had been crying.

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