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The client the created were speechless when they hear him confirm one of the giant females suspicions. "So I was right those markings all over her are the mother of alls. Hell ya I'm good." The female mimic cheered doing a little victory dance. While me and my husband looked into eachothers eyes for a minute consider coniou⁰0sly. When we nodded in agreement as he lifted me back onto the ground from the rock wall. And climbing out of the deep pole of water that he came out of. When he was using the water ways to get around the green house without being detected since Leviathans normally live in. The deepest parts of the oceans the can breath normal air and under water. Since their a 300 mile long giant serphant. As soon as he stepped over the rock wall beside me. Showing how truly much bigger he was then me. They were speechless to see he was almost 68 feet tall. He was exactly 67'8 ft tall. Luckily the ceiling of the whole massive facility was 80 feet tall so there was. No chance of any of the titians from hiting their head on the ceilings. They just stared at him when their biggest male walked up sizing him up. "So we're you the one that jumped me earlier and forced me into submission.

"Ya about that sorry you had something  important of mine and I had yours somehow when she re created me and my physical body. Some how my Consciousness and memory and soul. Were somehow confused and placed in your physical body qnd I had yours so I had to force you into submission willingly you have to choose to submit to me for me to switch back with you I couldn't chance you fighting me back. So to avoid you hurting either of us or yourself I just pined you down from behind so you couldn't turn around and  try fight me I was just doing the easiest and safest way I of course didn't want to hurt you I'd have a guilty consciousness. You've never done any thing to me. So of course if I'd hurt you. I couldn't do that look I'm a nice guy I don't just go around hurting people. I have to set a good example. I have a huge responsibility she's not the only supreme I'm her supreme king. We're a fated pair we're Soul bonded I'm her husband we're married. So I needed my soul because It's bonded to hers and I needed my memories yours was causing me to have memory loss so no hard feelings I'm Goliath."

"Hahaha your joking right. That's seriously his name. " he laughed.

"Hey watch your tone that's the husband of our mother of all. Our King and he's one hell of a good one. He's our supreme Queen's pride and joy. He  makes her truly happy and he's her whole world. They 3love eachother unrequited. And unlike you we respect, rally, and support our rulers happiness. She married him out of love not convenience. Like most crowned rulers through out history. We are completely devoted to our mother of all. Your people could learn a thing or about devotion from us. We love our supreme we're like family so pay attention to how   you talk to and address my king and queen." Yuki said, jumping from a nearby tree scared the crap out of them. She greeted us even while talking knelt down giving some tugs to the bottom of my skirt straightening the bottom of my skirt. Flattening it. "Thank you, auntie. This is yuki shes my main assistant. I didn't think you'd have thermal cameras  or I'd wouldve covered that to." I said, when husband chimed in.  "Bue its better that we got caught considering what you just informed us but if we're going we're going to be honest we already caught it we just didn't know what it was. Blood bring the creature you merked earlier that was following you earlier. It was stalking one of our giants but it picked to stalk one of our  werewolves. But unluckily that werewolf was Blood he's extremely aaggressive and violent for a werewolf he ended up purposely led it into an isolated area. He turned on it creature he said, it wasn't very hard to catch. And all it took was him to violenty shaking it like a chew toy. So ya if your working with our people don't expect them to bring back anything alive ya their really violent if they catch it expect it to be dead. Also we're not the only ones she created she didn't just make the ones she was closest to she created a whole clan made up the strongest Mystics she could make and we're all champion warrior types our whole species are all warrior types. And natural born like our queen who you're so interested in. All are purebred she took everything from the most dangerous to the most powerful, to literally anything you can think of. How about you come out and introduce yourselves so none of them shot any of you." My dear king said, as Brandon thanked us for our cooperation. "But since your people can actually change their body size I want you to just to continued. To keep acting pretend human and don't openly tell anyone the truth about you and report to me if you know anything fishy just keep it all low down make sure nobody knows to take too much in fact in the background like you're not even there. The more you were able to blend in with the general public the better.ni" He said as I nodded. Then Blood came walking over in his human. I could tell at all what he put down this thinnig that no matter how much I looked at I couldn't even tell what it was. I've looked around every which way of looking at every which way I could and it doesn't matter what position I had them put in it it just made no sense didn't recognize I didn't even know what it was.

"Okay this is officially a first time no idea what this is. And that's coming from the queen of all mythological creatures. And I can't identify whatever this thing is." I said, as the scientists took it alway. Then my father and Brandon enrolled me I with some of my clan members that were around my ago. Can't say it wasnt nervous about going back. I was especially finding out that my ex went back home and started going back to school but he is off of the reason why we both dropped out to begin with it was his idea. I laughed rolling my eyes. Before I had my father request to have my class changed because I didn't want to changw a any of my human form if I don't like anything about the human appearance that I was taking.

It's going to be a smart ass I lost mine pretty much exactly how I got my real human form looks like and I just left it like that like altering non Humcharacters jm,vK an physical characteristics. To look human so I looked like the real authentic me just with the noticeable ether on the hanger. Which includes jewelry, the  color I picked for my makeup. And my shoes. Which I had packed. He called my younger sister. "Mom called grandpa. For sis. I know sis is scared of him I don't want him to scare her off she. Last time he did she disappeared. And she  didn't talk to no one and then we found out she had a failed suicide I dont want ...

"Shhhh meha I'm not no scared cat and plus my I got my support behind me trust me as long as I got my muse with me I have nothing to be afraid of so be ready I have someone very special to introduce you to."

"Is it a new boyfriend again?"

"Well ..

"If is  that is okay. Put me on speaker.

"You better not be Jack again my big sis deserves better then that jerk.

"Agreed I know about him. Rest assured Lil May I treat my heart her like the queen that she is I spoil her, treat her with the upmost respect. I'm nothing but loyal to her. Trust me she's my entire world. And I treat her accordingly. I always tell her and show your sister how much I love and adore her. Which is more then anything in the universe. And i show it through actions not just words. She knows how serious I am. I'm definitely not Jack or what's his face. Im Goliath." He assured her paused .

"It's not Jack Holly crap. I was so sertain she was trying to bring. Thank God. He's a jerk. I just didn't want her to stop keeping me in her life just because never approved of him. I just tolerated him I like you better. I love his voice he's got such a deep voice is he Russian or German. He's got that accent going on

"Well damn she's good actually my father is Russian my mother is Slovakian. Technically I grew up in both But born and raised in Greenland and Norway. My parents moved around alot I'm surprise you picked up my accent normally no one notices is. Nice job lol sis she's really smart for a nine year old.  She noticed something obvious that no adults even notice. Well done little sis." He appalled and I could tell it made her day that he noticed and encouraged how smart she was.

"Why can't she marry a man like that. Sis you better stay with him. And stop going after those stupid bad boystheir just stupid your new one sounds like .

"Honey he is this man is a very strong and very talented Warrior he's literally the better Soldier and the number that she introduced them to me I was like oh no trust me I told your sister the same thing I really like this one and good thing we do like him because he's not a boyfriend he is not her love interest honey. And trust me took me 2 minutes of me and I know that he treats your sister well and I mean well like I've seen him to treat her like nothing but a queen that she is trust me he's really good with her why do you think she's not doing the crap she was doing your sister is clean. Been the whole time that I've been with her so no your sister's been off that actually for a while which meant that her ex lied when he said that he seen her last two days before she went into account she hadn't been with him for months. She's been with Goliath. And before you ask another that's not his nickname that's his actual name his actual name is Goliath. And don't be intimidated when you first name I know how you feel about big dudes yeah I know her husband's here is her husband is a big man like if you thought that Torrance was huge and wait until you meet Goliath he literally is about like a gladiator I was extremely interested in heavenly mother that she said he was a soldier. 2000 even more interested to find out who's actually the best soldier out of his Squadron. So I already see him as a son in law. Now I'm tell you and the rest of the family. Be respectful he's a really nice, respectful, family oriented, has empathy to other peoples feelings  unlike Jack, his extreme determined and resolved really is really something to behold. So Grandpa doesn't act up and do anything out of line like he did with Jack although I personally let that slide because Jack really was trash inside and out in fact I don't know how he tricked your mom and her family into thinking he was a good guy and went as far as giving him her blessing.. opps your sis didnt know he was going old a candle too the real deal and my wife's never once mentioned  this Jasmine she's not  BFF she's just the woman he found that he said, was acceptable for her to have a friendshipthat. Her actually best friend besides you which she said. Is Fraya her child hood since your mom's grew up together because their moms were very  close friends. I know every thing about My wife and My wife knows everything about her husband. We tell eachother everything and anything. And I pay attention to everything detail about my beloved wife. As I know her best friend  that she met I kindergartens name is Sheila. But he didn't approve them being friends with them that why he threatened her to stop being friends with anyone without his approval. They got into a fight a.d haven't spoken since then. So her Currant best friends are Yuki, Viper, Aquarius, Angelique, and Jessica. Their actually from our friend group  since she's been with me we hangout with the same friend group with hangout with eachothers friends but we're practically family. Though so we're close can close can get. We take care of eachother so promise we all take really good care of your sister she's in really hands. " He assured her. 

"Good I'm glad Goliath I can't wait to meet you I'll see you  guys  when you guys are here. But hurry up can't deal with these crackhead trick and lie to our mother and family and friends., so please hurry up but be careful, and get here in one peice." She said, we said out goodbyes we all  said  as we hung up. We shunk our bodies to our human size. After covering our defining non-human physical characteristics. Like Yuki fox ears and 9 fox tails became concealed.

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