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Because it's funny like that my dear Mother. Fate always dictates what happens. And she's never random nothing's ever coincidence. Fenix mom means Phoenix and Old English. Starting to put the pieces together now and it wasn't prepare coincidence my birth and placing on which family I was be placed in has been dictated since the beginning of time everything is nothing to prepare poisonous yeah they might lay out several different ways of how can go I'm only one is ever picked fate always ways of how it dictates your choices and decisions and it also has its ways on how it manipulates how your life is going to go no God no deity no being ever existed into five fate she already decides everything from the beginning to the end yes we're picking another choice you can change the outcome but the outcome of said choices are absolute which means when she pick the choice you must absolutely take it in love with the consequences where the gift it brings she does give you choices just matters on which place you take good or bad. My soul is actually over a thousand and 49 years old but I was never actually born into a physical body until now that's how it works you're so can be created that's into years beforehand but you never actually land in a body or her birth into one until Fate decides that you're ready and finds the perfect place to place you in other words the perfect family. You are always going to be who they picked they just wait until the perfect descendant I had a child that was what they were looking for for my soul sorry but that's why my most nonhuman are actually dormant. So you wouldn't know that you had Phoenix in you until one day. pop you have a child that is a purebred. And the reason why my brother is were taken at Birth was not an accident anyway it was on purpose it was intentional see if you're going to go to birth of being a powerful as me well I'm going to need someone to keep me balanced because I'm best destruction and healing I'm like in and yelling on both life and death I'm both good and bad depends on how I am serious my upbringing can have a big impact on how I actually come out in the long run so they're very careful about who they Place me with I'm a deity type after all and I'm the highest ranking so they really could not afford me to go into the wrong hands or not have a way to equal out my energy if it happens to become chaotic because my rates can make it become chaotic real quick cuz my feelings can make me release more negative energy than positive which can cause me to have chaotic energy instead of hormonic harmonica's when they are balanced when you're dealing with it being like me that produces both you need that. Since Im such a powerful one and there's only one of me. They could not risk me turning the Bad Apple so they made sure to give me a very powerful Archangel as a brother and one produced negative energy as his twin and also one of my brothers they figured if they give me one of each they wouldn't have to worry about me losing control you got to understand Phoenix is a little more powerful than what you think we can literally destroy an entire planet and I definitely know that I'm not powerful cuz I was trying to be I was trying to be a weapon of literal mass destruction he has not a good idea don't ask a Helsing took me and trained me disciplined me but also Raise Me Up proper sense of such a powerful Warrior type you don't want me going into a rage especially since I'm so dangerous most of my species are Warrior types and yes they are just as dangerous as they sound but they're just as gentle too because we're made to protect the human race so we're made with a very gentle side as well but just as we are extremely gentle and Placid which we are around any human cuz we're wired to be extremely affectionate towards any human that we sense. Our  other side is dressed as extreme. Just as aggressive just a silent just as feisty and ferocious like you do not want to mess with pissed off Mystic I have trained every single one I've worked with to be a warrior type whether it's not there actually labeled as one so even if they were raised to be Healers or teachers yes they do have that knowledge bill but they're also praying to be Warrior types it means that they are a little warrior types like I might be a word type and I'm also trying to be a Healer I'm also trained to be a teacher. And my brothers were my teachers they were my caretakers my protectors they looked out for me and took care of me my species is very critical to a lot of very very powerful beings because there's only one of me and I can do something that no other being can do and the fact that I can have children without dying like most being existed because my blood reads human because I was born from him and parents you figure out why they chose you now you're human and you're just what they were looking for to give me to. Same with my husband they needed to give us the human parents in order to mask the fact that we are two different purebreds that normal when one of us lives which means if we would have kids and our blood red purebred cuz we have pure parents it would kill us as soon as we gave birth they gave us humans that way that we had kids they'd be born purebred. And it wouldn't kill us which they needed so that way they can raise our children properly children need their parents especially our species especially what times we are all the ones before us if there were any before us which there aren't they would have not had any Parental Guidance whatsoever they would have grown up in the world without any mom or dad to teach them anything which is very dangerous because of the wrong person gets a hold of that innocent fragile child and raises them realizing what they are and they have bad intentions that I could end up in a whole new shit show cuz you would end up with a loose cannon that is being controlled by a puppeteer you do not want one of my species being puppeteered by some Rando or his we were raised by the right people who raised us with love and affection which is why we didn't turn evil. We had had good upbrings we had love and caring parents that actually gave a shit that nurtured us and we're very attentive towards our needs. And to be honest neither one of us would could ask for a better parents I know I haven't exactly been the best daughter but that doesn't mean that I don't think the world of you cuz I do I absolutely love you and Dad to death and I'd do anything and everything for you two. I always loved you always will always have another my husband can't say the exact same thing about his parents cuz he absolutely adores and loves mother as you can tell his dad is his best friend and his teacher his dad's voice who he is for forgotten some wisdom and his dad's always his voice or Reason his dad's the reason why he grew the man he did. But he also has his mother's gentle side as well his dad might be why he's as strong as mighty as he is and as honorable. But his mother is the reason why he can not only love with all of his heart. But why he's so affectionate gentle and have such a caring nature. He's a perfect mix of both he's a perfect gentleman very well mannered very respectful very devoted and very loyal and he never lies or cheats or disease others it's just not in his blood. But he's the strongest man I know and he's the toughest man I know and I know some gods and he gives them a run for their money sometimes. He's definitely somebody to be proud of. I'm telling you when they sculpting my husband they made a masterpiece. Sorry my husband is my prize possession other than my unborn child. Is my Pride and Joy No matter how you put it I wouldn't trade him for the world obviously he's my one and only. Just like I'm his one and only.

"Ahh baby girl I just adore you you are just the sweetest and the fact your eachothers first love is seriously the cutest. You were very close childhood friends. See told you Jaramiya you were worried over nothing see their now married and my daughters carring your grandchild. And you wanted him to marry into the Lutheran family. Now look. Their to young my ass they've grew up with each other in diapers we separated them with my daughter was six because you notice that your son was taking too much of an interest in her. I am saying that he wanted to marry her when he was older I'm just yanking your chain but I won that round." My dad teased his dad. As his dad just came over hugged me.

Honey I was wrong that one you guys were not too young but come on most childhood relationships don't last throughout adulthood I'm not really they forget about each other. I just didn't want my phone getting to invested on you ain't going with her broken my daughter said it happened to them I do not want to have in my son as well especially since my phone is my only biological child. My other children will adopted I mean yes I have a couple of my nepheus living with me with us after there parents split no one had custody died and we took custody but they're not hours and the one sister that is biologically related to him that is his mother's is not actually mine it's from her first marriage so he is not my daughter technically I raised her but her biological father is still in her life we do share custody with him But she absolutely adores her little brother. I did help raise her from birth but those two are the only ones that I raised from birth the other ones are all adopted weight raised from four to seven years old and up youngest one we ever got was four and that's the only one that actually calls mom and dad or that considers this family other than his mother's daughter and him the other kids I don't call his mom and dad they did not think of his parents and all of them are older than him so he is the youngest. So all of them moved out when I got the chance. But I would love it if you would let us be a part of the baby's life when it's born. When he was born they told me I wasn't supposed to have kids so he is actually a miracle baby to begin with so the factor that he was even born as a miracle. Doctor told me with what I have likeliness of me ever producing a baby are almost zero which is why we also thought he was dead because any job is gone from it in the world does not look very long life at all. the fact that he's now expecting his own kid is even more from miracle because what I have supposed to be hereditary I'd like to get him checked for that if you don't care even though he's not humanists don't like to get him checked. Not because I'm thinking that I can't hear if it's not that at all don't get that assumption please I already know that if a non-human has a soulmate they can only reproduce with that soulmate and I can see clearly that you were marked which I'm guessing is what you guys call Soul bond. I meaning to check your child because of your child hasn't it's active their childhood might have issues or might not be able to have kids either or you know be like me have a miracle like this big guy you know unless you get lucky and you have a girl my family is mainly males my side wake your mom's has late only two girls in history now if you have that unless you have a funny one that has to worry about it and let me know because you guys don't care with that nothing it should be I didn't mean to think of that before I started sorry I don't have much luck girlfriend the soul bonding part because one of my girls Soul bonded with a mimic not going to agree with it but that's also because I didn't know my son was a purebred but she also let the douchebag turn or just we could cheat on her or technically not cheap but they have a polyamorous relationship that you didn't want to begin with turns out he had like three other wives that she didn't know about she ran away with him when she found out she was pregnant and yeah I know he had three other ones when they got to his house after they got married. Now she's miserable hates it and hates her life and stuck taking care of a kid all by herself because he's too focused on his other wife the other one's treat her like crap cuz they're all mimics but he turned her and she wasn't born one like them she was made it into one and they torment her about it all the time and pretty much abuser I'm trying to get her out of it now I feel like a jackass for judging my daughter for marrying one when my son was one all along and so are you. I personally thought you guys would be dangerous because of how mimics are toward him as they just don't give a shit."He exclaimed apologetically I just hugged him and kissed a cheek reassuring him that I wasn't mad. My husband looked at me. I nodded before whispering in his ear. "Well actually I can do something about it I'm the mystic's entire species of supreme Queen. Which means Goliath is my supreme king. Which means what I say is law even mistics it can't talk against us. Mimics are more human than they are us Mystics are maybe using a very diluted man-made version of already in it with a humans which can also make something very nasty. It's not something natural like us and trust me we're a lot different than those mimic and we're a lot stronger by a lot they can't hold a candle to us even if they wanted to whether they look like a Titan or a giant they are not even anything close to how we are we are beings way stronger than your imagination. If you need me to do anything you tell me my husband will take care of it and then no matter what you always be a part of our baby's life PERIOD." He smiled. "Thanks baby girl." He said kissing my head.

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