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"You can just sat there and thought for a while before he finally gave up and went Yuki one of them were talking about the whole time partner okay f*** it obviously you haven't picked up on it you obviously don't know that they're in charge of doing this okay well when you meet a certain person..."

"Oh for Pete's sake Yuki honey I love you but you're dangling he's your faded partner he's been trying to hint that he gets a little time and you're just too dense to notice it not like she will she'll feel the whole time and straight up she's so natural just ignoring. You kind of have to shove in your face and make her acknowledge it.

"Wait what WHAT." Yuki said snapping out her trance almost yelling it cuz she got excited. She covered her mouth when she was smiling when the paramedics went aw that's so cute I agree with the firebird she is a ding-a-ling. But that's adorable she got so excited." One of the officers said is she just sucked her over at Heaven the biggest ass smile so now I'm being spied on by the paramedics

Hey you're ruined in the moment stop that's my ding-a-ling." Her partner said making her laugh as his paramedics and they just started laughing.

"Oh come on men are like are allowed to like romances to leave us alone we're allowed to think you guys are absolutely adorable besides this is the only time I ever get to see anything cute or wife think it's weird that we romances and they think we're weird in another sitting over there watching their dramas 90% of the time. So please let us we'll be quiet.

Okay but only in one condition don't interrupt the moment okay we were about to have a really cute moment and y'all just pointing out that y'all were watching us and sorry but if we know we have an audience it's kind of awkward.

"Sorry foxy look we don't get to see purebreds and often normally dirt kind of more doing their own thing I'm linking up close and personal with them calcifer over here is the only one that we ever see and that's because he doesn't even hang out with his office he hangs out with humans literally he likes humans more than he does his own species why do you think this one's the only one they see because he's a a loner we call him the Lone Wolf or the lone fox in his case. I mean not going to lie if his friends are not he'll come to our station and purposely seek one of our officers out just for a friend so are you still this Fox which by the way when he first started hanging around and waiting while he was an actual. We literally thought he was just cosplaying because he's literally the only one we catch doing that and he's the only one that seeks out humans for Kindred ship for a friend like this sad so yeah first me in the office and did not want to come to terms with the fact that he's appeared because then I just made us depressed like he purposely seek out humans for her companionship and I mean random humans like he knew nobody at her office before he started hanging out there.

Yeah thanks Min thanks for pointing out that I'm the black sheep of my family I know this okay of my entire species I'm a Black Sheep I'm the only one that is exiled from my own species and I'm not actually exiled but they don't care about me they don't want to know me they don't want to be my friend they just they make me feel uncomfortable to be honest because they're not a friendly for one and if you do find one 90% of the time they're with the other ones all the purebreds hang out together they don't really coming go with humans even though they love technical in the same vicinity I don't know they're really weird like they never go around and humans but yet they live in the same city you never see them and they're how do I say this is the really stuffy like they act like a rooster cries or billionaires they act like they're too good for everybody else they just act like a high society I guess but just the way they're so snobby I can't my Dad tried to get me to go to one one time to meet on a females that they picked out for me after I hit 29 when they realize I still didn't have a partner. They just they're ways I don't like them like everyone married a certain age you have to be married to certain family you have to produce Offspring whether you like it or not with said female that you didn't impact it's like you don't get to pick your own happiness you just got to go as well if you want the status in the position and on top of that like everybody so uptight like remember know how to joke around her have fun girls all business and all politics it's like everything's a show like none of them know how to be I don't know normal I mean come on for goodness sakes every pair of red has emotions has feelings has hearings and s*** these guys are things always about the uncle's Lewis lost his governance position I just can't stand them a plus there's so much pressure like you now want to be yourself you always have to put on the face like I hate it and another thing like that because I've seen them on their butt themselves they act like f****** normal people trust me f****** insane they act like this freaking tsunami Butler monkey monkey suit taste up and bullion hairs that literally on my care about Megan's those look better than everybody else that's literally what they're saying is f****** weird but yet if I'm with my uncle by himself he talks like a normal f****** person like I can't stand it like I love my uncle I used to spend all my time with him I know soon as I went to an event with him and see how he turned it on one of them I walked her out and didn't say s*** tomorrow but then whenever I got home that night he was back to his old hey buddy was you doing you want to go go fishing let me drink my beer like what the f*** I don't know it's like that fake it till I make it in front of everybody it's like nobody's real and it's just drives me nuts but see I'm not like that and they didn't like that I actually like myself I told them straight up I ain't going to fake it till I make you guys can make it till you make it I ain't going to pretend to be someone I'm not f*** that but I ain't no taste of a monkey suit with a freaking curly it mustache with a freaking one of those monocle things yeah my uncle I f*** with him so hard about that I mean I still spend time with him but only if it's his house by himself because I told him if I ever see her in a monocle again I'm punching it off her face my uncle is a redneck he has never once in his life want a model he drinks beer cuz it's like a sailor and words came out all the time and he goes hunting where the hell and that do you see a man dress in a black and white monkey suit that looks like a butler suit with a curly ass mustache and finally groomed hair and I'm f****** monocle with his freaking gloves on like don't even those white gloves no I hate it I f*** with him all with him all the time about that to say that was the last event in my dad really mean because I made a scene because I told my Uncle to get that s*** off of him right now that is not hit cuz he started talking like one of the freaking Fancy Pants people like I've never heard him once talk like he was from Bel-Air never he talks like he's from the f****** holler he talks like he's from f****** Louisiana and alligator swamps I'm not even joking he talks like a damn Texan. And let me tell you him himself his personality is perfection because it's real and he's actually cool as s*** like he's a cool song called I ever met what family member I ever met just can't no I just can't do the pump my face smile but I can be so mad or not I can't even the way I freaking talk nah my uncle doesn't broke my heart when I found out he was one of them a related to f***** me up cuz he was a realist dude I knew just to find out he's even a favor because he's too afraid to color outside the freaking lies and it drives me nuts see why do you think I took took to your foxy lady like a fish to water because she wasn't like those other pampered pooches like we're not pampered poodles we are foxes there's a difference.

Oh my God is that why we never seeing in this s*** has I wonder why we never seen any other hokai is that seriously why oh I'm done I'm done all my dude dear now you need to take these guys up there could you imagine that she thought I was so funny baby walking up trying to tell him I was in the fancy voices and should be like get the f*** out of here with that s*** she probably had a poor hot tea on their head and it'll be so worth it so funny because they belong we're having my friends later you look like you're dressed like a Pampered lady I miss your time what the f*** are you saying you dumbass I mean I've heard the mouse on Phoenix she's got a freaking mouth I mean she looks like a classy lady she looks like she's high class Aristocrat but the truck I'm out that comes out of a girl's mouth is holy s*** she does not talk like a realized lady a f****** girl neither does she act like when she won't beat the s*** how do you senseless breaker damn bones and then throw you off a damn Ravine and say hi mother f***** did I get it right I just got that type of impression from just watching you guys didn't get her personality right.

Oh my God to a tee am I seriously that easy to read my personal life pretty on f****** point I just have no s**** given I don't give a f*** what nobody thinks

Oh no we don't honey it shows we've been watching you for only 30 minutes and we already picked up on how your exact personality is it's entertaining we like you you're funny you're not at all what we're expecting when we thought of a supreme Queen and it's f****** fantastic she's hilarious. And him he's just sitting over there like I'm just going to let her f****** do it like I'm sorry but Goliath you just literally let this woman want to Mock and just just create all chaos wherever she was and you just walk right through a leg is another one I mean like his nonchalant laid-back attitude it's just so f****** it's like a breath of fresh air cuz he just lets her have at it he does not get her wearing one bit and then he just follows behind like it's a normal weekend even though she just burned down an entire town I'm sorry but I could see him doing that and it's f****** hilarious I'm just letting you know that I f****** love both of you and you guys are my favorite to non-humans and I freaking adore you. Like I am your biggest f****** fan like I'm your fan boy I don't give a give a s*** like you guys are just the sweetest little things too like I'm sorry I was a factor that Phoenix is so f****** tiny and petite like she looks so f****** innocent from A View standpoint she's gorgeous she's beautiful she's elegant she's pretty she's petite she's built like about Arena like you would not think that girl could beat the living f*** out of you and then here she is taking our freaking dookie over here he's twice her size I mean sorry you keep but you are a much bigger female I'm not calling you fat I'm at like tall why is an older wise like you're not she is only 19 she's a cake compared to you and she just literally body slammed your ass into the cement Road left an indent that literally shattered all your f****** bones because of how hard she hit you want it like she literally destroyed her whole skeletal system just by Body slamming your ass like what the f*** kind of s*** is that and separated like you said you're 72,000 years old she's only 19 and she never powered your ass within two seconds and choke slams you like what the f*** like I've heard how powerful nine tails are and to know that you're that old and that powerful and she literally just threw you around like a damn rag doll and broke every bone in your body holy s*** and she's only 19 damn I'd hate to see her pissed off I mean cuz she was just playing when she did that s*** I'd hate to see where she's like an actual combat damn. But see that is why she is exactly my favorite Monument I'm her fan I am her family I am her cheerleader seriously I like her because she's not alone she would expect like when you look at her you would expect oh she's so sweet until I miss him so cute little mommy and then she goes and literally almost kills a 72,000 year old being that raised her okay with one buy slim one show slam and a total Destruction of her skeletal system I don't know like Phoenix you do not look like somebody that could do that and I f****** love it and you're just so cute like that's what gives me like you're so cute but you're so f****** deadly so yeah don't think I'm a creep if one day I have a shirt with your face on it because I am seriously your f****** cheerleader." The police chief said as he was excitedly talking to me and I was getting a f****** crack out of him like the police chief himself was literally finger rolling over me and it was f****** the cutest thing ever his dude was literally the biggest dude on his police force and even the most intimidating but he f****** loved me cuz he came over and straight out gave me hugs and everything and you gave me a present and even fed me I wasn't complaining I let him hold my daughter and he took pictures with me beside him. And then this one I realized why he was fangirling over me so bad cuz I use my bad side turns out it's because I remind him of his own daughter that's why he adores me so much cuz I'm exactly what he would imagine his daughter to be like but she is not his daughter he didn't want her to be the stereotypical average Japanese little girl that do not wrong follow the rules and just go with the normal at stereotypical life for the Japanese person see he wanted hurt me more like my friends and family he wanted his daughter for a more alternative to be able to speak her mind and stand over herself see his heart is constantly bullied and I don't just be normal boy like because if I could see anything over herself don't want her school just they beat the s*** out of her and because to quiet the teacher never notices that she's actually getting beat up or believe because she won't say anything she's too afraid to because that's one of the teacher's favorite students and to her she does not wrong she's my favorite student cuz she is good grace it was only cuz she still has his daughter's homework like in this world this year being and his daughter is just she's not going to have so she keeps away she's going it says stop process which I agree with him he was afraid that his daughter wasn't going to go anywhere in life because she's just too afraid to take the wheel which scares him and I don't blame him and that's when he put me a little note asking me if some days what I care to spend some time with his daughter to give her a friend but also to give her a proper role model since he technically doesn't think his wife is a good role model cuz he married his wife cuz of the fact that she's different from the others but then he realized I want to marry her she well she acted like the restaurant and she caught his daughter all she said he's told her he didn't want to do he just doesn't want his daughter being like well the rest of his family he wants her to love her own life and kind of pick out what she wants to do have her own voice which is nothing wrong with that he's just wondering who's already happy not just do what she's told you because she's told like his daughter just she never looked happy ever like he's shown me what she look like like yeah she does her work she gets good praise but the girl never smart she never laughs she never truffles she never does anything like normal kid she just sticks to her books and doesn't talk to nobody and that worries him he did divorce her mother though because of the fact that she was not expected and after that it just became like 10 times worse even though he tries to show his daughter all the love in the world but after the divorce his wife gave him full custody and just disappear turns out she married a wealthy Bachelor that's her dad's age which made the chief laugh because he called her out for divorcing him for sugar daddy unless she told him at least she's got more money than you and that's when he started busting out laughing telling her at least haven't married dude that's my dad's age just for his money oh my God you are like the others you will do anything for a penny in her pocket and by the way I'm actually financially very well off thank you very much by the way I have more money than your sugar daddy you just don't know about it I never told you before we divorced I actually captain on a separate bank account haha cuz I knew you were stealing money off me you mooch. Oh and by the way my job pays like four times when I told you it does so you never knew actually how much I was making and I never told you how many promotions I got I had six I'm the officer chief chokes on you I told you I was looking Deputy I lied I'm not their Waterboy I'm a detective that's even funnier and I'm a cheap Detective I'm like literally two race away from being FBI choke is on you cuz once I get that job I'll be back in 10 times more with your hubby does I seriously can't believe you married that old fart Batman is like 100 and you freaking married he's going to last like 2 years dude have fun getting what little bit of his life insurance he has since he has six ex-wives and you have no children and they all do you're not going to get any of it you're not even going to be at the house you're going to be homeless don't come running back to me when he's dead. That memory I seen when he was telling me about it just made me laugh historically he reminded me so much for myself it wasn't funny like he is the perfect father figure for me cuz I act like him I even told him hey if I didn't know any better I think I'd be your daughter I act exactly like you my father's a five-star general and yeah that dude's funny as hell but he does not act as crazy as I do you do though I talk exactly like you you would be literally Dude Perfect father figure for me cuz I talk exactly like you and I act like you I have never met somebody that I match on that much of a level to where I can literally say that they could be my dad because no man has ever matched me on that level to be a father figure to me not my biological father like I said I love that man but he's like who do I get my personality from it's not my mom is not my dad like I don't get it from neither one of them remember personality is so different like I'm starting to think I'm adopted and that's when I admitted him actually I am adopted but I don't know my little bears are so yeah I have no idea I mean like the only reason that I know that I'm adopted is because I'm not just who you okay okay don't tell anybody or I'll have to fight you I'm actually Gaia you know the mother of all I'm a God but here's the thing when the god placed my soul in my body they didn't tell me who was my biological parent like she birthed physical body okay to explain every soul needs a physical body okay they need one that could withstand the whole of a pure God since I have a Solace made of a fragments of the other gods and a huge piece of guy is now I have her whole soul because while she vacated her old old Celestial body which is the one I don't know that embodies her soul what gives her soul form it's kind of weird to explain cuz it's not physical body to be honest it's on the plane with the gods but personal is no longer and it is in mine but we're essentially the same person I'm just younger and more powerful cuz I half fragments of the other gods in me as well." I said as my other clan members were enjoying the festival while me and the chief were sitting on April fall in the street so how do you know if you're adopted then. He asked as I opened my hand and teleported a file into my hand and then hand it to him because they accidentally found this when I was looking for my birth certificate he opened it with adoption papers his eyes widened." Oh I'm so sorry honey and those are real too then I would like it would be so much better if those were joke adoption papers I mean somebody did that to me once they gave me false adoption papers that were fake my dad had a f***** up sense of humor wait a minute how old are you.

19 and turns out I'm pure blood Japanese that's how I also knew that was adopted I got a blood test done turns out I'm not American at all but what's f****** American how's that make any sense but I'm pure blood Japanese which means my parents are Japanese why do you think that one of the person I'm asked me to come with him I jumped on that s*** because I was hoping I'd find my biological parents I want to know who they are and I want to know why they gave me up and I want to know like where's my origin like why they have me if they were just going to throw me away. I said as he put his arm around me opening the file again when he read something only adoption paper that made him smile like crazy. "Umm ummm Phoenix. He said as he was so excited he was shaking almost what's wrong what's got you all routed up you are shaking. Of course I'm shaking did you read your biological parents name one of them signed it with the last name and if you read it it actually has her first names too did you read the name.

Where I tried looking all over that damn thing for their names where is it at how did you find and I didn't

Because Japanese adoption papers are a lot more different than Americans read the name it's right there.
He said as a point about the name and I read it and I froze for a minute for the 20 minutes staring at it and I looked over his badge I have been talking to my biological father the whole time the name of my adoption paper is my biological parent with him and his wife which is why him and his wife don't get along and why she changed so much because he got her pregnant and their parents made them give up the baby and she was so depressed she started acting like a b**** so they tried having another baby they tried making it work but it didn't she didn't feel the same she was never the same after she gave me up he just launched at me and gave me the biggest hug oh my God I can't believe you're mine put his f****** great this is the best day of my life I've actually been looking for you since that s*** went down but they wouldn't tell me which country they shipped you to and not to be rude like you said you don't look f****** Japanese babe I was looking for a Japanese black hair little girl not a fiery redhead Phoenix with big eyes could you do have big eyes and loves me honest Japanese do not have big eyes you have the round eyes and the American face like I'm sorry I love you to death but you and I just remembered your mother's half English never mind your biological mothers mother is half English I am so f****** dumb see your biological mother inherited her father's Japanese her mother was like she said she was like 40% Japanese and the rest English and she got that from her father's side because her mother married an Englishman well since she came out pure Japanese they didn't think it was in her DNA that would explain why you have an American face it's not American is English that makes more sense. I'm sorry but your mother does not keep in touch with her side of the family especially the half is from English she doesn't she doesn't want nothing to do with them she says then the traditional Japanese I don't want nothing to do with that s*** and that's because any family that marries on Saturday traditional if they're high society they literally get outcasted for marrying a foreigner hey you didn't marry Foreigner you're pure blood in Japanese you just have the freaking physical characteristics of an Englishman but wait you're married to an American oh well I don't give a s*** I love Goliath like I absolutely adore your husband and I adore my little granddaughter I can't believe about my grandpa f****** her I'm sorry but you do not understand how much you just made my day baby girl by the way can can you be my daughter even though you're adopted by them

Dad the f*** is that type of question you're the whole reason why I came to f****** Japan which by the way the president knows about because I showed him that I was adopted and when he seen that I was Japanese he told me that you told me as much as I could till I found my ballological parents so I could have a real family since I do not get along with really any of my adopted family at all to be honest I don't like them it just pretends like them the dancing woman that I can tolerate the other ones not so much but you I f****** love you and I'm f****** proud to be your daughter like that's the f****** best thing in my life I mean I literally was just saying I literally act exactly like you I talk exactly and I have your f****** attitude this is fantastic hey Goliath get your ass over here bring crimson.

Yeah what's up babe why are you so rowdy and Loud dream now oh my god did you find them. You got to be f****** s******* me I should have known I should have f****** you literally talk like him you act like him and you have his personal stuff from the f****** gecko are you serious biological father.

Holy f*** this is the best f****** they ever you better get used to me calling your dad cuz I f****** love this guy sorry but her adopted dad's the only one that I liked at her adopted family I did not really care for the rest so as soon as she told me she was a doctor I told her I'd help her to the best of my ability and even slipped it to the president so you can help us what she did I'm so f****** happy I'm so f****** excited that we found you because f*** her not to Family I'm sorry I like the dad but they're not her like she does not act like remember them she does not but they're just they're not her okay you can tell they're not family like you can tell to a t that that is not her biological family she just don't fit in with them at all that's why she's miserable cuz she don't fit in with them she don't fit them with another people now see my biological parents are the ones that she met although sometimes I was so much just because they're so I'm going to be honest they're kind of distant they're not really that loving or affectionate it's just they're ah like they act like they love me and then pretend to be but I mean it just seems so fake seems so forced I'm probably going to not all that close to them I haven't been since I was like 6 I'm 23 they had all the way up until I was 14 to rekindle that child parent relationship and they do not even try the distance themselves more than I went into puberty why you think I booked it as soon as I got the chance plus they were honestly more focused on my sisters and anything my sisters were all moved out why focus on them but whatever I mean you want to come back home like really like that excited hey babe would you mind doing me a favor and seeing if I'm adopted I would so love to find out I'm adopted I don't like them.

Give Me 2 minutes I said closing my eyes and using my God what I do go through some of the stuff at his parents house or when will and behold I smile like a mother f***** there was a while and I flipped it and it did have adoption papers in it." holy s*** babe turns out. they have no biological children your mom lied to your dad she lied to your dad to keep them married cuz your dad understand married to her because of the fact that you're his biological son or so he thought read this you're not your mom lied to your dad she adopted you a secretly she had to import it from another f****** country you're actually pure Russian your parents are both from Russia type of f****** s*** is that how what are the f****** odds of you being adopted to like what are the odds of both of us being adopted now we got to find your family. And holy s*** here's their name your mother is oh my goodness I love her name Anastasia Slovak and your father is Dmitry Slovak. And they're from Moscow you were born in Moscow. Not going to lie I didn't take you for a rush and I figured you'd be like German or something I mean okay never mind you do have the build of a Russian never mind you're tall you're built really strong in Russian men are normally more Bronte like you they're built with a bigger body build so no you do fit the Russian and you got the dark hair and as I look at you you do have okay you do have a definitely a Russian face I take that back you're just not don't take this wrong way most Russians have a lot of the thicker dark body hair Lisa men do cuz you know I mean the rush and they obviously got out a little bit hair in their chest you don't have anybody here but you have every other characteristic of a Russian I don't know why I noticed that one little detail I mean but it's common for Russian men to have thick body hair and no I don't mean on their legs or them on their fast they normally have chest hair honey you don't in fact you're smooth as a freaking baby's butt you have like nobody hair.

Okay first of all Miss I know Trace about Russia actually that is false some martians do not you're thinking about the Russians that are up near Iceland and s*** another yes they normally do now the ones from like Moscow and s*** and not always because of those ones are ones are the ones that have families in like turkey and s*** so no I'm more from a different part of Russia okay so not every Russian mom is there typically The Stereotype of Russian with the thick body hair Missy and I'm sorry I don't like body hair I'm glad I don't have it if I had him I just don't know I just feel like a bother me I feel like I would itch cuz I've never had any on there so I don't know if I had it I feel like a bother me I'm glad I don't have it Dad are you a detective if you said that earlier I was eavesdrop man I did hear that part but I didn't hear you being her biological father can you somehow find way to get access to my biological parents so I can contact them.

On it if he doesn't do it.
Well damn you keep do you just love ease dropping don't you you just love using that super human Yokai here until eavesdrop on everybody's conversations I'm just f****** with you sis yes you can if Dad doesn't get to it because I need to find somebody.

Actually I already looked him up as soon as I heard you say their names I was just dropping on that whole entire conversation soon as I heard you say their names I looked him up and bada bing bada boom. And I totally knew my girl was f****** Japanese I mean I know you don't look Japanese like your dad said but you you're Japanese dude

Wait Dad no s*** Phoenix is your daughter dad answers a lot of f****** questions yo that just cleared the air because I had an inkling by the way that you two were getting along and the way that you two act and talk and the fact that she f****** acts like you she's a f****** daughter

Biological baby I'm hurt biological Papa f*** yeah and yes I said the same thing so whenever she said that she was adopted I asked 05 and I'm glad I freaking day cuz I found my name on it I'm so happy I mean y'all knew I had a daughter before my current one but my parents forced me to put up for adoption I don't want to and they only did that cuz she didn't look Japanese I mean Granite my Phoenix does look more English but fellas my wife's mother was half English only 30% was Japanese cuz her dad was full blooded English I forgot about that cuz my wife was full blooded Japanese. And you know what I'm going to give a s*** I love her she is my world she is exactly what I f****** needed I don't care if she doesn't look traditional like Japanese so why she's half English she only looks English if you look at her DNA chart she's actually full-blooded Japanese she I guess the English look from her grandma like she chose to look like that. But even the new cares as long as she's my blood and my DNA I don't give a s*** whether or not she got her Grandma's English looks chilling with all English in there but if you look at her now that you're aware that she is fully Japanese if you look at her you can notice there's actually a good percentage of Japanese or two really characteristics that she gather English of her eyes her cheekbones are the only thing that I noticed on her face that looks English other than her eyes the rest of her facial structure totally Japanese and her body will just kind of mixture of both but her hair is the only other trait than I noticed it is even remotely English so her hair eyes and cheekbones that's the only person she got that English I mean I'd say a few more things but I think that's really inappropriate going out so I'm not going to

"Yeah cuz you're her dad I mean I would say it but she'd smack me Japanese women are built really petite she's got the petite in his of a Japanese on the waist the other parts totally English. Ow see told you"

Oh my God I can't believe you just pointed that out I mean like I was going to say it but I was like I ain't going to get punched in the face that's not my girl and she's married her husband might do it too not to be rude Japanese women for the average Japanese woman normally have small frames but normally do not have a big chest or hips or caboose no it's not that they don't have a butt it's just the you know they're they're just small to fit the rest of their frame just saying they're build is to match their frame so your daughter definitely does nothing if I category not to be rude Phoenix and please don't have legalized but she definitely has those trees from the English

Are you trying to tell me I got a big ass and big boobs why are you all f****** what the f*** I mean I know I got a nice ass but damn and why are y'all even looking at my boobs enough to notice that they're bigger than your average traditional petite Japanese girl you don't realize I only built like that because of beauty standards in Japan right you do realize Asian beauty standards you do realize that the girls go all out to fit them including having little tatas it's not my fault that I don't follow them and yes I am part English so I agreement that might actually have something to do with it but still looking I feel violated that's where they all noticed notice something so inappropriate I mean thank you to ever not pointing it out cuz I'm pretty sure it was obvious but f*** your colleagues pointed out like it's against Trump fried rice like what the f***

Honey we pointed it down on your mom your mom might not have looked English and might have been full of Japanese but she definitely had the English boobs and ass that is for sure and I know that because they're probably noticed it trust me why do you think your mom was so pursued she was in Japanese women with a nice rack

"You are sick bunch of pigs."I said

"No honey we're just man we always know s*** like that all men are pigs keep that in mind except your husband he's a gentleman you always going to remember when a beautiful woman is in front of a man of course he's going to notice certain parts of catches attention and yes and Asia if a woman has certain traits it does tend to give them his attention more so yeah it's kind of even notice.

I don't care that sick I'm your Chief's daughter for god sakes I mean at least my dad had enough decency to keep his damn mouth shot about it but you're just like big boobs big ass yep like the f*** like you're looking at I'm smack you." I said as somebody came up behind them and whacked them all in the back of the head with a book it was a woman well good cuz I'll do it they don't need to be inappropriate towards such a young beautiful lady want to be respectful just because you build them friend doesn't mean you got a point out Jesus and you husband I had taught you better women are not in our object you don't just got to catch them all got to catch them all. I'm sorry honey all men are like that yet they're really inappropriate but they would never do anything inappropriate to you so just make inappropriate jokes because if they did I would beat them senseless with a damn cinder block because that's what they're going to need wait a a minute Chief is that your daughter."She asked.

"Yep this is my oldest biological daughter remember the one that her parents made us. My father said putting his arm around me.

"Oh my God I remember you telling me about that will are those Wings on her back." She asked hesitantly when she noticed my wings.

"Maybe I broke as a brown the back of my shirt when I was trying to post for a picture I forgot to exhibit before I did it so I can't put them back so yes there thanks I'm a purebred whoops." I said as a woman was taken aback and giving my dad a weird look before smelling brightly.

Honey I meant nothing by and any rude way I just because the rest of them I've only seen one pair of red we're only familiar with one and that is Mr Fox over there he's the only one that ever seeks out humans human companionship he's the only one that actually wants to be around human so of course I'm not going to know what to say to see if purebred Phoenix and she is a beauty I'm not joking Chief your daughter's absolutely gorgeous.

I know right she's my friend Joy and yes I am totally milk in the fact that she's a purebred Phoenix because not in the other pyramids I've ever found in Phoenix and I've got a daughter oh wait didn't you say you were pregnant.

Wait what you're going to be a grandpa she's pregnant.

"He's already a grandpa we already have a daughter Goliath trimmed in showing her that he was carrying a little baby and she just smiled from her ear walking over him wanting to see the baby he let her hold her although she did not want to give her back as soon as she seen her face her face lit up.

Oh my gosh she's so cute yeah you're not getting her back I'm taking her home with me it'll be okay I'll give her back tomorrow I know where your dad lives plus she got another little one you just having a birthday yet.

Oh my goodness I love you but for real on a real note now sorry ma'am but that's my kid she stays with Mom she needs mom cuz she's fine not that old plus she's a purebred she can't drink your milk

I know I know I can't but that doesn't mean I can't dream or at least joker out about it I know I know that you can't take a purebred baby away from their mom that's like a death sentence because just like an animal I need the other smoke they can't just have any but seriously if I could I would totally take her home with me for the night though I'm just saying not actually going to do it honey but she's just so damn cute you better bring her over for little playdates and let me see her so are you two married or just dating or what he is such a big fella and he is a handsome hunk nice choice."

"Yes I know my HUSBAND is extremely handsome I got lucky my faded partner was not only less attractive male he's the biggest and the strongest we are a fated pair. We're also sole bonded and were married and thank you I know he's handsome see I don't mind if you say that because it's purely just a compliment now I only take the wrong way is the girl takes it too far and tries to flirt with him that's like I know that you mean nothing by it you're just tell me how handsome he is but you don't understand how many girls are so disrespectful of the fact where they think that it's okay to flirt with a married man I've even had one growth so far to try to seduce him luckily we're so bonded so he told her to go f*** off and it was one of my f****** friends but then again that was also America are Japanese one more respectful about it

Oh yeah yeah definitely honey most women will only compliment you on how handsome he is and how beautiful you are because Japanese are very respectful towards married couples were very old fashioned we do not not like home workers and especially since you two have a baby and one on the way does look down upon if somebody would happen to a try to take it that way with him in other words of a girl that's Japanese tries to hit on your dude and inappropriate way knowing that he's married normally he has a wife and kids all you got to do is say that and the general public will look down upon that female for being well to the Japanese that's a s*** Like I said we're very traditional we do not agree when a woman hits on a married man with children it's inappropriate it's looked out on it's frowned upon you're allowed to compliment them on how beautiful they are as a couple Sharon and I'll take a step further to try to sleep in his bed why you think of the ones that do do it keep it hush-hush because if the public finds out they're going to be outcasted because no other female is going to want to bring them around their family and Japanese are very so full I'm friends that if we have families we invite our friends family fun but yeah I know if a Japanese woman would be inappropriate with your husband in any way especially in like an a sexual Manner yeah that's a big fat no no "watch this Lin, Kia,and Min. Come here honey" she said as poor girls and their three friends walked over three of the friends were men. "Ya mama." The real pretty one said that she kissed her mom and she kissed her mom on the cheek before noticing what she was holding a baby. Oh my God that is the cutest little baby ever whose baby is that

"That's mine." I said if she glanced over at me saying she's so cute before taking a double taken looking at me what she stared at me for a long period as if her eyes couldn't comprehend what she was looking at she actually walked over me and touched me realizing that I was real holy s*** that you're a purebred you're so pretty I'm jealous hey are you're a phoenix I'm even more jealous come on he wouldn't be jealous of a phoenix phoenixes are top dog do you know how many people are looking for one why do you think we have so many Outsiders visiting Japan especially since our general population coexist with are purebred population I'm saying that because not all of them are you okay you've been getting a lot of forms coming out lately I mean like not as many as are you okay but we've noticed that our president can bring it in some here and there like you wait what are you I know you're not okay voice I think he's handsome and you are a very big fella

Yeah that's my husband Goliath he's a purebred leviathan male so no not are yo-kai and thank you my husband is extremely handsome but is my handsome boy

"Oh my you two are married that is so cute you guys need a really beautiful couple is he the father." She asked.

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