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She was very excitedly waiting Crossing her fingers if they hurt her whispering please be better than nefarious please be better than nefarious. Well actually his name is Nathan. But I don't care please for better then Nathan please be better the Nathan. Never right before he finished and I whispered who's Nathan.

"Oh Nathan that jockstrap yeah he's her worst rivals man she's constantly comparing me to him not her but his girlfriend and it drives my girl insane cuz she hates and emerald machine stands up for me and no matter how much she sticks up for me or defense me that her boyfriend's always been my rivals through with kind of sucks like Nathan always one-upping me on everything ooh la la I like my new voice so it sounds nice I've always wanted a very deep masculine voice it's nice you know it's sad as I used to practice trying to make Focus sound different and it never worked. Oh baby baby my vioce way more sexier than Nathan's now. Am I done yet.

Oh s*** yeah you are sorry I got to try to listen to talk I did notice I had it on too long it's not going to do anything and practice will be a smart-ass want to leave you on slightly longer just perfect as long as I know exactly how much time I'm getting them when I'm making them into and all the operations are complete to your body it's not going to continue to alter it after it hits the point that I want it at which by the way I don't ever limit them so they just alter it all the way up until you hit the that is in it reaches as high as it can possibly reach or other than to a perfect percentage working on all three no more see like this hold up somebody bring them here s*** where's a mirror hey bro open one of your portals and pull out a mirror." I said.

"Which one" my twin brothers said I groaned. "Either." I yelled as one of them did what I asked him from you for not just another mirror but they brought me over a whole full body door mirror. "I mean I wasn't expecting more than that entirely big but okay." I continue shooting fire at him for a good like 5 minutes then I finally stopped for the mirror over and waited for the snow to clear that was swirling around him when it weird it revealed a fresh newborn deity. His brown hair was down gold like platinum gold his eyes were Violet but slit pupils a lot like my husband's funny they have matching eyes which they did laugh about when they looked at each other especially when he looked in the mirror and saying why he was laughing. Okay that is pretty funny.. and hello sexy damn I look good nice work sister oh holy hell I have the body I always wanted yes I'm a rocket the last rocket I absolutely love it says thank you so much so much better than my original one why is my human form have so many non-humic characteristics though I mean not that I got to complain it goes really nice on my parents but you can definitely tell I'm a non-human. I mean as a mimic my human form actually looked human this one does not open a minute hold up I can I'll try to look more human that is so cool. No serious sister you did an amazing job I look I look so damn good I can't stop looking at a damn mirror. And look I actually have muscles I'm built like an actual Warrior I am so excited I'm sorry but I hate the fact that Nathan's wife better and everything to me by the way just saying that Nathan is my brother as in my step brother my mom married his dad now he lived through in my life why I think I live here now instead of with my family because my family said I'm not reading their standards because Nathan is also a mimic base of he's a lot more non-human than I am he rages all their expectations parents strength everything and he's way more popular people say that I'm not nearly as attractive as him or appealing he's just better at everything that I do like I'll go to do something and it literally do it and do it way better but yet I'll practice it for years and do it for years at this point it's not even fair it's because whoever created him put his trinetics that they were offering him with on steroids in other words I gave him way more than they normally did any of us they normally only give us the tiniest amount of dawn human DNA that they've man-made and altered in a lab before interacting it into a human's DNA in the chromosome so he's always you know a freaking stallion or literally the same age I used to be Top Dog until he took over remember Jeremy I met Goliath sorry but remember how I used to be Top Dog I used to be like at the top of my world well with my dad married his mom and he met her son it was all downhill from there it was like everything was a competition everything was trying to see if he can do it better with me and that include who I'm with if you find something I'm with specific female he tries to one of them or to whoo or seduce them better than me even if I was in love with them or was trying to be I never let myself cuz I knew he was trying to do and he did it every single time and they always came home back to me after he got bored of them I have it in a couple of bag just because the fact that I thought the legitimately had feelings for me that's why they came back and so I stopped doing that cuz I figured out real quick that they just figured out what I didn't because as soon as you see me back with them he was trying it again and then they were all going to take her I had one feeling I'll try to get with me like so many times just so she could sleep with them because she found out he went to sleep with her unless she was my girlfriend and he was trying to steal her why do you think Caitlin's never met him why do you think that me and her never run into Nathan or his girlfriend together his girlfriend's her nemesis and her boyfriend's my urge nemesis like what type of freaking crap is that they don't know where together though see we got to together actually when we found out that they were together cuz we realized we're best friends and are too urgent and misses are dating each other so we figured why not be jackasses and we're having fun with this why not." Playing explained as he was checking out his own muscles I just rolled my eyes to see Flexed his pecks in the freaking mirror. As my brothers are trying not to drop the mirrors they were laughing while watching him trying to move his individual muscles and we're just so funny watching him Flex making funny faces that himself in the mirror. Dude I can't hold this you're going to have to check the rest of him dude I think you've gotten enough looks at yourself oh dear geez hes funny I like him I like you you're funny." Ezekiel said putting the mirror back through the portal and then closing it. Before he realized how much his clothes did not fit now like he pretty much stripped down to his boxers cuz that's the only thing that fit because luckily this man likes to wear very baggy boxers. Although now they were firm fitting not going to lie but they still fit so that's all that matter when Goliath is Ezekiel and Fury all right amounts of clothes that we need to have more than one change clothes until they can get more cuz they already knew that nothing that he had before was going to fit him that's when his girlfriend came over to me and showed me her phone which was a invite to a group thing bring your date. Ashley showed me and I said that the name that she called her origin of Mrs which made me smile very easily it was Freya. "What a f****** s*** head. Invite me to that s*** yeah I want to get even with that b**** the other one that you're calling her nemesis is actually my old best friend from childhood and I made my bed very best friend that picture turned her back on me and betrayed me I'm out for blood now. She can go f*** herself yeah invite me she'll get pissed.

"Oh f****** yes now that my dear sister is diabolical and deliciously venomous let's do it let's piss her off dude about another shoe shirt X best friend that just makes my revenge just so much sweeter." And the best part is that that b**** never actually seen what I actually looks like you know what I'm being stressful I'm going to show my real face tomorrow trust me I never for my real face or my real parents because my real one is Flawless like I got us and it's absolutely gorgeous and I are not show it to anyone cuz you'll recognize his face it is right away cuz I'm actually really famous whoops so yeah bring me I want to show her how much she's going to regret turning her back on me she told me I was in the same Phoebe that she remembered and that's why she didn't want nothing to do with me and now she just didn't like it cuz I was in a damn pleasure over no more but she f***** up because I might not be a pleasure of her but on my damn Tire rent that rules with our own fist I'm a warlord for god sakes and she literally had enough f****** nerve to tell me that like she can go f*** herself all the way up and I didn't show her how I actually am though trust me it's real mate is absolutely f****** terrifying in fact brother brother hand me the file with my original essence it's time time to reintroduce the b**** trust me my original Essence carries the part of my soul that brother removed when he put the Archangel in me part of me that many people piss themselves overcome that they f*** with me the part of me that made me absolutely terrifying because no one could talk to her speak against me I had so much damn Authority that I was the most intimidating being that you would ever meet and this b**** stares had enough nerve to piss me off no but I was also the most beautiful the most fearsome the most exotic and fascinating I could drag people in but just my eyes I still can but he tamed it down a lot compared to what it used to be wait until he has my original back end oh she's going to be s******* bricks. But I want to be that dictator Tyrant that I was before the one that nobody stood up against one nobody f***** with and the one that can bring the whole entire planet to their knees that's the bitch I want to be. Especially next time I make Freya cuz of how bad she I'm not going to lie to hurt me really bad last time with her and my ex best friend that was her best friend with what they said to me last time really f****** hurt so I'm going to introduce something don't f*** with me I'm going to introduce them to the queen that made even the God's trouble because it also holds a massive amount of my power once I entered his listen to my body she's blocked cuz it also contains a large percentage of my rage and I mean a large percentage they only left me with 25%. This has a hundred."

"Yeah everybody likes the badass b**** if you're going to be a b**** you might as well be a badass one right. If you're going to go on somebody to hurt you go in full Savage I don't know why she doesn't let you really don't give a f*** about them you'll show them that you will never be or change yourself to be the way that they want you to be. But unless you're showing her that she has no power over you and never will trust me I should try to do it to me too I was your best friend for the long time till I found it how much of a controlling bitch she is especially since our friendship is what made our parents get together kind of like Nathan and Clinton's except because that b**** manipulated me because she wanted to live and have my life I lived a lavish life she lived a low income which is why she persuaded to be my friend so much and convince me so much she was my friend and we were doing everything together so much that she convinced me to try to get her parents together while it worked the wall too well till things started turns out right after they. Got married because she turned her back on me. Stole my boyfriend my really serious relationship that I was engaged. She got engaged him about a month later after her in bed with him and I broke up with him and Vanessa she got bored of him she threw him away just like Nathan  does. Oh wait can you do that to me what you did to Clinton even though I'm human.

"Of course and I've got the perfect one for you I feel like Hydra would fit you perfectly Hydras are extremely hard to kill. Her extremely violent and depressive and are also very good warrior type and their deity why not go hard or go home if we're going to go hard and I will pick one of the big guys right." I taste a she literally just ran right up for me and just got in position and then said Hit Me With Your Best Shot. As soon as Clinton realize what was going on his face was less terrible especially when I started shooting fire at her for my wings like I did him feel it up like the Fourth of July like the light that she was eliminating was such a bright white that was blinding even Through the flames as her body immediately talk to it like a freshwater her operation to her body was so much faster and quicker and a lot more I didn't even have enough time to actually like I trust anything before it was already boom that's because of her willpower her yearning to be hide or be more be do what she that's on her desire was so strong it actually course how her body was altered and the perfect Storm it took every desire that she ever wanted altered her parents smashed it into the perfect beautiful box she also seems a lot smarter now too not nearly as to ditzy and blonde way more gorgeous in fact when she came out her body just was so bright like a diamond it was blinding it was so pretty but then whenever I faded revealing what I had created in there with a specifications that I was going to make as alterations and stuff which mixed with me desires and alteration she wanted her will was that strong. My eyes practically shout out of my head as I got to go look at her and I just let her whistle.

"Oh hot damn lied to myself this one hey Clinton I got a surprise for you how do you like your new and improved Kaitlyn she's Kaitlyn ut much better. You had such a powerful soul in you it offered all the adjustments I was going to make and all the alterations I was going to make it here fatty and made it appear as your desires That's How Strong your desires were it over Road my power which is impossible has never happened before but I'm not complaining it looks absolutely for her birthday and the end result is mah perfection." I said as I step back getting a good look at her licking her up and down before she pulled a mirror out of  her purse. Looking at her face touching her face with her mouth gaped. As a tear slipped from her eye. Before she discovered her mouth of her hands keeping herself from screaming and muffling her happy yells or whatever the heck you're calling it cuz she was like laughing but also like just trying to scream for joy but she was muffling it with her hands it was so cute watching her jump around cuz she was so excited.

"Oh my God I look gorgeous. I'm so beautiful I didn't recovery day in my life when I would think that he might have noticed it because I would make a crossword I'm actually not that pretty I love my pretty face and how do you make up really good cuz I used to model still do but they always cover up was on my face a lot because I have acne really really bad against her tissue from acne really really bad it's not pretty it's like one of those extreme cases that you see that make you cringe yes if I have holy s*** I actually have boobs sorry but I'm so defending for a while I had toothpick arms toothpick legs barely any cushion for the pushin as in my booty is flat as a cutting board oh my God I actually have a booty oh and it's a nice one see these are all the things that I grew up wanting but never thought it was pretty never to have you're made my childhood dream come true I'm so happy right now she said, really hugging me and even kissing my cheek before saying. If you need anything you just ask darling she said pulling away when I realized that she had snatched my phone on my pocket and then she turned it on him went to my contacts and put in hers and I seen her even find where Freya has stuck her number in my phone that's what I just been to take a double take and then I said no f****** way she didn't give me her number how did they get in my phone she literally told me she wanted nothing to do with me last time we talked that's why I'm pissed at her.

I figured the b**** don't s*** like that she takes her phone I'm not looking like but I'll let you see it I had it but like she won't let you see if she has it she'll put her number in her contacts where lock herself into your s*** and then watch everything they f****** do dude she's a hacker she knows how to hack people's really freaking cell phones and my brother personal text and s*** she did to me once that's how I found out by the way that number it's a book because after she did it to me I learned how to do it back to her but and by the way it's not easy to do like you have to bypass a bunch of s*** so she took the time to know how to do this properly and even when you do it properly you can still mess up watch like this she put her number in okay well we're going to do it like this see even as a freaking GPS where you can see where they're at. She showed showed me using her phone where she had typed in her number and it literally brought up all her information so I took a picture of it and all the evidence that she had left on my phone whenever she took my phone because she also put on all of her social media accounts she also trying to get all my info on clothing for my cards and s*** oh I took pictures of everything every freaking thing then I whistled for you and let her do the rest let me tell you how bad Caitlin was rolling her ass all over the floor whenever she's seen her blood and FBI badge in a private investigator patch no she was freaking rolling.

" oh s*** oh s*** you got an actual federal agent has your freaking Clan member you got an FBI dude that is f****** hilarious and her private investigator holy s*** yeah this girl's f***** how long you been in the FBI

"Try 75 years and I'm one of their best honey as well as private investigator I'm also one of their best why do you think I'm always called upon when somebody needs something done and by the way my nickname the FBI is Vixen." Yuki sudden she practically choked.

"Oh s*** no she's definitely f***** I know vixen I've heard about your work if you are a Savage you find things in on the other at behaves inside and you're the best way to do well now that makes sense you're freaking non-human you sneaky Sly Fox you." She said as you can put a special code into her freaking number virus on her phone and on everything that feels to attract every little thing that she does any device that she logs into she pretty much gave her exactly what she did to me times 10 because it will try every single website every single thing like as soon as she likes in there even if your logs off it will show everything that she is doing on that computer or phone or device and it will catalog it document it and it will also track all of her movements and every other thing and Bing in two seconds she already got a shot and it's in bed in such a way that she won't even be able to tell it in our system or anything and she won't be able to tell us there and it will show and appear my side where she took her phone number and so that way that she won't nurse that I noticed it or know what it is it will appear as always normal but what is actually doing is getting her false information it will give her false location false everything false documentation including on credit card that she liked that because the credit card that sells link her too is actually up to the federal bureau it's like one of those traps that they said for Predators except it's for identity theft like if anybody tries to steal your information from your credit card or whatever it will not only located or report it and it will record it record every single amount that is she is trying to get out of there and will process it into the bureau so know that she goes on her permanent record and it gets turned into the authorities adding up every single little crime she has committed even if it's only mentioned in text oh and it gives her access to all her text messages and all of her contacts and everything like anything that she does on anything where she's logged in at or has been logged in at at the moment if she places that bug it's immediately right before right back to her and the federal bureau but the main headquarters that's in the actual freaking pentagon as soon as she seen more all that information was going she was cracking up and we could even select where exactly the locator shows that I'm at and everything just in case if it's too close to my actual real location. "Well my queen apparently this little troublemaker is a little criminal too she's been saving money out of people's accounts that's fraud turning into federal bureau in the Pentagon she's going to be done with the big boys." Wait don't do it yet I could have been ready to keep it on there every single thing send it to my phone and I'll text you the signal which will be the signal that means to send it as soon as I send you the letter b you send that s*** as quick as you can you even send that s*** to the president oh by the way she's got access to him too." I said as he sent it to work late to me and I opened I opened the app that she downloaded and sent specifically to me that was allow me to absorb every movement every little detail of what she's collected so far just in case I thought I want to keep tabs on her and I told her that's exactly what it's for she didn't care.

Anything for my homegirl by the way Phoenix's other best friend this friend of the wrong b**** I am Auntie you get to this little sweetheart I have to raise her she's my little honey bun I protect her with my life which means that this girl f**** with her she f****** with me. And I'm going with her by the way you too I don't care if I don't have a date I'll take ivy I can't say nothing I can pretend like their lesbians they won't know the difference and besides she needs her to home across beside her you're not one of the home Girls by the way those other two b****** are not real friends no me ivy you and Phoenix now that the best friend and a combination I wouldn't want to mess with trust me when I'm playing me Ivy you'll absolutely love her she is a dryad and she can call someone real f****** havoc she's a fae. Triads are very strong and very powerful they're not being f***** with it's like f****** with a humanoid tree first of all they can make plans grow any type as much as possible in their highly poisonous will at least Ivy is why we call her heavy she's highly toxic we've never found another friend that that's like that so I think it's only her cuz she's really really poisonous her poison is like play more toxic than any poison ivy or any poison that you could ever find on a plant and most of the time 90% of the time is fatal unless she gives you the antidote which is her pheromones are the only antidote. But trust me if she's a good Outlet to keep around images of God literally all power over all plant life so trust me it can be very useful wait s*** why don't I just call her over Ivy over here b****. We got a fourth home girl come introduce yourself she's a Hydra. He said it is Ivy walked over and she was in her very humanoid form which meant to her skin look green she looked kind of like poison ivy off of Harley Quinn she's a kind of like poison ivy okay she looked exactly like poison ivy to be honest because she turns into an actual free humanoid creature that's besides what I am.

"Oh my God you look like poison ivy sorry I really love Harley Quinn and you look like poison ivy I'm fangirling so bad you are so freaking pretty." Kaitlyn said making Ivy even blush. Before ivy hugged Kaitlyn. She felt right at home amongst my girls my other girls all introduce themselves as well and they were more eager to get to know her they all were more than eager to accept her as one of them and she just was baffled at how easily they accepted her and took her in as one of their own even though she was just new. The boys did the same exact thing to Clinton they were integrated into my people with a not even an hour they were introduced to everybody everybody was more than eager to make them feel at home but the fact that they were overwhelmed by how many of their owners were then and apparently my husband's dad didn't know either because he ate before my holiday there was he was not expecting to be there cuz the first one we first brought them in there is like maybe 20 as soon as they integrated them there was over like over 20,000 whoops and that's because my King's already started creating more underlings which meant that they were now my regular things in my underlings and their rapidly producing like a mother crack and then some of them were even having children pretty rapidly actually. Like after I had had my child about not even an hour later I heard about like over 30 of my female say that they were pregnant. Then it was 50 in the next hour then the next hour it was like 70 the next hour it was literally up to 90 then 100 in my morning there was over 500 females that were saying that they were pregnant I caused a ripple effect and I don't know how.

Holy s*** how the hell did we get there last night and how the hell are we up to 500 females already how the hell did they go 30 to 500 in one night how are our meals working overtime or something

"Nope I figured it out I was getting his bathroom last night well apparently it's got something in it an ingredient that is well to optimistics it's like a not only an aphrodisiac well it is it's a very potentiac aphrodisiac it also somehow has something in it that makes the females can save the quicker makes them go into heat like how the I don't even need to know how the hell that happened but point is this Whiskey Bottle we are never crying out again unless we want a population explosion." He said as we got up and got ready when we seen that they had both been texting us and somebody was knocking on our door when Here Comes Kaitlyn just literally exploding through the door right as I am well putting on my bra thank goodness my husband was already dressed well he also dressed in the bathroom he was smart.

"Wait a minute but you can't get pregnant in one night how the f*** did that happen they can see if left my hella hard and never mind I gave them something last night and I didn't think about it it may have had an ingredient that might have accelerated it buy a lot whoopsies" I said as she hugged me while I was talking to my husband through the bathroom door and I was trying to call the back of my bra she finally laughed and leaned up and helped my clip it she tightened it for me cuz I didn't have time to either then she adjusted the back while I did the talk that you do when you're addressing your boobs in your bra you know like pulling on up properly so they're more pretty sorry I didn't know exactly how to explain that I'm not making a s*** I don't weird but come on if I want to see in these b****** I was making sure that I was perky and then that's why sweet little Kaitlyn gave me a mischievous smile pulling up the vial that was on my nightstand time to let the b**** out in my darling and let her out full force.

"Oh thank you my darling I almost forgot do you think I should take a note right before we walk in." Now let's walk in first go bathroom and then you pop that sucker." "What's the point of that though I would have already done walked in I'm just going to take it now" I suggested and she laughed telling me you know I should give your Shane right you had to do it now f*** it the sooner the better and damn girl you got a nice ass.

Hey now that is my husband's property ma'am no hands I'm just f****** with you my husband doesn't care dude me or not you can pick on each other like that all the time like she playfully forces me all the time in front of my husband and he does not give a s*** and he knows that it's not like we're sleeping together we're just playing around that's how we joke you got to understand who he is f****** hilarious so is Ivy I didn't want Whitney with her freaking behind regular like she'll get me right on the butt she'll come behind me and literally with me with her mind I mess with her and tell her oh baby. I said if I have been to start crying laughing from the bathroom and then baby yeah she does do that she does to me too I'm very close with all her friends for pretty much like my sister so they f*** with me too I assume when I get away with whipping me though and that's because no other girls will slap me on the ass like they do her they just don't they know better Missy Ivy smart she doesn't get me on my butt when she Festival right underneath so my wife can't say anything she will literally mess with her and so you can't say nothing I didn't get him on there that's his hip we even had one of our ones that said has degrees in the medical field and actually was a daughter for over 300 years we have him like look to tell us whether or not is that that's on the ass or not and he says no that's on the hip. Yeah you're going to have to get used last week we'll literally make stupid debates like that for sure doesn't giggles we literally had a whole entire day with all of her client about whether or not that was on the as for hip and we even had one of her doctor come in and do a little chart to show us that it wasn't on the ass and confirm that it was not. Yes we know we do a bunch of dumb s*** but does it's funny as hell and it helps us to keep ourselves entertained when you got to learn something real quick is that we Mystics are very f****** playful like we just have very playful personalities which means get be prepared for one of us to mess with you on a daily basis cuz we will all do it it's just that way short affection if we don't do it then you know we don't like you." Goliath said she I think I'm going to like being a part of this clan a lot I think I'm going to way too much fun." Kaitlyn smiled you know when I first met her she never smiled that much like if you want to be on the fence she wasn't that smiling and I used my bad guy to look at her memories and she really didn't smile that much I was glad to see if you're smiling a lot more which is why we did all this on purpose this morning we did all I just make her freaking laugh because she doesn't get a good laugh very often. At all. Me and my husband high-fiving each other behind her back so she couldnt see it. When I pulled out when I was wearing and then showed at her and her eyes widen that she just gave me the biggest smile "you are going to look so fine. First." She said handing me the vial I cracked open downed it." I only had to wait like 2 seconds before my husband had to catch me because as soon as I've been kicked in I lost Consciousness for a hot minute as my body was engulfed and my Inferno Flames that I use when I was altering kaitlin's appearance well my whole entire body and golf itself in it luckily it been burning in my clothes or anything and it didn't leave any soot on me. But when it settle for feeling what I looked like my husband was like God Smack you look like he found Paradise was just man-made Jacqueline smile when he suddenly gave me the most passionate and yearning kissy ever did before he pulled away telling me how Beautiful Mind for parents actually is he would not stop operating me with compliments it's like he couldn't run out of descriptions to describe how beautiful I wish which absolutely left me I'm not going to like speechless I had no words.

"My love you really think I'm that beautiful. Man if that's how you really feel I honestly regret feeling of half my power and my original appearance and my real face. Well I also forgot about how my original body is actually built holy crap I'm so much better than my other one I'm sorry my other one does not look like a woman's sorry but the one that Jerry gave me did not look anything like my original one as you can tell this is my original and my real figure my body shape." I said hesitantly other than asking my husband if you liked it or not he just looked me up and down galking with an open mouth. "Well you like it how do I look come on you're making me nervous neither of you saying anything." I said as my husband embrace me and refuse to keep his hands to himself he was having way too much fun running his hands all over my body like he was way too much fun he would not stop I only had to get the girls to help me but I am off me including Clinton. Poor Clinton.

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