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Then I averted my attention back to them. "Just hurry back love." I kissed him. He embraced me before. Handing me off to his parents. Who happily took me.

"Now please take care of her and watch over her while I'm gone remember she's the most important person in the world to me so don't want anything happen to the love of my life while I'm interesting her to you. be back before you even notice. I'm gone promise. I'm only going to go get sis and her baby and I'll meet you at home is that okay.

No that's great what her parents have a lot of kids at home younger kids that are nine and younger you've got a pregnant woman why not just stay with us not to favorite towards her parents but our house is bigger and we got the room. Yes I still got a pretty nice house but it had to downsize because of stinking debt collectors taking their house when her dad's company went under. So needless to say her parents he had their okay but they're not as well off as they were before the whole thing happened he made the wrong investment he invested in one of his friends his friend got sued him because he was one of the half-owners of the company because he did that on the side it was a hobby he got the pants sued off of him because they couldn't find the other guy the main guy that he put his investment into and bought half the company off of so who do you think they charged all the money from they did it to your dad so he lost you guys as mansion and everything yeah you guys are living in a nice house and yeah it is not like it's poverty or anything but I just don't think it's been enough to raise a Titan in. Let alone three and it's powerful as these two are. Cuz I guarantee your child's no exception. Will probably be much more stronger more powerful than you to combine especially if your bras are exactly as my top genetasis  predicts. And on top of that do you have a finances to take care of three purebred Titans is powerful as them plus their kid when they're born once their kids born and you're not going to have a space I mean you guys can come see your kid whenever they want and they can come stay over at your house whenever they feel like but they're not going to be able to live there for how long. And I'm just living out for you Nikolai you might want to make that call I'm just saying you might want to let her stay with me in the world so that way that you guys can see them whenever you guys feel like anything will stay at the house as much as you feel like like you can bring the whole family and you guys can crash at my house whenever you feel like you're trying what I understand cuz I never but think about it for his neck is thinking you have a finances and you have the space you are already telling me about how bad your family struggling with having all young children with only living off of you and your wife's income and I know that even your wife does make a lot but with having that many kids to feed and all the high class boarding schools yeah you're not going to have disability to take care of a purebred non-human Titan let alone three you're going to have a very hard time especially since the one is pregnant because she's not the little work the entire how much was pregnant she's going to have a hard time even making it to College exams especially since all the hours that you and your wife work and only two people in the house can drive if my daughter lives in my clothes with her daughter that's going to be three people that can drive and have a car and I'm talking with my son can drive I obviously have a problem because I like to collect cars and that also comes in handy whenever my kid needs one cuz I can just give me one what do you mean if I can give your daughter one too if she knows how to drive and has her license because last time that we talked she did not. Okay never mind smarty pants you just love make Papa look like a big old dummy. Now when'd you get those. And also you got it from the account of how many people actually are with her 24/7. If they live with her you also got to put that an account." He said as my husband told him to talk about me. And him and the ones he choose took off he wanted to get out and get back as soon as possible so he was in a hurry.

"When I fully awakened and got my new identification papers. They gave me a license after I passed their test. Plus housing papers so I I didn't have to live at Eden and they knew that me and my people were safe to be around and live around humans. And that were safe to be in the General Public. Yeah they had me do a lot of time I have powerful and how song my people were. And even then they didn't give us the guardian authorization even though I noticed that quite a few of those mimics had it. I have no training combat or strong natural protective instincts like we do. And also ones that didn't even give a crap about human life but yet they got a card which makes their sense to me all my people are taught to be very gentle protective and nurturing towards humans and affectionate but yet Eden mark this as a red flag which means could be possibly dangerous and Society or the journal public in other words were like pitbulls around while there's a stereotype being that they Mark as dangerous. High-priority. Yes I didn't really like them. They were such big hypocrisy stereotypes they looked exceptionally at the mimics but looked at us like we were would attack them  like wild animals unprovoked. Not only did I raise every single person that read my chart I erase some of this crap on their chart I'm not going lie they don't need to know the information. That includes any of their mimics that were present when we revealed any information or seen it I errased all their memories. Just incase. Plus it what put my in unnecessary Danger. Because of the shipping you the whole truth or nothing but the truth. They'd trying to go after my people just to get to me. Not on my watch." I admitted.

"Ya they are especially with how they treat those stupid mimics I don't blame you. Did you at least replace it.

"oh yeah the real files that they have on all of us are sealed I sealed them myself so they can't access it unless they have my consent but if they like us up it pops up the files I put in their place the decoys. That I put in their place to distract them and only if they actually find the files because I created an entire book which would have all their information and files in there not to mention files information on every single species of every single being that is a Mystic what they can do with their background and all that stuff. That's a very powerful seal on it we're only I can open it and that's only if they can get the container I put and a briefcase with a very powerful spell on it because I'm a jackass I wanted to make some work for their money since they're Jack wagons put me like even when they did find out what I actually was and stuff they didn't give me very high rankings at all they gave me very low even though they did exams on everything clean my strength endurance speed they literally marked me as the lowest freaking thing ever they Mark me as a novice even though I'm clearly one of the Kings or queen in my case like what the actual s*** they did the same thing my husband too and they even didn't work down our species correctly like they put it but they put it like in parentheses and put supposedly like talk about piss me off and sorry but I have a freaking temper so when I seen what they were actually putting on our papers I swapped out everything when they were looking I mean off their information the same but I erased the information of supposedly and what it was and everything like I erased any information that I gave them and replaced it with some bullshit that I just ran and pulled out my ass. So yeah they can kiss my royal ass. I mean they want to disrespect me they don't get my respect plain and simple. Wow I can tell these pregnancy hormones are really kicking and I'm being real Royal ass and I probably do I care no like I always say fuck'em. No I'm not going to be my language I am somebody of such high power that you wouldn't be able to comprehend it and I get treated like the garbage of the waist but everybody in this planet so far so yeah no I have every right to say how I please and say how I feel about it I'm like if you don't want gross I really don't like what I do nobody's forcing anyone to stick around and nobody's forcing anyone to be around me if you're got a problem with how I talk and how I feel about things and there's the door and blunt okay and get used to it that's just how I am I'm blunt and I'm straight to the point and I'm honest if I think you're being a dick I'm going to tell you're being a dick. Point blank and I'm not just going to change the way I think or talk or do things just because it doesn't fit your stereotypical what you would think a roller would actually act like because listen to rural or anything but themselves and they are faking it all the way honey Nobody's Perfect everybody's flawed including royalties and Aristocrats anything of all the above anybody of power I promise you even God's can be flawed I mean the other made to be perfect and yeah they're designed that way but let's say you give one the consciousness of normal person cuz you raise them as a human then they're obviously going to act like a human they're going to have you many wish also means that they're going to have Humanities flaws but what's that really mattered when that happened to me that God more oh I don't no have for more Humanity and even Some Humans." I said before I looked to our guests looking to see how many of them are left more than what I was expecting I mean it wasn't empty but quite a few took off but it's still quite a few bit of shares with still full including my old best friends. Who didn't seem scared but seemed more Curious than anything.

"More like most humans trust me I know one that acts really human in fact it won't even know the difference if you put this one in regular general public you want to be able to tell the difference between the God and the humans themselves. But maybe that's a good thing. Cuz not only will we have way more compassion and empathy than any other they'll also be able to sympathize and communicate with their followers a lot better than the other ones technically be a cheat sheet because they have a way bigger upper hand than the other ones." My brother muttered to himself as I gave him the stink eye. Elbowing him making him wince cuz I got them pretty good right in the rib cage. "Dang it says might be pregnant but you have one hell of a man swing still. Barely trying and you knock the breath right out of me what the heck kind of shit is that." He said regulating his breathing so literally knocked the window right out of him to where he couldn't breathe for second.

"And don't you forget Mr funny bones I might be pregnant but that don't mean I'm not going to give you a good whack if you need it."

"Ya I can tell will you have no Mercy on her older brother that's for her come on I took care of you and you just going to beat me up like that.

" no that's not beating up but if you actually want me to I could actually beat you up. Give me more than just you live in your breath you be on the ground caught yelling uncle within like 2 seconds and you know it cuz we've done this before when you thought it was funny this is I was beating you up when I gave you a good whack yeah don't make me put you into submission again mister. Or would you rather have it one I literally push you in bed rest for like a week cuz I beat you down so bad cuz you wouldn't tap out and call Uncle and kept on terrorizing me remember you stop doing it after that. But I see that you're getting back to the point where you're starting to do it again. So are we going to have another one of those scenarios again or are you just going to stop with the dumb jokes brother." I said it's my brother put his hands up in defeat backing off realizing that I was in a very file mood. Before looking very concerned when I heard another Voice come behind me it was one of my old friends somehow they had walked up behind without my noticing.

"Damn what crawled up your ass girl's name is obviously just joking." Freya that I can turn around and looked at her.

"Yeah prayer I know he's my brother I think I know I'm an older brother is joking around with me. My older twin brothers are my best friend and Fury this twin practically raised me. So he knows me better than the back of his hand. And knows every single detail about me.

"So you shouldn't be so fouled towards his." She interrupted me as he was motioning her to stop and give me space and whatever she's trying to do is a bad idea.

"Just stop look Fraya I know you got good intentions but you're just making it worse. I know you think you're standing up for me but you're not. My sister is a hot head she's a little Spitfire last thing you want to do is argue with her. Especially right now she's just ajatated because she's..." My brother paused pulled back the back of my dress. As I placed my organs and unborn baby back. How they originally were making my baby bump show. Fraya about screamed but to my surprise she was overly excited and over joy when he said. "She's pregnant. She's 5 months. Pregnant purebred females pregnancy hormones are way stronger then let's say a normal humans are. But that why I was joking with her I know. How irritatable and agitated she gets when she's not with her husband they have such a strong bond that they're not physically close to each other it puts emotional stress on her mental state. And can go so far that's causing physical stress especially since she knows her husband it's probably going to be in the modifier if she knows beloved of her life might be in danger it stresses her out. She loves her husband more then even most of our people love their fated partners. Like my sister says they're each other forever people I mean they're bonded by fate of course their bond is more stronger than anything that you could comprehend and those two are also the bestest of friends too they absolutely adore each other like she wouldn't burn the world for him and he burn it for her guesses as a human say he's her ride or die. Their same match made in heaven and literally the perfect couple one does not do anything without the other. They're so emotionally intertwined with each other trust me the more pregnant if you get some more it's going to be an issue which is what I was teasing her to distract her from the fact that she's missing him. And I don't want to stress that she's feeling to affect her unborn child because stress can affect an unborn child and in us non-humans that can affect her unborn child's brain development yeah please don't yell my little sister."

"Your her older brother. WAIT YOUR 5 MONTHS PREGNANT. WAIT YOUR MARRIED. Holly shit BITCH why wasn't I invited to your wedding the hell we're your best friends why didn't you tell us like we are up together I had no clue that you were non-human let alone a purebred girl you never stayed in dutches or nothing do you know how freaking worried it was about you I was thinking I'm going to find her then the ditch especially after I heard that after we stopped talking you got on drugs real bad because your mom got a hold of me wanting to know where the hell you were at wanting to know if I've heard from you and then they told me what the hell your boyfriend was saying to them and I'm sitting over here like no this ain't my best friend like it just did not sound real did not sound like you I mean I know that at the end when we stop talking you were getting a little wild but we didn't think about that wild so is that what your dad meant by you got clean like you're off of it.

"No shit Captain Obvious of course I'm off of that I'm pregnant you seriously think I'd be pregnant and doing drugs like seriously no as soon as my husband got a hold of me after I moved out of his house 6 months ago my husband came and picked me up me and him are old sweethearts he was my first love first everything to be exact yeah his mom and dad don't know about that we met when we got older whoops oh man this douche bag over here the one that you called my ex the one that started all this s*** on he only did that because of the fact that I wasn't with my husband me and him whenever this douche bag would hurt me or do something or abuse me but he's not going running to I ain't going to run into the police I went running to Goliath how do you think I got away from him for however long I put until he finally found me my husband at the time and let me relocate because we were best friends so I would stay with him until I could figure out what I was doing plus my husband's going to help me get clean my husband's had military training he was supposed to be signed up for the military and Marines and s*** but as soon as the Navy Seals found out that he was a non-human they said no especially since they had no clue what a f****** Mystic was they told him if he was an mimic that would be fine he tried to tell them Mystics are way stronger than mimics and way better Fighters they didn't want to hear it oh s*** and the place where he's going is right near that military base that rejected him that's funny as hell cuz I just stay in from my husband's bird's-eye view since our Consciousness are connected I can see what he's saying I see some of the f****** that were laughing at him when they wouldn't let him in because the fact that he was a Mystic well I just seen one of them ate their words cuz I'm pretty sure the sergeant that rejected him just witnessed him with a bunch of mimic's asses oh he's got a sister so that's a good thing you damn my husband's fast you literally was only there for like 2 minutes he went straight for his sister's house oh wait no he cheated he is my brother's teleportation of course he did cheating using a demon's teleportation seriously babe.

Wait you can see that my other best friend Jasmine said as I literally left in my hands projecting an 3D image of what I was saying for his eyes their faces were hysterical let's just say a bunch of our gifts ended up getting up and coming over cuz they were very entertained at watching that cuz he was literally taking him out like flies by himself the other members that he brought with them were just literally sitting on the sidelines laughing their asses off before he got bored and took his sister over to one of the other house the one that he called blood tapped him on the shoulder and then said. Blood literally they're not even worth wiping out at this point I literally just Whiplash one and he died what type of s*** is that I've already taken out over a hundred and they're literally dropping my flies the moment my fist impacts your skin is like one punch and they're dead what type of s*** is that and you call yourself a non human what the s*** I've seen Cryptids with better endurance and that that's a bunch of bullshit. So who wants take a time because I'm telling it was really not worth it and one Tab and they're done these mimics are weak as s*** oh hey look it's the colonel hi colonel so I still think I'm weak I just think I have your f****** men by myself may I add with one hand while holding my sister and her kid so suck on that. Calling up purebred Leviathan week who raised you a bunch of drifters or something cuz apparently you don't know s*** oh oh well look now look now you're amazed because I said Leviathan what you didn't f****** read my chart oh wait I forgot you didn't or else you know I'm Leviathan dumbass oh s*** I might want to watch my mouth my waist probably watching this.

Why was I supposed to know you were a freaking Leviathan I didn't know that I don't hired you and I've been recording her ass immediately you just look at my water Squadron with one arm what type of freaking s*** is that and you didn't while they're on Titan and giant form how the actual f*** did you do that I have seen several beings try to do that and never succeed you didn't one-handed while carrying a baby in a girl I hope you know I videotape that

Well I hope you f****** did maybe then you can show it to the stupid General who said no to me and had every single one of these stupid weakling is laughing at me and mocking me the entire time by the way jokes on you I'm a king So Booyah b**** my wife's queen of all the mystics which means you guys just don't f***** up cuz I have an entire species in my disposal and every single one of them are just as strong as me and they're all Warrior types and they're all. Cuz if you dumbass is your driving in my chart you would also know that I'm also a purebred lone poles and nobody were in my charger you just Mark me as a low breed cuz you didn't know what the f*** a Mystic was jokes on you Mystic means mythological creature as in anything from your mythological folklore meaning dragons werewolves you name it we have it oh and by the way they're all Giants and Titans so joke on you you could have had the most powerful creature protecting the mankind cuz that's exactly what we're built to do since many humans seem to realize that Mystics are the ones that protect humans we have a very productive strong instincts towards humans to be affectionate towards them until towards them and even quite lovable if we sense it even one humans in danger it doesn't matter if we know them or not are instincts kick in and our natural productive instincts kick in and we automatically start to protecting them no matter how many no matter how small no matter what type we're not Prejudice as long as you're human and we can smell your human if they're in trouble we always jump into action so you guys could be technically have had access to literally any individual of my when which by the way even one of my members can wipe out in entire Clan which is one of them and you more unsend no to me chokes on you now you're paying for it because now I'm wiping out all your b****** which by the way they're weak as a toothpick I'm barely touching them and they're dying I only meant to break their legs I ended up accidentally ended up killing them because they bled out whoops which by the way the only reason why I signed up your stupid thing to begin with was because I was trying to learn to manage my strength better because I don't know how strong these damn things are and if you haven't noticed I'm a deity which means I walk at the same plane is God's so yeah you're f***** because I already don't like you people turn my things to you you're going to have a real big f****** problem cuz all my people are shapeshifters and they don't just change enough Titans either they change into giganticismological creatures and they're a lot bigger stronger and way more powerful than you humans even predicted us in your mythology I mean you got some of the facts right but somebody left out like how powerful we actually are we take out words of Cryptids like they're nothing by ourselves I should know my wife had me do it all the time with her you ever mess with a crypted before but you haven't now those are natural f******. Oh no you f****** did not seriously.  Executioner where the hell did you get that and what the hell. You slipped away when I turned my back didn't you I sweared it I'm going to tie Bell that you you were so damn quiet I never freaking hear what the hell you're getting into and you always come back with something like this like what the f*** where the hell did you even get a damn Cryptid in this place there's no woods around where the hell did you get that and let me guess you got bored so you start snooping. Picture damn happy ass I did and good thing I did cuz otherwise I wouldn't have found nasty is the Army's hiding up in this place literally the freaking box I found him in the crate they put him in a f****** crate dude this is a wendigo for crying out f****** loud and they have it in a f****** crate what the like what are they doing shipping another countries I don't even want to f****** know but good thing I got nosy cuz I found quite diffuse little things they're storing in this mimics and I don't like it and I think the queen needs to know about it because as soon as she's not pregnant oh she's going to go absolutely s*** on this f****** army base in fact you know what I'm going to leave it purposely for her because this one's a nasty one I mean like look at how big is this wendigo is thanks f****** huge they hadn't been female a lot cuz it's not freaking week at all in fact I haven't seen when the strong and a hot minute woow buddy good puppy. Hey Queen you seeing this cuz I know you're spying we can tell when you use your little projectable crystal ball thing but seriously do you see this freaking thing." Executor said as he held on to a chain with a really huge Wendy stuck to them end of it and that thing was going ape s*** trying to attack everything trying to get out of his grip but it was not at all attracted to the mystics in fact it was actually trying to get away from them because it could sense their power and it did not like it and as soon as they Sergeant seen this stuff he started automatically video taking the s*** out of it because he realized they wasn't trying to attack him it was scared of them I was trying to get away it was freaking out of panicking executor was just laughing his ass off as many other army base people started walking out when they heard the Ruckus and that's when the general the five-star general literally refused my husband walked out and seeing what was going on and when he seen my husband he didn't see what they were doing and he automatically went to get healed my husband.

Hey Mutt I told you we rejected your application and I told you not to come back here... what the f*** why is he on that thing on a damn train and where did he get that from. What the hell is it doing why is it not trying to attack them you do realize how many of my men had to die trying to get that damn thing.

You're a dumbass mistake you could have something way better cuz he's a little s*** heads are f****** terrified of us jokes on you Mystics are f****** Crypt is worse nightmare we take our whores of these b****** by ourselves and the right Mr skinny Winnie by the way the same is trying to get away from him watch this.

They all moved out the way I asked that when the started going nuts trying to go out to the general the general starts freaking out because they started letting slack on the chain on purpose till it got pretty damn close to that General but he was so absolutely petrified his leg and he couldn't move then that's when a life got in front of him and that thing started not only whining and whimpering like it was I scared dog it started making itself like a small as possible and to the ground when he landed forward more forward the more the smaller that thing made itself feel and it was trembling. It even pissed itself when one of the men started tapping on the general arm trying to get his attention.

General I think we made a huge mistake that thing's terrified of them I mean look at it it's actually Trump is actually traumatized and that took several mimic several casualties on the mimic side to even get that thing in the cargo I think we might have made a mistake cuz I just I'm not going to I just witness and recorded him whipping the s*** out of over a hundred mimics by himself one-handed while carrying a girl and a baby the same man you rejected and he just informed me he's the king of all the mystics his wife is Dairy Queen which means it's his whole entire species Works underneath of him and that male the one named Goliath that you rejected he's a purebred Leviathan. Which means that we're going to have some explaining to do to the higher-ups later because you know they're going to want to see this footage especially the number to find out what happened to our men they're going to want to know exactly how it happened and whatnot and I bet it the whole thing plus there's cameras all over this damn place they're going to see it one way or another. But I got a close one with audio and I'm not going why he called you out a pretty good bit on it. " the sergeant said as he was just dumbfounded the general just couldn't not even speak. And when he did all he did was blur wait he's a leviathan and a purebred holy s*** that I screw up I really should have read that dude's chart I just didn't know what the hell I Mystic was as soon as I read that I was so confused.

"It stands for mythological creature as in anything for folklore including dragons werewolves anything you name it that they're in his claim and some are deities which means that they walk the same Realm as gods. And there are no joke I mean look if they can run laps with the gods that we worship and go to Toe with them I'm pretty sure that means that we should be very much aware of them and that's terrifying I mean could you imagine pissing off one of these guys cheese they can wipe out the entire human race at me without easily he just whipped off over a hundred mimics asses without even lifting his pinky I mean he literally just tapped them with his fist and they literally died by the way he pretty much killed everything like I don't know how I feel about this I think we should maybe try to talking back in the resigning up for us I mean if we can get access to things like that but do you know how much easier or a life would be we would not have to get our hands dirty ever again trying to catch these damn things for the scientists all we have to do is sick one of these things beings at them and they'd be done in holy s*** what the hell is he doing. What the f*** I didn't know they could shape shift what type of s*** is that I thought they were just humanoid I didn't know they could actually change any more freaking Beast oh my God that beast is freaking huge. Oh my gosh and you think our organization is seriously going to win tournament this year after he just wiped out all of her Elites like you just literally just went all them out overly Warriors like what are we going to do like we cannot have a tournament of catching the nasties if we have only humans soldiers we can't do that we had a squadron and mimics for a reason and they were all highly trained and he just killed our best ones yeah he might not have killed all them but he killed our best one the ones that we had in the tournament since you're only allowed to have a select individual that you pick that is your best soldier 2.0 he killed Your best Soldier what are you going to do and f*** I think I just accidentally broadcasted that whoops now the and it has the video that I took General you can penalize me because it's up now on the wall for the tournament which means that all of our opponents just seen that they seen the whole damn thing." The surgeon said pausing realizing what he just did as the general just gave him a big whack on the back of the head. "It wasn't on purpose I didn't do it on purpose but apparently a lot of our opponents think this is freaking hilarious literally Russia just laughed at us. I look so Germany but they're also asking for his contact information oh good God now they're trying to recruit him great now our opponents are trying to recruit them.

Good I'll take them cuz screw your organization not only did they reject me they kidnap my sister like you guys can go f*** yourself I am never working for you even though I offered the first time and you rejected me I'd rather work for one of them show me what you got and I'll decide if I want to go for it or not oh and if you need to contact me just greater Oakland asked for Goliath because I am affiliated with that organization and that's because they're actually nice because they're the only ones that sponsored me because they're the only ones that actually gave me a shot I don't know after they gave me a shot they seen my potential that's not even including the rest of my plan I was just me I didn't even tell them I'm a king yet so wait until they throw one of us in the ring you're all screwed. Our general your face is so satisfying yeah that's right I signed up for your opponent at least they were nice to me and accepted my offer on like yo yeah sure they only accepted me cuz you took all the minutes but they got something way better in return so what do they care."

F*** you so you sign up for Oakland oh s*** no wonder they're getting so cocky oh once I see those are going to be more cocky oh God they just comment on your freaking post didn't they why why are you still filming this Sergeant you are still broadcasting that they can hear literally everything we're saying shut up Oakland their main boss is having a blast laughing his ass off at my mistake yeah we get it Jones your chosen individual just beat the s*** out of my best yeah we get it you technically beat my ass without him being in the tournament you can stop rubbing it in Goliath is there any way that I can talk you into Maybe free signing back up for me please please I'm begging you since you just beat the s*** out of my dudes come on you at least know me that since you beat up my late oh my God you didn't just beat him up you killed him what the f*** okay now you are definitely owe me that you're a reason why I lose and I didn't even nothing to you literally did this unprovoked." The general said frantically.

"No he didn't chance he was definitely provoked because you were holding me called hostage and held custody and wouldn't let me go you were holding me prisoner Goliath is my younger brother he's my brother you are holding me prisoner with his niece of course he's going to be the s*** out of your men." His sister said holding her baby and flipping him the bird as soon as that General seen her and organize your holding her baby his face wasn't quite as scary was broken chains on her arms cuz he realized that that's a female he put in confinement.

"S*** s*** s*** how the f*** was I supposed to know who's your brother. Like he's your actual brother well I own you so then I owe him." Is exactly what the general said and they all just started cracking the f****** like he was joking he was taking a bath by they're cracking up with laughter.

"You did not just say that to our Supreme King did you you got a freaking death wish or something that you're just stupid do you not realize that this big guy is married to the one that older and her species which makes and the king of our entire species like are you just stupid or do you just literally want to die that bad because he is not around by nobody in fact of anything he owns your ass." Yuki said laughing when he realized he even brought a female.

"Wait I didn't notice that brought a girl. He said and within 2 minutes she had him in a damn trip hold and I mean like she was barely had a grip on him and he was well flailing around like a fish out of water because of how strong her hold was on him. All of his people pulled out their guns and she just laugh out.

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