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"Yeah because some idiot stuck that it was a family function on the pamphlet and it said family oriented not getting drunk and get stupid obviously I'm not that done if I don't know there was alcohol here I would never on her somebody which means you dumb and put that there was no alcohol involved. Why do you think me my clan members are staying all together and are staying in the corner because I'm obviously their main queen and I have my kid with me thanks to your false advertising which by the way thanks you're going to make me look bad parent so yeah I turned it by the way.

How was I supposed to know you were going to bring the kid.

Because I was pregnant Freya it's common sense if you're going to label something as a function for higher-ups like me presidents and you know people of High Authority do you really want to give yourself that bad name there there's alcohol in every function that you place like I just don't think it's appropriate and thank God you don't have any of our positions online Jesus would you imagine your ass trying to run an entire species and trying for once function listen if you would have done this with my clan you would have got in your ass torn up. You know what the heck were you whispering to that news anchor because I seen you pointing at me which means obviously you were talking about me so unless you weren't a very pissed off Supreme Queen because guess what honey I'm not pregnant now okay I roll over an entire species you really think I want whoop your ass for talking s*** on me I mean the last time we did talk you literally said you wanted nothing to do with me because I'm not the Sweet Little Girl You Used To Know too bad people for the f**** you literally told me that you didn't want to be friends with me because of the fact that I wasn't willing to change myself just affect your opinion but yet you're saying you're getting drunk and everything in a community function that supposed to be a family function with a bunch of aristocrats and higher ups yeah that that looks real good on you honey I happen to know how to do things the right way if he wouldn't have been such a b**** last time I talked you I'm going to let you know you really hurt my f****** feelings so guess what I did I released my vial that has all my rage in it everything that I locked away when my brother archanged on me which means guess what honey my savagery is back my calmness is gone I'm back now I was when I first started which means you better run for the hills honey because I feel no mercy didn't know mother f***** piss me off and I'll show you what the hell is up why do you think my parents looks different why do you think my body type looks different it's not painful instances because this is what I actually look like I still get away in a while because I still have my freaking power away but you know what you pissed me off so bad the other day I f****** busted that b****.

"Wait you ever thought upset when I said I didn't want to talk to you cuz you..." "of course I f****** did we grow up together you stupid dumbass you were my best friend you turned her back on me and didn't even wink I hope you know I f****** cried you b**** so yeah I put back my original soul in and let me tell you it's a lot less nicer than the one that you met I am way more f****** mean there's a reason why I put my original song about honey because it's absolutely ferocious and you know what you don't deserve to be called honey cuz you're not a honey you're just a girl who broke my heart and he was in total b**** like I thought he was like a sister and you literally turned her back on me without even flinching I could punch you in the face right now break out your damn teeth and laugh about it. You know how much a jerk you are Caitlin was nice to me she actually gave a s*** so I made her one of mine because she actually cared you literally walked away from me and told me you didn't want nothing to do with me when I had waited so long to meet back up with you do you know how bad the f****** hurt they have to come and bite you in the ass b**** you out and then throw you back in the f****** Pacific Ocean and just leaves you there to float." I scolded her angrily making my hair light a flame.

"Holy s*** you are mad. Oh no honey I am absolutely Furious I'm pissed I'm angry yeah maybe a little sad but I'm more Angry than anything I would have literally taken a bullet for your b**** ass and you literally turned her back on me for one thing like no you can go suck on a bag of eggs round and awake and I could give s*** to s***'s list in fact I'll be the one sticking her head in the water." I practically screamed at her when she walked over in my face turned more and more red I'm sure it's different touch my face and I just swatted her hand away when she moved into my eyes when I reached up and realized I was bawling my eyes out.

"Don't touch my tears you don't deserve them Kaitlyn can you go with my viles. Aw thanks baby. I said kissing my husband when he handed me a little vile that I keep my tears in.

"Wait you collect your tears. Darn she was right you guys are kind of weird and you guys seem like you guys are really aggressive and really mean nobody wants that

First of all this newscaster get your facts straight she faxed at me last time that's why I'm upset with her I love her like a sister and she decided to turn her back on me just because I'm different because I'm not impressionable and another doormat anymore and she's also pissed because I'm a queen which means that I have to deal with the whole entire species so yeah you try telling me that I'm not weird and also the lady I'm a phoenix a purebred Phoenix so yeah I'm going to collect my tears you got a problem with it my tears have healing properties do you just want me to just let him drop Plus Phoenix ears are very valuable oh wait I forgot your human you probably don't no Direction about mythological creatures of course you don't none of you do that's why all of you stare at me like I'm a freaking alien with a third eye. Were shapeshifters not freaking aliens there's a difference you know like werewolves vampires that's where they it's not rocket science. And then you seriously going around a new schedule telling her all kinds of b******* about that I'm weird like what was she even all telling you cuz I guarantee you that was false first while she's drunk second of all she's a b**** I'm tired of all she doesn't even talk to me she has no damn thing about me not the real me so taking information from her is like taking information the gossip girl who just likes to make up for random ass stories at her ass. I'm 19 I'm not I have to do like a million freaking things I roll over an entire species of purebred so yes I'm not going to be exactly nice I don't exactly have a support system except my people they are the only family you got a problem with it they are my family and I am theirs and as far as I'm concerned about this world definitely knows to treat me right I've tried talking to her several times and they left in my face because they had no clue what a Mystic was it stands for mythological creature it's not rocket science but instead they marked me as a low tear I'm a supreme queen of like one of the most strongest anxious species I'm not low here at all in fact I'm a deity. Which that girl were there will not no Direction about it so you might as well not even ask her okay Brian might know me from when I was human from when I was like 12 but she does not know jack s*** about me as I am like she does not know who I am as a person so getting information about me off of her is like getting information off of Billy Joe about Catherine who lives in freaking New Mexico while he lives in Russia if he had a question he asked me personally you don't go to some random ass girl that just happens to know what my name is because that is the only thing that she knows about me. I am so sick and tired of everybody judging me based on stereotypes on my way over it over for eight I'm just trying to find some good in the world before I decide what route to take cuz I really don't want to take the route them about ready to because I want a world that's just in kind not cool and unfair I want people that actually treat human beings like human beings treat ever being able and not like they're freaking I'm going to dive and in my child is not going to grow up in a world like that. I want to make a world that's safe for her to grow up is that right crimson. You know what this world sucks I think I'm going to go pick a new one

Pick a new one."

Yeah jokes on all of you. And every species on this Earth You just chased away the one thing I can protect you I'm not just a supreme Queen Psych I'm the mother of all and I want nothing to do with your planet I gave it every chance in the book first I broke my back then I ended up with the freaking situation where I was by myself with my husband with no memory by the way my point is is that I felt nothing but despair ever since that landed here over it I'm just going to make a mass extinction and I'm leaving I'm going to create another world where I like it better I have never once been happy since the day I was created I haven't been there nothing but hardships and I'm not letting my daughter grow up like that because she has the same power I do her dad's a dating I'm a God but you do together she's going to have one of our powers or both. I'm just leaving I'm over it tired of being tired I'll take my parents and I'm leaving I'll take his parents too that's it I'm only taking those while like and then I'm gone you know for a world that worships me I really don't know jack s*** about me for one and that just did that irrigation and distraction I'm also in God of War you missed that part just thought I'd be better out there oh and I'm also got a wisdom not sex I don't know where the hell you guys got the room and it was disturbing and s*** when I first got here just saying is really disturbing but anyway I wish you would do cuz you're going to need it last time I ended a world it went dead better than a doornail and everybody turned into mutants so that is up to you where where this goes you know the separated it's not an end of your world yet I'm just literally renting a prematurely because it's literally not even worth saving y'all are all prejudices as f*** you're rude to each other you're mean as hell gods are supposed to be raised with love and kindness I'm one of the best highest ranking and status of gods and you literally chased me out even I tried giving you guys a thousand A Million Ways one to win and you didn't last night killing myself again I've already died once for you stupid people I ain't dying again just because I'm miserable for her no not after having babies on myself with people that ain't worth it he knows that is that I told Eden when I was and they laughed in my face okay Loki was it smart for them to laugh in my face.

"No it was not." A voice right now a deep Sunrise voice right now as a black silhouetted figure disappeared beside me. A very tall one. That started paying my head

"What the f***."
Watch your tongue child do you realize how close you're coming to turn into this God into an evil one so why do you think we're intervening stop we put her here to make it better not make it worse we put her here so she can have raise her kid and peace she just wants peace and quiet it's not like she's asking you to cause War and this is how you repay her loyalty which is precisely why we made her she's a weapon of mass destruction for a reason but she's also creation but we're getting really sick and tired of everybody but we're getting really sick and tired of everybody being several to her we try to give her the easiest route of fate but somehow she's always getting in the harshest Phoenix is a very sweet and kind girl once you hit her heart exterior she's actually very gentle she only has a heart exterior because of everybody being so cruel to her trauma couldn't do damage that you cannot see it can also do the same thing to a God as young as her she is a newborn we placed her hair to make the decision about whether or not you should live or die so if they're at the verdict is not good but we cannot let this continue because she falls into despair she can turn able we cannot allow that. Under any circumstance she is made with a fragments as if every single God that is what makes up her soul she was our greatest gift to mankind and this is how we are always repaid I'm sorry Phoenix I really did try to pick a nice one we really did would you like to go to back to Valhalla we want you to live out your days happily not sad you're miserable here you're not happy

"No I'm not I'm sad as s*** I'm angry as hell and all I want to do curl up in a ball cry or Punch walls Uncle okay can I just come back to the plain of Gods please I know everybody there and they're nice to me

"Of course my dear you're always welcome in Olympus we just wanted to give you a chance to actually have a physical body for me and your physical body is over a thousand and 49 years old we just wanted to give you a chance to actually live your life you haven't even been in this physical body for not even a year she's not even been in it for 5 months." He said.

"Phoenix why didn't you tell me"

"Because you didn't deserve me now and then you do plus there's an endless here I ain't getting caught by that b**** I'll see them I'm out buy here on your own sorry but I am a newborn I am away or maybe 5 months and this physical body and there's an evil God here no f*** that there's a f****** Reaper here nah nah nah I would rather eat my and before I run into the freaking Lilith. No offense but God yeah no thank you because that's what's on your planet why do you think they Place me here because I am the but they made to take them out but they are placing me here right now to hide full of strong enough so you're not meant to take them out but I'm meant to be able to restrain them I mean I'm designed to be able to kill them if need be but honestly because the f*** wants to spell false blood not me if I don't need to I'd rather not but yeah me being as an experienced as I am right now that's not a good idea for me to run into an endless you know what I don't give a s*** if I tell you who there because I broke his right here and I haven't a couple other things that I got my sleave in case if she comes after my ass

"You were going to abandon us with Lilith what the Fox Phoenix you're literally designed to take her on things like that and you were literally just going to abandon us yep I'm here in the hard feelings but I you're playing it kind of made the bed now it's got to lie in it I gave your planet plenty of tries to know who I was so they would know how to help or you know let me know how to assist them in any way but they feel that s*** bad so correct I was going to leave your ass with a f****** Raper yeah no I ain't taking her on I am only 5 months old in a physical body I am not taking all morning as powerful as her by myself I am a dead meat if I'd rather that s*** that I would at least have half my species eliminated trying to do that s*** no thank you.

"What if I didn't want to fight"

"Oh God made my big fat mouth f*** I'm so bone I only have like six here I'm so screwed."

"Yeah but you brought me Lilith what do you want.

"Dream so it is true she did purify you"

"Yeah she did which also means that I'm a God again but that also means that I'm by her side so if you touch her you got to go through me first. Stay behind me Phoenix she's very unpredictable" dream said standing in front of me while I shielding my baby as Loki took on a physical body materialized in front of me shielding me making the whole crowd gasp. When I send somebody walk out the crowd and it was a five year old girl with red glowing eyes I almost instantly knew that was Lilith I kind of pushed them a little bit of size so I can actually go look at her.

Okay I have one question if you're on all powerful endless why would you pick a 5 year old's body a cute 5 year old at that that is so deceiving a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute please with you before holy s*** even watching me grow up you play with me all the time when I was away with a kid oh my god I've been playing with her the whole time dream he's been playing with me since I was tow.

Yeah that's what I've been meaning to tell you I'm not trying to tell you I know how gentle you're so really is despite what you might think the moment you won over dream I was actually following you then too and yes at that time I was playing on taking you out but then I seen how beautiful your soul was and I see now the idea of the effect that you had on dream I figured if you could save him you could save me but I needed to win you over first why do you think you haven't ran in any Cryptids lately because I'm not letting them harm you when I first met you and dreams Dimension I did in my goal was to wipe you out but then hey seeing how strong your impact was on him and I figured I might be able to ask you for help with my siblings too I know the dream is going to be very against it but brother they need help like bad like things are getting out of control they're out of control I know it's extremely dangerous but can you not kill my siblings and purify them instead. I mean I understand if you can't technically do all that but it doesn't hurt to ask that's literally the only reason I have to do down was to ask you that one more simple question you can execute me if you want to if that proves I'm not trying to trap you." She said as I walked over Dream ran over trying to stop me.she smiled when I kneel down in front of her I'm still holding my baby too. Crimson literally reached out for her as soon as she seen me get to eye level with her. He smiled at my baby talking to her in the most gentle voice put not daring to reach over trying to touch her. When I see my baby just start laughing and squirm and trying to reach over to grab her. I leaned forward leaning closer to her offering to let her touch her. She looked at me very unsure. I motion for her to touch her but it was like she was scared too.

" see that is why I let you cuz you didn't you're hesitating but I can tell that you want to my dear the eyes are the windows of the Soul the moment I looked in your eyes that's why I walked over with my daughter you didn't have any bad intentions

No I don't and I don't want to anymore they have to do what I was created to do just like any other unless I'm not allowed to stop that's why I'm asking for help I don't want to die I didn't want to create monsters either not the type of thing creating there I don't like creating Things That Kill take lives and destroy I only create creating economic beings I want to create something beautiful and pretty like you I love the fire in your heart though that's what got my attention because back in the dream room you may or may not remember it whenever you were going through a woman's Awards you took out my entire colony I was terrified I thought you were going to kill me that's the funny thing was to say you didn't you saved my life instead you not only rescued me what gave me a change of heart you tried to comfort me. Many gods would comfort an endless none yet you did it to not just me but dream too you not just did that you should dream with love flies that's what turned him good and nobody has ever done that to one of us nobody's ever said a Reaper love and you did it to me as well to not remember when you saved my life you said I love you crack my shoulder wide open and I knew I had to protect you so I did I've been watching your physical body grow up who do you think fished you out when that a****** throw you off a bridge when he pushed you and they said it was suicide yeah that was me I fished you out I'm also the one that gave you damn CPR and took you to the hospital. He said as I just hugged her in the warmest embrace. Then I put my forehead to hers not to my body started eliminating almost a I don't like glow fire but not big enough for you to say I've been enough to make my whole entire skin glow red like a fire with one inside me and not eliminations just slowly started flowing into her. Her body slowly eliminated brighter brighter and brighter till you no longer could see it as her entire form changed like dreams. She changed into a beautiful young woman she looked almost like an angel.

"Now that's much better you know I didn't know any better I think you look like an angel." I said if she spread some really huge ass gold wings they were much bigger than almost when I realized there was more than one but there was more than three pairs there was six on a side.

" that's because I am an angel very high ranking when I actually the more Wings than it as or the less human they look more powerful. Thank you I owe you everything I thought it was never going to get out and it's very warm like a warm glow inside your heart just radius through your body it's very relaxing and it doesn't hurt. To be honest I was afraid it's going to feel like a burning flame I thought I was going to hurt. But instead it felt warm and fuzzy like love. Phoenix can i.." "of course your always allowed." I said, letting her hold my baby. She held her finger before I left and that I'm kissing her head that's when I realize who she actually was that's not well if that's not her real name anyways that's freaking Hera I was so confused about why hero would be depicted as Lilith and how did she turn bad because Hera stands for childbirth stand for pregnant women since we're the protection of women as well while Lilith was known for protecting women Hera holy s*** well if I'll be a son of a b**** Harris the goddess of marriage pregnancy birth child bearing and women she protects women I cannot believe that I did not put those to do together so your names not actually that no wonder I said that you had the same or as freaking Gaia damn it I'm such an idiot I should know she's great you're Greek I should have put two and two together.

It's okay but yes you got it right I'm very proud of you I'm surprised you figured out that I'm Hera how did you figure that one out

Well you both protect women you got both have something to do with childbearing there's a lot of stuff that has to do with children that are on both sides and I just have to do together. I'm glad it was you though you were always one of my favorite Gods you were always so sweet wait no wonder I talk to you like a fish out of water I absolutely love Hera she's got such a warm gentle glow I should have noticed that she's got Angelic energy I'm a dumbass it was standing right in front of my face if I would quit doing together I could have figured it out like that oh my God Loki what gods are missing from at Mount Olympus figure out which ones are missing and bring me their names oh and tell Zeus we found his wife.

Yeah he's probably going to it's called me for life for that one he doesn't know it was me I didn't exactly tell him I was in trouble oops I mean I didn't exactly get the chance to by the time I realize what was going on with me yeah I kind of couldn't go to my husband to tell him cuz I had already changed actually I tried to and he shot lightning at me so yeah I just avoided it.

I think I know who the hardest one is and that's probably because he's one of the hardest ancient gods to work with and he is not easy to talk to and he's not easy to win over either s*** well it looks like you're dealing with set the Egyptian god of Chaos and he is not an easy to go get a crack which is probably why that one is the hardest one to do with I'm pretty sure a couple of them are Egyptian honey Egyptian ones are ancient as they come and they're not exactly the easiest ones to work with a lot of them are very aggressive and a lot of them carried and numbing energy like there is another Egyptian god missing that's not just that trying Anubis no he's easier he's a big giant teddy bear like Hades all you got to do is burn them up I mean he can be very evil loves to watch like said he will straight up boring upon destruction chaos if you are what are you doing what she got in her purse oh my gosh you draw a picture of Set although that is freaking amazing that's really good picture actually she didn't want to me never seriously why was that in oh wait you had a prediction didn't you

Yes my dear Loki I did but I had no idea what it meant I have a prediction and a vision of this picture telling me to drive and I had a prediction to bring it with me now that makes more sense so what's that mean

Oh s*** that means he's looking for you I'm saying right with the dream how do the endless work.

Well the endless are created from gods that turned evil which turned into Reapers which grade the endless they can only be stripped of the title of the Endless if only if they were given back their Divinity as a god so if he's showing you himself a set that means a part of him is fighting it he's asking for help trust me sets a very powerful God of Chaos he will fight like hell even against himself but knowing that God being as chaotic as he isn't as ancient as he is I don't think he'd really care to be an endless never a million years but I think you would fight it

He on it because I talked to him I contacted him because he's one of my deities that I use with my witchcraft and to be honest he's one of my favorite okay he is my favorite other than Hera and Gaia. Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh God I just put two and two together most of the endless I've saved are my deities. Like dream the Sandman he's my spirit guide. Hera she's my goddess and then set he's one of my main Gods too oh f*** how many endless are there


"Dream endless Hera I have seven deities and I talk to them on a daily basis oh God no no no one of the Endless Gaia figure out which one she is now I think that I may have had contact with them the whole time this one that made me she's the one that can kill me she made me to save her she made me save herself she didn't on purpose I wasn't just a coincidence she did it on purpose no wonder I haven't been able to contact lately guys working out mother can't be one of them I got to take her out now I got to fix her she's my mom he created my soul she created me she's the reason why I exist I cannot let her turn into one of them. What if it's my fault

It's not baby he's right is not the endless are made up of gods that are forgotten they turn evil because nobody cares for them anymore God's feet and love love is most powerful energy in the world and they they crave it they fean for it so what happens. So what happens when humans stop loving them stop talking to them start showing them that they care they fall in doing a bit of a despair and literally after the last one forgets about them or stops loving them they turn into an endless it's the only existence that I can have after there forgotten yeah I remember guys live off of love worship and prayer they live off of your devotion for them the moment that you stop believing and having faith in them they stop technically existing but not necessarily they just change into something different fit the belief and the faith but normally turn into something nasty oh no I think I know which one gaia is oh s***. I think that's the one they call crap I forget that Reaper's name it's a not destruction but I believe it's havoc the one that causes natural disasters anything that comes from nature like if nature happens to create a plague even a famine and Wars so in other words War oh no war and Havoc are the same one yeah I know we're going to see if that one for last cuz she can actually kill you we don't know where temporary state of mind she said but we do you know that set is ready cuz he's already sending you calling card asking for help.

He's not the only one

Oh s*** Phoenix why didn't you tell me that there was three of them so all three of them and trying to ask you for help wait Anubis okay so was Right Anubis is death is that Odin or he's even in there oh s*** won't that explains why I haven't seen him lately me and thor were both wondering where the hell he went

Yeah I think the sometimes going on because everybody's not worshiping the guts they were given on the lands that they were born on a lot of them are going extinct in other words turning in a Reapers and I know there's way more than that because most of the pagan gods have been they're way more than three

Well that explains why Olympus has been empty lately I just thought they all took a break it's like half the pagan gods dude oh no a lot of them are really really powerful ones I mean at least the Christian God's okay we don't have to worry about him because of me you don't want him to get in that he's really powerful one he's one of the most powerful we'd be f***** if he would get it I wondered why the meeting rooms were so empty lately now I feel so stupid you know what the others know what's going on so they know to keep an eye out if any more of a start dropping cuz there was only seven Reapers now there's too many account is that Hecate oh no not her feelings are breaking my heart how many do you know about.

Too many." I said shaking hands if I pulled a s*** ton of more pictures out of my bag and started saying through them as they started looking through them their faces went white as ghosts and they seen respectful on there a lot of them were in anarchies or very old powerful guys and that's when Hera are really froze up. Not Athena not Athena. Not Athena. How did this happen to my sister. I don't know but every time I go to my older I get visions of different ones and I start trying them I thought they were just them wanting me to draw them portrait or something not because they were trying to ask me for help if I would have known that I would have stepped forward a lot quicker I would have called upon. Loki I'm going to need you to call upon every single current God that has not turned into an endless and I'm going to need you to summon them here physical body and all going to need help these are very powerful ones that I've been going to need of assistance to identify who's who. And what is them what's eating at them so bad that's making them like that like with Hera she just needed some Lovins she needed affection dream he just needed to wake up he needed to believe in something. Now dear Gaia what do you need." I said as if aren't you the earth started the quickest dark figure just appeared for me and I mean like this figure was huge the point where I had to turn my giant form which called the human sock guard when I recognize too was because I walked up to their Marquee black aura and I took off their helmet. "Athena." I said if she mouth help that's when I hugged her in my body started doing that eliminating thing and the same thing happened to her next thing you know golfed with a laminating light but hers was blue like her favorite color before she fell to the ground and I helped her up as she was trying to get her breath or she just latched on me and started hugging me crying. Saying it was so dark it was so cold. Don't you dare let me go through that again. I was terrified Phoenix that was absolutely terrible...

Holy s*** holy s*** holy s*** I know why you're able to purify them now he needs you have fragments of every single God soul and you you ding dong you're able to purify them cuz you have a piece of them sorry I didn't mean to cut you off I swear I just had a realization whenever she did that to you which is why they're able to ask you for helping able to contact here with what little piece of them is left that's still there cuz you have the other half." Hera blurted.

"Holy s*** you're right s*** that's why I'm able to start contacting me even though they're endless it's because I got a piece of them. Well thank God my soul is made up of fragments of every single one in existence otherwise would be screwed."I blurted as a rock my.

"Sister that's what I was trying to tell her you pain in my ass I missed you too Hera but yeah you're right the part of me and said that was still us I was able to gain enough control to be able to talk to each other and we started really brainstorming and was able to put the pieces together which is why we went straight to her when we needed help trying to signal to her where we're at and then we need help the Annunaki are the most powerful of the endless while the regular ones like me are like once like me anything Gaia is technically one of them be careful she's all but lost herself."

"I figured because of my vision of her look at her picture she was yelling at me if you cannot somehow safely restrained me to purify me kill me before I kill you you understand me. My precious daughter always remember you are me you are my physical bodyment once I die you will take on the title of Gaia and you will take my place." I just looked out of my child thinking about hurt like really hardcore.

"I got an idea I can't kill mother. But I can do something else I am her physical embodiment which means I'm also her spiritual essentially I'm a part of her.... no oh s*** mother of all is her nickname that's my name I am Gaia. Who the hell contact me saying that." I said as if robotically my hands wrote something on the paper and it wasn't me I was trying to give you a hint you big old dummy wow thanks Mom so do I need to.."

"No like your goofy but just figured out me and I and you are all the same person. Just because there's two bodies that need does not mean that I need both so technically no because we're the same person we're the same God. Physical bodies just a physical body so is a spiritual one I technically have two I just transferred the multi you are so if you see that endless walk around that's supposed to be me it just kill it it's not going to hurt anything because I already transferred all my Consciousness and memories and everything I am as a god into this body there's no point in letting all that waste away if I can just swap in another body why do you think that none of the other cats could do with that cuz they told her if I wasn't already inhabiting it you have pieces of all of our souls if I wasn't here one of the guys could have slept in and did the same thing by the way since I'm in here even if physical body with the endless has tries to hurt you we can't do s*** because my soul is the only thing I can kill you and it's in your body so your technically indestructible and available unless I get into a separate body but I'll plan on it it's comfy in here." "Of course it is you done made yourself at home." I said. When my hand wrote "sure did nice and comfy and I ain't leaving." My husband laughed as soon as he realized I would have a conversation with her.

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