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"Probably should've warned you she absolutely LOVES Helsings." Yuki said, when his subordinate walked in. It was Bain he had the biggest smile on his face. As he outstretched his arms. As I ran at him so strong I knocked the wind right. Out of him.

"Uncle she knows you."his subordinate asked.

"Are kidding me know her I helped raise her I'm her handler. This is Phoenix shes my companion. Remember the Champion I raised and trained Remember Inferno this is her. I missed you to honey...  IS that who I think it IS GOLIATH my favorite trouble maker. Come here wait is that Yuki well shit you got the damn group. Well get over here I got get lovens from all my favorite mystics. Come on uncle wants hugs." Bain said, and when I say my clan members came from literally out of no where and practically tackled him dog piling on him. He looked at them excitedly see who I recreated.

"Okay now I can die happy. I love this can I stay here. Tell her parents I'm crashing in their back yard. I'm in heaven I'm surrounded by all my favorite Mystics I'm so happy right now so comfy.

"Wait those are mystics." He asked.

"Yep Bob that stays between us." He said,  as I looked up to see Fraya. Walking over to an older male hunter who I regnized as grandfather from pictures i seen her have in her room. "Bain mimics?" He asked, as he watched me climb out form under the dog pile. And he regnized me. From my marks.

"Mother." He muttered as I made my call. Which caused my husband to t0p jump up and signal them to get up off him after getting up off him. Which they did get up one by one. As Fraya hesitantly looked at me. When I heard a beep of a scanner machine from directly behind me. I looked back to see her father holding a reader. The machine that the organization. I was registered with Eden uses to read the Information on the chip in our back of our neck. Which he read it when it read it. His face said it all. Surprising the normal civilians seemed to know what it was cause they seemed very jumpy when it beeped. And hyper aware of when he read the it. They were attentively waiting for him to give the okay that they were safe. "Relax Noah brother this species is the safest species for humans to be around humans. Humans actually come from these giant their original species. Their all purebred these are the Mystic aka mythical creatures their the original species the guardians come from. They have superhuman protective instincts over anyhumans they sense near them especially the ones they see as an alley. They are supper friendly and gentle around Mortals you know fun fact the mother of all is actually one of them. She's depicted as being the embodiment of mother earth herself. She has similar description to giai she's a powerful Titan with the ability to creating entire species but she can also desimate them into mass extinction. She's the only being who can create and destroy entire planets. Yes their an alien race they've said to be extinct. Since the earth's creations that every species is trying to get their hands on in the Federation. Which I'm sure she's already has already had affiliation with. She's worked with them before she's a loyal ally to have that's for sure and she's supper obedient and really good at following orders. I should know I've worked with her more then enough to know her temperament. Fun fact shes one of our most strongest Champion Warriors. Most of our hunters have worked with her and didn't notice which bring she was.  Shes actually very gentle and obedient and very protective she extremely. Strong willed stubborn and her determination and resolve are terrifing." He said, as I noticed some of the guests weren't all human some were aleins. Meaning they were aware our enter dimensional beings like mine. These big guys are sacred go head inferno show them who their messing with. It's okay dear I wouldn't give you permission to show yourself if I thought it was dangerous so it's okay show them your a friend." He said, extending his hand which I brush with my fingertips it's a hand gesture which is giving permission as I did so my human form is turned into my non-human human form as in as in showing all my nonhuman characteristics. Which seemed to startle some of the guests which made some actually nervous when I changed into a giant which made some of them scared when they say I had three pairs of wings. The Elder her Grandpa first when he realized which one I was.
"So you mean to tell me the mother all is actually Inferno but she's got three pairs of wings only one giant has those and Archangel why does she have Archangel in none of her descriptions does it ever said that she's got Archangel in her. Meet Fury her older brother." The elder said.

"Oh no Elder I promise you she does her brother who's made the same DNA as her who she made is actually an angel he is the one who put Archangel in her DNA so yes she is part archangel. By the way that's not our form she has three her main DNA well she actually is is actually from her dominant DNA which is actually for me Phoenix meaning the mother of all is actually a female Phoenix that's not in the history books either but essentially any female Phoenix is technically the mother of all cuz there are no females and there's only one in history and he was a male. Essentially she is the embodiment of the god though so she is made by one Gaia herself made her and her image and that's why she has the same characteristics and description as Gaia she did that on purpose she is her embodiment essentially she is the physical version of that goddess. But she made her this one know where she can't be killed by another Phoenix like her one before her which is essentially her ancestor why do you think that she was born for me human and not another one of her species because Phoenix over here is tomorrow the rest of the Phoenix is she is made from human blood not Phoenix blood I mean her blood carry the same attributes as a phoenix would and does the same thing but essentially it is not from the Phoenix it reads from a human. Trust me I know everything about this little girl and yes I purposely kept her identity from the years of the council cuz that's not really one of the business if she wants to stay him at his old to her she has the right to if she feels so I also know that her soul is actually over a thousand 49 years old she's actually not nearly as long as you're what you think and see you in the beginning when she was made they kept her in like a dream like State as in Lincoln for reanimated but all her memories are essentially real but they were made to physically not be at the same time because her soul and Consciousness for separated from her physical body let's just say somebody forgot to wake her up when they were supposed to do which was when she was born which is essentially why we know about her but we never actually have anything in history saying that she's a real thing because as her name speaks and volumes she is the beginning and the end she is how our world started but also hard ended and like in a loop because she's an international being she technically defies time and space and so if you want to be technical she's always existed it's just that she never shows up in history. Because she actually already did it's just as they didn't want her to know that she's made like this on purpose because her purpose is to bring balance like I said she's destruction and creation at the same time she's the beginning of the end. But she is the closest thing that you were going to get to a living God and only one thing can kill her the one that made her so unless you got deity that made her you're really cannot even harm her hence why I'm letting her show herself to you cuz I know you can not do any damage to her and come on another Council and left another there going to try to find every weakness she has or her husband and her husband is the same as her he was made by a God as well and only the god that made him can actually kill him and nobody else can even hold a camera to him cuz he was made same as her and no I'm not going to tell you what species he is because you and the council would definitely try to take his ass out too I'm not stupid I know what you guys do when I'm not going to happen so I'm just letting you know ahead of time that you even try to touch these two they'll probably last thing you do I mean unless you really want to piss off a leviathan and they're no joke trust me they are really as big as they say they are and they are just as aggressive leviathans are more likely to take out the human race in a Phoenix's trust me he is pure chaos while she is the complete opposite they're like each other and the guy that made him is the same God Christians worship so that part was right cuz somebody information that we get is actually for from the truth like on her her information is far from Victorious her says that she's a God yes technically from a human's point of view yes but from a daddy's point of view now she is not she is a being as created by them she's technically from the same plane but they're not the same thing just a clarify no like I said she's harmless for the most part unless you piss her off same as her husband her husband is one of the most dangerous creatures to ever walk the planet or in his case swim in our oceans because he is actually a giant serpent he is a Biblical being and he is not one that you want to piss off because he is one of the biggest creatures ever created and this species is extremely aggressive they're all so extremely violent and they are made of chaos kind of like a dragon is their energy is pure chaos and trust me you do not want his energy in your perfect he's not exactly being nice exactly the one of the mail either he's an international being just like his wife obviously I mean he was made for her so obviously they're going to pick something else just as strong as a phoenix and then that can't be killed or something that stress as powerful she is of course the first of her kind but there's a reason why they made her like that obviously she has to be strong enough to pack her on her species and whatever species she finds it so of course they have to pretty much take her on a test run which they did like I said for over thousand years and she beat everything wanted to expectations they only expected her to do as they made or did you but she went above and beyond. Oh and before I forget because I will just because she's just now getting being given a physical body does not mean s*** like I said in her as they called it her dream so it was real but they didn't tell her and that also means that Phoenix is not just a wife congratulations to her parents you'll find out when Fury decides to show his face she normally leaves them with him since he's normally the only one that they ever leave them with okay Phoenix where are they at I know you're hiding them you're always hiding them I know you're hiding them cuz why else would you not be holding them I know your brother with you why else would you remember your own husband and by the way she was already married to I sound very close contact with her even if I'm not physically close to her I know everything that's going on in her life because I am her Handler. So don't hold it against her though since I see that dad clearly didn't tell her mom even though he totally knew it's okay by tomorrow they'll forget. The humans on this planet have very short attention spans and tend to forget everything. That is to complex for their brains to manage but the story's legends what you call a dream which man altered over time by man. After you created them. You've done this a million times over evolve over time becoming stronger and stronger with your power grew I
To what it is today normly only existing when need but you've never appeared like this to live your own life. You've never had a birth or death. You would just appear and disappear. Come in and out of existence as you were needed to to end and create this world but over time as time went on you seemed to break away from your duty. Your started developing your on your own own. You started making your own decisions acting on your own and doing your own thing she started to develop your own personality and started acting when you're alone instead of by what you were made to do and like every good you started started developing your own uniqueness was like any normal person whatever observation because the gods watch everything of course they do especially the Creations especially the develop like you dead into what we know today but the observation should that your birth has a huge massive shift and everything even though you're technically existed before you just didn't exist on our plane and it's like your soul just was wired to do one Pacific thing so it just continuously did that until you started evolving and developing into something entirely different I know which is what we see today in your oh God pretty much because every time if you did this a thousand times overtime and developing more and more planets and species because we'll be honest the original mother of all and all the ones for after her before you they were you and you're like I said the only mother of all so you're the one that it's just. Obviously it is you doing it over and over again. My point is is that the shift happened because you actually were born in the past it was your future not your past do you want to be technical but also you define space and time so therefore it doesn't apply to you literally anything that's in your past or future really doesn't technically yes they're happening or have happened or are going to happen but you keep on holding to change history and it changed the way that everything is how much that you pretty much have became your own God in other words you develop into one yes you're not a mainstream God that's based off of a human origin nurse or something but a whole new type I guess you could say considering that you aren't in your face but then again is any good they make more human right here to be so but they're not your parents is neither but I'll send it out of my creative mothers for being either another creature so that's new you're also never married my voice is the reason why you never had an origin like somewhere you came over some days because it never happened yet just now more p*** that is why you should have what he weren't supposed to you showed up before the world before the end because I can't wish man literally brings your name into existence he said as I answered second realizing that that was just a vision of what could happen it was crazy if I were on my bedroom door she doesn't let me come to the realization that so that I seen in my dreams for real it was just a very different dimension different time and a different ways either going to be or what is already happened. But that also made me come to the realization that my children weren't delivering them as anything the children my dream of my child or an actual kids so then that made me kick in a panic mode almost my brother seem to have noticed because he I felt his Angelic energy when I looked in his Direction and send him holding something before he showed me that it was an object that was kind of like a Looking Glass that Angels used to look another dimensions I see angels are one of the very few that can go through any Dimension that they want and like a God can bring it to another plane which is when I realizing you would ask me if I wanted to bring her child to this plane like this dimension I looked at their father who was looking at me either curiously when I connected his Consciousness to mine he looked at my brother eagerly we just wanted our house and he smiled nodding before recovering his arms with his wings making them glow he was using his wings to open vail between the different dimensions. He could even reach into and reason to massive consciousness through it which he did that's how he was able to pull our child out of the dimension that they put my dreams in every dream you actually got over our dimension but luckily International beings are easy to deal with because we had to do with the Sandman well at least that's normal how they done but since my brother is who he is he gets away with a lot of s*** with them but the other International beings are like like the Sandman the Reapers or deities gods or anything like that tend to let angels and humans get away with murder especially archangels for some reason they prioritize them probably cuz they're easier to work with if you don't why they don't have free will they kind of just do their job unless it that's their whole entire existence so you wouldn't really expect one of them to go and do something they're not supposed to so needless to say my brother gets away with a lot of crap because they never expected from an archangel and for some other reason nobody ever reports it so even though they never heard his name or never seen him work the god that they are made by since each got me some different type of kind of like a servant or like in the archangels one of you soldiers each of them have their own people or entities from which they are boss of but our games is one of them in the north favorites ones cuz they don't do anything they're not supposed to and because they're so absolutely Authority so everybody just wants him do it there's supposed to. So needless all he had to do is region anymore to grab her he didn't have to talk with Sandman. But the inside of his wings were he was taking his arms and did start to eliminate we waited eagerly, we were holding his hands waiting for him to show us our baby. When he did pull out his hands instead was a or whatever that look like it was flames it was our child's Soul instead he walked over putting to my stomach does it went inside as of absorbed.

Hesends disregards has regards the same man asked me where I was doing there so I told him he felt bad he knows the gods can play some cruel jokes. So you told me why not I'll let you carry your baby and birth them in real time instead of doing it like that I mean it's still your child between you and Goliath still going to have your DNA and everything obviously still going to make your kid it's just going to be your actual kid now you will appear pretty pregnant already so he said just be prepared for you to be a little bit far a long." He exclaimed. Illuminating his hand on my stomach. To nurtured the child growing inside with his Angelic energy since the child did have Archangel and Leviathan in them since both are made by the same God it nurtured the growing baby and made my stomach kind start showing. I had rapid growth. As I curiously touch my stomach and felt them kick I just smiled in my husband was smiling too he eagerly was feeling them kick whenever he talked to me him smile I decided to alter my dress a little bit so you won't be able to tell as much cuz I was so thin and petite it was easily noticeable that I had a baby bump now. I hugged my brother who whispered in my ear.

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