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"See told you she wouldn't be mad." Fury smiled. As Ezekiel showed his horns. Cuz I pulled away and got a good look at him he did look exactly like Fury except slightly different. I mean if his hair wasn't black and his eyes weren't red like a demons if he made himself looking the only way that you'll be able to show the difference is the hair color his hair was black Furys hair was blonde almost white. I put my head to his. You should know by now I love my brother's no matter what they are. And if you haven't noticed me a little sister yet I'm a perfect mixture of Harmony and chaos I am not innocent and you know that I am the most violent and aggressive creature on earth and I'm also the most gentle and affectionate. I'm a perfect mixture of both." I kissed his cheek he smiled hugging me as dream showed me how to make their body is shrink to more of a human size.

"Oh shit I didn't know I could do that that's really useful thank you. See now that's why you're my best friend. Thanks for having so much faith in me. Your so loyal and an amazing friend. Of course I've never push you away why would I have any reason to do that and my husband's a lot more understanding then what you think I need one for someone that's willing to put their life on the line for me or our child will always be a brother to my husband and will have his insane loyalty respect and devotion for doing so. Not many people know who do that or would be going to so of course my husband is not my problem with me being close to somebody like that in fact he prefers it.

" my wife only speaks truth brother and yes I'm okay with all your brother you're good to my wife so that's all that matters to me look as long as you're good to her to respect her relationship and that we are together I'm cool with no matter what feeling you have for her is when you do expect that we are together that we are married And a fated pair and not trying take a closer just to get down her pants. I really have no problem with her being close to one of her exes even knowing how you feel about her actually makes me feel more comfortable because I know you'll never betray her. I know that no matter what and how hard things get you will be the last person ever betrayed, harm her, or stab her in the back. And obviously if you haven't noticed she's carrying my kid which means that I need as many men like you that I know I can trust her with to watch over her for me when I can be there or be her bodyguard for me rather then let just anybody do it. So I'm trusting you with the most precious thing in the world to me and the most important thing in the world to me my wife in child never make me regret trusting you do that extend and you have my complete Trust and respect." He said, even going as to so far as to hugging him Dream was not expecting that.

"Thank you brother as I said her happiness is everything to me I would never destroy that and you are correct I would be the last person to ever betray her why do you think I asked to stay by herself I literally left my entire dimension in world just like purposely be beside her. Granite I'm a God which means I can be at multiple places at once my main priority is her happiness and safety sure I can watch over for her from us or but I'd rather be beside her and make sure it's done correctly and be a part of her life rather than be there and not be able to have contact with her I'm one of the oldest and strongest endless I do not mess around I'm even stronger than life and death. I'm dreams I'm what gives hope or despair what makes them want and do things impossible for them to normally do and make them push past their normal grounding what makes them be able to use an impossible. And if either of you mean any help with anything you do not hesitate to ask me I will do everything and anything in my power to help you why do you think you're so much stronger than before both of you I gave you some of my power so that both of you would have the power both of you would have the power of an Annunaki and since I'm technically both dark and light on that side I can help you with either side. My siblings get together like I'm praying they're not they having a power where they could probably take down Olympus as a whole and that's a problem my goal is to stop them from doing so locally my siblings hate each other and do not talk that often death would be one that would be easy for you to turn into the good side because that was actually not that bad he's like Hades he's super sweet but like Lucy is so mischievous so you do have to watch around that one but I know that she could get to his sweet side I guarantee you she could turn him over most of us are all males exempt one the one that is creating the problem on this planet this taking out Mystics that due to one of my sisters works I recognized it I only have two sisters one light one dark and the dark ones that I'm worried is the one messing with you and that is Lilith she's actually an unless and she's the one that creates monsters and demonic entities anything that you normally kill is one of hers. Which is what alerted me that she might be aware of you because of you destroying the denomics in my dream world. But until I know her exact goals I am not going to trust her with you I know that she's not necessarily a bad one but she's one of the more powerful one I really don't want to mess with if her intentions are bad but see I cannot tell whether or not her Dentures are bad or if she's just curious I cannot tell she's normally I closed book which means another question please I've had contact with her in thousands of years so none of us know what's going for her head. So needless to say I have a really decent reason to be worried." He said we wanted and then hey mouth to us that he was about ready to restart time and that we needed. To act as normal as possible once he unfreezes time. So we went back to our positions and he restarted time as the note disappeared and faded out of my hand with all the information on it. But the contents of the note were embedded in my memory. Then time started back up. I observed with my God's eye which I figured I don't know how to do by accident when I start really focusing on Dad and what was going on out there and as is seeing it from a bird's eye view. As I seen my father walk over to my mother hugging her and apologize until I guess and saying that was a huge misunderstanding which made my mother of course pull away from him is scolding him telling him he was lying. "Babe I'm not lying Phoenix is completely fine she's untouched. She's alive and well and actually he's in the best health I've ever seen her in a long time I promise in fact you want to know something she is clean. Doctor said he's never seen her blood back clean in his life the same doctor that blood tested her every time that she went into rehab he said he's never seen her well to clean in fact he said if he didn't no better he thinks that was a different person's blood affect he said all of her vitals and her condition was beyond anything he ever thought it could be. He gave me the best diagnosis ever. In fact she's so much better that yes I brought her home did you know our baby girls in college again and is for more than one position or degree in fact she's gone for the highest positions that she could find for that specific job. Which we all thought was impossible since she was a Dropout and was a failing student to begin with and I had her tested she's got the highest IQ they've ever seen I've had somebody call me while I was in the hospital with her while she was napping and they told me how high her grades and IQ was we're going to be getting calls from schools across the country and even when you wanted to go to that you feel I'm going to Darling the college that rejected you asked for her by name while we were on the way home I listen to the voicemail remember the one where the people of the highest position and status go to college at one where are they only people of blue blood were really rich billionaires go or people with the highest position in the country or even the world go yeah she got asked for my name by them even that's the one in your super obsessed with all throughout your childhood which is why you became a governor begin with cuz you're working your way up there to get in. Well your daughter got asked for by name. Then that is what I meant by I brought her home." He said and my mother made it went from hysterical to like a Placid and calm.

"Ah seriously which one was that." I yelled and my mother's eyes darted as she heard my voice in my direction.

"Deacon by the way were you planning on going to that one or Endover. They're both the same the most powerful people in the world send their children there or go there to attain their position. Because some of them is entire families run this positions. So all their children end up going there to obtain that position when they go to college." He asked, glancing in my direction.

"Damn that's my girl. That's my baby nice job." My husband said giving me a high five. "Way to go sis nice job." My brothers cheered my dad laughed hearing them say that.

"Who's with her." Mom asked.

"Oh you'll see but fair warning you're probably going to get emotional. But first before I forget hey I'm going to need back what she gave you that I told her not to give you. The ring now cough it up." My dad said very sternly after comforting my mother making my ex walk his lazy but up to him and he was dragging his feet wanting to not give it to him because of how slow he was at pulling and I was pocket and my dad snatched it out of his hand so quick you didn't even have time to react before shoeing him away. "You told my wife that you were still with my daughter but you didn't tell her that you guys broke up 7 months ago. And she hasn't lived with you and over 6 months. Which is how long it took you to find her because from the record from the hospital my daughter didn't jump she was pushed because my daughter remembers everything she does not have amnesia even though she was died and if you recall when she was pushed she actually looked behind her there's nothing only she knows her murderer almost was. Granite I don't know who it is yet because she has yet to tell me. She told me to wait until we got here to tell me who because she doesn't just want me to know she wants everybody to know so honey who was it." He asked and my ex was sweating bricks. Hey look what he was totally ready to have a mental breakdown as my dad lifted out his hand with the ring in my direction as I walked out and he looked like he had seen a ghost when he got to go look at what I look like he looked absolutely shocked like he didn't even recognize me. As I walked up and took it out of his hand the rest of the crowd just gasped when I got to go look at what I look like. "Thanks Daddy." I said as I took it and kissed the cheek. I gave him a hug before he almost dropped the ground when he noticed my baby bum before he touched my stomach for a minute.

"Wait a minute how did I not notice that before. Baby girl are you???..." He stopped when I placed his hand over where they were kicking and he actually felt it. Which he made a face that was actually hysterical. I couldn't help but laugh when my mom noticed and her facial expression made me laugh even more.

"Your pregnant when how who why'd you get the ring off of him if you're pregnant."

"I 5 months and it's not nice we haven't been together for 7 months and even better we haven't seen each other and have her six months how could it be his. I never comes back when I was out manipulating controller and intoxicated mom he's a total narcissist. He's abusive and a total jackass. I've been Mary an asshole like him. It's my partners baby. Dad's already met him and he loves him. Hes the one that saved me and pulled me out of my hole. Mom I'm already married. Mom meet Goliath my husband." I said as Goliath walked behind me making my ex back away real quick when you see how big he was especially around his arms around me and gave me a kiss when I looked up at him. I laughed. As he looked up at me as he let me win against him he wrapped his arms around me from behind on my stomach looking down at me because of how he towered over me like a sky scraper.

"Told you. You should have just walked out with me. Hi I am Goliath. I'm her husband." When he reached out to shake her hand.

"Jeremy." Mom muttered as he looked at her and she recognized his face somehow.

"JEREMY!!" His parents yelled, when she somehow recognized him just from his side profile. His parents were very high politics and I mean really high up on position in the government they were really big names.

"Oh hi mom. Hi dad." He looked over at them and their faces went blank. When he gave them a gentle smile and a wave. They practically jumped up and ran over other guests just to get to him. And they would have knocked me to the ground when I practically tackled him if he wouldn't have moved me out the way by picking meet up clean off the ground and lifting me high enough in the air. And they hit him like a ton of bricks but surprisingly he did not budge a bit.

"I missed you too very much but be be careful I have a pregnant wife you just almost knocked her to the ground. Because of how close she's standing to me. She's carrying my kid. You I'm about to be careful you must be gentle."

"Wait that's your baby. She's carrying YOUR baby. Honey why the hell didn't you tell us we were going to be grandparents. And also where the hell have you been. Do you know what you put up thro...

"I'm sorry I should have kept in contact. I should have been a hold of you and I shouldn't told you. What was going on but I had good reason promise then just leave because I was being rebellious or anything it was nothing like that. It was actually cuz I hit puberty. I didn't want to be be a burden on you and Dad okay but I needed help because I didn't want to end up hurting you or dad but I cannot risk it. So I had to get expensive training on how to control it and how to use it properly I didn't want to end up hurting neither one of you I would never be able to live with myself or forget myself if that would have happened. So I told myself I'd rather you be mad at me than want you into her because I don't know how to control it. Trust me what's going on with me if one little Spike of a tantrum or a hurt feeling could have caused me to I won't cause complete chaos and I don't think I want that type of Destruction brought upon my parents. Your my parents I obviously love you more than life itself you know I'm never doing anything to hurt you.

"Baby what are you talking about. Of course we know that you've never heard of your sweet little boy. No matter how big you get.

"your mom's right no matter what's wrong with you we would have helped you through it we wouldn't have cared you didn't have to leave and take off like then disappear with no trees we thought you were dead we'd rather know that alive and think they were dead you know heartbreaking where we had a funeral and everything.

"I know my wife told me we're Soul bonded so we can see each other's memories and consciousness. But I don't think she quite understand I'm a Titan I'm not human. My is one of the most destructive and chaotic Mystics. So yeah I couldn't exactly come home there are two types of purebreds the ones that can shift and the ones that can't see the type that I and the types I can shapeshift Mystic is short for mythological creature. You know from folklore such as werewolf, vampire that sort of thing. Except I'm not one of those ranking types I'm a purebred Leviathan which like my wife is a very rare type of Mystic only one of us exist at a time. My wife and me are both very very purebreds. He's actually the one that taught everything I know and trained me how to control it and use it properly. Remember when I was younger you always called me an angsty teen that was an angsty you guys always tried to get me to come out of my shells since I was not like the other kids and I was always an outcast but remember I acted out as you and dad put it. When in reality my aggression and my violence. Like punching stuff when I was frustrated we're screaming when I was annoyed. He's actually because I'm a am being weird type which is the highest position of a warrior type each Mystic has their own type. Like healer, teacher, Warrior, and so on and so forth and each one has their own type has a ring such as. Springer which is our fader that's more on the agility side or novice which is obviously the lower ranking
the reason. Champion is the highest position you can be given so is Elite I'm both so yes I'm incredibly aggressive and violent if I'm not trying to properly on how to release my rage because Champions especially Elites which are the strongest have a special ability where they store a very destructive power which pretty much puts us on freaking steroids times like 20 it's called a rage it's a hormone release when we hurting like her running around and straight up testosterone it makes us very aggressive very violent and extremely strong fast and Unstoppable and I mean you ain't stopping unless you kill them. Our body only release it as a last minute Resort as in like if we know we're going to live and it's life and death situation are Natural Instincts kick in their rage is released.why my puberty was so delayed and while I was so much more than the other kids and you guys wasting out with Mom nursed or something well it turns out no that's not all what was wrong because no matter how much you fed me or took care of me the reason why I stayed small was because my body was storing any access energy and access fuel for when I hit my growth spurt Which obviously hit me like a damn freak train. Sound familiar when I was younger and still human you and Dad had to stop me from beating the s*** out of a kid when I was 6 years old because I got angry at him well that wasn't an anger that was I accidentally released my Rage and didn't know it which is why I'm thankful as s*** that I was just 6 years old and I'm glad that I was still dormant at the time because it when a purebred is dormant they are practically human they're just as weak and just as fragile thank God because if I had the power that I do now and I'll never forget myself for what I would have done why do you think I got scared when I realized I wasn't human and I left. But just to clarify I did keep an eye on you and I did watch over you even though I wasn't technically physically there I just watched her from before especially after I was stable enough to trust myself to even be that close to you and I wasn't completely and control yet so I didn't want to let you know yet but I plan on telling you once I absolutely sure that it was safe for me to be around you. I was too nervous that one slip up and I would end up hurt one of you so I was pretty nervous I didn't want to hurt anybody I mean I hurt somebody I mean you seen what damage I did to that kid when I was still dormant and I was only six and I did a lot of damage to a 17 year old boy. When I attacked him on playground for something he said to my older sister and I didn't like it and you seen what I did to him cuz you imagine. What I could do if I would have stuck around when I started blossoming I started hitting puberty I took off when I was 14 when something you need your snapped and I just didn't feel right something was very wrong and I knew it well to be clear females blossom later than males my wife blossomed at 19 and females who Blossom also take longer to fully develop sometimes it can take years males it's instantaneous unless they're around himself like me cuz it took me from 14 to 16 cuz I was by myself it took me all the way up until I was the age I am now which is 23 to be able to figure out how to control it because my wife's the one that introduced me to the rest of my people who then I finally helped me control it before that I couldn't do even the basics mommy going to understand I'm practically deity which are in the same Realm as gods in fact I was created by a god why there's only one of me and I'm the only one of my species that will ever exist unless I have offspring that's why there was never a leviathan before same with my wife she's the first of her species and she was also created by a god but just different one.

Oh my God honey you don't have to explain it I already knew as soon as you said Leviathan honey you got to remember I'm born and raised Protestant. Your dads born and raised Catholic which is why you were raised Catholic and why I transition to one. So you know damn well the both of her very familiar with Bible. We're very familiar with a leviathan is. And is terrifying this up my sound you're my son you still don't scare me. Because if you're the Leviathan everyone's afraid of then I'm not scared because I know my son would never lie to me about something like that. His mother said as he just smiled at her kissing her head before turning into her Titan making her look up at him and a lot cuz he just picked her up like she was nothing more than a feather she just hugged him and kissed yesterday cuz my ex fell on his butt while he was walking backwards when he seen him turn into a Titan cuz he couldn't take his eyes off him and I just smiled and started kissing his chicken starting nuzzling him as I showed his mother my human form which look more humanoid as it should traits of my non-hemic characteristics. And while everybody else that the audience was so stunned they couldn't even react my mother lost her balance when she seen you look down at her and she seen what my real face actually look like. As his mom had him bring his hand that he was holding her and over to me and she just lunched at me giving me a big old hug but being gentle and careful not to hurt me when she noticed I had huge wings and that my wings were flaming then she pulled away look at my for a minute.

My oh my I think I know exactly what you are my little Firebird nice try to have those wings from me you are just so beautiful. Relax darling your her daughter isn't a dangerous species at all in fact they're quite beautiful they're a healing type they can heal anything and cure anything. In fact what's the tattoo that you got that your kids don't know about when we were young and that your dad still called you for remember when we grow together you were obsessed with them.

"No no way no freaking way is little princess a phoenix.

Purebred mama but I may also have Archangel in me but if you look at my DNA results and everything I classify as a purebred phoenix. I have a Titan form which is my Phoenix form my humanoid form is also Phoenix but I also have a giant form which gives me the wings ability and power of an archangel don't ask my older brother Fury put some of his power into me to calm down my rage because I'm over your type and I am very very freaking destructive I can literally destroy an incinerate entire countries I wanted to as well as make it flourish and my anger issues were a little out of control as in if I got mad and pissed off I can literally obliterate an entire species of the face of the Earth without even blinking so yeah my brother put Archangel and me because there was too much genomic witches what they call destructive energy in me which was creating chaotic energy in me which caused me to create a lot of destructive power but my Fire doesn't just heal and it doesn't just destroy I can also heal with my fire. Don't ask my older brothers a purebred in Archangel and a very powerful one at that he's on the same level as Michael." I said as my mom you're getting. A little emotional once you heard me say Fury's name.

"You have Fury with you no no no is that what your dad met I was going to get emotional." Mom said as she started tearing up.

"Yeah Mom that's exactly what I meant and I don't just got him I got Ezekiel too dad your damn woman that I had him with me too if I got one I definitely got the other twin." I said sarcastically. Smiling at them.

"I figured I was just waiting for you to say it don't worry she'll bring them out and trust me they are handsome they're identical right well since we don't know since they technically died at Birth." My dad said as I whistled my brother's both walked out still in their human form cuz when I did that to them earlier making them the size of a human I made some have the ability to be able to switch back and forth on their own by Will I gave them that ability since I'm a Goddess. They both had their non-human characteristics in just so they want to freak out our parents.
They whistled at them making them turn around with my mom just gasp putting her hand over her mouth they were literally still as big as my husband even though they were in their human forms their human forms were still as tall as my husband my dad's face lit up like he had hit the lottery when my mom just bolted it over to them and practically tackle them she ran right to my husband's legs in his Titan form making him almost stumble because and call him off guard and he didn't want to accidentally step on her. So after she ran through he just turned back into his human form since she practically gave him a heart attack. Because he had his hand on his chest  when he put me down. 

"Mommy can't do stuff like that you're about gave me a heart attack what if I had to drop one of them or worse stepped on you running underneath the Titans legs is like a mouse running between an elephant's legs it makes them break out you got to understand Titans are very gentle creatures so of course we're going to be freaking hell out of a human run through their feet I mean we're built to protect you not hurt you of course it's going to freak us out if you do that cuz we're going to be freaking out thinking we're going to step on you.

Sorry honey I just got so excited to see my boys their so handsome. I'm lost for words my precious boys is it really my twins

I don't know Mom you tell us we seriously look like a spitting image of your father and your grandfather if you compare their under pictures only an idiot wouldn't be able to tell that we're your sons and I mean you'd have to be pretty dumb to not notice a resemblance it's uncanny I have your dad's hair color and traits like eye color and ezekiel's got your grandpa's but if you look at our facial features we look like them I mean they were pretty identical except different hair and eye color either way you can definitely we're definitely your sons. Even though the rest of our brothers took after our dad. Just noticed something sis looks like Grandma why the heck are we the only children that are not human but we're also the only ones that look like our grandparents that's so weird.

"I know it's normally supposed to be the other way around I'm like kids are supposed to look like their grandparents not their parents and not your sister looks like a spending image of my grandma not my mother's mother my father's mother the only woman born in her family bloodline. Which is why I'm so obsessed with pheon.. holy shit didn't my ancestors know. I'm mean throughout our family history we always passed down a book and our family symbol was always a phoenix. My grandma made sure that I knew the history of the Phoenix as well so did her mother before her anybody that had children with a Fenix. Which is our original family bloodline they pass it down to their daughters or Sons but for some lotteries in a really imprinted it on the daughters or the wives to teach their daughters if they had any and then would lay it out for their son's wives so in case if they had a daughter even if they want the blood relation just married to him if you were female it was always in Bedding in your mind now why. Is that such a coincidence since my daughter's one." Mom said putting some of the pieces together. As I smiled at her for a minute before saying.

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