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And then I end up with all the rest of them including Clinton staring at me wide eyed luckily I had had my dress on already which is why they were eyeballing me so because I was Clinton said holy s*** Goliath you are going to have a hard time with this one later especially if we're going to party with that many people and there's going to be a lot of non-humans there no offenses but you look absolutely scrumptious you are going to have to stay with Goliath the entire time likely because even if one of them thinks that you were single or not with a male they're going to pounds like a damn tiger and that is no joke right babe.

Oh yeah that's a real big problem I didn't know you were that listen honey if I want to know that you were that damn sexy I would have turned it down a little bit I think we only enhanced her beauty and sexy because they are going to eat her alive or at least try to pay wait a minute some of the people are bringing their kids why don't you just bring your baby that'll be a big turn away trust me none of them mess with the female with a baby because they know the males are too far away and especially non human males they know  better. Now the human males are going to be the problem because they don't know what no means if they find a girlfriend as fine wine they try to eat her for breakfast whether she likes it or not and even if she works there are vacancies they're pretty persistent so that's why I said the state and with the entire time plus if you got a baby they'll know not to do that at least I hope so because if they don't if you're holding a hey baby and non-human nearby sees it they will intervene and defend the mother and child even mimics are really good at that if they see a mother and a child some more words are being pestered by mail that is an ultimate or not the child's father they will intervene they will protect the mother and the baby and then they'll look after them make sure that they're okay until they're mate comes back." Kaitlyn said. Ain't got to worry about that sister even though we're not going to be in the party we're still going to be there she has bodyguards and a couple of them can turn invisible so a couple of them will always be sneaking into the party to make sure that they can never be enough somebody decidable some funny business and nobody stops them we take very good care of our Queen. Yuki is one of the ones that can turn invisible. Trust me we have our ways to protect her without actually being there or at least here knowledge to your eyesight you won't notice us but we're always there we know how to blend in and we also know how to disappear."One of my men assured  them as they finished helping me get ready. But I told him not to tone it down or dare to tone it down I told them we already got this far if you're going to do it you might as well do it right the right way I mean if we're going to make me look like the most expensive Divine exotic pressure on Earth we might as well do it the right way right we might as well go all the way I mean we're already this far too late to turn back. That's all I had to say for them to go absolutely all out on everything like yes it was slight Overkill but I looked and tested okay with a lot of Overkill but I looked like the most beautiful non-human ever I know I've said that before but this tomorrow really meant it like with my original parents and body with what they did to my face with makeup and my hair I looked amazing look like totally different person even though my parents movie look like all of them for them anyways I mean I still but I looked like an actual goddess because my true appearance is supposed to actually be a goddess I am a god to her parents is my goddess appearance. Heck I couldn't even stop looking at myself in the mirror. I took my husband to hand me my child in a bottle for me to actually jumping high here I actually breastfeed but I pump and privacy and then I just use the bottles to feed them since I'm in our name in my child obviously needs mom's milk because it's obviously not going to want human milk. I fed her back a couple bottles made sure to put a little cooler thing and the car that way that I had to remove and get if she needed anything and I also had her diaper bag in there. You dressed our daughter up in a cute dress that was made in a child's design version of what my dress is supposed to be my dress is far inappropriate for a baby. My people make sure I get plenty of pictures of us do since we have our daughter and it's going to be her first picture with her since we didn't get one when she was born what we did but it's not been pointed yet one of my people took pictures with her phone and haven't found a way to get them print it out yet. But saying this person said they would have happened to me in about a week since they were professional photographer and since the stupid part is going on today everybody was going to pick her taking the car partners to the parent is stupid bash that Fraya setting up is a huge deal. But it's not actually her party she was just put in charge of setting it up and making sure all invitations are set out that they want to erase people that they got everybody's RSVP which Caitlin did over the phone while you're in the car. And she then give them are rsvp. My parents my sisters and even his parents and didn't even have the consideration to invited us even more invited for my damn funeral all jokes aside but seriously like I invited her to everything more talking which is what I had in my purse because I didn't invite her to my wedding she just didn't show up. In fact I had copies of every single invitation I ever sent her because she had them sent all back to me every single time she wanted me to open them and then it was her because the handwriting that said Return to sender was her handwriting and I recognize it. I sat in between my husband and the car seat and I just played with her daughter now we drove his parents over the ones that gave up their invitation for me cuz I didn't want to go and rather than waste it they asked us if we wanted it. We pulled into the parking lot as they got out ran to the back passenger doors and because of everybody arriving at the same time the parking lot was full which one that they were getting a lot of attention as soon as everybody seen them in their new appearances they were all spring want to know that was wanting to know who this beautiful couple are. In fact some random I mean like illegit random person with apparently invited literally walked up to her and ask her who she was Clinton told her them to leave her alone she has a date she's not interested and then he proceeded to tell them yeah I'm her date so back off that person booked it out of there pretty quick it was a man of course it was but this time was something like 17 he was way too young for her but then again not the same Dude where's driving around and as soon as they open our doors and we both got out that dude with eyeballing me exactly like crazy that is until Goliath walked over in front of me while I was reaching in to grab the baby and he had his arms cross given this guy the biggest back off look also took was one stared down for that kids to literally piss himself and run off. He groaned and disgusted. Isn't this supposed to be a part of the Year event and second isn't it for freaking arrest and people have high Authority and high position then why the hell are there people around like that without nobody watching them that is no I'm going to complain to her immediately. He said taking their invitation flipping through a little pamphlet where it said complains and he wrote it down saying random people won't leave my wife alone I have a kid with me and not family friendly my baby is literally an infant and with literally born this week not family friendly because if I can bring a baby and I random teenage more than 17 kids that they're home my wife and my brothers girl and no security doesn't need anything and we're high ranking Royals yeah they're freaking problem not the best part of the year he said as he put his seal his family feel which on humans use to show their superiority over the other species of non- humans are sealed with the highest ranking one in other words we had the most high superiority and Authority out of any of the other animal species of races or any of the above and we put that sucker in the Box while we walked to the door while I had maybe be wrapped up so nobody could really see her cuz I know I never freaking creep eyeballing my baby in fact I get some doctor and if my lace scarf that went with my dress that went over arms and around my elbows and my back you know like those fancy prom dresses of or aristocratic ladies use and mine was made for an aristocratic lady. When we walked in the because we were walking and we had to walk him with my wife so like looking we didn't get somebody's attention because everybody was so damn together trying to get in it was but it was hectic and even put that on the complaint since Friday is trying to get involved with pretty much Society government all that s*** but normally that she had to win over Not Human Being Human and personally she can handle setting up a small banquet event or sending a baseball ball for everybody doing for themselves and meet each other and be safe which is exactly what was on the Family that's why he wrote those compliances that's not safe. Animation to keep one of the complaint things I really thank you forgot to write more I mean he already had two complaints already when you haven't even made it in there yet so he made sure to keep like three pages in case if you need to actually write down more stuff because of this complains go to the main higher-ups like the council members for the not humans the council members for the humans and like anybody of authority and that was a roar like a king or president and they were to go over every single one and if I had enough person to play about it in enough of them well then they know that there's a freaking problem and they know either if I had a person that got doing it or undress it to the person that set up the darn thing and she literally wears their characters none there was no balancers or nobody making sure that nobody was getting stupid and that was alcohol it specifically said no alcohol because it was supposed to travel friendly so yeah and needless to me when I took my child when there are felt stupider than s*** in fact I'm not even joking I literally did not even go up to Freya or anything cuz I said if you have any complaints come up to Freya no I went straight up with the one that put her in charge of it who was the announcer right if he was about ready to make an announcement but I caught him before he went up on the stage.
"Oh dear is is there anything I can help you with might I add look absolutely beautiful." He smiled shaking my hand trying to be polite. I asked him if he can step aside with me for a minute. You can tell it after a concern so he immediately assuring like we're at my arm not hard gently and into me over to the side of the stage where he can actually talk to me instead of pumping in a dancing drunken and bumps. I'm here asked me what seems to be the problem I showed him my clans seal first. His face went from very common Placid to very serious and concerned. I pulled out the pamphlet The Furniture copy that one of them had later on I slept through the pages and showed him I'm a queen I was told I was supposed to be a family around they said there was no alcohol and then they said children invited I have a newborn that I've kept talking underneath my arm the entire night that I brought here because she needs me to feed her obviously because I'm a purebred she cannot be said anything else obviously because I am and my favorite not human I'm actually the Supreme Queen of the mystics I brought my kid my newborn my first born here thinking that it was going because I said it was supposed to be family oriented me and my husband are not comfortable one bit with this in fact I'm probably going to have to can my kid off to one of my cards thank God I have them follow me everywhere you're lucky I got bodyguards everywhere which means looking for you guys I can hand her off to one of them look me and my husband are very rare species they're only one of each of us so yes we did a very seriously that we brought our kid here we're the only to her species like he's the only one of his pieces I'm the only one of mine I'm just trying to say that he feels advertised if it's going to be for adults clarify that's going to be hurt please I am not putting Crimson In Harm's Way just because somebody failed the clarify oh and on top of that and your parking lot me and my gland member or getting out one of my Kings and yeah morning or something your voice was being a creep hitting on me and my queen and that works on below me payroll for my entire species which includes every king and queen underneath me only is a respectfully on the dang note no kids cuz now I got to buy one of my guys to take my child back outside and I lost my husband in the crowd and no offense I don't have her subscribe he's one more person hurts my baby or touches me inappropriately I'm f*** them up and I'm telling you that in advance that way that you know why somebody got their spine broken because I am not having that with me having my baby right here I didn't even walked over here with us I should walk right out back out the door and gave her the one but I did not. Because I didn't truly think this is a family-oriented event I'm not amused.

" I'm sorry to hear that I was so little one." He asked for a concerningly. I lifted my star for feeling the sleeping newborn his face whenever she looked up at him and he's in her eyes.

"Holy hell that is a purebred. I've never seen a purebred newborn before. She's absolutely precious and she's so cute her eyes are so different what species is she. I'm sorry but I'm personally never met a purebred in fact I thought they were made up from what I understand most people do that they are though you're the first one I've ever actually ran into.

No we're real exact I've got to clone of it for 21500 in your town alone they always stay close to me they don't trust none of you they're not going to we Mystics only trust each other but look I risk bringing two of my cakes here risk of bringing my own child and my husband really sure people can do is make sure that same family-oriented I got kids dude especially whenever I end up having three more in about a we can just be nice to know that when it's his family or did this actually family-oriented my husband's sister are we going to adopt three of her kids don't ask us one of those squirt of situations where they don't want them and obviously me and my husband are very family-oriented this child I gave birth to though so she's my biological daughter and my husband's and that means that she's wrong with my biological kid she's less than a week old I thought she'd be safe whoever did your pamphlets really needs to get there ass in gear because half the stuff that they brought in here I ain't even involved like there's no passers there's no security guard there's nobody making sure that the only people coming in and out or once they were invited like there was nothing stopping some random from walking in here and that makes me very uncomfortable.

I understand your concern ma'am and you have a right to be thank you for addressing all that cuz unless me interested to me personally I ain't going to know yeah I'm the one that funds this whole thing but I put my underlinks in charge if they mess up I have to know about it and a lot of times they only go to my underlinks and that actually me so a lot of times when I'm done covers up their mess up my neck telling me about it orange cream on the complete cards that I put in the pamphlets on purpose and I do that because of this region and they hear the first person I went directly to me instead of her.

Yeah welcome I'm going to be completely 100% of you me and prayer got some history she's my ex best friend from childhood who the other day told me that she wanted nothing by the way and didn't come here to represent my own plan actually I came here to represent my husband's parents cuz she didn't even send me one and I'm a supreme queen of an entire species rude she only did that cuz she's mad at me you can get me I don't care I'm just wanting you to be aware of who I am and that that was uncalled for and I have been no if you think the mimics are well Fabian belief you ain't even close darling Mystics are way more because we're an ancient very powerful species so if you want to put your hands in a little bag upon human go ahead but remember who you make your friends and remember you don't my species is a word a champion Warrior type in the woman that you're trying to have run your s*** literally looked at me the other day and told me that I'm not the Phoebe she knew before unless she wants nothing to do with me now because I don't even go by the same name no do you want to know why she doesn't want to be my friend even though I love her to death like a sister and that b**** turned her back on me without even looking so that is exactly why I came to you cuz if I go to her I'm not going to lie to you I'll probably break your spine over my f****** knee again because I've done that before more than once it's actually my signature move that's because at the point I'm just avoiding conversation so that's why I can do I even told you the truth so yeah you can say it's not going to hear I don't care I got Warriors crawling all over this place what you mean handed a better job than she did at least I had security damn unless my security is actually efficient because they're a bunch of damn purebreds and trust me if your breasts are nothing like my mix honey either on a totally different level I'm at Phoenix for crying out on my husband's a paper Leviathan for crying out loud we have dragons I'm pretty sure I can take out the mimics they need how I feel like but instead I deserve to come here and get to know them because I met someone I actually liked cuz stress me the ones with Freya I did not like they were cocky as s*** and I did not like their attitude sorry I'm blunt if you don't like my bluntness I will deal with it I'm honest I'd rather be honest and lie to you and besides if you lie to me well I'm the type of thing that would just break your foot and then ask questions later so now are we on levelhead do you get where I'm coming from.

You are so darn pretty but everything you say sounds like a threatened way why is that

Actually it's not a threat trust me you know if I starting you cuz it wouldn't I just do it that's my part you got to remember I I'm a parody okay I'm one of the most violent and aggressive creatures on Earth of course I'm not going to warn and neither does my husband he's a chaotic energy being he's literally just going to destroy s*** and then ask questions later so does my species like I guess that are some of the things I say do you come off I start they are not I'm telling you if a Yokai is threatening you they ain't going to threaten you honey they just going to break your damn neck and then ask questions we don't threaten okay I'm just being courteous and warning you because personally I'm going to be completely blunt with you because you have been nice so far I am able to erase entire species and create them you really think if I don't think I'm not going to do that cuz I sure as damn well the luck I don't like doing that so I prefer to actually try to walk it out and get the s*** fixed and get it where it's supposed to be rather than just a ride I can't entire species because I can cause mass extinctions to entire species and I haven't done it to several times honey I am being polite by asking you to be civil with my people okay because so far none of them have respected any of my kitten and I'm starting to get really f****** fed up I'm about to start eradicate in some species so if I don't see results soon look I'm a kind and just immersible person but I did not want my cake growing up in the world where she doesn't know her value or where she thinks that she's the little ranking cuz some stupid human doesn't know a damn thing about a Mystic I'm just sick and tired of being disrespected luckily you were not so you love to see another day cuz I like you you're nice now everybody else doesn't tonight I'm not going to be in the f****** mood I just confused the rest of my power and the rest of my rage not to mention everything else that I actually had sealed off for over a thousand years which is what can't make calm since I added it back in what do you think that's going to make I'm going to be a lot more aggressive and just to be fair that I used to call me a tyrant and not for sure to send you those cuz I rule with an iron fist look I'm only telling you this because I know that you're high up and status and rank and I don't know I'm just really sick of talking to Young low ranking ones that don't understand okay I run an entire species here I just hate talking to people that don't understand or are disrespectful I'm over it I'm over it.

Well I'm glad you talk to me instead of actually doing like I said before fine I mean having your entire species wiped out without knowing what the f*** you did wrong I mean I am very hi ranking I actually work in the console I will handle that to the best of my ability.

"Thank you I appreciate it if you need anything you ask me okay im Phoenix my husband is Goliath our daughter is Crimson." I said hugging him I just wanted I did it was so gentle that it actually cut them off guard in fact he actually flinched when I went to hug him.

"you weren't actually mad you were just frustrated I asked the first second thought that you were going to get violent but now I get it I get it you were just frustrated. You are just upset honey why didn't you just tell me that

Because if I didn't say that to anybody out saying it to the wrong person again you don't understand how many higher-ups I've actually walked up to and told them this when they ignored me I've been trying to get help so I can talk to the council I'm not the same species as she was so far I've been trying to talk to them but they won't only talk to their own species Unless they give the okay to them which you don't really only happens if they are aware that one's trying to talk to them and how are they going to be aware that I'm trying to talk to them if they're underlings make a joke out of it laugh at the one that's trying to talk to them and disregard and thought what they were told to tell their superiors because I've had that happen several times I've even had several places reject me and my family because of the fact that they don't know what a Mystic is and then they just Mark us as little ranking just because they don't want to do their homework I told them it's in the book of it to your homework I even gave them a damn thesaurus on every single one of my members their status to rank and their feces I even gave it to freaking all but I made it hell for them to get a hold of it I got laughed at for crying out loud I'd f****** Eden why do you think I don't think maybe people there no more like I want to eat him for help and they laughed in my face I showed them my Titan form and they laughed in my face over and I even gave them my actual identity and they left on my face you don't laugh in a gods face and sorry I don't want to turn evil I don't want to turn no bad leaf but people are personal buttons what do you think happens when they lose their divinity when they lose their face and anything they become evil God's can become evil it does happen and what do you think's going to happen if the mother of all becomes one of those it ain't going to be pretty honey and you keep that to yourself cuz you can't tell nobody okay I have a spell on anyone that I tell her to so they can repeat it to anyone or even rated I don't want nobody doing that and the mother of all because it is free game. Obviously especially I have a child now my kid has that too by the way so yeah you do and that to anyone I will know about it don't test a god especially this one my patience is wearing thin with everybody.

"Come on come over here I'll talk to you more private. What the oh yeah I'm ignoring that that's just Yuki one of my Ninetales of foxes. Sorry I am having her take the baby so I know that she is safe out of their way sorry nine-tailed foxes can make themselves invisible probably should have mentioned that you're probably thinking you're seeing shit.  I said as I handed my daughter off to wall and she just disappeared and she just vanished at turning invisible because Yuki tucked her underneath her kimono.

Look I can erase your memory if you want me to I just hate and no one knowing who I am everything going so sour and so hard doing all this s*** yourself having no help like my husband's helpful of course but like he struggles cuz we're by ourselves is only we have assistance we're supposed to but do you see said assistance no no there are nowhere to be found every single other piece is pretty much lactose for the f****** wolves like they won't work with us or nothing like I said I've tried I went to eat and it went all of them and I love him a little Easter eggs like all of her support with my people I gave them information that's critical for my species and I literally gave it to them to show them to us and they spit it back in my face so.

"No no I want to remember because I was that person once I had to deal with the same thing not an entire species but I had to deal with my entire Clan no one helped me everybody just left me on my own and said he'll figure it out I was around your age. Which is exactly why I became a counselor to begin with so I could make a difference so far I've made zero but maybe if I can manage to help you within I don't make up for all the times that I couldn't I wasn't able to trust me anytime the client came to meet with something I always brought up the council but it was ignored it but I want to keep on pushing fingers until they answer." He said and I hugged him. Right whenever and Heavenly intoxicated Freya decided to come out of nowhere and smack him on the back of the head saying who the hell are you hugging on mister. My eyes wide and he literally pushed me behind him glancing back telling me that he will catch up with me later and to go find my husband I kissed him other people come thank you so much and handed him something he can help but smile on a bit of free apparently decided to make it in inappropriate joke because all I heard with him hollering at her afterwards. So I purposely waited till they left and then I walked past whispering nice move Home Slice which is what we used to say to each other back and get me where it's look as I glance back saying yeah family oriented all right says the piss ass drunk person put of the whole event. And you tell me you're disappointed in me hilarious you're funny home dog you funny cuz if anybody in this moment it is you I've made lips and bones you're drinking at a family oriented event and piss ass drunk and just got yelled at my council member and you're done. I said cracking up laughing as I walked away and I made sure it's a lot of never heard of hear me cuz she was being yelling at me why the f****** even here. Because I'm a supreme Queen and this was a thing for the higher ups or was that also wrong on your pamphlet too since there were so many other things wrong with it dude I got to throw a better it's just that in my sleep you had months to do this how the hell did you f*** that up.

Well at least I didn't come do a drinking the party pregnant

Do I look pregnant to you my baby was already born and you know that if you were an actual friend and I'm backstabbing b**** who apparently only gets her rocks off by the way I bet you can't even remember who I am because of how pissed-ass drunk you are you probably call me Annabelle okay Yuki you can pass her back." I said as I walked over to the wall where my husband was and she seen how I was with her face was hysterical especially whenever Caitlin was holding my baby on her face was rather than a f****** especially whenever she seen out buddy buddy me and Caitlin were and she's saying that she wasn't human anymore especially when I came to look over at her smiled and winked. Straight at Freya and mouth to her when she hugged me. Unlike you I'm a loyal and good friend. And then she said out loud. And I plan on taking very good care of my best friend isn't that right sister. She said lifting is trying to my hair that was over my shoulders. Of course sister can I have my baby back now and where's my husband at... I said right as my husband came behind me as I was reading for her daughter and Caitlin's arm when my husband grab my shoulder scaring the woman's head out of me going to work I literally ignited inflames until I've been around and saying it with my husband never was having a freaking heart attack he just laughed his ass with rest of our clan members that were with us. When my husband embrace me cuz he realized he actually did scare the s*** out of me. I'm sorry baby please don't be mad at me I didn't think I was going to scare you that bad I normally never get one over you like that normally sence me before I'm right up on you like that. He said laughing kissing me all over my face trying to get me to stop squirming he had made a very tight and gentle Embrace but he had such a firm Embrace on me that I could not get out of his arms he literally held me to stop swarming and started letting him him nuzzle his head up against me as he just snuggled me and that's when he kissed me and I started being real affectionate towards him to start nuzzling him he's very kissing him all over his face before wrapping my arms around his neck and just giving him Eskimo kisses see how Mystics show affection is by either putting their head to their Partners like touching their forehead or rub them against each other like a novel except for whatever reason we have it in the city to do it the same with cats do as in like nothing or forehead to the other ones forehead it's just like a truck and if he doesn't open them either very very close to you if you're just touch them and see your from the same kitten if you touch foreheads to a Mystic it's more so like a handshake it's a greeting while I know is more of a hug now you have them while you're doing it then it's more of like you're kissing them on my cheek it's very much like something you only do with family which we started doing and that really confused the other guests because they we're watching every little man for making Which we noticed when we looked up. Wanted another recording this whole entire ball like their broadcasting it of course they were because he was just love broadcasting every freaking event. Me and my partner give each other a very concerned woman and that's why I was feeling good I said that the person having to do things broadcasting it was freaking prayer Freya she was talking to the news anchor I gave the most hours look when I seen her pointing at us though

"Seriously Freya for real you're going to be in that childish first of all you don't even talk to her you don't know her you haven't talked to her since beforehand and I swear if you're telling that news anger a little b******* I swear if it is about my queen you better run because I'm one of hers now and I will whip your ass promise honey here take Crimson I might have to go chase that b****." Kaitlyn said and as soon as Fraya seen her hand me the baby. Wait a minute you actually did have the baby and you brought them." She yelled. 

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