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"Oh my I mean they're not wrong though yeah I'm not making that comment he will ground me."

"What is it." He sighed.

"Well with how much you can't keep your hands to yourself no you're definitely your father's child." I said in his whole family cracked up laughing as my husband just talked at me with his mouth gaping with them you didn't not just say that with my parents on the phone.

"What if you can't I mean not to be rude we kind of reproduce like rabbits." I said and they just couldn't stop laughing he kicked my foot he couldn't believe I said all that on the phone.

"Really with my parents on the they don't need to know that."

"I know. But I'm pretty sure they would notice as soon as they seem that we went from two to like 12 real quick cuz knowing you this was going to happen cuz you did not even wait 2 days after our first kid was born to get pregnant with the second one for crying out loud." I tease and his sister must have been taking I drink when I said that cuz I heard her spit it at her mouth before she started laughing.

"Sis a little too much TMI. I North family need to know how freaky you to get in the bedroom." His sister said. I shrugged. "My love but really need to figure out what to do with this Mongols.   That were responsible for you being kid napped. Their animals in the disrupted our entire lives. So I took care of all trafficking rings I took someone else not necessarily but some of our people that for me though if they're willing to do it to a president or later what the hell is going to stop him from doing it to well me and you because they touch one of our kids. It'll be the last thing they ever do.

"Baby what's wrong you're not going to be on your game today something's going on that you're not telling something isn't there."He asked

"No my love not going on but what happened I don't think it has going to tell you is he." I assured him.

"What are you talking about my love. Oh one of my sisters is getting married she's for a second there are so they were until he's been devastating he said mine just smiled before he kissed me.

"You need to stop playing I seriously have something serious you're just trying to show me my sister's getting married." He nuzzling me as he pulled me or was lap.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that your sister is one big excited to find and the brothers okay though one of the girls said when the other one smacked one of my bed and she said out you broke out of character you a big dummy."

Who am I talking to this time seriously I'm kind of a little annoyed that every time I asked to talk to my dad it's being redirected to like one of my cousins or something or a family friend like I just want to talk to my dad

"Yeah I know we also didn't know it was you you when you guys are staying the last another seen him it was in a box they sent a a box of human remains back to us...." he said as I first time so I get her to my husband and private this is a like getting us nowhere or playing Ring Around the Rosie I think is time of night want to be a little bit bolder we can't keep on doing this to civil way they're going to keep on having us talk to other people" I said as the other gods that I had to rescue already Athena Hera and Dream came out.

"She's got a point Goliath are you going to continue to let your dad continuously avoid you when you ask for him."

"I don't know am I supposed to do I've called twice now hold of tutoring people I've even gotten his friend on here.."He said.

"Come on my king let's brainstorm I know you can do it you're smart man." I said and then he nodded you didn't realize the wedding is not three days she lied it's today that's why they're not wanting me to show up today. But I made something for my dad forever ago when I still have it. He said going out a folder which he had a bunch of letters and drawings and when he was younger he was to draw especially whenever I personally he stopped and practically one day and I couldn't figure out why it was like after his son's birthday that's why I straight get real depressed no thanks to him really angry. Then that's what I understood why he used to draw for his dad every year. But his father was a woman that knew that and the other family knew that other then his sister is getting married.

"Are you seriously going to say no about showing up to your sister's wedding."

"Nope I'm going to I would rather you stay in a safe place though cuz when I walk in there and now we're going to get shot at because he's a world leader and I don't f*** her out of all that s*** because of Russians they always have guns." He said I'm not honest.

"okay baby if that's what you want to do that's what you want to do. And then he hung up on whoever the hell they were using as a decoy. People had a box and pull out and necklace when she found with his adoption file. It was one of his sister gave him once again the same one but getting married because she was the one who was closest to which is why I knew he was not going to not show up to her wedding..

"And what are you going to give her for a gift." I said and I have a box that was wrapped. He kissed me took the folder by the necklace on before changing into a giant humanoid version of is leviathan which when he was covered in scales had the head of a serpent has been on his back and his cloth in his face pretty much looked closest to a lizard man. Except his version was a servant but he did this because his scales are impenetrable so bullets can't pierce it.

"What's in the box anyways
What do you think it is my love I'm read your mind I know what your sister always told you what she always wanted but can never find that I even used my God's eye to make sure she never had one." I said and he looked at it realizing that the lid was wrapped individually from a box so you can actually open it he peeked and look at it without opening it all the way when he shut it and looked up at me. "Baby do you even know what that is." He asked I know I know it's a little much but she was said that you wanted I have several I mean they're not all the same but I do have several I do have to have that one though and yes I know babe it's an ancient artifact.

"As very valuable ancient artifact and there's going to give it to my sister I don't know that the smart idea I don't exactly know this thing does.

"Relax baby the one that she wanted was used for witches it was a very special tool but they used to talk to their Kim that's why there's two one for you one for her she can communicate with you without actually being with you it also helps you locate said person if something happens to them it alerts you it's pretty much like a safe house but why your sister is interested in Warcraft is beyond me but it was all created by some of the most powerful witches back in the day but this is just one of their mild ancient artifacts it's not even one of their drastic ones that's actually really dangerous are really powerful this one is just technically communicator and a locator and a alarm system very much told me whenever she's in trouble. And don't worry I didn't give her the following cuz there is a valuable one that looks almost identical the one that I told you was I have another one of the other versions different it's way more apparent doesn't want one this does this can produce a small like force field to have a thing but only for a short very short period and only enough to give you an buy you enough time to get a way to safety." I assured he put his hand in his chest as he gave out of several leaf kissing me before taking folder Which he sucks the DNA testimony all the papers like his birth certificate and s*** to having me open up a portal. As I teleported my daughter into my arms. He slipped through first and I followed behind him but I had in a small shed outside the church where my sister was getting married. When here it is Dad yelling bloody murder at someone you're lying and I know it okay go on can we please let my dogs married an stop all my smart-ass notice that they had a mother of all statue in there if I took it advantage of that and took over it making it move which means the most top and startled.

"Maybe you should learn the lesson More Dimitri."

"Praise the mother of all Knows My Name." "Of course I know your name I'm Gaia I know everybody's name." I've been making this tattoo walk off a podium and walk around with arms crossed as it laying down pretty much putting its face in his." As I turn to the people that were acting as his dad earlier in my expression turned way more gentle thank you. Let try to tell him and he didn't listen.

"No he did not I tried but he sings it still a joke. wait why are you active do you know Goliath." His dad double asked. I just laughed which made it over just look at me funny.

"Oh I more than know him oh my love.  You touch him and I will seriously end all of you." I said, as I left in my head in the Lights Went Out it was dark as a creep they didn't even see him until he was in front of me and he stood up on two legs making his body humanoid. they all screamed. Till lazy and him put his forehead of mine and start nuzzling me. When he pulled away Rocking Around My statues waist as I had my arms around his neck.

"Really love seriously a statue I can not leave you alone I'll leave you in a safe spot and your do this I should have known you were going to find some type of loophole you gods and your stubbornness." He said which made them all really confused.

Well of course I'm going to and I'm not going to listen you should know me by now my love you know the one ever comes down to my husband I don't listen." I smiled the giving him an eskimo kiss.

"Yeah I know we are soul bonded remember. Plus I think I spend enough time with the love of my life to know you better you better then anyone. But I also was planning on just getting out in real quick you made my dear. Not come on I want to get this done over with like real quick before when I'm just going to shoot me cuz that's what I want one of them doesn't I'm going Titan and somebody's getting their ass kicked this is precisely why I did not want you in here because I don't know h dangerous there cuz I know how bad he used to go overboard before. Besides I don't want them thinking that we're here to fight oh wait a minute that's why you did that okay never mind.

Yeah sometimes you got to leave the peace fly baby first I mean what do you think they're going to do with a full grown ass alive and just walks up in here and a giant humanoid form I'm pretty sure they would start shooting and ask questions later trust me I know humans they push the panic button and then ask questions later they react about everything you should know this by now."I exclaimed. "Touche" he said as he let go but I'm depressed and flipped over to her she was freaking out when he walked over at first she was freaking out him his dad had a c** pointed around him but I looked at my hand making plants grow out of it. He had everything but he was giving her in a gift bag but he folded it to where it look like a box. He stopped far enough away from her so she she would calm down cuz she was literally leaning back as far as she could and making herself look small like she was scared he bowed to her. Letting the bag full as he held it up by the strap woman with his Claws and out stretched his hand in front of her. She was speechless in fact when she realized it was a gift bag she just wide I looked around and was like white her posture changed entirely she look like she's actually like she was a really shocked but also like not mad about it she seemed amazed. What the f*** he's turned all f*** out of me I'm sitting over here like I'm going to die you almost gave me a damn heart attack what the s*** I don't know whether to feel flattered or terrified."

"Feel flattered it's a wedding gift Goofy he only came in here like that cuz he didn't want to shooting at him" I smiled.

"I mean I would like to seeing them better in his human form than like that cuz no friends that's scary I've never seen a non-human before and I've never seen one in person let alone let alone one topic you too scared the s*** out of me I was like great my wedding is going to get crashed by a bunch of monsters this is going to be great dad what the hell did you do to piss somebody all this time."

"No we're the Supreme queen and king of her entire species and we're actually quite affectionate towards humans thank you like I said the only reason why he did that was so you didn't shoot him his scales are impenetrable his human skin is not word of the wise my dear princess we're actually very friendly and that man is a giant ass teddy bear he's like a marshmallow he he ain't got hurt nobody he'll take a bullet for you but I ain't going to hurt nobody. See he's a gentle as a lamb he ain't going to do s***. We just wanted to give you a congratulations gift that's all and we didn't know how to do that and make sure you actually got it without actually showing up in person so we just kind of had to show up in person you're done kind of doesn't let anything go through if he doesn't know if they are. It was actually his height to you he was dead so I'm doing it so I told him as long as he be safe and careful doesn't only reason why he's got the scales on otherwise he would just be you know normal trust me he doesn't care to get shot a couple times it's not like it's going to kill him and it hurts like hell but it's not going to kill him but I told him that I didn't want to see him get hurt or we ain't doing this no offense to Papa go to the report and he can be dangerous. Okay my love you finished you accomplished your mission now can we go. I asked as he lifted his head as she had taken it when he left his head she seen his necklace her face went white as a sheet and he turned and walked away before she didn't even react he was already out of building by the time that she snapped out of it and ran after him her dad was very confusing towards till she screamed Goliath you get back here you big jerk how do you show up to my wedding and I'm say hi to me. He was out of sight cuz he had already made it to the show by the time she reached there she looked frantically around and everybody ran out her dad grabbed her brother's shoulder. Wait why did you call that thing Goliath because he was wearing it the one thing I gave him that he never takes off that I had you and Mom and great for him when he was a baby remember he was wearing it that that giant lizard thing was wearing it around its neck my brother is the only one that has one like that plus I think his eyes that was Goliath no one else knows about the necklace except him you never let anybody see it but he never took that damn thing off either you remember that's what we used to identify him remember you made it like a dog tag but it was in a really intricate design but it had all of his tags on it for his identification he had the same tag there's no way that wasn't him." She said freaking out as my husband just picked me up in a human form and just walk down all nonchalant they're awesome they're looking around he's just saying they're walking right outside of s*** and have a hair in the world he just had the biggest ass smile on his face. Wait worker did a giant monster thing come this way."

"Nope it went that way." he said pointing in the other direction he was really good at keeping his composer and not breaking out of character. but one of the workers noticed that it stopped well the other ones took off in the opposite direction like a bunch of dumbasses. As he was walking away oh no he caught the attention of only one individual his sister somehow even though he's able blend in camouflage when I got chameleon into the background to where nobody suspected him at all his sister for some other reason why not stop paying attention to him she could not take her eyes off of him.when his sister did not hesitate to holler "Goliath I swear to God I'm going to smack you." Making him dead stop for a minute as he father urge to look back at her she noticed she ran right up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder when he started to walk away from her and that's when I realized why she able to recognize him even if he discussed himself even if he Blended in even if he was not noticeable she was the only one that was able to point him. And she confirmed it by this. "Goliath stop walking away from me I'm your twin sister for crying out 1 hour why are you acting like that." She said forcing him to turn her hair on her face or else when she seen his hey switch broke the illusion made him look like his original human form cuz he was using it took his true appearance so they won't be able to tell how tall on muscular or what he actually look like it was like a Distortion fail that made I'm not being able to see his actual Facebook make it appear as me I'm almost human. But she was stunded when she seen his real appearance especially since he was so tall he towered over her. When she noticed that he was shirtless and nervous how much muscle he had on him she swallowed hard when she noticed exactly how big he actually.

Who's that holy s*** he's huge the muscles on that man he is covering his sweetie get away from him that might be a convict. Her fiance said as Goliath just literally looked at him. Granite and Russia if somebody's covering in tattoos like that normally they do have a lot of tattoos. Well more than average person Goliath did have a lot of markings so did I every Supreme King does it's how you can identify them as a supreme cake but we have more than they do because of the fact that we have the markings from when we soul bonded and they're not exactly small either.

"do I look like a convict to you. You might want to get your eyes checked buddy those aren't tattoos. Tattoos are designs and artwork that you stick on your body these are not these are markings Royals I'll have them in the higher the world you are the more things you have plus some of them are actually imprints you know from when you mark your mate not touch it none of them are or designs they're made from a pen. This is an ink if you look closely each one is intricately etched into my. I hate stereotypes and assumptions never assume without knowing the whole truth just because somebody looks different or is different doesn't mean that they're bad person or in your case a a convert I ain't no Mafia member. Define somebody's life by making false accusations based on the false assumptions. Never falsely accused or make false accusations about somebody that you know nothing about just because you see a big male me. Does not mean that I'm some gangster my size is just because of the way that I am born and build false accusation a gangster has to work for theirs I didn't this is my body though that I was born with it's not my problem this big and the health not to judge me that's why I have so much muscle I work out a lot. Not because I'm a criminal who likes to do crime i do it cuz like to stay in shape. My wife's really big on physical health she likes to hate me as healthy as possible that's all there's nothing wrong with that. My size and height are genetics. settlements whenever I have not actually trying to fix that I can see his face. When he noticed that Goliath had a thick Russian accent.

"Yeah comrade can't tell you tell he's a Russian Russian men are big dark hair bigger build to keep us warm during winter muscles so we can the physical activity is in winter such as hunting we have to have that much muscle to fight bear. You fight bear holy s*** he is huge. So who..  wow hey your quiet the handsome stallion. Neir come here. Now he's a Beaut. Think about recurting a man this big. For the contest. We only a nominate people from our country. He could a good candidate. He is Russian . "
His grandfather said.

"He most definitely  wait this is a none human male. What  Holly shit your right he's a purebred to. Not a mimic. Holly shit. Marigold is he the giant lizard from earlier." He said, and she ran over to him. Scolding him.

"Goliath. Why are you avoiding me.you came to to my wedding give me a wedding present to me and my fiance. But you can even give you twin sister a hug say, ask me how I'm doing . You jerk Do you have any idea how much I missed you. You never even called."She yelled .

"Of course I missed you so much you are my twin. I have to her down to hug you. I did tell you it was me it's in your wedding present. It's not like I could out right he'll get suspicious. I've been trying to get In touch. Someone is always in his place why do you think I showed up I'm person." He whispered, she nodded.

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