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"Remember be careful you're holding our future in you. And be careful nobody gets a hold of that baby. Goliath must protect you at all costs until the baby is born."

"Like you even have to ask I'm their father of course. Their mine and my beloved wife child created by the love we shared for one another. Not to mention they'll have the protection of her whole entire Clan and we do have a pretty good amount of members. we have a number for king/ head of an original Blue Line the first original made for each species for each race for each breed. So we have a pretty large population for just starting out normally we just have basic things for them for the originals the species that are species started with see the kings were added on. As each one was made throughout history. We have the safest parents for them not only to be born to raised by in the safest place for them to be born into my clan. " He whispered rubbing my stomach, kissing me telling me how much he loved me. That's when yuki tapped my shoulder and pointed. At dad who was calling out. "Oh pumpkin , sweetie,  baby girl, darling, Pheboe, PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX7!" He said, yeling out her actual name at the end. My grandfather walked over peaking in seeing us.

"Holy cow your quite a big fella are you. Your freaking huge. Not in a bad way though very handsome and look at those muscles holy Toledo. I've got to get your name later.

"Phoenix is granda eyeing up your man. Grandpa." Dad ask.

"Ya dad he totally behind it straight are my husband totally ignored me and went to Goliath.

"Go figure I figured as much. He's obsessed with Finding Carter a playmate this is like that he's such a big male and since you haven't seen her since it was a little he's 7'9 right now so yeah like he has like no friends to work out with and I figured that it's time to do that cuz he's been harassing everybody but you know most of the ones his size are actually a lot older males and they don't want they sit there and be front of the kid cuz he's only 17 oh and Carter's right up your alley he's a MC W. Yeah dad that's Phoenix's husband that's Goliath." My dad said, and not only in the room erupt with quite a few of the guest whispering to each other and quiet a few. "She's married." "Holly shit she has a husband already. That was fast.""I WANT TO SEE HER HUSBAND " "The Drama so jiocey." " you're telling me a fake death and the reveal of her and her new husband the ex. Now that's awkward. But can't look away. Must get a good." I sighed, as my grandfather looked down at me seeing me is eyes widened. When I waved awkwardly. "Pheb.. Pheonix..."

"Hi grandpa." 
"Holy shit. You look like an entirely different person. Did you die your hair... WAIT ARE YOU PREGNANT. They didn't tell me you were pregnant." He blurted.

"She's what." My mom blurted running over. Gasping covering her mouth.

"Oh my God my baby looks gorgeous. And you are so pregnant how far along are yes .

"Five months relax the father her husband."

"H..." Mom said, as I co

"Relax mom Furys harmless he's my older brother. I'll explain later okay." Then Fury snapped his fingers making time jump to when my dad first walked out to my mom since something more like someone one of the Gods of mistif was messing with my reality. When I noticed I was still 5 months pregnant but barely showing but I could definitely tell because not only could I feel our baby moving in me I was originally so petite it wasn't that hard to notice my baby bump considering I'm practically built like a mixture of a ballerina and a Olympic athlete. Muscle, sender, tall, and well I had more chest and butt the you'd see on a ballerina and my athletic build of my original form was built for combat, speed, agility, flexibility, and endurance. I had a very elegant and fragile waist so my hour glass was very defined. But I had to show my belly or someone would have to be looking for it. Or i was wearing skin tight clothes. To notice it since I'm so petite so even then you really have really look. I was so zoned out I didn't notice the note in my hand. I lifted it and read.  "For the mistake we made disturbing your life we thought we'd make it up to you by giving you both the precious life we robbed you and your loving husband of. Since you'd already brought their soul into existence we just need you to form them a physical body within your own. Since you are the only one who can do so since they are your child hope this makes up for our mistake our precious pheonix please don't be mad anymore even though you have all right to we also gave you. Your powers of a god/goddess abilities and power since you are technically one of us. We decided to give use the title we gift Only the strongest Gods because you deserve the strongest right you out with it all of us and you went further than any of us ever thought you could you deserve that especially since you deserve your life so much and also so much of it refrigerated beautifully the only the best especially gave us the best potential is only ever thought you could and your husband is already a very powerful deity that we gave you to make up for our mistake as well you had already made him a soul we just gave him the physical body which we gave him from one of the body were born into First Love and oldest friend in the book is original name is Jeremy. Jeremy Wilson Heartlock which is why he went missing when you're were kid. We have planned it like this since the beginning because he was your original format and the one that is your true fated. No matter where you go his soul and body were made for you so we had to alter him a lot to make him be able to carry the soul of all Leviathan but we wanted a body that your body was familiar with and your mind was recognize and have a strong connection with so we used the one that she had the strongest feelings for. Which happened to have been her oldest friend. So we needed to do a lot of tinkering to even just this body just to get it to handle his soul and Power so needless to say we can just Place him in the body. Since you technically didn't make him and his body but your body was human when it made his face and he is your faded you did make him but since you were not physically born yet he did not come out a leviation and since you are not born into your physical body maybe he was born human not with soul he was supposed to have. Since the great creator that you collaborate with to make him the God you had making for you since you have such a strong platonic relationship to him he had to alter this body for him to actually go into since you had it with your soul which was not the original intention he was actually supposed to be born into his physical body like you but since somehow there was a mix-up between the two since somebody somewhere didn't connect the two that your body's and souls weren't actually in the right places. We had to intervene with saving water to fix her had to intervene with fate in order to fix our mess up because I just let everything back on track is the way it was supposed to be entitled. So your husband actually does have a first family and in her parents like you he is deity too so he is the closest you're going to get to your power. We made you too from to our strongest and oldest gods and made it to were only the ones that created you could destroy you not even another God can do so no matter how powerful or how high-ranking they are we made you do the highest rank that you can give a deity or I got in your case on purpose and nothing could hurt you or him since it's our fault you're in this mess to begin with. And the almost like visions that you were saying earlier that was me I was trying to help you learn how to use your foresight correctly so you can see the future and altered if you don't like how the outcome is or rewind time if you don't like what's happening at the moment. We gave you the highest rank that a God can have which means you can also alter time and space which is a very very powerful gift to be given but we want to teach you correctly how to use it which is why your brother was born in archangel because this body did have an older brother as old as her brother and he was even supposed to be given the same name which means your brother is actually your brother to your parents so he was born dead but he actually was not see you actually have two siblings that were born before you fairy has a twin and you know that ever Angel has a demon we gave you an archangel so of course we gave you also a demon because even each other out in the Deep balance and because of you being a God that specific God which made Goliath thought it would be proper to give you both you just never met the other one yet well you have you just don't realize it. Fury and Ezekiel look the same they're twins they're identical points you would never notice a difference. Unless you saying that he had the same type of wings but they're black he has three sets of wings as well but they're black and it's because this guy thought it'd be proper not to give you a demon from hell but he give you a fallen angel cuz they're stronger angels are much more stronger and much more fears than any demon so he thought it would be proper. To give you one of the rulers of hell that is a fallen angel a very powerful one you might know him by another name you know exactly I'm talking about it's not Lucifer but he's pretty damn close because you made Fury a mirror image of Michael let's just say. Ezekiel's mirror image of Lucifer. So don't freak if you know that there are two of them which is the one that helped me show you how to use your foresight if you remember the image of where your brother snapped his fingers. In that Vision that wasn't him that was Ezekiel. They both love you very much you're the most important thing cuz I'm on my both were more than a year to do whatever they could help us but we knew that if you seen that he was a demon you might freak since you fight Dynamics normally we thought it would be a proper to introduce you in a better way angels and demons work in order to create Perfect Harmony plus their genomic and Angelic energy are meant to equalize the vibrations and energy around you will create an imperfect Harmony for you to live in we needed to do that since you are a God we did not want to fall into the wrong passage you are so young or at least is what we thought but it turns out you did that on your own cuz you went 1,000 years without even getting a hold of Fury. And if you ever felt like somebody was watching you that's because Ezekiel was we were worried because of you leaving. Behind that something might cause you to go onto the wrong path but a god going on to the wrong path is not good it can create a whoop something way more evil than an evil spirit you ever Matt which is what happens to any God that does because it has happened and when it does well the other gods and us have to keep them from destroying everything that we created and the entire universe is every Dimension everything because of these things take over those exactly what's going to happen there's something way more powerful something way more stronger than any being can handle or most days but your Mystics are perfect at the strongest things and they are the things that create any bad evil natural disaster anything they are way worse than any genomic that you ever met because they're what crazy some and trust me they're only a few but those who are enough to cause a big ripple effect so we do have them locked away where nothing can ever get to them or find them I only have them spread across the Galaxy but lately they've been well let's just say flaring up which is why we made you you're the only being other than your husband that can literally kill these things which is why we made your husband see your other Banks can cause damage to them because of how strong they are could they even hurt them probably not which is where you come in mama you're the most powerful being ever created and her purpose is way higher than anything you could ever think of why do you think of your dreams we had you finding low ranking denomics and then slowly started exposing you to stronger and stronger once trying to see you how good you were against them and you reached wafer than we ever thought you could and with how quick and how strong you are at learning different things I'm learning how to evolve so rapidly we're thinking within no time you'll be able to take on one of those bad boys they're way worse than the four horsemen or anything they're pretty much the same thing except they've seen aspect but these guys destroying worlds and Destroy galaxies they destroy everything in their path or they plunge it into internal Darkness their whole entire goal in life is to do what denomics do but on the level of God so we locked them away and instead they ended up taking over the entire world which we put them on so that is why we brought you into the picture and created you in the first place but the reason why we put you in the dream was so you'd be more experienced and not be a dang newborn trying to take on a guy we wanted you to be a lot more wiser and able to mentally handle this sort of thing because these things are not easy to deal with trust me it takes some of our strongest the ones that created you and More in order to even just put a dent on them and keep them from taking over the entire world and everything else but the worlds are worshiped on are starting to grow because their power is starting to grow again from when we beat them into submission now they're just buying each other time and working their way up to gain enough strength and power in order to take over everything and pretty much earase every single other deity in God. Your brother Ezekiel is your best often to find them since we've now gotten word that they're not even on the planets that we put them on apparently they grew so much in power that their own people who worship them let them out no we have no clue where they're at we think that one's on this planet that's why when we found out they were on the same planet of the body that we were going to put you in we watched it when we found out that your exist on the dream Dimension we could not risk them getting their hands on you so be very cautious on who knows that you are the mother of all and him who knows you're a God you can want to know that you're a phoenix but that is all do not let them know that expression while you were pregnant because this child is going to be way more powerful than you or your husband and that is why we are being very cautious and watching the freeway as closely as possible we have planets all throughout the entire dimensions and the galaxies and universes that we handle all at once so we are stretched very thin right now so we can keep our followers straight and make sure I'm not fall into their hands but we are very concerned so we are letting you in on a little secret so you no longer stay angry at us since we love you so much we cannot have our biggest defense even though you're still an important your power is rapidly growing so fast so is your strength because of how much we gave you since we did not want you being as weak as a human when you first came in to this we did not want you being weak or defenseless against these things if one is on that planet because we're thinking the ones aware of your existence were is aware that something is going on since we can't they're being very sneaky we're not sure of how strong it got either so we don't want one jumping you and killing you which is why we put so much power into your husband and your brothers since we supercharged her brothers so they stand a chance against anything if it comes to that so we had had every single Archangel and Fallen Angel like the four horsemen and Lucifer in any of his followers that happen to be down there we had them all and give your brothers a percentage of their power so they wouldn't be weak for our defenseless against one of them if they would happen to come near you since your brothers are actually your bodyguards, teachers, give you guidance, and your caretakers you are their whole reason for existing in the first place. So you were literally the whole world and more without even knowing it why do you think your brother always put you first before putting anything else first including his own love life because you were literally has whole everything but we made them so you wouldn't be alone until you'd have some guidance whatever life and wouldn't be misled or anything else I mean we were just so worried about you going down the wrong path in and it was one of the things that we made you to be able to control and overpower and keep in check. We don't want him to be killed necessarily because killing and God or one that used to be a god they still have that power of one and the rank that they had before they well became whenever it is that they are now. Because we found some accident from one that you actually accidentally went into and your dream because one of them did meet you by Pier coincidence and was actually one of your suitors remember Bane the first meal that you took on you have turns out he was one of them and you turned I'm not only good you made him into a God again Bain was actually one of the Unenaki. You had such a strong impression on the boogyman/nightmare the one that rules of nightmares and  biggest fears essentially fell in love with you and turned back into the Sandman the God we put in charge of our dreams and he turned good again and another Sandman and then turned into the boogeyman whenever he became evil once a god becomes evil we no longer call them a guide but that doesn't mean that they're not on the table of her or not just as powerful cuz they are but they're the only thing I can kill a god that's why we tend to try to get rid of them when they show up or at least let them know where they can't do no harm to any of us. But you had a new ability to change them back we did not anticipate nor did we expect you to be able to have that strong of an impact on them without even trying the only raisin Sandman let you go because he actually did really love you but he thought you were just one of his very many dreamers whose dreams he goes through he didn't realize you were an actual being living in his dimension. But once wasting what you turned himinto. He was able to come back to Olympus with the other guys and he found out on little secret and he's the one that pulled you out of the dream demention. But he's going so attached to you that you decided to call you out so want to go people is actually Dream. You might not recognize him from when you turned him because he overloaded back to his original form when he was good he was determined to stay by your side regardless of the situation because he was actually doing it won't worry about you meeting up with one of his siblings especially when he found out that one of them was actually on this planet he didn't want you running into them alone he wanted you having somebody on their levels that would be able to take them on if they try to harm you. Dreams are very powerful one and I mean very powerful he rules over all her dreams and Nightmares alike he rolls over everything in your imagination and he was more than one too that was a good offer his life to protect yours if need be because you have the ability to purify theirs he didn't want none of them finding out and then sending all of them your way with you being as newborn As You Are especially when he found out that you were with child he's definitely not going anybody harm you not even one of his own civilians all the entities that we are talking about are all sibling they're all part of the family group humans call grim reapers they're sole purpose is collect as many Souls as they can and turn as many of them as they can into evil spirits which then they gather and feed off of they gain their nourishment from the misery and destruction of others which is why the planets and dimensions they rule over are so chaotic and well evil they corrupt everything they touch. There's all purpose is to create chaotic energy and cause of much destruction as possible but they keep their world alive as much as they need them but they make sure that they throw everything off balance as much as possible their energy they're sole purpose in life is to create as many dimensions and planets as possible that create as much demonic energy as possible they strip the harmony and balance out of everything they touch or at least try to but even in their planets and dimensions that they take over are still they're struggling for power because good still in those planets and dimensions even if they have taken them over completely still have those that believe and Hope that there's something more something good still out there. Even without hope they are still not hopeless they still dream of a better life. So no matter how hard it seems or how impossible it feels to you to complete your job if you have any doubts don't hesitate to talk to one of us or dream he will more than happily help you as much as possible he said even if he can't be your lover and even if you have a a fated. He still wants to be your friend. He's willing to only have a platonic relationship with you as long as it means that he can be in your life he wants to be a part of your life even if it means he has to see you with someone else he's completely fine with that he has come to terms with the fact that you or someone else's lover and that you are in love with someone else he's completely fine with that as long as he can love you even if it's just platonic he would rather be a friend and not be in your life at all. Because he thinks of you as his family even if you're not his you are his best friend whether you know it or not he does and will always love you regardless of who you are with as long as you were happy he is completely come to terms with a huge rather you be happy. He cherishes your happiness more than his own life to treat him well and he will do the same in return He will always love you regardless but he respects the fact that you are in love with someone else which is more than most can say and he understands you will have those boundaries because obviously you're with Goliath you're not going to be okay with somebody else having romantic feelings for you or wanting to be with you in that way. When you're with Goliath and he just wanted to make it very clearly he's okay with that he is not going to get in the way of you and your husband's lives or marriage or anything else just because he loves you did not mean that he's going to stand in your way he will happily stand aside as long as he gets to be by your side that was a deal he made with us and we were more than okay to agree on it. Look at your brother. And then look directly behind him that is dream he wanted you to recognize which one he was so even know who to come to if you needed anything or needed any help or any games at all he is more than happy to be one of your brothers in fact he even asked if you would call him brother and treat him as a sibling even asked if your husband was okay with him calling him brother as well keep him close to you he's a good Ally to keep around especially since he's so loyal and so respectful towards you I don't think you realize how to voted this man is for you you literally turned his back on his own siblings and even betrayed them he switched sides for you. No Reaper in history has ever done that for anyone. The reapers are called the endless by the way because the part of the Annunaki the Annunaki are the oldest gods that ever existed I don't know the strongest not all the more nice though or good see you whenever the newer guys were created they some of them went with us and then some of them went into their own little group which are the siblings which are the Reapers which are the endless as we call them because they've existed since the beginning and ends of time they are pretty much existence but see just as the good has existed so has that mostly all of the most powerful gods are actually part of the and Annunaki but they're the good half. Such as the one that created you since she was the first great God any first God of any religion or belief that is depicted as the good one like Gaia likes the god of the Christians worship are all ones that started off as Anunnakis. If you have any more questions dream will be more than happy to answer them and will be more than happy to educate you on anything you need to know about them. Since they're his siblings he knows them best." I read as I smiled. When I seen but he signed by the bottom of yours truly Loki. When I looked up at my brother Fury when I realized it wasn't very his hair was darker while Furious hair was gold like lightning even though he looks the same his long hair with black as the feathers on a raven and even one light-headed just right just like Raven's feathers reflected different colors and the Raven's wings. And his wings were just the same he had his hand raised when I realized he had stopped time he smiled at me when he realized that I had noticed what he did for walking over with our brother Fury. And a male that I immediately realized was Bane AKA Dream. I realize that my husband was the only one that could move still and like me could see them they all smiled and I just hugged Dream and Ezekiel. Happily before scolding them. "Thank you so much I love you both I hope you know that you punks." I said.

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