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As he put me down. Put his coat on me that he was covering me with. They were surprised by me. His sister smiled. "Gaia?" She paused when she noticed our baby. "Ahh Goliath you didn't tell me you were a dad." She playfully smacked him. He smiled. "Ya that's my daughter Crimson. My wife's actually pregnant for our second. My wife goes by Phoenix." He smiled. "Ahh. I'm Mar..

"Marigold I know I know everybody's name. Nice to meet you. I'm surprised you recognized me. Most people don't." I said.

"Marigold did you just call him Goliath." Their father asked.

"Ya I did this is Goliath dad." She said as he gave her a very affectionate hug nuzzling her before their mother practically ran at them. But as soon as he hugged her she regonized him.

"Marigold is he your missing twin." She asked. "Thats what I've been trying to tell you mom. He's brother." She said. "Although I don't blame them though I've changed alot since I'm an adult now. Got to remember they haven't seen me since I was a baby. I don't hold against anyone. Well my wife's not built for this climate she's a phoenix so I'll have to get her home soon. Plus she's pregnant and our daughters not even a week old. I don't know how this type of climate effects them since she's pregnant she's was born in the more southern part of Japan. You might notice it but she's full blooded Japanese..." he stopped when I said. "So I ain't built for this type of climate he is I'm not. And forgive me if we cant stay very long. Nice meeting you though. Im freezing I really should have wore pants I didn't think about that I forgot I'm wearing a dress. And then theirs you freaking walking around shirtless like you just don't care how the hell are you not freezing right now you came here heavy ass coat and I'm still shivering. I am not even phazed by like we're in Hawaii." I joked as I shivered trembling. As he picked me up to warm me up since body temperature was really hot. When he put his sister and mother down. " what the hell I wasn't impossible your body temperature feels like you're freaking sauna. And you only have pants and shoes on. And I'm a damn popsical even though you bundled me up." I said, his relatives laughed.

"Well he's full Russian hun he's designed for this climate. Russian congratulate their body heat even. If they're in the full nude. So ya his body temperature regulates much higher. All Russians are built for the cold. If your that cold take her inside son. No reason for her to sit here in the cold shivering if their a perfectly warm church right here. His sister hasn't been married yet." His father said, as they were trying to persuade us to stay I looked us at my husband.

"We wouldn't be causing any problems since we abruptly came without an invitation.." he was abruptly cut off from his dad when his said. "Goliath your her biological twin you were born 3 hours before her so your technically the older one. So you don't need an invitation on the guest list as long as you are blood relation you are technically allowed to come in without an invitation or an RSVP especially if you are a member of the general family. Your here twin. Which means you and your wife and your child are guests whether you have an invite or not. Just write your name on the guest entry book at the entrance. And the wedding hasn't started yet we're just decorating and preparing the church for one of the guests start to arrive soon remember even here yet everybody that you see most people are volunteered to help make preparations and decorate the church for the wedding your sister is not even in our wedding dress yet. Hell since your her twin you can technically be part of the wedding. And your uncle's got to say that would fit you I'll just have to tell him to bring it and I'm pretty sure your mom can take something up to fit her wife there Made of Honor and best men are nowhere in sight and disappeared locally without telling anyone anything in none of us can get a hold of him so we've had to make do with it temporary fill in till your sister find somebody to take that role why do you think we're the ones preparing the wedding and everything because the Bride made that set up everything didn't show up she only ordered everything for the wedding and all the decor and everything and then never showed I've had my men show up to their half and everything and no one can find them and they disappeared with all the money that all the family members friends and anyone close to your sister or her husband sent in to her to give to your sister when they are given all their wedding gifts that they are burning or that were sent to her and him as a congratulations. For your sister and her new husband congratulating them on their wedding which normally married couples used to buy their first house or anything that they might need for their new home which she was and who was going to investigate an actual family home for whenever they decide to start their own family. Of course they're going to need the space if they want their own family they live in a studio apartment right now which they had to do in order to pay for all this wedding stuff and their honeymoon was even canceled because we couldn't pay for it trust me I'm not all out on their wedding and have to find her missing for that too so why do you think we had to downgrade to this church we had a way better when picked out but she took off with her husband and I can't find neither one of them nowhere it was your sister and her husband's best friend and we called the schools our kids never showed up or nothing it disappeared last week we thought they were just busy getting ready and just weren't calling cuz of course they don't call every single day cuz they're so busy setting up the wedding and your sister had a lot of stuff set up for this and when we went to go pay for it half of it was missing which means that they literally took the money and Ryan I've been trying to hunt him down my pad even my FBI agents and everything looking for them and my Undercovers. Because we had a nice beautiful little picked out and me and your mom's favorite Church which is not cheap to put the wedding on and we had to downgrade to the small one because she took off with more than half of everything so we couldn't even pay for the entry and she didn't even put a reservation to have the wedding villa there so she literally lied your sister took all the money didn't even pay for it in fact she gave her a receipt for that Villa saying that was already paid for when she actually canceled it right afterwards and took the money that was more than 75% of of the Family Savings which I save for each of my children for whenever they get married I and your mother can pay for their wedding honeymoon and everything we need well when I gave her all my information for that savings she literally emptied the account and left I have a national warrant of her arrest that's being warranted all out throughout the country of Russia and I just now got a call back from one of our states near the border that said they fled the country so now we have to get in touch with eternal affairs find out which country they went to get in touch with their Eternal affairs and get them to issue a warrant out for their arrest and hope for the best that they find them and are able to arrest them before I have to go to the Pentagon for the world's leaders and get them all to issue a worldwide warrant out for their arrest for high profile cases for most wanted criminals. And the funny part is I found out the flight to f****** Japan so if you're lovely lady sees the president of Japan please put an award for me I know the help put out a warrant with no problem he doesn't care if I ask him if we're going to the Pentagon he doesn't need them to accept it for him to do it as long as he accepts it it's fine normally if it's in a different country you have to go to the Pentagon get it issued have the council prove it for them to even go through the other four weird to get it done but since I know him and since your wife comes from Japan I think we'll make an exception.

I don't know if they will especially it involves me trust me if the mother of all says that they're willing to jump when I say jump. Plus of anything happens to us are precious mother of all every single World leader will jump in on that one. All I got to do is walk in and asking myself trust me they don't even ask me to confirm that that's who I am they know all I have to do is show them what I did with the Statue like I did with you cuz I'm the only one that can do that. And you'll have every single organization and every single private investigator FBI agent or whatever and every Bounty Hunter on her ass in 5 seconds there'll be nowhere for her act High and you don't even have to do the waiting period if I'm not saying it. Since I'm this planet's main God and deity. They don't need to take it through the Pentagon the castle and all that other b******* and then take it to world affairs no cuz I got to do is say that and it's automatically approved through everything and all she's got to do is wait until they find her and trust me if everybody's looking for it there's not really nowhere for her to hide. And all I got to and make one phone call. One of my members is a pentaton's name in private investigator and FBI agent. And Internal Affairs agent not to mention she's also one of the Eternal Affairs best agents too trust me my aunties is not called the best of the best friend nothing. And trust me since she is the one that raised me. She will pull every single string in the book till she finds your corporate. I also have some of the worlds best bounty hunters/ man which is the same thing. And I definitely have the world's best trackers. Hell I even got some of the world's best assassin if you want to go out for. All you got to do is give me their first name and last name and it's done and they don't stop delay was very efficient and they do not just give up if I tell them something they will do everything on their power to make sure they get done and if they can't find it they continue to do it till they find it nothing for a Cold Case when I request it. Actually if I'm the one that came in and asked or reporting it personally. I'm all that doesn't put it on the high priority list which they then make it a worldwide high profile case. There won't be any place in any of the countries. That's social media or broadcasters or new stations/ outlets that wouldn't be publicizing their names of places in the last known locations morning and identifications. So even if they changes their physical appearances they wouldn't be able to get away because every different picture face on what they can make them both look like. Just thought I'd offer a and since I know I can get the job done a lot quicker you don't have to go through all that bull crap and wait for it everybody to go for everything and get it we're going to approve if I can take years. I can get it done in a matter of days or maybe a week or two at the most. You are my sister in law so it's only natural I offer my assistance and off of my resources she's family which means that any of her problems or my problem too especially since she's my supreme kings/My husbands twin. Anything portraying to him that involves him personally like that I make my main priority my first priority and very seriously. He's my king, husband, and father of my children. She is his twin which makes it also in advance to have any offense to him in an offense to me. Any offense to me is an offense to the planet and everything living thing on it. But where was the original villa give Goliath all the original receipts she gave you and give me 2 minutes. And you have your original wedding you had planne. Tell me everything you had your heart set hell you can even tell me your dream wedding on. I'll make it happen I'm the wealthiest word leader and one of the most powerful and ancient goddess among the gods and deities so if you want to be technical on the richest most powerful person in the world. There's not anything I can't make a reality hell as a wedding gift I'll even pay for their dream honeymoon Since you had to go through all this shit. I'll have this villa and reception refund you for this one. So you at least have so funds to put back in you savings. Don't worry about the new villa or respection just tell me which ones you want and where what time you want them scheduled. I'll have it done. We'll pay for the whole thing. Your our daughters only aunt on my husband's side so of course I'm going to go all out to give you a happy beautiful wedding you always wanted."

"Ya and I'll take care of calling all the guests and telling them where the new villa and reception locations at. It'd be best not to change the times though since it only make more work for us to do and we're working with a time schedule to make sure this happens today we are not going to force you to delay your own wedding over something that wasn't your fault. Sorry didn't mean to startle you I'm Yuki. Phoenix's right hand man and secretary I'm incharge of handling all clan and her personal affairs, I'm also her assistant. Best friend. I'm the one who raised her I'm the one she calls auntie. She intrudes me to do and handle any of her personal affairs and all additional affairs of our clan. I try to do as much as I can for them since she's not just my best and closest friend in the world. I raised her so I consider her practically one of my own.

She does she treats me like I'm her own flesh in blood she's always treated me like her own daughter. Especially since she doesn't have any children of her own she considers me her daughter. You will never find anyone more capable in the intire universe than her. She does so much it's crazy. She's our clan member that i was telling you about earlier the one that's an investigator, fbi and all that this is her. If you ever need anything like that handle you get a hold of her I'll give you her contact trust me I'm very protective over her like she is with me. I don't offer to give access to her to anybody. But your my in laws so your the only exception. And you contact me if you need anything handled I'll give you access to any of all 257010 of my clan members.

"Thanks love. She's so sweet she's so capable and reliable. She never gives access to all our people except to me cause I'm her husband. So I appreciate you trusting my father and mother with something so important and precious to you. Their her family the most important thing to her in the universe she puts them above all else so the fact she's intrusting them to you should show you how important family is to her. Yukis a Yokai she's purebred Kitsune/nine tailed fox. She's 75,000 years old. So she's one of our oldest and strongest champion Warriors. Oh forget to mention our entire species are Warrior types. Which is why we're the strongest most powerful and ancient species of non-human species. Well ours was the very first species of non-human. We go by mystics. Now we can talk more later but we need hurry up if we want to get it done so sis you and your fiance tell them everything they'll handle the rest I'll get so of our people so we can repack everything get it loaded to be taken to the new locations. We'll then take all the volunteers to it and we'll take it from there. For now HOW MANY OF YOU HEATHENS SECERETLY FOLLOWED US THROUGH THE TELEPORTATION PORTAL HERE. Because I know Yukis not the only one. So olly oxen free come out come out wherever you are." My husband announced as I handed his dad a card for mine and Goliaths contacts and another for Yukis. As one of our gremlins emerged out from the snow shaking it off himself. Laughing. "You for sure you want to know that answer. How many of us followed you through." Clinton said, sticking as they all started emerged from the snow which they were using as cover so they could follow us without being detected. As we seen at least 50 followed us through. They all looked like snowman when they emerged from the snow till they shock them selves clean knocking the snow off their bodies. "Burr I was wondering when you were going to figure out we followed you." Leon said, he was a Chimera male.

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