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"And yes he is to both because I'm actually pregnant with our second child so yeah no he's definitely bothered both were a soul wanted couple and we're a fated pair so yeah I know definitely his. I can't have children with anybody but him because we're a fated pair and we're so bonded the type of non-human that we are is called the Mystic it's pretty much the original version of your non-humans pretty much evolutionized from us because we are a lot more involved in them and at one point they were just as evolved as us we don't know why they lost the majority of their power but in the end of these powerful as we are and we have multiple forms not one that's the most thing you're not humans only have one form we have three a beast a giant or a Titan form and a humanoid that is normal human size like this one. And some like me have both a giant and a Titan form I also have a beast warm as well. All my Mystics have a beast form which is the form of their original origin in other words like his would be the raw form of a leviathan which means to be strong the one that actually looks like an actual Leviathan makes a Wonder described in the Bible that's what his be strong looks like like mine actually looks like an actual Phoenix just bigger it doesn't look like no flaming bird the size of an eagle no they are way bigger than the size of an eagle try the size of a human being extra actually huge and they get bigger than that fully ground they will be as tall as a fully grown human which means it will be much bigger than a human because obviously Birds aren't made to be tall which means they're size with her eyes were ginormous I mean you might as well call us a giant at this point. And my Phoenix Farm looks like well the traditional Japanese Phoenix in other words I look more like the peacock version cuz that's the traditional form of the Phoenix they look more like a peacock but see I've been Maybe for One People and make it look more like an eagle cuz people are dominant like to f*** with them sorry I hated that place before the president took me out like I hated it I love it here everybody so nice everybody's so friendly and nobody treats me like a damn freak or like I'm well ranking and have no value or position my husband and me are Royals we literally told them that and they laughed in our faces calls us novices and then told my husband that they would rather have a mimic since they don't want a weakling among their men in the military they told my husband is 2 weeks to be involved with the non-human another one he yelled at them told me he was a purebred not a mimic and they laughed and I said what type of purebred he yelled at them and told him he was a Mystic Mystics are as strongest and most ancient type of non-human and you for real for real don't want one in your right to f*** I was not happy there no offense like I love America as a place but the people at my hometown suck ass they're low educated and I say if I don't want somewhere they're more educated about on humans but see I come from a bumped town with a bunch up on educated Hicks not much druggies ain't about to hypocrites that they're just ridiculous I came from small town yet was a poor but it wasn't like bougie it was I don't want to bring breakfast towels that nobody knows about it wasn't a city or anything under all just a bunch of no offense just not saying that because not all of them are an educated and all of them are pics some of them are very nice people but they're very stereotypical and they're mainly made up of an older community if there are any young kids yet normally they're a bunch of troublemakers or just Outkast the ones that didn't leave to have to go to college or university and the door not a state which was permanent all the younger ones consumers they could go to college they move the hell out of there not a farm town but it wasn't up to date developed town as a Moses things that were there have been there for a while they weren't like new developments and s*** unless you count houses there was none of those modern moving billboards with you know the digital pictures on them that will change they didn't have those fast food joints with the you know the touch screen order screen that was an option if you didn't want to go up to the front desk..
No s*** serial tell me that are you Yokai is used to be Titans and Giants and had multiple shapeshifting forms what I didn't know about the dope can you get my point it was like an average small town it was out of date books for their students but yet they expected their students to be highly advanced in their teachings especially there are students or advanced classes which they did offer but they even then if you check their books they're not the up-to-date stuff that all the universities and special boarding schools use places with money it was just a normal public school and s*** you get my point like there's nothing special about it there's no malls no cities no anything like that and if we did have a mall I never heard about it I don't know I just hated how there was like nothing around that town like yeah they had stores yeah they want mom and pop together we're just regular stores and yes I did include the chain stores like Malmart how we didn't even have a. Bullseye. You know that one store that one stores that's like a Malmart just more boozy I mean not much more baby but it was bougie had better stuff in my opinion. But you get my point we don't have the stuff that the big cities have and I'm glad the internet you guys have this mean chain store I hate the things cuz yeah like everybody goes from when you know they are convenient but like you can't find anything you need everything's mass produced you can't get anything especially made uniquely for you based on the design you wanted like I actually prefer to go to boutiques cuz you can get your clothes tailored to you just personal opinion plus you're not getting something mass-produced that everybody all has you're going to One of a Kind piece I just I had a Pacific taste I like things that are more unique and one of a kind I would rather be than happy nobody else and be like everybody else and yes I like my clothes tailored and they're made rather than made in a factory because they used to change materials they fall apart easier and they're just not as durable or long-lasting mean like you're paying the money but you only get to work like five times before that thing gets ripping it sorry but like I tried. Malmart products and because they're mass produced to be cheap and affordable for everyone they're not made to last for a long period of time they're just made to be affordable and cheap so you're not have to pay them in a life for it I mean yeah the last you maybe up to two to three years if you're lucky I'm not just talking about the clothing I'm at the products are built to be more affordable for the low income so even if they last there are not really that durable like I thought if that time of flights from there and within like the first week I found one of those melted and it was just from somebody's reheating something in the microwave and else they did was put it on for the normally do and it melted thank you please aren't supposed to know just because you were here microwave that's a whole point of it being plastic so it's not gives you an idiot doesn't take much heat to do that either I only have them for a week not even a very found one with a melted Center so I look through them in the car that there were several that one starting to do the same thing like they want melted yet but they were starting to get that gunky when ever they about ready to melt." I admitted a lot of the girls agreeing with me.
Oh my God you love boutiques usually come with us we had a s*** done over here and they have designers they literally alter the place to fit if they designed something you picked that doesn't fit cuz they haven't already made the ones they are using they'll keep a certain amount of them out but they're not mass-produced they're only like $20 that are maybe the same outfit but most of the time a lot of them are different in a way like one will be a different color or different pattern there's made the same design. We should totally go out later ladies especially since we got a fuss again if she's wanting it we did have a fifth friend that we used to do everything with it was just us five girls we all grow up together real we all know each other really well well this girl decided that a boy was more important than her friends she literally stopped talking to us just because she met a guy she like we've tried getting a hold of her several times she won't even talk to us in fact she blocked us just because it was stupid boy.

Haha oh my wife takes as many friends as she can get so you're more than welcome to steal her you can even go out with her and her girlfriends at some point.

Yeah no seriously we'd love and if you would be your fist because when we had that girl be your friend we not only signed and register ourselves up for concerts in the Banquets and stuff cuz we are asvp'd and it's way literally cannot take it back barriers be beat her she's still talking with us like we we had her signed up and registered for a lot of s*** to do with us and she literally ghosted us and went off of the boy Tramp I only had her sign up for a Premiere too three of them we also had a scheduled to be at our favorite clothes designers expose where he's releasing she new line of clothes I'm sorry but we ladies are all in the fashion we have been since the beginning Most Japanese women are and don't learn that real quick with big enough fashion we love looking cute we love Dawn ourselves at the love making designer clothes. I so hope that you're into that because those tickets cost a lot of money and I can't get a refund.

"Honey I'm a fashionist of course I'm another store thing what the heck do you take before a man have you seen my outfits and I normally wear I use designer s*** so of course I'm in the design and fashion I'm all up in that stuff. But I'm more of a trendsetter I normally the one that wears fashion that everybody else is not ballsy Enough To Try which means I'll find s*** that's cute and beautiful that nobody else has enough balls with her on because I think it's like not in style or s*** guess what I wear it once it's in style buddy cuz I don't one day in it the next day I'll see like 20 people at the same f****** thing on cuz everybody likes my taste I have a very unique sense of fashion. And style how I've even made my own styles and clothes myself actually quite talented at making my own designs it just takes too long I mean sorry but I have a supreme Queen I run an entire species and on top of it I'm trying to get a college for like five different positions master's degrees not to mention I'm a mother speaking of which words are free that we supposedly adopted.

Well I'm not going to lie after that little psycho sent me a threatening voicemail after you beat the crap out of her and said a bunch of s*** she was going to press charges and all kinds of s*** so I told her try me and then she said try this and she showed me a bunch of documentation to shape out of my parents house and one of them was my doctor papers but I thought they were fake until you actually brought him up and showed me that they were real I can't believe they lied to me like what a b**** so I talked to my sister I confided in her about everything that happened and told her that if she's going to try b******* like that just because she wants me to let her friend adopt them turns out my sister the one that's their mother was putting her best friend up to that with Genesis to try to get me to give up custody on the adoption so her friend live could adopt them who the f*** is live I don't give a s*** she can figure I should go around and then she cussed me out so I told her to f*** herself I told her I'm not talking to your kids you can f****** go take that lawsuit to your ass by the way the show this is her yeah I should be nobody better now jokes on her her husband's phone all kinds of s*** on her because of Genesis is making him believe that she abandoned his kids stuff so she's getting backstage because she's feeding her husband a bunch of b******* so there's a bunch of restraining orders against each other they're suing each other there fighting over custody he's marking my sister's unfit to be a mom for all of her children including her unborn one well once you pissed me off I yelled at her fine then you f*** her I'm adopted anyways so you ain't my f****** sister so go suck on that you can take your own damn kids I was just trying to be a good brother and make sure that you had your children to make sure that they're actually will be in your life but since you get pissed at me and have your go through our house do we legal s*** bug our phones but trackers on us threaten my wife she's going to take my kid cuz I double dog very f****** cuz after the whole situation when reported it on Genesis when crying back to my sister that had the kid that she encouraged her to fight for custody for our daughter I told her f*** you I told her I wanted nothing to do with her and I had Yuki find every little f****** thing she could on them and I had her well let's just say I ruined that all of her family's Life future and everything they own because they're going to own nothing when I'm done with them I sued the pants off of every single one of them and I got all kinds of s*** filed to mark them as criminals for life and I made sure that they will never get any opportunities to grow or flourish or have a good life in any way they will never have a future good job the only jobs will be given or scraps in other words s*** that other people don't want the jobs that everybody hates and the lowest income cuz I made sure they will never work for any big companies or any High ranks or even anywhere close to the government I made sure that they won't even be able to get a job at Mickey's at this point cuz I had her put it on there permanent records in other words all that somebody's got to do is do a background check and see all that s*** on their record and they're going to be like I'll make sure they'll never be able to get a nice job in their life and they'll be like if they ever get one again in fact they're probably going to be living in a soup kitchen at this point because of how bad it destroyed the reputation and their life oh no I forgot them for everything and I did see my parents for lying to me about being adopted and then forcing me to adopt their grandkids when I'm not even their blood turns out my dad didn't know he just wanted me to take over his company because I wasn't a slave bag like his other children. I told him to go f*** off that I asked him why they talked to me to begin with and how they wouldn't tell me so you can look into it and I'm pissed so I sued him I was kidnapped I was kidnapped from my biological parents in other words somebody to talk me out of my home away from my parents in the middle of the night after breaking into their house but this one is targeting me and I found out why which is why my dad wanted me so bad my dad is there leader he's the highest ranking official in Russia and he's a very powerful man my family is very powerful from Russia my mother comes from the main royal family because they do still have a royal family that just don't world Russia anymore but they're highly involved with everything that goes on in it and my mom's feeling that endorses most of our shows leaders and s*** because my family is one of the richest families in the world not to mention one of the most powerful they're even more powerful than all the mafias and military countries like what the f*** from what I meant by my their leader as in his f****** president is the president of f****** Russia which makes it my adoptive dad had me f****** kidnapped from my parents because of how powerful my family is because Yuki found all kinds of evidence and even a bunch of sacriles between my mom and my dad the adoptive ones pieces of s*** and some unknown messenger from when they were adopting me they were talking about using me and the sick of me to the Core cuz I was so sweet to them so I ruined their f****** entire lives cuz I turned them all in to the president of the United States and the Pentagon and everyone will save her because they were going to use me as Leverage to persuade my father to give up all of his valuables precious belongings anything worth money and my biological family is technically the richest family in the world and they're the most influential that means that they have the most power out of any freaking roller in the world and this bastard was going to take it by you send me as a hostage they were part of Groupon high society that are actually a group of really bad criminals and I mean like really bad criminals like they're like Mafia bad except worse because they kidnap world leaders children or people of high power and then use them as a hostage situation so they have to give up everything to get their child back or give them what the f*** they want but they were after something very specific that my father had that have been passed on my family from Generation generation because I remember my family is very powerful and they have a lot of s*** that a lot of people apparently all over the planet are trying to get their damn ass on so my parents and family have been targeted for a lot of things including assassination to get this valuable mysterious item that I have no idea what it is but my father and mother and my whole entire family well I did tell you there was powerful and like I'm laughing family plus my dad is a president they don't f*** around there the most powerful family probably all of the world leaders because they I'll have military training very extensive military training so they can get gas pretty bad so I turned it into the Pentagon telling them that I found a traffic and then told me they're using world leaders children's as hostages my dad was the first one that replied on that message but I sent to every single world leader he asked who they all found to prove this I said how about your son Let's just say on the phone he started f****** crying his eyes out telling you Kayla he thought that I was dead and she said nobody standing right beside trust me he's completely safe and away from all that s*** we actually took off to Japan chokes on those bastards your son is actually my king so needless to say your son's a very powerful man we took off to Japan when we found out that his wife was a topic because she's Japanese but some girl sent him a picture saying that oh you're adopted so I'm FBI buddy I for Pentagon and everything over for the present and I'm one of the best so yeah my queen handed me the file I took that bad boy confirmed it was real and then I dug up all the s*** on this mother f***** and that's how we found out he was kidnapped and that's how we found out that he's the president of Russia's f****** son like who the f*** steals the president's son Dentures truly over here found all the Nets saying that they were going to use him as leverage in a hostage so they can get what they want from you but here's a f***** up part they were still going to try to kill your son my dad got so Furious and angry till she assured him that he can't do that and he demanded to know how these are f****** criminals they can kill my boy now that I can't cuz your boy is not human you feel that at my time I'd just took off everything it was doing and they said come again holy can't kill a leviathan I can't your sons of purebred Leviathan your son is the Supreme King of the mystics that's the oldest and strongest species of non-halent he's married to my queen and he can only be killed by the god that made him so yeah they can't f****** touch him with a 10-ft pole plus he's got a kid so you're a grandpa but then you can get some more expensive and realize that that was not actually the Russian King but his assistant because his assistant is actually his brother which meant that his uncle was actually the woman f****** answer he was pretending to be his brother which I can see why he thought that he was pretending cuz a lot of people f****** calling and say s*** like that so I told him if you don't believe me in Japan we f****** ran away from America cuz of all this f****** criminals. But you keep dug up my dad's actual contact I'm going to call him in a minute cuz I know they got to do a lot of expensive stuff to make sure that not I mean these are the most powerful family around that stupid so I'm just going to call myself sorry you want to get homeless with me since the president of Japan's getting involved since he knows him he is actually going to be here right now hi Uncle. Hi my boy I heard she found her real family so you turned out to be my best friend's kid what the f*** are the s*** is that I didn't no you were that son I mean I helped him more expensively for that little boy everywhere they hit him so well we thought they killed them we're in fact we're still convinced to kill them are you sure you're his son I mean you got to remember this is a very powerful man over here that can mess with if you're.... oh my God you are a son I took a DNA test my wife pulled some strings and got some of his teething and his wife's before I sent him any of that with you he in any of that evidence I took a DNA test I am definitely his son and his wife came back 100% positive which is what I'm going to show this egg head right now cuz I know that's why my uncle didn't show up.

Let me do it I know you're dad better than anybody he is stubborn as hell he won't just listen to anyone especially since he loved you so much and it destroyed him when somebody f****** kidnapped you he's afraid to have any more kids cuz you were his pride and joy oh and by the way jokes on you your real name is Goliath because the little boy that he lost name was Goliath... the president said taking my husband's phone and calling a number hey you should head handed to your brother please it's present Chang. I have something he's going to want to hear.. just hand it tohim he said as he put it on speaker so my husband and we could hear it but he made sure that take us in a bowling or would be alone so we can talk to them in private. "Hey old friend long time no hear." "Hello Dimitri we're going to need to talk I need you to get your wife now it's important." He said his dad's side before getting up he walked out the room for a minute and then walked back in there was definitely second person with him well actually three other people. "Okay go ahead." Did you bring in the children. Yeah she's been kind of emotional since I got a prank call telling me that they found my son their little brother f***** with my wife so bad that she is crying all the time she her mental state is terrible."

"That wasn't a prank." My husband whispered but somehow he heard it because they all got dead silent. As the president put his fingers to his little.

Old friend that wasn't afraid I have him and no it was not intentional I went to go pick up a pure party okay Phoenix you know I've been looking for one who I found one and she's a girl she's also a queen she came up a package a husband that husband just found out he was adopted he had one of his people who happened to be working for the Pentagon in the FBI he had her look up who his parents were guess where that led him back to you so they did a long digging and digging and digging and turns out he was kidnapped from your house which means the queen I rescued because she was adopted as well and she did find her dad by the way was your son alive which means your grandfather and and he did a DNA test don't ask his Queens have Archangel she can teleport she's snuck some of your DNA Wally y'all were sleeping well they need a test came back 100% positive and Danny that they used was 100% confirmed to be both of yours which busy is 100% your son in fact I'm standing Riverside he's the doofus that said that wasn't a prank I mean I should have told him to let me do it look yourself still yet and he still kind of figuring s*** out well he also didn't know it was kidnapped either I mean that's kind of a big deal

Kind of Uncle they f****** can't help me out of my house what the f*** and then they had me believing that I was the precious baby boy do you know how nice I was to this f****** so I ruin their f****** lives I turn them into Pentagon try that s*** and I sued them for everything they got for human kidnapping holding hostage using her Ransom I literally turned all their s*** in their f***** I'm sorry but you want to f*** with me no sorry for my language I'm just pissed off as f*** right now no I was pissed when I found out there trying to use me for a ransom because this b******* I literally took him for either grandkids because their pieces of s*** because they were trying to assume me for not wanting to give their child to one of their friends so yeah I got all the kids taken off of them now they didn't even get one back I turn them into protection services and everything I told them what happened to me and I turned them in so they will no longer be allowed to have any access to any children and they're all being highly examined to see if they are kidnapped as well and I expose them for being in a ring of criminals they were in a traffic and rain which is what they took me from because the man can let me know your house name was Alexander Knoxvon. He's the man freaking trafficker and he's a big ass Criminal it's part of a very huge trafficking ring there's nothing they didn't adopt me they bought me from a trafficker when they found out his kid it was they were going to use me for a ransom oh by the way just so you know they were going to kill me afterwards I found the f****** notes but I took off when I was 14 I ran away when I was 14 so I missed my execution by like a month cuz a month right before it this year was when they wrote the note saying like there were execute me in front of you so yeah f*** them I ruined them for life but no it wasn't a joke I literally did a DNA test just to make sure because the fact that you're president and such a I mean I don't want to tell you that and then get your hopes up so I didn't DNA test and my wife is half our Angels she did use a portal but she only is one big enough to stick her hands through to get DNA which was a hair sample and a blood sample didn't you know she had a little hot word look like someone injected when you woke up yeah that was an injection she was brought some blood but y'all suffering through it cuz she is a sleeping Spell on You don't ask my my wife is half which she comes from the Charmed family so she's also a witch. If you don't believe me I will have your friend show you the DNA test I wouldn't lie about something like that plus why would I I just found out I got kidnapped for my family and was going to be executed in front of them by the assholes I was nice too I did so many favors for those f****** just about how they have planned on killing me so why am I about that if they were going to kill me I mean because it's kind of pointless you know.

Is that Goliath

Yeah it's Goliath so I was trying to tell you glass Cashmere since I'm the only one that knew that my own name was Kashmir never really set the public the only way that someone would know this if they looked his birth certificate cuz it is on my first certificate which is actually how $500 I was just looking for my birth certificate so I could take it to Japan with me but I'm not instead and I got all the original Ransom letters that they were going to use so I have twice if you were going to do that Dad oh wait sorry I don't know if you let me call you dead yet because I know you want to make sure it's actually me don't blame you you are was either I get it."He said.

"No only Goliath would know what his middle name is because I made it to her only he could read what is the moment was when it was actually him I had a witch do it a very powerful one. When can I see you." His dad asked

"Depends when do you want to see me." Goliath asked and his father went silent for a minute with his mom yelled now. As soon as possible would be nice to clear everything all up which means bring everything you found." He asked

You got it I actually already put it on the folder for him so it wasn't all over the place because you're old friend was helping us look the right to make sure it was correct since he knows your actual information we've never met you so we couldn't confirm it but he did.

"Relax that was his wife that was Phoenix she's a sweetie she'll Spitfire though he is extremely feisty."

So you're a phoenix and your name is... yeah yeah you don't know how many times I hear that every time somebody flies my name every single time never ceases to fail yes my name is Phoenix and I am a phoenix I know it's very funny I cannot believe I did that though I mean it's too hard to believe that they literally kidnapped it like I met these f****** I let them hold her baby I let that monster hold your grandchild cuz I didn't no that he was kidnapped I don't know that from the kickoff I want to let them touch my child I would just past tense their asses. I mean they want to kill my faded partner the man I'm soul bounded two and the man that is the love of my life no you don't know how much it took in me not to go back and kill every single one of them. And if I wasn't pregnant I would have I even told your son that.

"Yeah and I told you you're pregnant you try that s*** I will seriously drew a metal pipe into the wall and into the floor so that I can't freaking find a way out of it and train me to that so you can't freaking break free from it cuz I'll stick that b**** in the cellar you can't break the cement on it working metal pipe and again you actually takes a baby knowing you're smart as you'd find a way to prove me wrong I mean we did love together you were my first love your mail isn't forever obviously I know you better move back my hand I know you're too damn smart for that s***. Plus I found out the hard way Phoenix is worse than Houdini the moment you tell her she can't go somewhere can't get out of something or can't do something she wants to f****** to do it even if it's physically impossible she finds way to do it I got my hands full with her that's for sure arcade better be more mild than her that's for sure but we won't know she's not even a week old yet." Goliath said"Your baby is on my way home she's already pregnant again."

"Oh geez no he's definitely your son. Like father like son they always say." One of his sisters joked.

"And what's that supposed to mean." He asked.

" her kids are literally back to back to back because right after I had them you got me pregnant again not even a week later so she's got a point" his mother said and me and Goliath couldn't help but laugh.

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