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Then she looked at the mirror at the mirror would show her what my disguise me look like in her face said it all when she seen one of her Reflections weren't you just looked absolutely disappointed

"Phoenix my dear sister doesn't look normal that look ugly why did you make every single morning y'all look like an ugly what the heck?" And turning around putting her head up to the wall trying to make it look like she was trying to Bang her head off the wall.

"Okay every single one of y'all the Phoenix crew you guys know who I'm talking about get your it's over here." She announced. They walked up and she gave them all the clothes and then she went in the dressing room and said take it off I caught your boss I asked her not to pay yourself she is never killed so now y'all are taking them all off it's my wedding I get to say. And don't put any more back on I'll know if you do." She said, giving them age their thing and sending them in a dressing room. I got it with my husband. Everything want to f*** around so I walked into kind of laminated from the bottom when are pendants got on fire and burned out because we were wearing like five each so I came late enough to work when they sparked it lit up the bottom of the dressing room as soon as she seeing the spark from when they got and it was over cuz they catch her literally a hot second burnout leaving no evidence. She let out a deep breath in a sigh relief.

"My dear rarest gems grab the extinguisher we have to put up a fire before it burns them alive. The main priest guy paniced. She laughed he ran to grab it. At his room he was going to first made her have a little takin a back. He actually kind of fought her a little bit to get over but he was really trying really hard to raise over my stall. Thats when I put my face up against the wall where there's a hello opening where the door in the wall are separated where it shuts I looked out to see that she had the most jealous look on her face which is not why she always smiled at him so flirtatious and lovingly. I remember and for original fiance and opportunity together that was her original fiance so why did he change so much and why did she end up with one of his dudes I know I couldn't use my God's eye in here so I knew I had to wait. But I was determined to get to the bottom of this crazy situation. But they were literally fighting over the fire extinguishers so bad that when she let go he flung into my door. Making a large bang that woke up our kid. As soon as he heard the baby cry he literally started freaking even more trying to open the damn door I was in the middle love changing our clothes and so was my husband. Who had to grab the door at the door even shot because he broke the Lash because he was hit me with the freaking fire hydrant.

"Hey psycho you open the store while my wife is in the middle of changing I well did more just break that pretty nose and I had to leave had a lot of work done with it I don't think you want me to break it. Because it won't be able to put it back together if I do it. Okay perfect so stop trying to be a peeping Tom. What the hell is this from door he's trying to peep on a pregnant woman is married. I am so glad I snuck in the same dresser with her. Yeah go ahead and yell at me sis don't care. She's pregnant she doesn't need somebody peeing on little episode right now while she's changing and scaring our daughter. He sounded a little too eager to get in here to my white neighborhood I didn't do anything or I will I'll f*** him up I don't care if he's your friend or not sis I will destroy him. No one one touches or is not having a different romantic feelings for the love of my life. Except me. Just saying sis I'm the territorial type I will mess him." Goliath warmed he stopped and as it seemed disappointed or heartbroken. He sulked. There's a man in there with her. "Oh i see how it is and I was waiting on a second and put out to a random days dressing room. I thought you were different you were sweet we could have been the perfect family." He sulked.as my husband zipped the back of my dress. Closed as I pulled down the bottom making sure it was pulled all the way down. As he pulled the front up making sure nothing was showing. Slipping on my shirt

"Sis?.." I said finally fed up with this shit. And from what I could see from her expression she was too.


"Can I... "Oh no I got a way better ideas sister if he did tell my twin brother your husband. And that will solve both the problems. I'm tired of making me feel special treating me like a rare gem just to get me to do what he wants. I'm tired of man manipulating me with false promises just happy married after one of his you might as well call what it is. He gets them o fall for him become dependent and make some pictures nobody in this world that will get them the same way that he does he this is every new girl he says regardless of what if there was somebody or not but this time he did it too damn far I was okay with sharing him with a couple of chicks okay. Like what my first married but then he had me married my second husband just wake upon me off to him and a new chick. But this time honey bun you better way too far you went after my biological TWIN BROTHERS WIFE who's PRAGANANT with their SECOND CHILD. Can't just think you can marry any woman you see bring them home to your village of wives Mary maybe or not maybe have a kid with and then when you order them marry them off to one of your dudes. And I already told you about only agreed with if your my HUSBAND and I'm YOUR WIFE. You said of course anything you want my rare gem. And I told you today if you pulled the s*** with any of my guests I'd put my foot far up your ass you ain't going to have a brain. because I wasn't even going invite you especially with the s*** that I caught you doing the other day after you told me to bring home anymore I told you no more wives no more girlfriends that was the deal.
But because you just made female that is off limits you when you came that if you were to come at all. The MAIDOF HONOR AND THE BEST MAN IS OFF LIMITS. I told that every guess I came tonight and it was on the email that I sent you because they were last minute and I told y'all that if anybody does it they will be kicked out and you want never be invited any functions again you won't reply it yep well now I'm going to expose the reason why I told you this you were off limits you dear dumb done f***** up. The best man is my biological twin brother Goliath. The one that was kid napped. And I'm in his way for them only everybody keeps their hands themselves and respects the fact that they are married couple. THEY HAVE CHILDREN TOGETHER. For Pete's sake. They already have my niece crimson. And she's pregnant with their SECOND. The deal why is the wedding movie 13 everybody would be appropriate respectful I'm going to f*** what you do outside this building but sorry to make it quite clear if anybody tries to being appropriate or dressed to seduce one of them makes barely with her he gets the greenlight to beat the f*** out of them. Because nobody touches the precious thing in the world to him. She's his first and last love you f***** they fell in love when they were Litterally in diapers. They took him from us when he was an infant he then met her when they were in diapers. They grew up together. My brother literally ran away from the home of the kidnapped him he ran away at 14. Just so he could be with her. They lost touch but as adults he found her. My brother loves that woman so much human destroy the universe and everything just for her. She's his Li teral evidence and the literal thing that they're just working life cuz they were going to kill somebody was 14 he ran away because he wanted to be with her so technically she saved his life. They the little definition of what soulmate should be there Inseparable and they will do anything and everything for each other and we can get him between them they only have eyes for each other which is what I thought I had with you but apparently not the reason why I strive forr especially after seeing what type of beautiful family and life they've created together. So as pheonixs famously known for saying. If you think you can just going to ruin her happily ever after with one person or other she wants to spend the rest of life with till the end of Eternity even death wouldn't be able to stop bless you for being together. And how she says if you got a problem with her being happy. You can GO FUCK OFF." His sister snapped at him.

"Exactly sister cuz I don't give I don't give a f*** about their opinion. That can hold me down because there's nothing but s*** to me. Nothing but Litteral dog s***. Don't attachments Don't touch don't love me don't know cuz I have no interest in anybody but him every other man does not even come close to compare and never will. My husband will always be my first and last. There will never be nobody before or after him. If you can't respect that f*** them keep your f****** hands to your mother f****** self keep your f****** words to your mother f****** self I only have one life and this was one person that's it so yeah what you said earlier yeah f*** you you gross you probably have an STD you sleep with everybody in their mother no offensive sis cuz I don't know whether or not you guys have and that ain't none of my business so don't tell me. Plus you don't just walk up until somebody and say that to them and don't even know them you must have mental issues cus that manipulation s** shit don't work on me. Cuz I took one look at you you want to know what I thought that man needs to be in a psych ward I think you're f****** bad s*** crazy and not safe for public because she don't seem to know what the word note means I mean it did something earlier will inappropriate for my kid I cussed around Japanese and you still want to try to say s*** don't come near me don't touch me don't talk to me..." I said as he cut me off. As my husband finally finished dressing he ended up having to wear his nice dark jeans and black t shirt that his sister picked out of his clothes. Incase if the ones that they had didn't fit they didn't. He had finally gotten his shoes on.

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