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I went out with a light in the next thing I know I open my eyes to see not just my dad running down to me but like a whole group of f****** people they're sitting there scam in the side of the hell up looking for me sitting there yelling Phoebe Phoebe and I'm laying in my giant form so i t tall my body was too big for them to see that I was just a person luckily he had a group of natives with immature Native Indians luckily they know how dirty landscape and they had dogs with them because of the fact of where I was at was very isolated I can barely move let alone speak I use every bit of my energy to make a phoenix Screech which immediately did catch one of the news attention they started renting a flashlight down where I was located at I left it on my arm and it scared the s*** out of him.  Oh my God "Chris you didn't tell me your daughter was a.." he said as he was working the other men with their dogs and he turned around and looked at him and seeing my arm immediately first before yelling frantically Phoebe.

" Daddy for the 50th million time it's Phoenix not Phoebe and I'm down here sorry I couldn't keep my human form anymore sorry." I said" to the best of my ability as my body Ignited as I stabed my devine sword into the ground trying to give myself enough leverage to try to push myself up off the rod as I tried using  my three pairs wings trying my best? The rod I was able to lift myself a pretty good bit but I wasn't able to be quick enough as my body literally asking for watching you change from being a giant into a Titan soon as they see my Titan form they were up a couple of them are freaked at yelling at my dad is that your kid. As my dad hesitantly yelled baby girl Phoenix is that you and as soon as I like to f*** him I just keep him that look as I was struggling to try to push myself up. "obviously who else would I be other than me help I can't push myself up all this thing. If I don't get off of it I'm going to bleed out. I said showing him that because I had changed forms it was now loose but I was bleeding out so much wood I was literally getting so dizzy as I was trying to push myself apologize but I couldn't muster up enough strength to pull myself completely off of it. The Indians immediately ran down to me and told Dad to call in more people they're not going to be able to do this by the cells are going to need a machine to lift me but they sure as hell we're trying by themselves because they all got up underneath me on each side trying  their damnest to be gentle with me but also too. Left me the best I could they got me a pretty good bit of off the air especially as I was trying to love myself it gave me an appointment where I was able to pull myself up off it locally because of how big I was I was able to actually lift myself off the rob. But I was only able to live myself to the side before my body collapsed on it so they all literally had to climb on me while a female Indian possibly the mean men's sister who was obviously a chief try to save me as her brother was trying to start this to stop the bleeding as my father ran down after calling in more people. " yeah we got a situation here it's way worse someone I thought it was when I was on the phone with my daughter you got work I need way more people here and possibly an anchor or something on the left her with cuz there's no way that any of us are going to be able to carry her because she's like 8 times our size. It just took almost 20 men to be able to lift her even slightly let alone care of this hill unless you got a helicopter that's big enough to carry her but I highly doubt that." He said is he ran over okay over to my face trying to save me when I grab his hand with my finger.
"Brother she weighs like 95 pounds how the hell can you guys not lift her and how the hell did you need 20 men to do that she literally was brother she's a druggie she doesn't weigh that much and she's tiny. Hold up I'll be there with the boys but I'm telling you there's no way but you guys can't lift a 95 found girl that not to be rude is all skin. Shes not a big girl I mean I know that we haven't exactly been our family since she was like 16 but brother I know what my niece looks like I mean unless you decided to grow three hundred pounds but unless she's 50 ft tall you're not really going to need the whole equipment day we're asking for.

Well brother why the f*** do you think I asked you to bring it and did your clothes she is pretty damn close to 50 ft tall she's a 45 ft tall yeah it turns out my kids are not a human pretty sure she's the Giant when I got done here she was literally went from 15 ft tall to 45 but I know sounds crazy and I know you're going to look at me funny but I swear brother she looks really close to the mother of all.

"Dad that's because I am the mother of oh obviously figured that you will people wouldn't figure that one out I mean I changed from a giant to a titain in front of you. Pretty sure it's pretty obvious I'm not a human if you can get me to cry you can use my tears on my open wound from when I was impaled it'll make it heal a lot faster since I don't know how to heal myself right now I'm a newborn it's not my fault." I said.

"I told you I know mother when I see her what do you mean by newborn aren't you born like this." She asked as they try to distract me as a got me to roll onto my side so they could put pressure on the entrance wound. As soon as the chief's father and grandfather are both seem right here things when I rolled over day both recognize what I was and ran over one of them call danger underneath my eye when they seem to my eyes were watering from your pain of the pain pressure on my entrance wound making my father to start from like what are you doing.

"Boy do you not realize what your own kid is use her tears she's a phoenix Phoenix have healing tears not to mention they're extremely sacred our tribes sacred animal and symbol is a phoenix. So come on good girl you can do it give me at least a few tears" He coaxed as my father literally ran around me to get a good look at my back to see what they were talking about when he seen my huge wings and then he realized my hair eyes and that my wings  were on fire.

"Holy s*** you're right. That's it brother you have to call the sacred organization we got ourselves the exact being they've been looking for we're going to have to follow soon tell them project Phoenix is found and she's injured and tell them good Titan don't know what it means no I get why they have different names now I didn't know that they had different forms. Here honey does my baby girl need some water. He said the thing water they had brought and let me drink on it. As he called in to a special number.

"Hello is Saving Grace on my help you." Yes soon general Tobias. I have a code sacred level Titan. 45 I need immediate assistance. Shes been impaled, newborn  and is in pretty bad shape. On isolated stretch off Highway 96. We're right off the road down the hill pretty sure she damaged her back. They just awaking and Blossomed. Type one Queen bee / supreme Queen. Has been located. Need medic and assistance.  Impaled through abdomen and a possible broken or  fractured spinal cord. From my understanding my younger daughter May was talking to her older sister Phoebe/ real names Phoenix ivy Rose while walking on the highway. And throw herself over the railing and down the hill trying to aviod getting hit head on by a semi truck. Accidentally impaled herself through the abdomen when she didn't see that she flung herself onto a massive bolder on her back. She didn't notice it had one of those metal rod/ poles sticking out of it in the bolder that was broken so it was sharp enough she didn't even know she was impaled till she seen it sticking out of her body. Pierce all the way through her body. Was knocked on conscious when she first was impaled so we don't know how long she's been sitting here she was unconscious for about an hour when she was unconscious so we have no idea how much blood she actually lost but bleeding is pretty critical after removing the foreign object from abdomen but not as a really large significant amount of blood loss which is why she wasn't able to keep form she isn't such a condition she went all the way to type Titan if she was too weak to retain her type giant form. Has informed me that she is a purebred newborn which is why she cannot heal herself like she normally would from her parents teaching her but to my knowledge dormant all the way up until she had a coma which is why she was not around me or however she was on her way over to us though. Has informed me that newborns need their parents in order to teach them how to shift heal and use their strength properly. Type a queen is a critical priority without parents is as fragile and as delicate as a human including immune system needs to inprint on parental figures order to kick start their genes that make her heal instantaneously become immortal and not be susceptible to any diseases of any kind without a proper Handler which is Parental figure they lack the knowledge of how to Kickstart it because it's the parents who kick start it. She fully awakened around 5 and has now had physical contact with biological father not even 30 minutes ago. I've been comforting her, giving reassurance, and I just need to know what other steps to take while I'm waiting for aid to arrive." He said, as they replied but I was so dizzy I couldn't even focus enough to use my supper human hearing to hear what they said, as he agreed with whatever they said and looked at my face. Check my face.

"Hey pumpkin damn I never actually got a good look at your real face. I never noticed how beautiful my little princess was your absolutely magnificent... baby girl I love you so much. Do you know how much mommy and daddy love you right. You love mommy and daddy right. " He said in almost a whispered because of how solf of a tone he was talking in. I nuzzled  my head up to him hugging him with what little strength I could muster. "Now what type of question is that you know how much I love and adore my family especially you and mom you gave me life so it's only normal I love you more then anything in this world." I said, and apparently the person on the other side heard. Because he smiled kissing my cheek before chuckling and saying. I know isn't she she such a sweetheart. No she's the eldest of our children by 9 years so the rest of our children are much younger than she is and their all so close in age so the younger one are all close knitt and due to the age gap she's the misfit, she's always. Been the queit one who sticks to herself. Yes she's my little rebleous little Troublemaker..  ya the one that. Ran away with her boyfriend. Turn out she's the mother of all... Ya I thought I mentioned that aready oops ya she herself confirmed she is the mother of all. She's really changing since she awoke. Her personality and attitude is so different which I absolutely love her real self. She's the polar opposite from when she was using. She's so perfect so no I don't think you'll have a issues don't let Zayne come with the aid he's the youngest five star general. And she's 18 she's of age and I'm not dealing with not keeping his hands to himself. I know he is around beautiful women and he is also known as the most eligible and sought after Bachelor. My baby girl just got out of a really abusive relationship she does not need that right now. Impressionable she is if somebody is nice to her if the guy knows how she is with men the moments at ones nice to hear some moment that she kings to them. Supposed to be fair Cole  we already know how our boy is he's persistent and quite the ladies man. And come on let's be honest we are in a hobby gets around women that don't show interest. He becomes more interested and way more persistent.

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