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"Oh what did I hurt the poor babies feelings well and you shouldn't have gotten crocky by the way this is called as a mission hold I barely am touching you and your squirming like a damn right doll. Well shouldn't have pissed off a pure bred yokai. First of all Mr smartass I happen to be a nine tail fox so yes he brought me okay or the oldest species of Mystic and one of the most powerful and violent so I don't know you tell me is it going not bring something that powerful no he's going to bring a going to a knife fight because we Yokai or one of the hardest ones to kill. So of course he's going to bring me." She said yawning.

"Thought you were protective over humans." One of the men said.

"Pussy I'm not even touching him I literally just have my arm around him I'm not even putting the pressure or nothing." He said finally letting him go with you just started coughing as his face had turned purple. One of his men tried to shade to her and she just reflected it with her tail and shot it directly back out and pretty much missing him by like 2 in winking at him tell him that that was a warning shot they were stunned they couldn't say s*** some of them even drop their guns and took off running. When they seen how easily she used one of her foxtails to reflect an AK bullet.

"That's when a helicopter swooped in it was Oakland the main boss it wasn't older man older fella threw them down a ladder from his Chopper Oakland is made by a millionaire who had nothing better to do with all his money who was one of richest man in the world after he retired he decided to invest in help the new thing that all them big organizations were getting into which is a recruiting non-humans to work for them. Even though he was such a big shot he was feeling ethically at it like they were rumoring that he was about to call it quits because he couldn't find none that really caught his eye of having potential or at least I'm potentially he's looking for cuz he's looking for an actual champion when all he was getting a little ranking one of them runs that could barely even hold up after one punch. But after he was recruited by the name man who runs it the billionaire his name's Sabatino who decided to spend a lot of time with him after he actually knows he was actually training when he realized he was an actual player well that's when Sabatino put all his bets on him he's saying that he could actually fight and he could actually throw a few punches even that was just playing cuz he really wasn't actually punching it cuz if he punched it like he was actually punching those my mix 17 I wouldn't know that he hit the damn jackpot 17 oh yes was investing in him a lot but he didn't actually realize what the hell he had got his hands on until he seen that video which is what made 17 out come to the thing. "Come on my boy. I hope you make your Great Escape you just got to hurry up.

"Thanks Sabatino I was bored of these losers anyways." Goliath said picking up his sister and her daughter and carrying them up the ladder since the chopper was kind of making the letters sway a bit.

"Wait a minute you're the one that caused that Carnage to his man. Holy s*** did you kill them." He laughed when he realized that he didn't just knock them out because he realized they weren't moving at all. As he made it to Sabatino grabbing his hand if he's helped pull him up since he only had one free hand. As the rest of their men quickly made it up making sure none of the other Men followed him executioner rip the head right off that windy blue fire at igniting its whole entire body in Flames which is the only way to kill it other than that it's hard but as long as you have a Mystic that's the one doing the killing to the Cryptid and normally they don't stand a chance like you don't need a special weapon because the mystics are the special weapon they have some type of special property in their DNA to wear anytime that it makes contact but anything like that no matter what it is that you don't need a special anything in order to kill one they can just kill them with their bear claws which he proved when one of them won another one lose and he literally just sideswiped it with his claws across its jugular I'm literally just making it drop to the ground as it bled out cuz it couldn't heal from its wound cuz the fact that he was a mistake any wound in Mystic it gives any to being it does not heal which is why Mystics normally are the only ones that kill other Mystics unless you have a weapon special in need from the remains of I already deceased Mystic. That's why they're the hardest non-human to kill because even finding the remains of extremely hard especially since there's so many different types of non-humans it's hard to differentiate which ones in Mystic which ones and then which ones equipped in which one's a mimic which one say cuz in the next bone structure looks very much like a Mystic and if you didn't know what you were looking at you wouldn't be able to tell the difference there's a lot of humanoids in a lot of non humanoids beings that do have a lot of structures that do look like Mystics but they're not doing nothing like this but because of the fact that they're all humanoid and they all kind of look the same you know unless they're dying their giant form it's kind of hard to tell which one's which so a lot of the DNA is that they're finding to make mimics are actually mixed him with different ones which means that they're making some type of mute and hybrid which good life noticed when he was slicing and dicing the generals men because he noticed a lot of their men's physical traits and like justice abilities that they had work and they're physical makeup was a a lot like different parts from different things mixed with human and genetically modified to be more diluted which was effed up. In fact I snared at this and decided to just happened to my husband's consciousness and tell him that which I had noticed just in case if he didn't even though I'm pretty sure he was aware of it but it's going to find out he was not he did not notice at all was being scary during when I pointed it out and he actually realized and put two together and knows that I wasn't pulling his leg he was disgusted. Or apparently he was spying on me at that moment so he seen me get off and he's seeing me like Captain of Consciousness so much so that means that Mr Sabatino over there heard it too. And he was not quite amused either in fact he was actually quite disgusted to find out the law of the companies were painting like that he also said that's like not okay to be mixing door species like that like you don't know what the hell you're going to get so I had him just call me and put me on speaker. "No it's not okay and I'm going to do something about it because if you happening somehow get a hold of Mystic and you mix it with a bunch of other s*** you don't know what you're mixing it with. You don't know what the hell you're going to create you can end up with a freaking monstrosity it's not okay. hey Sabatino what type of authority do you have I need to know if there's any way that I can access the labs where they're getting their s*** from I'm going to have to probably break into one I'm not going to lie if that's too illegal for you that's fine but they cannot be mixed and s*** like that cuz they're going to make something nasty." I replied.

"I might be retired but that does not mean that I do not have my connection still let me do some dick in and I will get back ahold of you okay darling." He said.

"Thank you someone finally getting somewhere with thank you I appreciate it. I'm glass wife by the way so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask I will be more than happy to help you cuz I am sick and tired of cleaning up everybody's messes." She said right is the lost signal so then she just turned her attention back to her friends.

"Damn you're so not the Phoebe we remember." Sapphire said.

"Of course I'm not I'm married I'm pregnant I Blossom just so I'm not human anymore people change Sapphire besides I'm a queen I'm not exactly allowed to just sit on my ass and be lazy I have to do what I have to do to protect my people and take care of them I have responsibility now of course I'm not the same and the responsibility I have is a lot more responsibility than well you guys will ever get in your life. I mean but hey that's so up to you whether or not you want to be in my life or not I don't Force anyone to stay in my life as they really don't want to and I don't beg for anyone to be in my life if they don't want to if you put forth effort to be in it on your own then that's cool I'm more than willing to put effort into that friendship but if they don't that's on them I'm not going to force them that's not me. I always give everyone the freedom of choice.

"But we miss Phoebe all the time but you're no longer the same you know the same Phoebe you don't even go by the same name anymore it feels like you're completely different person." She said, sadly.

"And that's fine you don't have to stay no one's forcing you and you're allowed to miss somebody but just because they're not the person that used to be. Isn't always a bad thing like for me is a very good thing if I had a state as naive and as dumb as it was and as impressionable as it was and a doormat I already remained with an abusive manipulative a****** who cut me off from my life my friends my family got me to do things I would never think I would do or even think about. That's what happens when you shelter a child too much if you're a helicopter parent and your shelter your kid too much it is going to eventually roll like I did and go do stupid s***. And get mixed up the wrong person like I did and I'd have been the bad situation which they can't take back." Maybe it's better on the way I am now I'm stronger I'm more assertive I know what I want and I know what I want to do I'm not constantly asking myself the same question over and over again or regretting every choice I make I'm not unsure of everything I'm not questioning everything I don't have the anxiety I did before. I would never tell you guys how I actually felt about anything. Or what was going on in my head or anything the relationships I had were unhealthy because we already know that I would be friends with anybody that would be nice to me even if they were toxic as s*** or no good. For me at all I would just latch onto whoever would listen. I'm ashamed of who I was before I'm proud of who I am now that's what matters to me that's what matters in my happiness if you don't like that that's fine you don't have to but Don't Rain on My Parade just because you don't like what being happy makes me if you don't like the fact that I'm living in my life and being my own person instead of just following finally like a zombie to just fit in well I don't know what to tell you I'm just being me sister and I'm going to continue to do so.

"Okay if that's what you're going to do and that's what you're going to do it's your life

"Yeah damn straight is my life it's my choice too it wasn't I love you too like sisters you guys are my best friends okay if you don't like the person I turned into yeah that's going to f****** suck because you guys were my best friends growing up and I really did want to get back in contact with you because I freaking love you guys but if the factors that my choice to be free and be myself is an issue to you well I'd rather be myself and not be liked image by somebody I absolutely f****** adore smell like I wanted to cut contact with you guys to begin with it's kind of forced to but you know you wouldn't listen to that anyways and Life Goes On I mean hey I mean if you would rather see your friend destroying their life from the inside out and be miserable then that's your opinion and I'm not going to do that just so you like me. If you don't like me for who I really am as a person you get like I said it sucks but I'd rather be myself than being miserable and be stuck in an endless live with no way out the church for just being myself." I said but she has hurt like hell but I just said it I'm going to turn it and I walked back over his parents who were waiting for me and one of the girls did try chasing me but I was really hurt by what they said and I wasn't okay with it apparently my baby wasn't either because my baby wanted out now cuz I started trying to rapidly grown on me. I mean since I was giving my Godly Powers while I was pregnant my child will have the same abilities and powers that I do which means I'll text him would be a God but it means yes they can alter space in time to my child is literally feeling over time because they want it out because they sent that mommy wasn't happy. Well that baby made themselves rapidly grow all right by the time that I got to his parents house I was ready to pop then the next thing you know my husband gets home literally minutes later with his sponsor which as soon as Sabatino walked in my water decided to f****** break well he didn't know a pregnant so he immediately called the hospital. But as soon as he realized I was Goliath's wife he started calling up all his contacts. Especially when he knows that I was about ready to start contractions I literally looked at him and said. "I was not planning on them coming up this early I was only 5 months literally 20 minutes ago apparently baby since mommy's distressed and said I want out apparently sped up their development a lot." I spat as I try to really hard not to yell out what I was saying because of the fact that I could feel the contractions starting. You could have made it late I've never had a kid before because I was not prepared for the pain that follows with childbirth. Because I was literally spitting fire at everybody. And started transforming uncontrollably I was in so much discomfort when they actually started like trying to come out but my home to everybody just shifted into my full Beast Phoenix form. Because I just couldn't understand my human form at all. When he realized what species I was he's called somebody Pacific and have them come in took me 2 minutes to realize it was a witch and older gray hair lady looked a lot like my mom which was weird. She walked over and aw she was very pretty and useful for her age she looks a lot like my Aunt too but then I realized most obvious thing ever I looked like her it was my grandma why they called my grandma I don't know. "What a pretty little thing you are my gorgeous precious thank you Sabatino now I never thought I'd actually see one of these guys in person there is so much prettier up close absolutely gorgeous and my life and trust me I've seen a lot of not humans in my day and this one is the best one yet I want you to call me here for darling you said it was having issues.

"Yeah Destiny its giving birth. Sorry but she's a purebred and she's young never giving birth and she seems like she's struggling you're the person I know that knows the most about Phoenix is. Well you and your family so I figured I'd ask you." He said hesitantly.

"Oh holy s*** you're right yeah give me two seconds okay I'm going to do everything we would need for a normal Birth by the way since she's not playing she's giving. Live birth and which means she's probably in her human form when it started happening." All for people came out jumping in action catching his mother off guard cuz he didn't even know they were there I mean most of their people stay out of sight unless they're needed or unless they're going to ask them to stay out in the open normally they do not normally they just follow her like a shadow. But they had everything over to her in seconds she was amazed at how quick the response was. As my husband sat beside me petting me trying to comfort me the best of his ability as soon as she seen how affection that he was towards me and then he was marked it didn't take her but a few minutes to figure out that he was the dad was wearing a wedding ring.

"I'll see you two are married and marked and normally fated pairs don't marry it's a marked already. I just noticed that you're all so imprinted see you guys went and did all three."

"For technically imprinted, Soul bonded, and Mark each other as fated pair. Then we got married. I mean what farm in it she's the love of my life and the woman I want to spend an eternity until the end of time with. And now I'm already have our first child so yeah we did all of them and I don't care it was worth it. It was worth a ticket where I'm at right now and to have that type of bond I have with my wife. Come on baby you can do it yeah that was the baby was not supposed to come this early she was only five months literally not even an hour ago but baby felt mommy is stress and decided they were going to speed up their development and that they wanted out so yeah now she's in labor so I can wait what the questions for right now you can ask them afterwards right now got way more serious priorities." He said try not to show him annoyed by her question because annoyed cuz he felt like it was unnecessary for her to ask something like that or to try to you can help point out a little things that he did different than other none here and supposedly don't do and when she kept on doing the entire time I was in labor to the point where I turned and my human form and literally shouted at her cuz she was pissing me off I mean I'm sitting here trying to get Frozen she's sitting over your point out what we do different than other beings or blah blah blah it all sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me so I ended up yelling at her to shut up." I mean seriously I'm trying to first a baby here and you're sitting over here comparing everything we do different than I don't give a shit help me get this kid ever get the heck out. Jeez. Fuck!" I yelled oh my hair up on my face when I shift it back my hair whipped so forcefully because of how hard I whipped my head up to yell at her. And just like clockwork not even intentionally this kind of been coincidental my mom and dad walk right as she started to deliver the baby my siblings were with them. I need to say my siblings ran right back out when they realized what was going on I mean they were too young to see any of that of course except Lily who ran over and grabbed my hand. She didn't care one bit as long as she was being supportive for her big sister I said as she started talking to me grabbing my hand and started saying you can do it says Grandma recognized her voice and looked up. And said Lily. Lilly looked up and turn her face lit up like a light bulb.

"Gam gam. Why are you here."Lilly asked.

"I was called. Wait a minute did you call her sister." She said as she did stopped from delivering.

"Yeah Phoenix is my older sister yeah I remember Phoebe her real name is Phoenix grandma this is Phoenix you know my older sister that's 19 should I be concerned that you didn't recognize your own granddaughter." Lilly said and she looked down at my face for a minute when will I push my hair on my face. Her facial expression was completely contorted she was frozen in place for a good minute. As I snapped at Lilly a little bit. "Lilly be your mind stop I'm trying to deliver a kid here right now and you already know she does not care for me. We already know Grandma only spoke to you or any other people on one side of the family. Plus I accidentally heard what she said to you but one day yeah I know she does not care for me one bit do you mind starting your family conversation if I'm done doing this cuz I swear if she gets up and I end up having to deliver my kid myself we're going to have issues... yep like she just did fuck." I said as I was pushing when she literally abruptly got up I didn't see where she went I don't know where she went I know she didn't go out the door cuz I didn't hear the door shut. Or at least I didn't think so. Sabatino panicked and ran after her cuz he didn't know what to do. And he knew me being as soon as I am and being an experienced mother it was going to be extremely painful and extremely hard for me to do. My husband ended up trying to jump up for me when his dad finally did while my parents were too busy bickering over which one was going to do it if Grandma didn't come back. That's when it has mom pushed in the house away and then told him. "I've actually delivered babies before you moved out let a professional do it." She said as he put his hands up in defeat. Moving out the way so she could take over. "Sorry darling it took me a minute to find my kid she said that she opened up a legit kiss that she had or for some odd reason in case if you have to do a home birth. I used to work as an assistant with a doctor who to take care of child first I used to work for a baby doctor but I guess it was the main one doing the deliveries it wasn't the doctor he never got there on time it was always me so I know what I'm doing honey I just haven't had to use this in forever so I forgot where I put it." She said reaching her hand she did something I don't know what the heck she did but all she did was reach her hand down and the next thing I know she's pulling our baby. Like I don't know if she was like actually read your hand in assisting a bird or something but she did something that made the first cut happen a lot faster lot smoother it's like she did something to make me dilate more like she made it easier for the baby to come out somehow I didn't know how she did it when I asked her she told me it was a trick in the book I asked her with us supposed to mean and then she said something like she learned from one of the colleagues that helped her out a lot during the birthing as a female was having complication pushing like I was and was in there for hours like I was just trying to push and wasn't getting nowhere really and it was as slow as a snail if nothing I had been in pain for probably about an entire 24 hours and she wanted a special company for one girl colleagues that really efficient and doesn't have the baby but also makes it a lot easier on a woman cuz it makes it come out quicker but also doesn't cause her as much pain then I just started thinking of all the ways that I can get her to give up a little secret cuz now I need to know because when the other lady grandma was trying to do it it not that crap hurt like hell and it was literally getting nowhere I had been pushing for over hours and which I didn't realize because of how much pain I was in time barrier I didn't know how much time passed when I realized exactly how much time passed I wasn't okay with that because I wasn't even crowning yet his mom just did one little thing in the whole baby just came right out didn't even hurt that bad either not as bad as doing Grandma was doing I don't know what the hell she was doing. Hey Grandma go get your mom it's my herbs at the back of the head for me because that is literally how easy I got that baby to come out all she had to do was do that one little thing that I do and I was trying to tell her to do before I decided to go get my kitten and do it myself and our grandbaby came out like nothing came out like butter she barely even hurt while she was from playing murder at your mom cuz your mom wouldn't listen to me on how to make her feel more comfortable I told her you need to do this and she was like no I don't want to do that I'm not sticking my hair girl that's a whole point of assisting a birthing is that you have to sometimes help the baby come out it gives a shoulder gets stuck you have to kind of reach in and help yeah I know you probably don't feel comfortable with that but when a baby's giving birth and they get stuck in the canal you kind of have to otherwise they're stuck there half out of their mom and half in their mom and you know the baby can be choked can also get stuck and can die like there's a lot of things that can go wrong I can kill the baby if they get stuck in the canal like your Grandma Lily does not know what she's doing.

"No she doesn't oh my goodness is that my niece it's a girl or she's so cute. She doesn't even look weird since she just came out sorry but I've seen newborn some newborn babies that look weird when they're born like their faces look weird or their heads are funny where they have like that old man face going on or that excess saggy skin stuff going on that makes me look like an old man. Lily said Cooing over the baby. As she let Lily place around my chest since I requested to be the first one to hold her since she's my baby and they didn't hold her they just picked her up for me of course like you would have baby cradled and they passed her to Lily and then past her to me. That's when his mom corrected me on how to hold her and she was just first born she showed me how to do the kangaroo where you hold them up to your chest let them hear their mom's heartbeat shape and someone stop crying as soon as she heard that as soon as she settled down they went to go with her down in like a makeshift local they made well his mom made and she of course started crying but much larger she did when she was first born which is good is your lungs are working good cuz they were a little nervous at first because of of how she cried when she first came out she wasn't that loud like her cry wasn't like a normal baby cry like it was like almost like a tired baby cry not very loud at all like more like she was exhausted and just didn't feel like doing it. That or she was half asleep. But this time she let out our normal baby cry and it was loud it was sad when a newborn is born pretty much or what she was supposed to sound like when she first came out or they had had enough time to clean her and everything they cleaned her while she was on my chest since the family that they can get her stay still she was a beautiful baby look like a mixture of me and her here we couldn't tell what color it was yet like she did have a full hair when she was born but it was so short that we couldn't really tell plus it was so thin because it was only like one way of hair which was wonderful Hood it was just so thin and so short we couldn't control the color. We're not exactly going to know what color her eyes are going to turn out as until they turn into their permanent color cuz whenever babies born they're actually first one with blue eyes at least for the first two weeks and I start to get there actual color. Well apparently with Mystics that is not the case because as soon as she opened her eyes we seen one was the color that she had it was my firey red and gold eyes that look kind of like flames. Well the other was more of a violent like their dads with the slit snake like I like a leviathan very pretty but very confusing I am never seen you a purebred on him two different color as like that before from two different species especially maybe have maybe like normal two different colored eyes like if they're normal color I mean normal pupils with two different color eyes from two different species normally they have two different color eyes with the same species. Not literally two different eyes from two different species I mean Hamburg pavers are not uncommon but seeing normally they only take on certain traits or characteristics of the other species of mixed with because of their children purebred parents with two different species normally it's they take on traits from yes both there are species and only one more nominate with this child they couldn't tell which one was which we couldn't tell if they were Leviathan or Phoenix or just carry trade the Leviathan and more pair of Phoenix or if they were purified them with trades in Phoenix because normally they only carry on traits we normally classify them what what species is more dominant in their blood. When Grandma also comes in out of nowhere cuz she finally heard the baby crying which by the way has me really questioning whether or not I don't want to desk cuz she was crying for a pretty good minute before she even noticed and she cried three times before that and that woman didn't budge. But she came running in like a whirlwind I never thought that somebody can move that fast but at the same time I was very frustrated with the fact that she ran out while I was in the process of giving birth and literally just left me for the house what's not there for pretty much the whole thing and missed her being born getting cleaned up on any of that stuff and it's like she all sudden gave a s*** after not giving a s*** the entire time her shoes helping my birthday but also at the same time I can like she was excited she was so confusing it was like she was bipolar I was like she was like I don't know when she first walked in she was super excited super pumped super happy to be there and threw out the first like 30 minutes she started annoying to just didn't give a s*** started like less assisting which is why the baby got stuck through now because she was not helping like she was not giving me encouragement she was not talking me through it and nothing just literally sat there on her phone like I have to dinner so she wasn't taking pictures of me cuz if so that's really f***** up in fact when she walked in I literally would not let her see the baby when she demanded to see her and I demanded to tell her or tell me why you were on your phone the entire time that you were trying to deliver my kid you literally had your freaking phone pretty much pointing at my coochie and I swear to us if you were taking pictures I swear do you live to regret that big time.

I'm sorry I was asking a baby doctor some questions.

Oh my God so you were seriously taking pictures of my downstairs are you kidding me you better pray to God that you're driven to me cuz I swear if I look on there and I see it you're done and you're done grandma or not you do not take a picture of somebody else's vagina especially while you are assisting them on childbirth like that is just the first of all it's exploitation number two that's just f***** up. Mom you better get that off of her before I take it and Grammy you better not fight her because I swear but Jesus if I see pictures of my s*** on your phone I don't care who the f*** you be texting I will be taking it into the legal system because that's b*******. Number one you did not have my consent to do that number to you did not ask me number three you did it without my knowledge and number two you took a picture of somebody lower region while they were giving birth like that is f***** like you are f***** if you took a picture of that and send it to some f****** random cuz I don't want to know so I can Randall looking at my vagina and I don't think my husband wants to know some random is looking at it either and I swear if I I know that you did you're done. And considering on all the guys that you pray to and ask for help love me I suggest you hope to every God you know that that's a joke. I said warningly when before I hit my mom could even check the funnel first authorities came in and jacked it off of her and she was lifting it up they took it right overhand as Sabatino.

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