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"Well almost all of the ones we recruited to follow the king and queen are all built for this weather, climates, landscape, and environment. We told you that Leon before you went through with us." One of my Nordic ice dragons Iceland said.

"You guys. Oh well since you followed here anyway you might as well help out. Now I want you to listen to whatever my father asks you to do, do it right how he asks you to do it, and I don't want to hear you gave him a him any trouble. Same goes for my twin her fiance, and our mother understood their family got it." My husband said, they did the military solute resiting in unison. "SIR YES SIR." "GOOD" He smiled as he all gave them all orders as they followed them accordingly and efficiently. His dad smiled watching how organized and effective their team work is.

"You didn't tell me they were soldiers.

"They all are why do you think we're so good at doing our jobs. Their really good at following orders and always make sure to get the job done. They don't make mistakes either. I couldn't ask for better clan members. And I wouldn't trade them for anything their amazing. Now I need to feed the baby Yuki you got her bottle?" I asked she handed one. I thanked her as his mother and sister led us inside. We sat on the front bench where the wedding guests would normally sit. As we went over everything with them and Yuki schedule everything. While I fed crimson her bottle. And changed her diaper. And dressed her in the cutest dress, dress shoes, head band with pretty flowers ing the mindle of a pretty big bow. That matched the color and theme. Fall colors and it was whimsical themed wedding because she wanted it to feel as magical and dreamy as possible. Someone else was trying to get the villa for the same time so I made them an offer they couldn't refuse while the other person was offering them a lower price then what they normally ask for. After changing the agreed amount 3 times which they kept trying to get them to drop since their parents were supposedly real close friends to the owner that runs the villa since they went to school with the main owner. And the owner did think that they were one of those really close friends as kids. Because that same specific friendly thinking of did get a hold of him not too long you're asking if she would let them use his fell off so you thought it was on and the parent was getting call him first. I like to agreed upon the medicine pay a great place but they do so. Which was the only reason he was being so lenient and patient with them and even working with them on the price every time they wanted to drop it and agreeing to drop it to set a great price instead of what he was actually asking for. Even though they were super rude. And kept requesting for more and more of the additional add ons which is specially designed wedding decor, clothes, special themes features, and even keepsakes they could pick to get to celebrate their big day. But my smart ass looked up with their parents actually weren't told him whose parents were. and yeah he went to school with them but turns out their parents bullied them in school. So he canceled their reserve and scheduled hers. Then we booked the reception. I made offer since it was so last minute. I even payed for both first so they wouldn't give it to anyone else which they will do. If you wait to pay them after and someone makes a better offer. So I locked it in which means pay first so they're scheduled spot is secured which means THAT YOU GET IT FOR THAT TIME AND DAY. No matter how many offers they get. Because alot of people scheduled them at last minute and take other people resvations that haven't secured it which is putting a down payment, or paying the whole amount. I had Yuki do whole amount on everything including their honeymoon which I had her bock for them. The fiance came in as they thought about it. I had to assure them they had free rang to choose whatever they want to for their honeymoon. "What about..." she sounded very unsure I knew want honeymoon they actually wanted their dream honeymoon I seen it in my God's eye so I had everything for their honeymoon already done before when even left Japan. I actually put their train tickets since for their honeymoon Marigold said she always wanted to ride the train to from Moscow to their honeymoon location. Ireland she always wanted to visit and go hiking throughout the national beautiful landscape, and see all the magical whimsical beauties of Ireland like the ancient rock formation that are said to be portals to different dimensions and the legendary fairy circles and homes. And etc. See all that are mythod to be tied to fairies. Theyve both have always been obsessed with the fae. They both loves fairies most of all but they love all fae. Always wanted to see one in person and wanted always wanted to an upside down water fall. I set some of them upto surprise her on her honeymoon Since Ivys who I made king of all fae and she actually was originally from Ireland. I just wLou MI MI hianted to hear them to be honest with me and just tell me. I seen everything on my God's eye. Iknew she was going to tell me a random place in Russia since she already felt like she was asking to much of me already because of how much money I was already putting in to this wedding and she already owed me such a huge debt which she doesn't I never intended for them to pay me back for anything when she finally said. "Iceland." They looked at each before handing me. The folder of the honeymoon plans and where they planned traveling. She feels like she has to because she doesn't know me and just met me and I'm supposedly already doing to much. So I did something on purpose to show her I knew everything already. I smiled not even opening it and slid it into the trash bin that Yuki secretly slid over to me. "I told you to tell me where your dream honeymoon is not which ones the cheapest and most convenient. I was just giving you a chance to be honest with me. So let's try that again" I said. They just both stared at me I signed. "OKAY IVEY YOU CAN BRING IT TO ME NOW. Thank you for being patient and waiting till I summoned you. Sorry she my bestest friend like Yuki and she doesn't do well in this cold of climates so I tried to teleporte her here at last minute but you hesitated longer then I predicted. She's probably freezing." I said, as she walked up with a iturnal fae it's hells fire that Ezekiel put in her fairy lateran fairy laterans never burn our. He gave her hells fire because no flame burns hotter then hells fire. "Oh that's a smart idea good think. I was worried you would get to cold up in this warm climate. Someone was thinking ahead. Good. At least I can be at ease knowing your warm and toasty." I said, she laughed.

"Well ya I'm a dryad sis. And you teleported me to Moscow. Russias a cold country to begin with. We fae never to well in snow to begin with so ya I definitely thought ahead. Thank God one of your twin brothers is a demon this hells fire is a life saver in this cold climate. Anyway here's the documents you asked for. Of the rout and guided tour you asked me about. I also took the liberty of mapping the trails, landmarks, and natureal beatys. I even marked each of the fae landmarks Easter eggs land marks tells where you can observe them because those fae are friendly. And where the dangerous and where they are located so just avoid those patches of woodland as long as you don't walk into the trees and you should be fine I have the elve serve the out side to warn tourists not to go in. Or just incase someone does. They alert us for back up before intervening. Their trained specially to handle those fae and how to over power them the best ways to avoid get injury or harm. to them, themselves and the individual that is in their territory. Phoenix and me trained groups that we assigned to each one had them take special lessons, training, and most performing demonstrations with members of that type faes. So they build some experience with the real thing. We also do the guides especially after we found out how many times guides have lost people they were taking on tours. Hell when we started doing the we had people being idiots not listening to warning signs and going in. No died thank God but they did get a few small minor injuries. From them. So now we have the elves keep watch. By the way I'm Ivy, I'm a dryad, and I'm the king of all the fae. I'll be your guide when your on your honeymoon. My queen came to me personally and asked me to be guide since I was born and raised there and lived there for over 3059 years before my queen took me in. So I know that territory better then anyone. Im one of Phoenixs closest friends. Like yuki then Katlin. You are?" She said shaking their Hands. They seemed to take a minute to process what was said. Till she excitedly realized what she said. Looking at me to excited to conceal her excitement. As she took the document. "Wait fae, tour. Sis where are you sending to. You'll just have to take a peek. Sorry Ivy don't take it personal in fact be flattered she absolutely loves fae she's obsessed with them they both are. Which is why they always wanted to see one in the person. And to see an upside down water fall. This is Marigold Goliaths biological twin sister. And this is her fiance. That's why I'm sending them to your home land and asked you. Personally to do it. Bet they didn't even catch that I said you're a purebred fae." I said and they both practically yelled at her ."WAIT YOUR A FAE?" She laughed. "Ya. I'm king of all the fae. I'm a purebred dryad. First time I've ever met someone that likes fae. Or that get that excited about fae. Normally their scared of us." She smiled, their eyes widened. They were so excited I thought they were going to knock her over. They practically tackled her when I snapped my fingers making her human decise disappear revealing her real human form and they seen her green skin and that her body was actually a tree her red her symbolized her branches because they had leaves growing off them and they bloomflowers in the sping. Beautiful lilacs like flowers. So even though the green skin was actually bark soft like a sappaling but it was a intertwined into the shape. Of her all parts of her body. Wrapping around each like so trees do when they grow to close to another tree Wrapping around each other making one bigger tree. So she internal insides were made of wood. So she dense hard so she her limbs were are as heavy as hard and sterdy as hard wood. She was also as tall as a tree. So luckily she was sterdy enough to withstand them practically tackling her. She laughed. When she heard say. "Best day ever. I shook the fae kings hand. I'm never washing this hand again." She just adored them. She picked them up hugging them up. Hell she walked around, with them latched to her. "I'm glad you like her so much she'll be the one I assigned as your body guard since I'm of course not sending my only sister-in-law to a foreign country neither of you are familiar with. Especially with all the crap going on. Yuki got wind in national security of tourists not coming home. Especially those traveling indually. To forgein countries. So me and your brother will be near by. Just in case because your only traveling with Ivy and your fiance Goliath and me agreed it'd be best if we are near just incase since we got something to do in Ireland anyways. Since we just newly reestablished territory in that country. True mystics have just recently been reintroduced into to this planet for the first time in your history so not sure what's all established territories on this planet. Just safety precaution. Mom promise we'll keep her safe." I assured my mother in law as I knew she was as nervous as I was about it.

"Your pregnant sis. You shouldn't travel out of country you need to make sure to take care of yourself and baby. Promise me you'll stay in your home country. Till babies born. I'm afraid you traveling to different countries this much might take its toll I'm just worried about you. We'll be fine we got Ivy your worring for nothing.

"Fine then take your brother at least." I said, she reluctantly agreed. Then the ones that clean the decorations inside and got them in the box es for all my people we have no idea where theirs went. When Marigold abberuptly said. To her mother. In a funny Russian accent mimic a mans voice. "Probably doing Russian things like fighting bear." We all laughed. "No but seriously where did the volunteers get Sweden. Seriously in a seriousness I haven't seen any of them I went outside for that lizard. And blindly ran behind the church. That was a while ago tell bro to take a look for them. Please with it being this early in the morning. Im nervous that might run into a grizzly." She said. 'Tell her found them. And you might want to come here like now.' My husband said, telepathically.

"Found them, he was also nervous when they didn't show back up. So he decided to do a little recom. But something's off to stay here. Yuki come with me wants me to check something." I said, she helped up I noticed something was happening at this early of a stage. I shouldn't be able to tell the babies their yet. It's one been 3 days yet I could feel the strong arua of new life being growing inside me. This one was different then Crimson it was the growing presence of a true God. Coming from my womb. Which unlocked a whole new box of fears. I didn't think I'd have to worry about. But I told myself I was just being paranoid. I always jokingly said, watch one of my kids would be born a God like me. I swallowed hard hoping it was just paranoia. Cause the reality of it actually being right I just couldn't comprehend right now. Yeah sure I made joking let's say if it is a lot more serious then I treat it. Because the thought of giving birth to another Almighty. Ha it's terrifying. Ability for not giving birth to other God is very SL if one of the parents is not. You don't really only religions and Sylvia actually having that happen or if both parents are. I have one parent history species then the likelihood of you actually having that happen early if you were 1 out of 70 billion people. It just doesn't happen even for those really powerful ones. And even then they could try all their lives and only have normal offspring. And the older and strawberry you are especially if you're a real ancient and Powerful one you have maybe the likelihood of having a demi but it takes millions and billions and billions of failed attempts to maybe fall into that one out of seven that have had that privilege when the world was young they were popping about left or right. I figured out they could do it they overdo it they breed themselves no longer being able to bare children set of the fact that I'm a true god and to be able to have you one. Was a blessing and it's self and i wasn't pushing my luck. I forced myself to come terms with I didn't care what they were as long as I could on the miracle of carrying a child to full term. I would never take anything for granted ever again. Which is why I did not prepare myself for that so I miss myself with my imagination. I followed Yuki who I was directing where he was it was away off Midway down the mountain.

"I found them just staring at something literally like a bunch of vultures around road kill. They working with a bizarre they're hypnotized. We're in a transfer snowball at one of them and he didn't move. They're all looking down in the same direction. As if their looking down at something." He Whisperer just quietly as possible without looking away from the seen. When I sent something and told them to get down out of sight now. I couldn't identify what it was. And when we say won't walk down it just created more questions. I couldn't tell what the hell I was looking at. A beast, a human, a dinosaur I couldn't tell. Because whenever it was it breast itself in balance all I know is it was bipedal it a person but we know for a known fact that doesn't make it human. I First walking out of the woods on all fours but walked on two when it noticed what they were doing. It seem to be up to something. But not like I never find out is his sister yelled for us I'm scared it away when they finally snapped out and act like nothing happened to their memory of the incident was completely gone. Hey they're like a lot nothing happened so I just let it go I mean I was exactly sure what that thing anyways. And when I described it to his dad he wasn't exactly worried about it seem very nonchalant about it like he wasn't worried about it and told us not to he if you don't hear it just leave me mind your business honestly looking for a lesser honestly really worried because the only disappear for an hour at the most but they always come back unarmed so he doesn't worry about it and the people that it happens to there's nothing any different than one that is up today have no memory of the hour that I know damn well then it was and there had to figure his way he wasn't telling me but I figured it was my business plus and I want to piss off in laws by digging into something I shouldn't. But the one that I sent shivers to my spine was he said was never going to the circle never going to visit night or early in the morning avoid small clearings in Woodland areas especially over Lakes. That's when I figured out for my God's eye that does people were standing on a completely frozen lake. But he also told me and if you see it no you didn't even hear it no you didn't Don't Go Near it but don't confronted either if you happen to catches attention there's only one thing you can do don't take your eyes off of it but whatever you do for the love of God don't look it directly in the eyes. To keep your movements very slow and steady as if you're standing still don't let it notice your moving. And if it gets close to you pray that this works and compliment the s*** out of it give you appreciative towards it be respectful towards it then that's when I said something I said something I should probably shouldn't have making his dad drop it entirely asking us not ask about it again "that sounds like a deity." Then that's what my husband said something bizarre didn't sound right "honey that would be absurd they can't come on this plane." So I pushed and aside for now when his sister told me private weird s*** happens all the time the next line about just ignore it unless body start showing up then start paying attention to it but it is a car going to hurt person doing anything bad just leave it alone and that is best not to pry when her parents don't like talking about any of it happening but it's having a woodlands all across the world. Nobody can figure everybody just leave it alone unless a dead body shows up and that's when they start to notice it more but then it becomes more active so we decide not to feed it. And then she told me not to said any of that but she didn't want me going out looking for it because with who I am she knew I would. And she made me promise not to dig into it any deeper.i did. She made me swear cuz you don't want to break it. And we were to her new venue because I knew we had very little time with how much time we had wasted so I first time in order to get all done in time. My Mystics talk about 4 hours getting that whole thing done. Luckily I had time frozen. So we were able to take our time without having to rush and make it looks sloppy. Then sure that they got everything out for it and set everything up. The way she wanted. Luckily when I am first time we had two more hours left to spare. Before people actually started showing up. We said goodbye to the volunteers thanked them when I realize it every single one of them accept the relative were literally volunteers. Leaving barely anyone there. "Sis how many guests do you actually have coming." I asked and she Shrugged. When I did notice somebody come in was that a family member or a friend though then that's why she admitted that the guy that was with her was known her fiance that was your best friend her cousin that Goliath just never met. And that Dad has to not tell us quite yet cuz I didn't think we're going to stay. But since we didn't we had a baby with us and you know it was very noticeable that we were human. To be very careful. With how we talk do and act. Do not I repeat to do not show they are not human pretend you are if they know that you do just look at tell them they're fake you make their s*** as believable you can. And keep Crimsons eyes hidden. When I asked if I have questions she wouldn't answer told me just to drop it so I did. When they even put me an maid of honor dress when I noticed a picture of her with another day and her two friends that she pointed out earlier were the bestman and the bridesmaid. When she pointed out to me who her groom was when they walked in. When I noticed her Beyonce in the picture and her groom that was present they were different people. I raised when I raised an eyebrow but kept my mouth shot it was my business. I just subconscious alerted my husband oh my consciousness of something wasn't right and to keep an eye on the ground but not make a that is going to act as normal as possible. I told him play stupid. He knew the drill dont ask questions. In I put pendants on both of us. That act as a camouflage. But are very easy to remove and don't take long to wear off they're fast they're fast acting so they feed off real quick instantaneously and the Fairway to where they're not noticeable because how weak gets small and discreet it is. But it's only temporary and burnt up once it's used to leave no evidence behind. That would expose you had used. But it doesn't work on individuals that are already seen you for what you actually are. And it doesn't last appearances that will something you're struggling visible other than that it just makes you appear average even if you have since I can't cover up like sis said just say it's contacts, or fake props just no tails no wings no anything is a dead give away. Which they all made us agree upon. And to not ask questions we don't got time to waste it. And that was that. I just respected my sister-in-law's wishes since it was her wedding my business to pry so I just left alone.

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