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"Should we be concerned." "No because of the fact that they came to me means that they're wanting my help if they want my help that's perfect cuz they have to willingly want to be them in order for me to be able to purify them. So far so good all the missing God have pretty much All asked me for help except four. I I think those words that we're going to have to stay endless because endless do serve their purpose. And those specific four seem to not want to help but that's fine they're allowed as long as they don't cost too much chaos and unbalanced energy in the cosmos I mean as long as there's enough to work equals it out or good cuz it always has to be at least some evil in the universe cannot technically destroy all evil there has to be at least a little bit and he goes out the good Goodwill is Prevail but she got to make sure that equals out each other otherwise every entity has no hope more will I will be able to do the impossible see the good and the Miracles that man creates are created by your willpower how strong their soul is is this all is weak and it does not have any faith or any belief it will come and no Miracles will be performed Miracles are brought to life by her face and our belief you understand. It will take time to undo what's been done to the other God we're going collect them all." I said it's my voice sounded like Gaia's not my own.

"Or or hear me out create something that leaves them straight to you Lure them in one by one so you don't have to leave us." Sapphire said running over watching onto my arm before pulling out a box it took me a hot minute to realize it was a witch's box but not just any box a summoning box. And it wasn't and it wasn't a normal one either it was one from one of the most powerful wood families and I mean the most powerful white family busy these ones were known to be extinct thousand years or at least said to what is my mom's family took over but this family was the original original they were called Enchanteds. Anime the most powerful tools bells and anything you could think of Witchcraft known to man no other witch came even close to making the things that they were making. I looked at it for a minute making sure it was authentic before I looked up at her? She was wearing one of their freaking pendant. That's what I want our deep breath grabbed her and left hand rolled up her sleeve snapdriver bracelet in there was all the Enchanted original bloodline or had a tattoo on their wrist on their left arm that had a very insignia what's their family emblem.

"Well I'll be damned an Enchanted. Why would you show me this though your family is obviously been in hiding for thousands of years old why randomly come out to help me.

" look I don't care if I'm breaking every rule with my family and I don't care if I just expose them as long as it means I could help one of my best friends. You know how much I love you like a sister. I would do anything as long as it met helping you. Most of my family quit actually practicing I'm one of the very few grand Kids that actually does. When my grandpa found out I was taking off and doing it he revealed her family background to me and gave me over her stuff that's been passed down over the years and generations from the beginning of our below blind everything that they made from the First Enchanted all the way down to me access to because they were all given to me cuz nobody else wanted them in my family I made more pretty much Dying Breed anyways so they all said screw it we went extinct supposedly thousands of years old might as well actually let ourselves and go extinct and not to change subject your baby is absolutely precious I hope at one point you will let me be aunt but I don't blame you if you say no. Last time we talked I was a s***** friend I went with the flow because I wanted to fit in instead of telling her shut the f******. Like I should have because what you said to her was completely and honestly correct she's a control freak and yes as much as I love Fraya she can be a real b****. I already know that she's going to call me a traitor for trying to help you why do you think I haven't helped you out yet I've been wanting too. I've been wanting to. But every time I tried helping when I seen it for my foresight she when always pull the reins on me and it'll start acting like an entitled brunch she's the only one that knew everything because she had me doing it for her why do you think she was had so much good luck and it wasn't she had me use my gifts. So she can overcome misfortune. Or know future events or anything especially wanted her wanted to accomplish like wealth popularity which she had me doing cuz she blackmailed me my family and her family a huge that and she is that as a way to pretty much make me your own personal witch. When she was fat out of the only one of my family that did it or anything else was forced to keep my mouth shut and follow her. Blindly wherever she goes and I have to do everything she says because her parents signed the contract with my parents get my family out of the debt. They practically sold me to her not joking I live with them I have.  Since theiy signed that damn contract. 

"I'm a Charmed." I said using a spell. 

"No shit your a witch to. I never knew purebreds could be witches." She asked. 

"Perks of having mortal parents. I maybe have genetic makeup and DNA of a purebred. But my blood is human. So true blood test I show up human. So technically I have human in me to allow me to mask my non-human identity. It also helps me camiflog with the general public. Yeah I'm designed to be practically a cloaking device undetectable." I said it in normal voice. "I was quite the master mind when I decided this one." As my voice is switched to Gaia's voice "wow this is so weird have your voice mother coming out of my mouth." " well get used to it my daughter. Because I'm comfy and made myself at home in this young body if you think I like pain and that old body yeah that might be a powerful God but even God to get old and your body is only 19 years old I feel a Sprey as a young chicken in this damn thing. Plus you have so many worshipers your body is so nourished by their faith and belief in you cuz more faith and belief and more followers that you have the strongest god is this whole entire lineup very much worships the mother of all of course they haven't missed guided opinion on what she actually stands for concerns I think you're something sexual although I don't mind all the Saucy thoughts so I've been listening to him since you don't." Mother you you I didn't need to know that you're into that type of thing what the f*** no wonder they thought I was you.
Well you're going to be me you do realize I made you from me it means you hear my soul as well I gave you my name mother of all eventually our souls are going to merge and you are going to end up with some of my trades and characteristics and personality and attitude in other words you're going to have half of me and half of you and it's going to match up until one giant very powerful soul of a God because you're adding in the rest of my power from the rest of my soul but see your body is compatible with My Soul so yeah I'm going to stay here actually been here for a while you just didn't notice it as soon as my body got taken over by an endless I was like nah I'm getting the heck out of here I was like I'm going but I'm going to my 19 year old body I mean we are technically the same person we just are split into different things so our personalities seem different but if you look at our souls they're literally the same and your body is literally built to be pretty much a replacement for me that's because I kind of already knew that something was going to happen to my whole body so you were my backup plan why do you think I made you so powerful and made you literally impossible to kill because I already knew that my old body was going to turn into an endless so I made it that if that physical body ever gets close to yours even though it can't touch you because my soul in this one I have it to where it pretty much detonates just in case I wasn't taking any chances so my whole body is going to go be alliterated anyways as soon as it gets close to yours so if that endless has he's going to try to find you because he's trying to get the soul back because nonetheless they need Souls okay they need the soul of the guy that they're pretty much taking over so I mean cuz they are technically that God they're just turned evil well I didn't let it corrupt muscle I just left my physical body all together I said f*** it so my body's walking around with My Soul so it's going to be looking for it so so I purposely made it to where it's going to literally destroy itself before it even gets anywhere near you because I was taking proper precaution because I know how endless are and I know how evil the reapers are and I know that they pretty much the corrupt part of the God's soul in other words the god soul is corrupt to a certain percentage it will turn into an evils pretty much an evil God which is then called a Reaper cuz see God's can have corruption and their soul but if that corruption becomes to high and makes chaotic energy that's when you get an evil God so yes it does take a very long time to accumulate because the soul of a God is very very powerful and very very expensive so it does take a very long time for it to actually happen when it does it's bad it's bad because the percentage of the god soul that is still you know good is pretty much sealed off from its physical body but that doesn't mean that it can't ask for help it can but only through pieces or fragments of itself that are still pure now see if the gods did not give you pieces of themselves and then they would be f***** because they would not be able to ask for help but he sent you have fragments of their soul you were able to pretty much purify them through the pieces you have because it connects you to that deity to that God on a spiritual level it's very hard to explain souls are very very complicated you can split them you can grow them you can literally combine them with their souls is weird you can do all kinds of s*** just technically souls are all technically from the same one All Souls come from the same origin one big one nobody knows not even the gods where this big ones at only one God does and he won't talk about it and that's just because a little sneaky link figured out how to communicate with the damn thing turns out it collects all consciousnesses from every single fragment of soul that is put into a body to make one particular individual and that soil gathers information it's entire lifetime and then brings it back to pretty much the big will I call the Big Kahuna cuz why not I mean I'm got any other names for it I mean we can't exactly call it God cuz we're God's but only the Christian God actually knows what this entity is and and then why is it reincarnate but it's a special entity he said that has existed since before the dawn of time since before anything's ever existed every living thing comes and flows from it but he won't like getting the detail so it's confusing but I really want to talk to it see if you can talk to it it's supposed to be very pure and very powerful maybe you will like you I don't know maybe you'll be able to do what you do with me collect it into your body you might be able to I mean I don't mean you're made of so many different Souls it might actually find you like a magnet see what you can do because this entity might be well might be our end game to this Corruption of the Soul because this soul is nothing but pure and harmonic energy like it is the perfect harmonic energy but this entity doesn't have a name of course it doesn't because it doesn't have a form it's pretty much the exact definition of what the Christian God's supposed to be but it is not him he is his own thing he does someone have a form but he doesn't cuz no soul technically has a form but each one is different but why do they all come from one Pacific one why does all entities of life come from one giant entity like I just need to know that out of curiosity I've been literally being nosy with the aliens and trying to get them to tell me cuz they know something they're just not saying it so next time that you see a what are those aliens called up they're really Smart Ones that look like humans that aren't humanoid the ones that are like hippies where I'm sort of their names sort of their names peacekeepers if you have find one of those suckers get a hold of them and Shake It Out of them because I really just want to talk to the sanity so bad I want to know the secret of life like I'm a God created to be mother nature created to be the mother of all but yet I don't even know what this thing is I've never met it I'm very curious and now since I know that one of the other guys it's meant and knows what he is I need to know I need to know the answer to the answer of life it's sad that none of the Gods even know that like we're supposed to have the answers to every question we don't there's some things that we don't even know. Plus I'm not going to lie I like the freedom I feel in your body like your soul is so much more Freer than the other gods the other guys are tied to so many laws and authorities and roles that they have to play that they can't have their own personality or Soul or freedom like their soul is like literally hurt wired to be mechanically like pretty much like a robot do exactly as it's program to do no God ever feels like they have freedom or free will that's why a lot of do not understand emotions that's why when humans show them empathy and love well it makes them go Basha crazy as and they will do anything to get it and I mean anything because me and if you're an entity that lives forever and that's designed to do for some specific jobs wouldn't you go bash it crazy if you feel emotions for the first time in your life. Baby girl you are the first guy I've ever met that is literally overflowing with emotions you're the first guy I've ever met openly feels like a human and it just feels heavenly to me and I love it that's why I want to stay here I literally do not want to go back to my original body kisses so restricted like I'm not allowed to feel these emotions that you feel it sucks I mean we are technically the same person and like I said over time we will mend it together and become one entity because we are technically the same person it's just that I created your body to have no Pantry like mine does in other words you have a gift no other God has free will free to make your own decision on what you want to do on what type of God you want to be did you know that we even gave you that option on what type of God you want to be you have that choice if you don't like the type of God that you are now you can literally change that at any time why do you think that we gave you fragments out of each God so you can choose what time you want to be like you took traits out of Athena wisdom and War you took traits for me almost your chance for me creation and destruction creation of monsters Titans and Giants it's my thing user of my thinking but that's okay we're going to be one person anyways you know what I'm okay with that because also do you have no idea how the love between you and your partner makes me feel I'm not going to let I've never been in love so like I really legit don't want to leave I want ourselves to be amended as one because I've never felt that and I absolutely f****** crave it see I've never cussed before either I'm able to freely cuss in your body and I f****** love it f*** that s*** I love the fact that I have freedom of speech in your body see that's another thing gods are wired to talk a certain way it's so f****** stupid like we're literally wired to do everything to a tea a certain way like why so that's why me and the other day has decided to depend all the f****** roles inside and create you with all the human characteristics they give humans Free Will and to be able to feel emotions freely with a dictating how it affects us to see guys don't get to feel we don't we're just we're just programmed and it sucks it's like playing on a computer we're pretty much a computer baby girl and it sucks I just I love how free I feel here so do you care if I stay I promise a person pulls mine together it will not change how you feel about your partner at all promise cuz you share my soul anyways so you being so wanted to him and will not affect it if not the rest of my soul is there because well well you're me essentially just younger sprayer Freer and just more everything like I just love every aspect of your being especially her since I've been here like I've just been enjoying myself and our baby is so f****** cute she's just another thing I've never gotten into my children my children while my children were all deities in all gods they did not really show their mother any love nor was I wrote to really treasure them the way I should have because there was just so many of my children I mean you got to understand I had hundreds of children I literally gave birth all the Greek gods so it's in all the Titans and all the Giants and all the monsters and Greek mythology do you know how hard it is to show that many children love by the way are you actually adopting three more children cuz that is so cute.

Well thanks Mom for eavesdropping mine you were just a chatterbox tonight and yes we are adopting three more children if you're easier on the conversation you would know why they're my husband's sisters children biological by the way before you ask him is nosy because the sister he's getting them from his mom's daughter correct time I know she is dropped on everything like guy you are not good at hiding the fact that you use drop on everything wow why are you so damn excited to be inside my body I mean I don't mind her being there I actually quite like it okay I love it a lot because it makes me feel closer to you it makes me feel more relaxed but once our souls men together it doesn't let me know stop peace being able to hear your voice.

Technically yes but it won't be dead I'll be a huge part of your soul I mean even though you won't be able to hear me no more and I won't be able to technically talk to you separately like this our Consciousness and everything will be merged into one so you will have all my knowledge information and everything I know everything I am you will have it in you even though I was separate because as I explained to you before your body was made from parts of mine my original one in other words I used something in order to make your physical body don't judge me your physical body was actually it came from you wasn't it like you are the mother of all so you probably first this physical body in order to give it to me cuz there's no way that human can birth a God's body from scratch you had to place it there wow my daughter is quite smart so yes no way you are actually my daughter like your physical body is usual without your soul is part of mine so we're the same person technically but it's your physical body so I birthed it trust me if I would have used my physical body to make your physical body you trust me I don't want you being a decrepited old lady sorry but I might look young but I'm actually like all this f*** I'm one of the oldest Gods so physically I'm old I'm very old and God's well when you get very old hey any different than if you have an aged body that b**** is not as good as it is when you're young so of course feeling the feeling of pain in a young body I love it so much more.

So wait a minute if you gave birth to this body where the hell did the soul that was originally in it.

I didn't Place one in it on purpose I did not allow any of the gods or even the entity that sold originated from I did not let them Place one night and then I explained why sure I don't know how to talk to that entity but for some more movies working on a f****** stand me because he didn't Place one in it but he did keep the body alive for me cuz somehow he can do that too he can give a physical body of life even if there's no soul in it it's really weird like this entity is all powerful and I need to know who they are okay little patcheronis since there's so many guests here is there any peacemakers among you."Gaia asked as if she looked around and f****** Freya points straight up f****** Nathan of all people I looked at him for a minute walked up and sniffed him well you're definitely a f****** alien hey Clinton your Nemesis is an alien that's funny but I can't tell what type though you don't smell like a reptile so you're obviously not reptilian s smell like a one of the ones that's much more evolved that's humanoid they're really f****** tall how many other extreme peaceful oh actually I could probably find those bad boys cuz they're all knowing and all other extremely hard to get a hold of cuz they're so down on Peaceful they just don't f*** with anybody so what are you you do like humanoid cuz it doesn't mean that you're not one of those shapes are for types there are a lot of those types I mean I guess I could do with a couple of tests on and see which one you react to.

"My queen allow me. Is exactly what Clinton said before he well he turned into a giant basilisk and scared the f*** out of poor Nathan I mean he's literally pissed himself when he shapeshifted back into his human form looked at me and said nope you're good I did that to see future shift I found out that you scare the f*** out of them cuz they cannot retain their human disguise when they're scared I found that out with the other person by accident and that right Terry sorry I scared carrier earlier she's a lizard person and I didn't know that and I scared blowing s*** out of her by accident I was b*********** in front of the other Mystics and I wasn't I wasn't paying attention and I'm very sorry to hear that poor thing I feel so bad." Clinton joked

"Well thanks for announcing that was me a jerk I mean I forgive you of course cuz now I know that you're reptile your snakehead."

"Terry we've talked about this I'm a basilisk not a snakehead I'm way more venomous plus I am like way bigger I mean it might not be as big as a leviathan over here but I'm goofy enough buddy because one thing I hate likes I have which is a s*** ton of really really toxic venom with no cure Leviathan certain poisonous or venomous but they do pack up on cuz they're size makes up for it not to mention their strength and chaotic and destructive energy."

Good job Clinton you're learning what you're actually picking up on the stuff a lot quicker than I thought see I just turned him and his girlfriend literally last night and you do are picking up on s*** like crazy I am so proud of you normally it takes my newborns years before they learn how to do like shapeshifting and learn how to use her power properly let alone actually memorizing what's what and what type of being does what and like how they work and s*** I mean there are quite a few mistakes we never country has their own distinct group of mythological creatures and spirits that technically following her knees most of the logical creatures cuz even if they're a quote unquote Spirit day at as long as they take on the form of a non-human like creature they are technically a Mystic like yukiana because she is a type of Yokai we have those even though I don't technically shapeshift they're still not human they're still considered one of us so technically we're spirits too in a way I just don't like to be called that cuz it's weird. I mean cuz then you might as well just call as folklore right but that just sounds stupid Mystic sounds so much better sorry we really did like go through every single nickname that we could think of for our type of species because what we got to think there's so many diverse sections and groups of our species that go by so many different damn names that honestly impossible to keep track I mean like we have days we have Spirits we have beings of Legend beings of a stories I mean we have literally anything that your little heart imagined we have them as long as they are not human that is technically Mystic now if it's like a demonic being then that's a Cryptid which yes they are technically made from us but this is why we tell you humans not to be mixing human DNA with Mystic DNA because if you mix a Mystic DNA the wrong way with a human and you do it a certain way you can create mutants Cryptids and nasty creatures of the night that you do not want to f*** with because they are demonics demonics also originate from us kind of okay they do but when we don't want to sleep admit that because we don't like them they're not like us and they technically do not okay let's just say this they have no consciousness they have no feelings they cannot talk they cannot comprehend they are like wild animals they run distinctly on Instinct and they're hunger alone because 90% of demonics eat humans and guarantee you out and there's also mutants that are like a Nephilim they look like giants they are made from a human and an angel those type of things are called mutants and they also be humans anything that devours human flesh is not a Mystic okay vampires are an exception because they don't technically do it all the time they only did of the like literally really really have to and it doesn't have to be human it can be any type of blood it just being a bullying whenever they're dying and to heal themselves honestly other than that they don't touch blood they can eat normal food dude that's an old myth. So yeah if you guys see any of those guys because mutants they okay there are types of mittens that are like Nephilim well they're not technically means they're they're technically demonics but they're not Cryptids it's like really f****** hard to explain this is why we don't mix mystic with human blood though because Mystics are also Angels and Demons if you mix them with humans Yankee did just get nasty said okay let's not do that why do you do the mystics normally stick without a mistakes we normally have babies with other mistakes now once in a blue moon one of our people will pair up with human and will have a child with said human but if that's it human is Fairfield partner jokes on you they can still have a purebred baby because they are affected partner and we would have said earlier the more love the Mystic feels for their partner the stronger The Offspring so if you get a faded partner even if they're human if they love them purely they will give birth to a purebred baby that will have pure and Offspring when they're older so definitely doesn't matter as long as they love their partner hell the partner can even be a f****** alien for crying out loud actually we're not going to find that out because I did not think that went through none of where people ever gotten with aliens so I don't know how that would go I kind of don't want to find out no offense okay Nathan your turn." I exclaimed before I literally had Nathan Against The wall while I was still holding my baby he looked down noticing my kid he seemed very concerned when he finally.

Okay okay just stop please oh is a little pumpkin okay you got to watch you can't just be mean like you can't just be pinning me against the wall while you're holding your child that is a newborn baby isn't it I didn't even know you've known humans could have babies

Perks of being a Mystic Mystics are the only type of true immortal and purebred that can give us to live Offspring normally like not just one and then we're done or we can have multiple office like a normal person exit we don't have complications with our pregnancy we don't have a topical pregnancies because they're pregnancy they're perfect not even be most are built to carry Offspring perfectly now if your partner is a female or a different species you might have an issue because well that's normal with them but with us that we don't have that issue and we are not born with reproductive default so you guys are we're just not least we have had that happen and that we've been around since the beginning of time if it doesn't happen you had it ain't going to. And yes I just birthed this child yesterday Phoenix that is entirely dangerous and what were you thinking you just burnt this child yesterday and you brought them to a gathering do you know how we care babies immune system probably is.. you're forgetting I'm a purebred and so is her father for both deities we don't get sick okay first of all normal purebreds of our species don't get sick anyways more immune to every sickness like we're literally on me into everything our babies are the same way even when they're first born they don't have a weak immune system we're born with the strongest immune system out of anybody being the all over me and when we're first born it's the same like we don't have to worry about that partnership with his my child was not born dormant like most Mystics are almost Mystics when their first one they did not actually shown on human characteristics and to label awesome my child was more showing them don't ask me to have probably because she's also a goddess you got to remember her mother some other of all so she's obviously going to be more to God so that probably has something to do with it but if you haven't noticed she would pour my human characteristics at Birth at some point time it must have happened in one of her people gave birth to an offspring because how else would we know that if an infant is born fully blossomed and fully awakened at Birth that they don't have a weak immune system. Also you're not one of those ones that pretends to be a peacemaker is actually not a peacemaker at all because there is another type of alien that looks like a peacemaker but they're actually collectors they like to traffic different species I've been caught by them before and it is not fun I thought they were Peacemaker so one of them thought they were friendly and they they trafficked me or tried to until the Federation f****** jumped in and save my ass

Wait you've met the Federation before

F*** yeah check my neck I'm registered with them dude the main deacon actually hit me herself and assigned her as my caretaker herself like the Deacon herself actually took care of me and you know that woman don't take care of f****** nobody

No s*** I didn't know they were priscillos that is so f****** I work for her actually the Deacon of The Intergalactic Frederick I work for her that's actually my f****** here I'm actually surveilling non-human species don't judge okay she has me doing it I didn't know why now I think I do because she wanted me to find you how much you want to bet he said as he place the device on her neckworthy microchipped her whenever she was in the dream room well all that came with her to reality too because that part wasn't a dream the planet was the Intergalactic Federation f****** wasn't. And as soon as he heard that beep and looked at the reader a huge smirk formed on his face cuz it confirmed exactly what she just said okay okay you were right you were right holy s*** she did assign you to her wait a minute your sign is one of our Elite champion I didn't know you were early Champion that's a dope." He smiled.

"Oh no I guarantee it watch call her up." He said pulling out his own device which was his Communicator pretty much like their version of the cell phone and as soon as it rained her and she picked up he didn't even have enough time to speak. Before I interrupted him. "Hey Deacon I miss you do you know who this is come on if you don't recognize who it is I'm going to be so offende...

Phoenix oh my God baby girl how you doing I miss you so much too honey I wondered where he when you just disappeared off a radar and I'm like sitting here like worried sick that somebody killed my champion I mean you're my companion for crying out loud I assigned you to me for a reason I was absolutely terrified though when I couldn't find you on my radar I look through every single planet personally myself my hand because I was terrified I was going to find a dead body.

" no I promise auntie I miss healthy as a horse in fact I'm actually like 10 times better oh and by the way I'm a mom now I got a baby I had a daughter.

"Oh my God what you have a baby why didn't you tell me you little s*** head you're grounded I'm coming and getting you"

"Im also married whoops no whoops married to my faded partner and I absolutely freaking love and adore him and I couldn't ask for a better one. Auntie you should see her new baby though she is so freaking cute Crimson is like the cutest thing ever. I'm telling you you're going to fall in love with her 5 Seconds she looks like a mixture of me and her dad her dad's a purebred Leviathan her dad's actually my childhood friend and my first love so it's actually really cute.

"Oh my goodness baby girl I'm so happy for you and I have to meet this Leviathan husband of yours sorry but if he's married to my niece I got to meet him. Sorry but I am way too damn of a protective of you when you know that and I still have to come meet the baby all of his so precious I can't wait to meet her did you see her name was Crimson that's so pretty. So how's it feel being a mom now. I'm telling you this in advance if you ever need any help do not hesitate to call me Nathan give her a communicator please that's my precious little angel there you better be nice to her I'm not even joking Phoenix is my brother and joy if you ever hear me talking about my Golden Feather how much I love it I'm referring to Phoenix when I say Golden Feather in fact the father that you're doesn't tried to take that was the reason why you got in trouble and had to work for me to begin with just because like I know you didn't do it but you did take them to my office he was working as a janitor for me and accidentally left the wrong person in my office without knowledge of knowing what they were actually doing they said they had to talk to me but turns out they were actually driving around me and let's just say this I had all my most elite Hunters literally track this man down because he took the feather that you gave me before you left last time that feather was one of her Phoenix feathers I called Michael and feather in fact after that happened had it modified and put onto a necklace so I can always wear it because I absolutely freaking adore my little sweetheart and now I'm telling you Phoenix is like a daughter to me I absolutely love her and I would do anything and anything for that girl. Trust me I've pulled out the entire Federation and had them search the Galaxy for her several times when she went missing all I know like I caused completely havoc and I didn't give a s*** that's my baby girl anything happens to her I got to make sure she's okay and yes before you ask Phoenix he's on that planet to look for you actually because I am still even though I'm not doing it on a Intergalactic scale like I was like I had all my soldiers out looking for you well the Federation family caught on and I was doing it for my own personal then did it and they told me that if I wanted to do that I had to hire my own personal hunters or bounty hunters except tell them not to shoot the target cuz they're around the hunters where you can just have them track down at Target and tag it and not actually kill it which is technically what Nathan is so he's he's going to tag you for me so please do not fight him I asked him to do it it's a monitor that is personally directed to only me and the only one that has access to that tag but it's time to make sure that you're okay and also so unknown my little Golden feather is at whenever she disappears." She said as this little s*** Nathan comes up behind me while I'm talking to her and just Texas microchip on my my lower part of my neck that's like right before the center between my shoulder blades it was like right above there because on my exact nape of my neck I was already microchipped in fact I probably already had three microchips on three different places on my neck from when I was first my first trip from deacon and when I was microchipped from Hellsing and also when I was microchipped on Eden even though Eden's was told about this because it was not correct in fact I asked them to take out Edens he looked at me funny when I asked him that okay look Eden when I got microchipped they put down the wrong information on every single one of my clan members is information okay hold up Deacon can I please bring some of my people up to get like chipped or can you come down here and do it for me I have over 21500 purebred Mystics that are not microchipped correctly Eden microchip them but they didn't put down the right and accurate information even though I left them at thesaurus then you made me on every single mythological creature remember made me multiple copies I gave them one yeah I made them f****** work for it cuz I put the damn thing in a briefcase lock that b**** and then put the other one in the briefcase and lock that b**** and made it to where they have to call me in order to get access to it but obviously these lazy f**** are too stupid to even figure out that I totally f****** played them because they did it to me like when I told them my status and when I actually have a s*** Deacon Auntie I'm not even joking they laughed in my face so I erased all their s*** and just put a bunch of other stuff on it just see if they f****** notice they never got along with me so obviously didn't notice I hated and I'm not going to lie it is a total f****** a joke first of all is nowhere to keep a warrior and the way they hold them is so f****** dumb like first while they laughed in my face and stuck me with a bunch of mimics auntie I hate mimics no offense anybody that is a mimic I don't like mimics okay I don't I don't to me they're like a mixture of a corrupted a mutant and a freaking like a hint of Mystic I don't like them I don't know they just run me like a Nephilim does I just don't like them I don't like the vibes plus I'm probably messing with my assholes no offense to anyone that is once I'm not saying that all games are assholes I'm just saying the ones I've had experience with only meant to that are actually nice and we're not going to lie I turned it both of them because I love them which is Clinton and Caitlin I turned Caitlin to do a Hydra and I didn't into a basilisk but my point is is that I'm not going to let you I don't get along Mystics to me their weakest f*** and they're just like a generic watered-down version of I don't know what cuz I don't know what the hell they're mixed with cuz the DNA that they used to make them is well it's man-made they use maybe a tad bit of organic DNA and then they alter it in a lab and man make these creatures called mimics which they do mimic Mystics but the no shapeshift they can turn in a Giants or Titans but they're way smaller way weaker I mean they do show somewhat of non-humic characteristics but they can't fully safe shift like we can and they can't turn into giant ones they don't have as much power as we do they can't do half the s*** that we do okay not even 25 percentage of what we can do their tallest Titan is 25 ft my husband is literally 59 ft can you see the difference deacon cuz I sure as hell can that's a big difference and they're Giants are no taller then like 12 ft tall that's it ours are 15 ft and up. My point is is that I would like to Intergalactic Federation to intervene with this bull crap because all the humans on the planet have a misconception about Mystics they don't understand what they are they don't know what they are and on top of that Auntie they were disrespectful towards me like disrespectful as f***. My husband is a supreme King who tried to sign up for the military and got turned down for being too low ranking where I'd like you to use your alien attack in fix that situation I'm tired of being disrespected underminded and laughed at every time that somebody asked me 1:00 a.m. and I go into detail they literally laugh at me every single time I've had every single organization except God bless Sabatino's heart his company is the only one that didn't laugh at me and was the only one that took us on overboard or something I can't remember the name of it but I know that Sabatino is the man who runs it he runs an organization where he picks Champion Warriors to do tournaments for him it's for endorsement is supposed to help with conservation of our species type of thing and come on there are way less of us and there are those damn mimics this mimics are everywhere like half the population is now mimics so mostly all the males are mimics but since female mimics can't have offspring there are very few of them which means that most of the human population is women they're driving me nuts Auntie they're driving me nuts why do that if you can just have a real f****** deal over here and my people aren't getting the endorsement that they need in order for us to make a community for them like listen I have literally an entire town full of Mystics and I have nowhere to place them like my mistakes have been having to crash in trees I mean they don't give a f*** but I do I have no office no treasury to take care of their s*** I'm having my Treasury in other words though all of the both of my clan which is way more than any Mystic can ever dream of is literally at my husband's dad's house that is the only place I can figure out where to put it because I literally have nowhere to put it it freaking sucks auntie. I'm struggling so freaking hardcore because now I have over 700 females that are pregnant and expecting babies don't ask me how the f*** they all got pregnant right after I had my baby somebody gave my people a drink which happened to have an aphrodisiac from Mystics and we didn't know it and yeah all my women started coming out as pregnant so yeah we need to we need to figure out what we're doing I can't hurt my people living out in trees and not having no belongings or nothing like no like I'm struggling auntie.

Say no more baby girl I have you all covered you're so lucky your auntie runs the entire Intergalactic Federation which means I have men all across the Galaxy honey I can have as many as you please come down to your planet and why do boys to make it that happened because yeah I know if you're expecting that many babies you're going to need a place to call him you can't just be like crashing in trees and no nah and it's these humans and whatever the hell a mimic is cuz I never heard of that one I mean Nathan was telling me about it the other day but I was so confused I was like what the f*** a mimic but not any better kind of described it to me yeah no that's not okay that's genetically engineering and I bet you those b****** ain't even immortal what's the point of keeping him around of the can of babies and they ain't even Immortal they're not even that strong from what you just said and trust me I trust your opinion cuz I know how damn strong you are.

Haha he told you losers

Well how are we supposed to know that you came from The Intergalactic Federation you never said that by the way I work for Eden thank you I didn't know you guys did that

Well apparently you're a company doesn't know how to do their job cuz my baby girl over here always leaves Easter eggs like that if your people did their job they would have noticed that she f****** switched everything I hope you know the mother of all likes to f*** with s*** especially if she knows you're f****** weather like how your people wrote all of her microchips wrong yeah I know this little smart-ass over here well literally going and f*** with everything and you would never know she did it you got to remember her entire Clan is made up of warriors hell one of her people is even an FBI agent for crying out loud that she didn't know that oh and she's also a private investigator and let me tell you that girl's got awards that she's gotten for doing it too she was working for the FBI for over 75 years dude yeah like she's an FBI like from the f****** the Pentagon for crying out loud she's worked with literally world leaders she worked for the president this woman is no freaking joke and that's not the only member that she has that has that type of background in fact a lot of her people have really unique backgrounds I was quite surprised when I seen their backgrounds 50 of them are assassins and I mean like hired assassins 40 of them are professional bounty hunters and I mean like high up bounty hunters like they find war criminals and s*** that are hiding out in different countries and stuff like that she has ones that do that type of s*** this girl does not f*** around she has over 100 of them that have worked for the Pentagon as bodyguards FBI NCIS no she she ain't joking dude and she means like she's got like really high ranking ones that have worked for them for over 50 years and they didn't even know it yeah I tricked their files now her people are nothing to f*** around what they are the real f****** deal so since I'm looking at your scanner oh s*** you already got Yuki on it never mind by the way Freya whoever the hell that is you're a dumbass she literally has somebody from the Pentagon that's an FBI agent you really think she's not going to notice whenever you're trying to track her honey I have access to all my girls s*** which means if I know something like that I'm obviously going to bring it up to her but she already got that s*** oh geez and you guys went deep and dirty you guys did Beyond dirty and that is freaking hilarious never mind I probably shouldn't have said her name probably should just let you can do her thing but whoever that for your girl is you better count your blessings and you better pray to God that you make up with this girl cuz I just said she's got people from the pending on FBI NCIS you really want to find out how far she can go with this s*** you can stop the only one that worked in the FBI that she's got though either she's got 75 other ones including hackers and data analysis including she's got 80 scientists and I mean like really high ranking scientists she's got your analysis she's kind of everything you a little twerk so just a future advantage and you might want to kiss her ass as best as you can because if not you're going to be serving some jail time and I mean big jail time cuz when you track her she didn't write back to you oh but you get a little smart ass since I see that she already turned it and I'm just going to tell you she sent that s*** straight to the f****** pentagon so that s***'s not only on your personal record oh no it's some it's brought up to the really high UPS in the FBI and I mean like high UPS High UPS like the type that you're going to be serving some real f****** serious time for so you better kiss her ass as bad as you can I mean unless you like being in or yellow jumpsuit in a Maximum Security Prison where they're probably never going to let you out of because it can make sure to put your ass in there for probably the rest of your f****** life because of how you treated her and you know what I don't blame her you did her f****** dirty and I guarantee you that you guys didn't even notice that she put her number in her phone oh by the way all your social media accounts same thing cuz she didn't just attach it to your number sweetheart she attached it to any device computer email anything that has to do with you if you've logged into it or been on it she has exit all that information even if you log out she had access to all of it and it's in the Pentagon now so unless you want that s*** processed to the General Public for you to be persecuted I don't think you want to go down that road because she has one hell of a lawyer over 100 of her people alone are lawyers and doctors and most of her people have worked for the Supreme Court not just a normal small court system I mean like the Supreme Court where all the big crimes go yeah that one so unless you want to literally see jail time I'm just being nice and suggesting that you kiss her ass cuz you can't going to stop sending it to the f****** pentagon until you make it up with her cuz trust me you can make that s*** all go away even though it's in the Pentagon she can make it all the way but you will f****** leave it there if you don't and by she will make it all f****** go Ways by contacting me and asking me to do it don't ask I have access to every planet information locks including the pentagons and in the world leaders and s*** so I'm the only one that can erase it permanently to where nobody even knew they existed but I thought I don't hear you kissing her ass you bet you're happy as I'm leaving that there cuz they're processing it in 2 days you better hope to God that you kiss her ass before that by the way who the f*** is this Fried Chicken why the f*** was she tracking you and like setting all these freaking stupid little bugs in your phone like if you thought you were being Sly by putting a virus in her phone like that you're a f****** idiot she's got hackers and s*** that ain't nothing and I mean like her hackers can hack into the world leaders f****** Mainframe for God's sakes he really think that one little girl's phone's going to be s*** no. They removed that virus a while ago and by the way they engineered the virus that they gave you to where it doesn't go away and it's not going to she wanted that b**** to where you can not wipe it even if you throw out the system as soon as you log in that f****** email like your f***** or log in any of your information you're literally screwed it doesn't matter which computer are you doing on so I would highly think about how you're going to deal with the situation cuz she literally screwed you and the only one that can undo it well you can get it so well she can't even run to it cuz I see her text where she said that but I can the Federation has access to all kinds of memory wiping machinery including ones that come by viruses like that plus I have some of the most best Minds in the entire galaxy not to be offensive towards our people as our people are the best on this planet but I want them to be better so I will have the mentored by my people so they know how to do stuff on an intergalactic level I want them to have access to all the stuff for the intergalactic Federation does I want them to be on our level because the moment that they are with how smart these Mystics are he'll be able to evolve and evolve the way that we taught them and make it way better and way more efficient because that's exactly what they did last on I thought one of her people one thing that we do that's different than what they do they evolved it modified it and made it way better they're so quick at thinking and learning s*** is ridiculous and I've never seen the species that learns that quick or mentally evolves that fast Mystics are my favorite for a reason their evolution is so rapid and so I've just never seen species evolved like that they evolve so quickly by the way Miss dicks are designed to evolve become more complex become more stronger become more this and more of that when they first started out they just started out like normal werewolves and vampires they evolved so much to where they're on deity level right now and their Queen evolved to where she's on a god level their Queen evolved to be a literal God and they're not going to evolving yet either they're going to evolve past that so if any of you think slowly of Mystics I suggest you rethink that real quick cuz they're your future they're way more evolved and way more adaptable than any other being on your planet they evolve with what takes normally a species thousands of years they can do it with him and I'm in like 3 billion years normally what takes a species to do that normally when it takes these guys and maybe a few thousand if that or if you're freaking Phoenix over here text Maybe not even 20 years by the time she was like 1 15 she could already do the basics by 16 Cherry mastered being a champion by 17 she was an elite by 18 she owned the entire Clan yeah this woman evolves like I've just never seen a species of all like that which reminds me I need to check up on you because I need to do some tests cuz my scientists when I explained how you guys have all especially you they were fascinated as hell and we had a really new top scientist in this case way on another level than any of our other top scientists and we've gotten a hold of and he is absolutely fascinated by non humans but when I told him about Mystics he was he was dead set on me and one of y'all in fact he keeps on asking me when I'm going to get a hold of one and bring him one to look at." My auntie said making sure that they all hurt her they all looked at Freya who looked like she was a deer and headlights when she realized she called f****** God and when she heard Pentagon all she was sweating sweating her life away like she was pouring out a waterfall like I've never seen her sweat that much you could tell if she was nervous. And her dumbass don't try to play it off like she didn't do it especially whenever a woman who her lies was her mom and grabbed her by the arm and started questioning her about it.

Okay well tell him your people if they tag all my people correctly and remove all the ones that those dingbats Aiden did which by the way whoever the hell sorry I you didn't give me your name however was the dude that worked at Eden at can you please like find me that briefcase cuz I'm just going to remove it there's no point I'm just going to give it to sabontino since he's the only one that would uses and also he's starting to make ambassadors out of my people so that they can actually educate the human race about how powerful we are actually capable of rather than just them guessing cuz we're tired of having to repair so we're just going to do it publicly f*** it.

Yes that is true but there is no other planet that has any species like you so we'd be more than happy to make you guys ambassadors too nobody we could teach other species on other planets about you since you're a protected species I put every Mystic underneath the protected Species Act so any species that's marked as a Mystic they're protected they're highly endangered they're a highly protected species I put them on the top of the list so that way that the ones in charge of looking after the protected species cause any protective species that's on a planet like the Miss sticks means that your whole planet's protected since it's their home no intergalactic any type of ship any type of aliens cannot enter your orbit or land on your planet without permission if you do not give them clearance they have no right and they all have to let you know everything that's going on like you will have a lot of security down and also we will put it grab a field around your planet to make sure that no introverters can come in without your permission we do that with every protected species so that way that poachers and Trappers can't come in there cuz it happened once to her species already her species lived on one planet beforehand before yours and it literally got exterminated by Trappers and boaters there was only four of them left their entire species when we were done locating any that we could it was a sad day The Intergalactic Federation after that labeled them as a highly protected species and label them is critically endangered and not to be touched handled or disturbed or harmed in any way better than all who means that Planet will get funds from the intergalactic Federation to keep that species happy and content and to accommodate for that species I have to know who to make Nathan take it to that I can make it like a world thing I need your whole entire planet to understand that if I do this for your planet since they're highly protected otherwise I have to remove them and I have to put them on another planet of where they can be accommodated look if they're going to live there they have to be accommodated properly if they are not accommodated properly living in trees and don't have any actual access to anything that's a problem and if they're not given proper treatment as in like Gavin opportunities to grow and flourish I will have to remove them but that will also remove the protection act the funds the benefits that you're playing it's getting for housing them and let me tell you it is very hard to find a Planet for these guys they are very are very specific they only flourished in certain types of environments more energy and loving environments are more susceptible and appealing to them they flourish much better in them well if it's a more like planet with a famine and poverty World struck in the world they will not do so well because there's a lot of okay I like energy in this place is in Connecticut energy will any type of energy can actually affect Mystics quality of life it can affect how their mental state is trust me it's really taken a toll on a poor Phoenix over here she was just stressed out on the other planets that she was all but her chemical and a brain that makes her sad was working double time in the dopamine one and the chemicals that make her happy were like so low it was ridiculous they were almost non-existent I almost lost Phoenix last time I found her she almost got poached she was trapped by Travers who were disguised as peacemakers so yes I'm not taking any chances on losing my niece again especially now so she has a kid so if you do not want to take care of our Mystics we will take them and find somebody that will because I'm telling you you're really messing up there if you think so they're actually very affectionate and gentle toward humans they're wired and not be aggressive or anything around he was there literally so loving and affectionate towards them and on top of their overprotective of s*** about humans if they sent a human near them and they sense danger they will automatically let their natural protective Instinct again and they'll definitely human until The Bitter End there's never a better end spoiler alert because taking out a Mystic is literally almost impossible they have such rare weaknesses and I mean like weakness is that you never even freaking think about like they have each species has a Pacific way that you have to kill them and 90% of the time it has to be another Mystic that doesn't no other faces can relate to go with them how humans can't even find a way to kill him I mean they did but for human naturally succeed in doing it I mean if you actually tried oh no honey it's almost impossible look if you actually try and actually get no fight with one of these guys yeah I know you ain't going to get the chance to do it I mean he was going to figure out how to do it but to actually get to that point no probably no freaking way that I came in would go with them like now I'm just getting an example this is how hard it is to kill a purebred Mystic you're with me nine tail fox in order to kill one of these bad boys you need to cut off the tail or all their powers coming from they have none of them try to figure out which one it is before they kill you first exactly you would need to find the exact nail where all the parents coming from honey they have nine do you be sitting there forever I'm joking you be dead before you even got past the one trust me somebody tried it my sweet little Phoenix let me see somebody actually try it with one of her nine tails no that human did not in this human was a Hellsing he was doing a demonstration for his Hunters okay those are just a demonstration alone. The Deacon said as she made a projection come out of the device that showed the exact memory that I showed her of when one of the really powerful things used to he has a dick why she whipped his ass he didn't even grab her tail before she had his ass on the ground screaming uncle in the Hellsing that did it was the most powerful Hellsing it was was f****** Van Helsing himself who got his ass whooped is the most famous and most legendary Hunter out of the housing family and he got a little cocking at his ass kicked because of rate before she whipped him it showed where they were circling each other and he was bragging on how many beings he took out and what types he's played so he thought he could just die running and take her out since here at the vocal on both and he didn't even get close to grabbing it. As soon soon as that on Lookers realized which Hellsing that was and they seen her doing the demonstration with him like she went full blown Combat on his ass she showed him a no mercy and when they send help talented a fire she was compared to him in compared to any thing they've witnessed including out of their non-humans made a lot of the onlooker just start sweating I laughed before saying yeah that makes you nervous how did she was just playing with them he didn't even break a sweat that's how most of my Fighters fight except obviously we're more coordinating than that she was literally just playing with him that was Van Helsing and he got toyed with by Yuki while she was drunk let me add I mean like this girl was pissed-ass drunk when she did this can you tell nope that's because how good I I trained my people because when I train them I go all out I do not hold back when I train my Mystics I do not hold back at all I give them holy hell and nothing but and I give them a whole dose and nothing less even if I know there after bringing what I personally passed it I'll make them learn how to push past their Breaking Point and go above and beyond what they think they can do dress me I break every single one of my Warriors in and when I break them in especially when they're new and they hate me I'm the worst enemy that day I'm worse than any drugs and you could ever dream of honey cuz I was drained and raised my housing not that whole thing but his head of his family Nikolai Hellsing not that man doesn't mess around at all he's all business no play he worked me to the Bone when he first started training me he worked me and trained me till my breaking point and passed and I was beating him bloody that day because that man did not let me stop even when I was crying that I was too tired to do it he got me when I was 15 and pushed me to do a training exercises that even a full-blooded Hunter such as himself has a hard time doing that's what he started to me off at literally as soon as they evaluated my strength and everything and endurance and s*** he literally put me on the most intensive training that they put non-human song and that was my beginner training yeah and I train on my people exactly how you train me take into evaluation and I'm a God in their way lower status than me and I make them do the same extensive horrific training that I had to do that was designed for someone of my stature it was designed for a deity and I make every single one of my people do it yeah first they hated me but now they're f****** glad I got them like that they don't complain at all because well they never f****** lose I've never had none of my men lose since the day I started doing that with them." I said and one of the people in the audience just started raising his hand. Hi I'm I'm just a bit curious would you care it's weird I'm just going to tell you I'm a journalist I have been doing a lot of not okay there are they're not articles ahead they're more of information that I have documented from records of different Northern humans that just gives pretty much educate humans about them you give them to say look like this sorry it's hard to explain my college had me to a small project on documenting any information in the history on any non-hemic in my hands on and it ended up turning into a full one series as in I ended up getting that rich published because they liked it so much and well now they're having me make an entire book series that like channels even on TV that do documentations or documentaries like that yet they are now showing my books so now everybody's buying them like hotcakes mistakes are one I have never gotten it and they're going to make a TV show out of my series because of how good it flew off the shelves I have never gotten anything on a Mystic and I've never heard about anybody documenting them cuz after I made my series of a lot of other authors started trying to do it especially journalist they're going nuts trying to find nonhuman student review

Only if I told that deacons demands will be met because they cannot meet her demands I cannot stay here which yes I will be pissed because my biological family is here so is his I'd like my kids to be able to grow up around their family and I can't take them away from the only planet that they ever grow up on they'd be pissed." I said as he looked a little frustrated before the professor that was sitting beside him gave me a funeral home and he'd make some calls cuz he also mouthed to me don't worry I'll get a hold of my Arabs I'll get the ball rolling his documentary is very important ma'am.

"Look on I get it it's important but so is my livelihood I mean luck come in this is when I was born on of course I want to stay so of course if I have to leave I'm going to be pissed my child was born on this planet but I need to know that my people aren't going to get neglect or abused here either and they're not going to f****** starve to death cuz nobody gives a s***." Phoenix relax my darling I will have it taken care of if you really love that planet that much in the humans are boneheads I mean sorry but to mistreat one of these little beauties you have to be insane I mean have something so powerful so strong and so protective and nurturing and affectionate cuz these Mystics are lovable as hell not to mention the most affectionate being I've ever met my life and I've met a lot of aliens in a lot of species I've never met one as affectionate and loving and caring and kind and also protective as the mystics literally I took care of them and the other was only four of them but they still did something that made me lose my s*** and this is why I have them as a protective species they defended my men against a freaking attack I had over a thousand okay these four literally got no line of fire just for my men so they didn't get hurt and took out an entire Squadron by themselves granted a couple of them got f****** hurt but they didn't give a s*** and one of them yes was Phoenix. Which is why I didn't let her go into call bad after that. They're loyal to the Bone would you rather have a species that you know is going to freaking tear you live from them or leave you to die with not punching or would you rather one that will risk its life in order to make sure that yours is safe if a Mystic likes you they will give their life for you because if they like you they see you as family and they are the most loyal beings ever met towards our family they hold family to a whole new freaking level." See this is why I want to make a documentary on them so I can educate the young ones about these guys I mean if they're that amazing I love just absolutely love to get some information on them I mean if this is their home planet they should stay here bingo and deacon your wish is my command I just got a hold of the presidential Council and they have agreed to your terms they were in Disney when I told them that they would have to move them if they didn't agree to your terms especially when I told them who was in their Clan trust me the world leaders ain't going to learn such a catch go." One said.

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