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He said. Before answer . "Okay. .. Hello Nellie. Ya all that is corrected and she was my biological daughter she's our eldest child so she is high priority.. well actually pheonix my daughter is the mother of all and she's 100 percent the real one. You can 100% tell the difference between her and the fake one their first of all which is the best way to tell the fake one. Is the mother of all is one Pacific breed race and species she is one type. That only one of them can exist same time only the blood of another one of these can truly kill them. If they die they are born over and over again they are also the rarest and strongest one of their kind she's the only one that's built or she can have children without dying because her blood humans not Mystic.. ya that the name of her kind is short for mythical creature you know like mythology which is what they also go by. So yes she's  a purebred she's just mixed with some things like she has witch and archangel in her to. She even had an archangel pheonix giant form even has the same three pairs of wings. Like archangels do and can use a devine sword like them.... yes turns out Jocelyn won the bet the mother of all is a female Phoenix and there are extremely rare and they're normally all born male. So should've known she always right she's a freaking mad genius.  Well of course she is she's the one that created mimics as she's named them. Ehh I haven't told Phoenix about mimics yet I mean she is super lonely she might find them to be a good company I didn't even say that since she's all alone only one that is like her the only one of her kind the only one of her species she's the only one like her she's got to be insanely lonely. Wait doesn't Jocelyn have a really strong one has she told us it's like a giant teddy bear."  He set leaning up against me I ever heard one of the girls on the phone yell back.

" yeah I know that's what I'm talking about Aye. I win bitch. Never question my awesomeness. I told you I want to know my s*** and I told is theoretically from a sinus point of view which one she's most likely to be. And I was right so pay up. Ya Chrissy boy your talking about Goliath."

"Oh me oh my that perked someone's interest. You should have seen her ears perk up as soon as you said the name what you like his name honey... whoa what's wrong.

" remember how I've been acting different since I woke up to save my soul in my body were separated 1,049 years ago my Creator started to be a funny joke to stick me in pretty much same concepts a simulation. A dream world a dream Dimension where they use it to create entire universe of their creation and they stick it unsuspected victim normally a soul that they're very highly interest in like mine per say. I'll just tell me that's why I'm so conflicted remembering certain memories but in this dream I had a fated partners I loved and adore he was a Leviathan Hell we even marked each other. I even married him in that world and He was my fated. So you can't how much my world crashed. When they cruly hair showed me it was all a figment of my imagination an illusion they created for me but I ended up not only exciting all of their original expectations I lived way past when I was supposed to which is actually how they found out it was still in the dimension and they forgot to pull me out and me and my real body when it was born this one. Which is out was supposed to go so my body walked around with a whole show no soul no consciousness. But his name was Goliath I would seriously kill to have the real deal by my side seriously he was an amazing man and even better partner it was magnificent and amazing  and it's dress up with that I only found the man of my dreams and my dreams only their phone back in love with him as a friend to work I have no expectations ations for any male that I meet North Carolina I am so madly in love with that dream boy i wish I could make him real I mean I could but he wouldn't have any memories and there's almost some tenant chance that he will be my actual favorite so the chances of that happening are almost zero. So even if I create the exact man that I'm love with. At the point I just be breaking my own heart so I'm conflicted I want mine back. I pray to my Creator that she will have mercy on me. And give me back I love that I'm so was so lost without back into my life but as a real person not just in my dreams which is the only place I can see him isn't that sad ì still see that handsome strong titain every time I close my eyes. Life's a bitch. The one time I find the real thing and somebody that actually picks me to turn out to be a freaking dream. I just wish they would have told me that if that were clunked it so much cuz I literally see him every time I close my eyes." I said as he literally turned it on speaker.

"Oh my God that would f*** anybody up like seriously what were they thinking they but you say that without telling you so you literally felt like you're living life and thought you were just to find out you were literally just dreaming that's fucked like my heart breaks for you honey I know how that feels my husband used to work with your dad well at least I thought he did I didn't know I actually had schizophrenia so like read after you left I found out my husband was like yours just a figment of my imagination so that it gave me an idea I made something that makes anything you can imagine a reality I rebuild an old ancient device I don't know what it is and it looks like two pods inside each other if you get on the other side it will create anything you think or dream of including people that's where my mimics come from I created them out of people's dreams but they're nothing compared the real thing at least that's what I've read I've never met the wrong thing yet I've only met artificial/ my mimics who very depending on who made them cuz they're made exactly how you're brain thanks supposed to look at you decide and how they like act everything from their facial features height with personalities attitudes anything like that is all programmed into them based on how your mind sees them so there's a very good chance it don't match what the Real Deals like but I guess you'll be the tie breaker. Just wait until you see Michael live I made him similar to how the machine makes them but he's one that I tinkered with myself as an I made him out of an artificial womb and genetically modified every one of his genetic make up myself is literally the perfect man and you we'll never meet a man as beautiful as neither I'm like when I get to the office designs are perfect I mean they're perfect I made him with ancient DNA I know I don't know what it came from all I know is I came from a scientist I said here here's a non-humans bones have at it. So what does a Ford scientist do when you hand her a bone and she's got all this s*** sitting around to create creatures with I decided that I wanted to genetically modify my own to the DNA from a very generous donor my brother by the way they can't have kids why did him a f****** favor because I took him and his wife's DNA made sure to alter the extra home alone in DNA that are from the bone for injection too the embryo. Which I fertilized with his DNA naturally because I may have lied not intentionally though I kept it in the artificial womb just to make sure that I work at all the kings before I put it in you know my brother's wife because she wanted experience of carrying her own. So after making sure he was absolutely perfect and trust me he wasn't I even altered his recessive and dominant gene to give him the healthiest perfect appearance and genetic makeup like I said there is literally no flaws whether it be something you can see or a fly on their personality or person his had neither. But his mother absolutely loves him. But they didn't even know that he was technically not human until after he was born and they took him to a doctor and the doctor look at his blood oopsies yeah let's just say my sister-in-law was pissing me for like a month just for not telling her that he was officially made she thought he was a normal pregnancy with a normal conception because of the fact that she's able to carry in a full term.  And just thought was helping her with her fertility treatment because she uses a similar device because I totally an intentionally trulicked her because I knew how bad they wanted a child and I have never used direct DNA that I used to make my mix that I use that much more diluted and of DNA to make them so they're not as unpredictable cuz I have no idea how predictable motor ones are I made one one time that was fully not even at all like they had no human DNA let's just say I didn't go in that room for the rest of the year I'll show you what it made when we bring you back it made something pretty f****** nasty and I mean even Goliath has a hard time deal with it he's a apparently like you that's not actually made but you're so weird as part of all DNA that I got from to make Goliath and that thing it was an old phone I mean yeah they've been there for that long but they were old as they were from a being of that time space and they were actually future not the past and they do say that Interventional beings can jump through time."She said.

"Yes I do actually and holy s*** yeah I need to see this cuz I've never seen one of us without the human DNA mixed we're always giving a human base for DNA because humans come from us so they're the only ones that we can actually reproduce Offspring with we actually cannot reproduce Offspring with other species except humans and well yeah there have been a couple of slip-ups where they have shown up mixed with other species but the children are normally born sterile or have something wrong with it my account ligers are missing the dream that makes him strong growing once I hit a certain size yeah that's the type of problems we had with unless they're half human. " I replied as I realized she had him put her on speaker on purpose so she can 'talk' to me when actually she was making me talk to make me stay conscious till I got there. Which I noticed when I seen that his phone had a GPS that should not only their location but how far away they are from us and send him a tracking to see how close they were confirming my suspicions that he was worried and way more nervous than I thought as I noticed him tapping his foot a lot.

"Relax Dad I'm okay.  And the aids and assistance are here see and I didn't plus my eyes are loss consciousness like you were worried I was going to do before they got here. Which I didn't." I said. As the woman on the end said. "Their on sightSee so calm down hopefully they can get me out of here and fixed up in no time I think they will. I mean look at how many then they brought a whole battalion. DOWN HERE." I Yelled with every once of strength I had left I lifted my good arm as high as I could as A man shined a flashlight down at us. And I lowered my hand to block the blinding light that he lowered onto our faces as even my dad was trying to sheild my eyes with each hand so they didn't blind me or make me see stars. As soon as the man seen it was just my face when he shined a light down the length of body. And seen how huge I was compared to my dad. He yelled.

"Seal it off this whole stip of highway. We got a class a female titian. And she's a big of females only grow to 30. This is the first female I've ever seen taller then 30 feet. But she definitely more then 30 feet how tall did her dad say." The man said walking down with another man holding a clipboard. "You said she 45 feet correct." The other man ask that  was holding the clipboard.  As the main man knelt down. Infront of me.

"Honey it's okay this is Brandon he's with the special secret task force Brandon this is my eldest daughter Phoenix. Just please cooperate with the nice man okay honey. He asked I nodded. 

"Yes daddy nice to meet you and yes I'm 45 feet but I'm not entirely done growing because I can't stop growing at 50 ft but they said they shouldn't grow anymore after that. My Creator did Mother Gaia likes to monitor my growth." I said he smiled nodding. "So you were an artificially born on taking it." He asked. 

" no sir natural conception and birth he should know he was at all the doctor's appointments they didn't use any special doctors either no special care it was just normal conception normal pregnancy nothing that said I wasn't human. And my child is the same normal just my body didn't have a soul or a consciousness my soul is actually my shoulder most of us actually are the main majority of my kind are actually created way before they're actually born they dwell and our nurturing raised in the land of the Gods and we're putting a physical body later on. My soul itself is ever a thousand and 49 years old while my body is only 18. " I exclaimed he nodded as a notion for his friend to write everything down.

" okay okay so you're literally his biological daughter. This is very good progress now your father mentioned to me that you might be the mother of all.

"Oh no I and 100%. I've actually been aware of that since my soul was first made. Trust in my Creator was very thorough about making sure that I knew from what I was except she had me believing that there was more then went throughout history but when I was born to find out the door wasn't I'm the first day in the last and the only ones ever made unless I have children of course and they will be a mother of all but that also depends on if I can even find a partner which I highly doubt some particular plus another one of my species that I'm on my kind and the only one like me. So I'm more likely to spend the rest of my life alone. I mean I am mortal I can't be killed except that one that created me and not even my own offspring can kill me. And like I said I'm more so I don't grow so I can't die of old age either." I said, as he examined me very thoroughly starting with my head and as soon as he started seeing all my wounds he was horrified they called the Medics down there in a matter of seconds. They were very careful too see how good the bandages with a whole lot just long enough for them to move me he was infuriated cuz he wanted them to fix me right then there.

"Sir I we undo all the work that they just did to get her bleeding to stop her injuries will reopen and she will bleed out. Independent on how big and severe her injuries are depend on how much time we have before she flat lines. I suggest we move this big beautiful girls are much more secluded and safe place preferably with proper equipment. Cuz we don't have any life-saving medical supplies, machines, or equipment at all.. not to mention not enough doctors either because it sends me on bandage her and shit she going to need more than one doctor. To work quick enough to take care of her before she here comes to our injuries we don't know how much she actually already lost. Or if any of her internal organs are damaged. We just can't afford to do that that is Dr negligation we would be in trouble for not being able to give her patient proper care and them dying due to our lack of being able to provide the care that she needs. And she's a mother of all we end up killing her we're going to get everyone after us she's our planets Main god. We'd be killing the only living God that lives on the same plain as us." One of the men protested and he nodded thinking thoughtfully.

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