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"Auntie, you come here. I've been looking for you for a while.See you're a little culprit i've been looking for. Well, I get it if it was an accident when you guys did it, but I'm kind of gonna need you to give me all the info that you have on how you made mimics and where you're getting this DNA from, I need to know how the process is done. Because these mimics have got a lot of frequent flaws and a lot of stuff that I see in them that I don't like and by that, I mean, they're made the similar way that we make cryptids, so I'd like to know how you're making all these.Cause we're gonna do it make artificial nonHumans remind us we'll know how to do it right right.

I know that's why I was so scared. Wait, whonestly I expected you to yell at me? I didn't tell you that I was a main geneticist. To figure out how to make them because I was afraid that you were going to be mad at me. But you're not mad. You're gonna help me.  I mean, I know that my mimics are extremely flawed.But see, that's what I need you for cause you're not flawed.You're a dna's pure as well was asking if I could look over your d n a and see if there's something that I missed.

Oh no, you're missing a lot. Honey, come here and no. I'm not mad but like I said, if you're gonna make non humans leave snow what you're making see the monuments. I see, making the mimics cause I'm not gonna laugh. I've decided them all the way down and no I don't mean actually detected that my took SIM other DNA and I broke it down. I was able to break down every single trait of every single part of their DNA to lead it back to the original, which some of it did not make any sense which is what you're Data so I can swap data with you and other words. I'm gonna help you refine your technique and make up here and on human, whether it's not being one of mine or even be a new species altogether I would just rather do it organically, how I'll even make them for you. If you come up with a species. You wanna make? That's any type of anything. You're even create plants and animals, babe.  Like you literally just name it and it's done.If you want something new that does the job you?Let me create a for you that way.This made organically not out of a lab.That's how you end up know misthanks.As some have been made and we're not going to address tbecause.I've noticed these mimics babe and they are not it.

"Deal bet when you wanna do this." 

"How far is your lab."

It's a little bit out of the way but it's some It's out of town because there's a fact that the towns people Complained because I was working on non humans I have it at the border of Russia. Another word that's right off Outside of russia the other country gave me permission Me permission to put it there.Germany did because they have a lot of mimic And not human soldiers that they need work on all the time.

That's why their soldiers are better than the ones that are seen from other countries Now, that makes sense.Now that makes sense of why america's sign off list had it from russia Well, I'm glad to know that you're the one that made my mess.But hey I'll help you clean it up So you want to Teleport or Or do you want? To you know, drive there.

Wait you can teleport damn god they're cool Do you mind if we just take normal route?I'm sorry I don't know how I feel about teleporting cause I don't like playing either Which is weird cause.I'm fine with boats but no, you can't ignore plans for a gout.I don't know toll porting what we feel the same"

"It's pretty appropriate.To be honest, it's kind of l when you're at the airport.You're kind of like jump from one area to another, so it's very fast and very well.Let's just say this if you're new to tellporting.It will make you dizzy and you will probably puke."

One question, do you guys have any authorization to be an hospital? Cause they should call my people at the door

We're all certified License Even our Queen, the baby is no.I'm knowing you joking she's even Certified and license c check it.

I'll just shut your own in 19 and you have that many degrees already.You're making me look bad and you got them within a year How the hell did you get degrees that normally take twelve years And got them within not even a year badly. Holy shit this one Doctorits not even six months holy shit. You literally have. Masters degrees and doctorates on several different categories, which you did with them month. w can you. I needed a tutor and I still need a tutor because I'm still being in school.I'm just right now in assistant because since I'm in school for it.They're letting me assist my sister.But if I fail or don't get it they will kick me out And since I have a kid I can only do it at home. Can I seriously? Have you as a tutor cause? I wanna go in for half of these fields. And I've only gotten one so far and I'm not even halfway done. And there are already extremely hard... What did you just." She Said as I touched her forehead for her third eye would be and I'd use some of my God, like powers on her minds eye the helps her focus. And absorb information. And process information collect data.

"Cleared your conscience.What else did I do. I use Use my godly power on your mind's eye for the words. That clear to consciousness helped her process and absorption of information. So you'll be able to collect data and information and Process and assess The situation and Execute Your decisions a lot more decisive and smooth. In other words, whenever you get overwhelmed and get all fuzzy minded and stuff that won't happen no more.I cleared that all you're worried all your what if's considered them all gone. But yes, I can still be your tutor if you need me to.
Sister , because , as far as i'm concerned , her sister might be the one marrying my remember , but you're her sister But yes, I can still be your tutor if you need me to. Sister, because as far as I'm concerned, her sister might be the one marrying my remember, but your her sister, which makes you just as much my sister. O k let's go baby you stay with the people who I call Since I know what type of people Shane needs if I call your name please step forward.You will be coming with me.However I don't call You are staying with my husband who is going to take care of our children and go back to the Rest of our people and look after them until they get back shouldn't take that long. I'm going to make a teleporter from her clinic to R.
So that way that I can just tell a point back-and-forth whenever she needs me. And also so when here can have her come back-and-forth without having to have her take a plane or none.Just a travel so Whoever she decides to employ can come back-and-forth with them, okay. OK, so darling, I will fix the teleporter. That is not so shifty and will not make you puke. I will create a much more smoother. One that you won't be able to tell is the natural teleporter. It would just feel like your walking through a door I just don't have the energy right now to make one.  And only 2 of us know how to make one, and it normally takes 2 people to make it.." I said as my husband took our children and nodded and my brother Both took the bottom and the top of the thing I was using as a hammock And swung it over their shoulders so I could use it more as a swing.But they're so tall.They are lifting me up in the air by accident Making me laugh And giggle As ren introduced his fiance to my brothers , telling her who they were And that there are my twin brothers. She shook her hands so did her They shook their hands and thanked them.And then once up I called out God with me and we walked out after ice and make advice to my children And my husband and I got in the Van with them.And The rest of my people. As they were extremely. Professional they literally got ready and the band made sure they had their white Coats out measures. There's a beprofessional, didn't come off fake. They made sure they had all their information set up so that way they could see that they were all Authentic doctors and surgeons and geneticists. They even made sure they made me look very authentic. And when we went in , it was a very high class facility like they had a armed guards at The entrance and everything in the facility.Proprietor and the company That was funding her facility. Well , they instantly stop me at the door when I say no I was being carried in On a what look like a stretcher that I had made into a hammock.

"Umm These look like non humans.

That's because we are, but we're certified doctors.And insurgents and I promise you.We've been doing this for Here's and we're some of the best.The best.We're all pure Pure bred mystics.Where is the most ancient and Stronger species of non human. And we're trying mortals so most of us have been alive for over thousands of years. We heard of your problem with not being able to keep employees employees because of the non-human's hurting them by accident. So where's the species at? Where does species of humans come from? So we're very overprotective and we're very nervous. So of course, when we heard that eggs were being hurt by other non humans, we of course stepped in.  This is our supreme Queen. This is Phoenix. She don't mind her. She just had a babies she had twins, literally not even an hour ago, so we can't let her walk. So that's why she's in this link, but she is a Doctor and a geneticist. Have you ever heard of the mother of all." Rin asked.

"Of course Of course I have who hasn't. I've never heard of mystics. I mean, I'm glad to hear that you guys are willing to help. But I've never heard of your species before." He asked as He pulled on his idea and showed him that he was not human but his age that really caught him off guard.

"You ever heard of mythological beasts?Is logical monsters dragons?Werewolves?I need that ring a Bell, that's what we are, and we're a lot different than you humans. Like you can only cover one of us with another one of us. And yes, that is my correct age.I am as old as Mankind.I am the oldest living yokia. I am also her partner Which is how I found out about This whole situation. And I'm her fiancé.So if you guys got a problem with us not being family I am family. We're soulbonded and I'm engaged. I was the very first member the mother of all met. I found discovered her with Yuki when she was only 4 years old. We practically raised her. We were her parental figures, we were her teachers, nutured her. We protected her. So she sees us as practically her parents." He exclaimed.

"That's wonderful yes that works out perfectly. Because we only like dealing..." The man was rudely interrupted. As a woman and man the excitedly. Pushed through. Her mom and her uncle mom's older almost identical brother that a was partially her older male version of her mom you could tell how close they were because their body maneriziam, body language, and reactions mimicked each other.

"Misty baby girl your partners a Mystic holy shit their so much bigger in person. Their magnificent. Absolutely beautiful. Perfection genetic evolution at its finest. So is he your soulmate did he..." Her mother was cut off by her uncle.

"Sis Mystics soulbond they don't imprint remember the research on fated partner.  That we found records of. Mystics are one of the very few true Immortal species and. The type of nonhuman that are almost known nothing about. We could be the first on the front row seat to uncovering the very first non-humans. And the most illusive and unknown most powerful and strongest being of the oldest legend the first myth ever spoke. The Mother Of All. This is the opportunity of a life time. One that only most only can dream of. Especially since he just confirmed she's not just a myth shes a non human..." He whisper motioning till her to their fresh soulbond marking. Before all blood drained from her face. As her politely and cautionally smiled at his neices fiance.

"Pleasure to meet you..." He paused.

"It's Rin I'm a yokia Im the only Kirin ever created. So shouldn't be to hard to remember. I'm the only one of my kind ever. I'm the head couil member of the mothers kings council each of the ...

"Babe. Wait why's my mate here.

"Wait the first purebred is your mate ahh he didn't tell us he had a mate he's such a sweetheart... ah.

"Efff babe love bug what are you...." He said as she shut him up eagerly kissing him. As they're nonHuman characteristics including their claws fangs fox ears and tails came out. He wrapped his arms around her waist. As his tails entertwinded.as the doctors all cheered after they put their foreheads together.

"Wait your the same species."

"Ya he's a yokia we're both kitsunes. We're nine tailed foxes. He's my fated. We're soulbonded.

"Don't forget we're also engaged my beautiful Vixen. And guess what I got for you my love." He said, taking her hand and was about to slip a beautiful diamond ring made from the fox fire of one of his original ancientors who made it for the woman he loved and later married and had children with. He loved her. So much he made the diamond out of his own fox fire from. Fox fire is the embodiment of the kitsunes soul. Their most valuable possession that they protect with their very life because whoever harnesses their fox fire owns, controls, and holds their life at their mercy back in the day powerful sorcerers would trick them capture their fox fire hold them prisoner force them to serve them like a servant and would force them to kill other kitsunes and other Yuki which is why they're numbers were decimated to almost nothing. They had no choice and kitsunes are one of the most powerful and strongest their the third strongest yokia next is dragons and the first most powerful is a phoenix. So they purposes tracked the strongest and oldest kitsunes to capture and use to kill the other Yuki which is how the mystics were drove to practically extinction. Since you can't kill a Mystic except with a stronger more powerful mystic. Which is why my mystics from my clan I evolved to make it impossible for sorcerers no matter how powerful can do that again like my kitsunes fox fire/orb their actual physical embodiment that was externally existed outside their. Physical body which they would hide in the hardest place to find and that they guard with their life. Because if their fox fire is destroyed they can no longer be reincarnated their entire existence soul and all are obliterated. Into nothing just like how they would kill dragons by peicing their venerablest part of their under belly wich is the only way to kill them. Which I evolved them into developing a armored plating with their impenetrable dragon scales that covered the rest of their outer shell that made them so damn hard to kill. And reinforced they making it even more impenetrable to where it couldn't be preiced. And even evolved to grow almost bone like cage all the way around their heart. I stuck their foxfire in the internal body. Where I resides inside their core. Where no one can remove it from their body ever. I fixed every chink in every mystics armor. I evolved them in such unique ways it altered all their flaws and weaknesses into strengths. She was so overjoyed she could barely contain her excitement.  As a man in a old sickly old male kitsune who was crippled by how weak he'd become due to obviously some unknown reason. Mostly the result of the bloodlines have gotten. He cleared his throat making everyone go silent But the moment that she looked at him his entire expression changed.He went from being expressionless and just kind of release serious to practically Falling out of his chair.The moment they seen Yuki's face, but she caught him before he did.It is basically it's seen a ghost.

"Yuki well ill be a son of a bitch. As I live in Brazil, what was it a good 2069 years ago? Never thought I'd see you again. Live in a breathe in. Has a living breath and in the flesh?I'm a smacky boy.You should've told me it was hard.Do you know who this is like?Do you have any idea who this woman is?She's not only a historical monument to every single Kasune Sanchez, a war hero.Who do you think is the one that grabbed out your Grandpa?That made that ring out of a burning fire out of the house with his wife and children, that was Yuki.She was an old friend of your ancestor the exact same ancestor who I just gave you the engagement ring for she was the one that raised him.She was the one that trained him how to fight.She was the one that nursed him back to Health when those monsters, We're capturing our people making them slaughter each other. Your Grandpa was targeted. He was going to die that day. She's the one that saves his a** You know, the famous 4 hero little boys talk about. I never give a name, but I always show you her picture. That's her. Why the hell didn't you tell me that it was her? She isn't only family friend of our family. For God knows as long as our family's existed, she has old. It really helped her family through so much.  I thought she was dead.I thought you were dead.Yuki, what the hellike you disappeared?You didn't say a word in your contact and everything sure.I have only met you once in person.But I remember that face anywhere. Still the most beautiful kitsune our clan ever produced I see. Not imagine the most powerful warrior we've ever produced." His grandpa said, caressing her cheek as she placed her hand over his affectionately before hugging her after she whispered something in Chinese to him that made him supper emotionally and he was having a damned time trying to hold his emotions back. She said, "I told you I'd swear. I'd come back and find you." Remember to hear Those words in her voice and knew it was her voice that he had heard it. Sometimes you can never forget it. He completely broke down.

Don't you ever f****** do that to me again? Last time I seen you, you left me. My mom, my siblings and my fatal injured father. 2 to go drive away all the people that were hunting is down. You put your life on the line and put yourself in harm's. Wby leading an entire army away from the family by being the decoy. So of course, we thought that you were dead. There was literally a whole entire army behind you.  Not to mention they were armed with Other kituses is that they had captured an open forcing to kill their own kind. I mean, it was a complete massacre and both kissing as if they had, we're not weak.They were as old as you they were as powerful and you and you managed out of repair them I can't believe that you managed to survive all this time.Holy shit you are one Cockroach, they're never gonna stop out.Tried burning me, give me a Nick of the warhead.I'd still gonna be here Nephew and I promise you that.
Holy shit I cannot believe Jin is your grandson that is crazy. Who would have thought that the young fox that I'd save all those many years ago whose family took me in As a family For taking care of their son and who pretty much adopted I literally protected your family forever five thousand years And I'm just now finding out that that's who your ancestor is. Are you f****** getting me babe?"

"Wait You're joking You're that Yuki?I mean granted.I didn't know your name or else.I probably would have put 2 and 2 together.I mean, you are 72000 years old.I mean, it's kind of easy to put together if you have a brain but look, everything he showed me a picture of you.There were paintings Portraits that my family had made for you so therefore ninety Personally the time you're either wearing armor wearing a mask or your face is painted and you're wearing camono I have never once seen you In all your natural beauty. I have never once seen you with a naked face without something covering it up. So of course, I didn't know that was your favorite. I mean, I'm pretty sure when a noticed my fiancée's face on a portrait that I've seen my home entire life that's hanging up in my hallway. I hope you know, my family calls you their savior for crying out loud like my whole family literally calls you they're safe here because of how many times you've saved my ancestors.  And my bloodlines lives throughout those 5000 years.I literally had to clue , that was youIn all your natural beauty. I have never once seen you with a naked face without something covering it up. So of course, I didn't know that was your favorite. I mean, I'm pretty sure when a noticed my fiancée's face on a portrait that I've seen my home entire life that's hanging up in my hallway. I hope you know, my family calls you their savior for crying out loud like my whole family literally calls you they're safe here because of how many times you've saved my ancestors.  And my bloodlines lives throughout those 5000 years. I've literally had to clue, that was you. If I want to vote for my grandpa right away he'd been so proud Of me because I'm not gonna lie.I'm not exactly his favorite grandson.Because I'm not the one that reached.His expectations like he wanted me to. How was I supposed to know my future wife?Is the woman from the stories and I grew up hearing stories about my entire life About how the great kasune save my entire blood line Took care of us watched over us and protected us for 5000 years.How Was I supposed to put 2 in together?Grandpa never told any of his sons.Or Any of the rankings are any of the more recent descendants.Your name at all.You refused to give your name And he's the last living relative.That actually knows your name or has actually met you in person So granite, my Grandpa has not really told us much and he says it's because he didn't want to hear your namespecially.Since most of us disappoint him and do not reach his expectations of what he would expect from what my ancestors did and had to go through.He said they worked. So hard just for us to do what we do to survive. I'm the only biological grandson and Not gonna why my Grandpa's never exactly been my basegranted. He is gonna raise me because my father as he put. It is a little after bag who only cares about his money bags which is not wrong. My dad is a dirtbag they're bad, which is also why he doesn't like me because I will straighten up to him. I don't like my father.. No trust me my dad is nothing like my ancestors at all and my grandma has a tendency for being in my face and I am nothing like my ancestors and I never will be so my will stop trying to please him Impress him or even try to get his attention because it's not worth it.Cause he's not gonna give Do I know good rotten grandson as he bought?To be honest I don't blame him cause I think it's because he takes his Incorrect on me for the s*** that my dad put him throuwhich to be fair. I don't want him because my Grandpa worked very hard to uphold our family name and bloodline and my dad sold it for an industry because we were high instead of in.  Physician and he made us practically 0, which meant he met us at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom just for a little peaceman, interfere that he only runs one building of granite that law firm makes the decent amount but a law firm dude, just see, you can own have an industry well, quit on quote, half. What happened as he got scammed? Somebody made him pay for half of the industry which is where all my fitness money went obviously, because you know that we were well off. My ancestors worked very hard for what they have.  And he blew it within like 2 months trying to buy back. A company which he is now part owns doesn't completely unlike he did because he sold it for well. A certain amount of money and ended up getting well Robbed him and now he's pretty much teaching office funds to be well tycoons.My Grandpa does not agree with that.He agrees with, if you're going to be strong.Have a high status and position and have power.You have to know how to fill that with an iron Fast so nobody thinks that you're a weak interest to take it and 2. Never never try the easy way out. Never try to take the easy trip. Because people will trick you betray you and take everything you have money is everything family is.  Lisa's what Grandpa is told me. My dad believes f*** family money is everything so yeah, he got it back. His fault was all million dollar industry, but he literally destroyed our family in the process, which is why I lived with Grandpa and Grandpa. Well, he hates me cause I look like my dad and apparently to him. I remind him too much of my father. Which is why I don't talk.  Around him, I just literally come here to spend time with him.He literally came to the hospital so you could stay away from me and not have to see me as much Granted, these are the only doctors that know a d*** Lucas sense about anything about non humans.
He literally manly came here just to get away from me because he didn't want to have to live with me. He said, I remind him too much of my failure of A. It's not excuse. Of a son. He's my father with a passion. He's not only did he run my family in the dirt. Well, any of the tightycoon man only cares about money, he sleeps with any woman he feels like, which is why he has so many children perform so many different women. He won't settle down if he does. He has like 30 wives.  Once he gets bored one, he just marries. Another honestly know that he's just afraid. I'm gonna end up like him but see, that's why I'm kind of happy that you showed up here. Cause I just pooped in that. I'm not never dated and never was in a relationship because it's a fact that he used to rub it in my face and when we'd just like my dad well, I found my favorite partner.  Who is my first girlfriend and first world?Relationshi marked her soul bound with her and now I'm marrying her.I think I just made my point.He also thought I was gay because the fact that I've never had a relationship with a woman he thought I might have been like cause it again and I'd explain him.No I like women and that's why I Told him that I was going to purpose had intelligent. Hand it's dumb too. He did demand I told him a beautiful kid and I female, but that is literally all I told I might did not tell him your name or nothing and then he just houghed and said we'll see about that so not to be an a****** but did I make you eat your words, Grandma since you? Always Compare me to my Debbie, dad, who.By the way, I'd like to clarify.I hate probably just as much as you do because to me.He's a huge disappointment.Is he just treats life like a gamble?
Except it d*** well if an argument gives 2 s**** left about wealth.I'm a term mortal.I'm gonna live forever I really don't get a fuck I'm trying a consciousness and I'm going to tell you he so She obviously assuring her power consciousness.Soul and mind embodied with me.The meets, I'm a literally just as powerful and she is well.No, technically.We're both We're more powerful than we were before.Yeah, she gave me her power and shrinks.But combined that with what power and strength I had.That's what we have now because that's what's so wanting.Does to you which you even know if you were ever So bonded, I guarantee that no, you're OK really does. Because soul bonding is not something that we do anymore, but maybe it should be. You don't understand what wisdom knowledge knowledge power. And will everything else it gives you in between not to mention children that are waste harder then the mother. And father combined. Not mentioned the way more evolved like her. Not this week.Punk ass excuses of What we used to be. I'm sorry, but it always really did.Bother me that you always compared me to my freaking father.Kind of amazing at you, but I love you so much, because you're the only one that would take me in granted.You didn't know it's a nine tails either because I never told you I just told you I only had one tale I Lied unknown the nine tails on the family. I come up here though to spend time with him. At least once a week or whenever I get the chance. All of since he's been getting really bad lately. I've been trying to visit him as much as possible. And he's been getting more and more sound. Being more and more verbally abusive. But I know that probably because he's just miserable meaning stuck in a hospital and for something that is once so powerful for someone that was once so powerful.  He is Restrained to a chair which he will never leave Or a bed never be available at Walker. Feels the freedom of being independent but he's pretty much in mobile. He also hates me because I don't like his wife. Is the reason why he's here because she would not take care of him. And she's the reason why he's as bad as he is because she was purposely making him worse and worse and worse to where he was pretty much a vegetable. Just because she literally just didn't want to take care of him, says she would just literally pretty much abuse him or I would purposely like pushing on the steps and s*** to the point where he.  I want you to say his Spinal cord is not existent. He said it was an accident. I watched the b**** Do it several times where she would like. Stick s*** in his coffee and stuff. Cause she was also f****** psycho I told him that she'll the Meriden for his money and he got p***** He was only she was a pretty young. Fox says what he thinks.  Sleeping with everybody around the block and cleaning his grandsons.But whatever I'm joking.I've caught my brothers at my Grandpa's house after he was off.II quit going to the house and quit living there after he was taken to the hospital.And that's exactly why I fucking moved to The section of Hong Kong, where the humans live. Cause I said f*** that s***. I literally quit visiting him for a long time. Because the last time they mean have talked. He, well as you can tell from my memories of my consciousness, you already know what happehe took his anger out on me because of his ex, wife taking everything. What she's now his ex-wife cause she's the worst one right after she's sent him here and took all this s*** saying that he was unapt to take care of himself and that all this s*** was hers, which she did technically have proof because it's stupid. Though no offense Grandpa, I love you dearly, but you're signed everything to the f****** wicked witch of the West without listening to.  You're a grandson who was trying to warn you that she's a freaking sleazbag because 41 she tried coming on to me and when I told you you fucking flipped down on me and punch me in the face not a dragon this girl tried to come on to me like fuck.

Wait, why you smiling like that?Do you know something I don't.

Honey, I'm FBI ICS I I'm a private detective and a cop.Oh I did a background check on that little b****Psyche is not a mystic That little funny belonging a little fox's even sleeping with honey.I hate to tell you she's Accorted, not a mystic.The exact thing that we are made and designed to kill that little bitch is going down. Cause I've been trucking her. Yes, I've been looking into your case. Lately but that's only because it came across my database and I recognized the name. I just didn't put 2 and 2 together. That you were that a grandson was mentioned in the notes of attacking this woman and was removed from the house, but that there were many visits from the other grandkids, and they didn't do having issue with her.  All your brother, just sleep more than that makes sense.Dumb a****, you know, if there were actual kids in this and they were really okayou're OK, they'd be able to smell a f****** crypted from a mile  That means my dear honestable my dear nephew your grandsons aren't real U k lettalo mystics a mystic are designed to be able to spot a Corrupted or a monster like that from miles and miles away.We are designed to kill things like that.Because the type of curve to this is I don't think you want to know.Cause I found it out because my Queen is a God.The mother of all I had chicken to it.How do I use her God's eye and then goodness?My niece is an excellent In a very powerful Ancient goddess it was able to creep into your little girl's mind that corrected that you were sleeping with Honey, it's the reason why you're in this wallchair. She's a changeling, she makes her form look. Different changelings are monsters. Creatures that are shapeshifters, but not like me or you. They don't just shape shift into foxes. They shift into different appearances. Bodies, humans, they take on different people's identities.  And trust me, you don't want to let me know what the f*** ugly a**B**** is underneath that skin.Cause it's nasty cause I change it and change it to appearance and changes.It form is By shedding its skin and then it's pretty either because what's underneath.It doesn't not even look close to human.It looks like some 03.Honest it's uglier than wendy And we all know darlings, if you know what a Wendy looks like you. Know d*** while those b****** are ugly as hell not to mention hard as f*** to kill. Well, here's the thing darlin. Changelings are just as dangerous, but they're smarter. Than Wendy's wendy's have animal listic instincts and have animals like behaviors. They act like animals these guys. Think they're smart. They can comprehend. They can figure things out their problems solving. They act like me and you, they're very hard to spot. But it looks like they've adapted to taking on different roubles.Another word is making themselves look like different beings.No, that's a f****** problem, because I've been noticing that a lot of crypt is having doing that lately.And what of them are trying to mimic, as mystics.Wonder fucking why rather because the mother Of all has awakened and they consensus it. The problem is trying to figure out where she's at little to another thousands of us who's standing between them and her. And if anybody touches our Queen, we will eradicate their entire species. No f****** hesitation.
Which means you're gonna give me all the little information. I need to know about this lady, darling later, okay?  Right now I'm gonna give you a treatment. Because I luckily had my Queen also looked into how to fix you. Because cryptids are poisonous to f****** mystics. Mystics, well, not technically. All mistakes are just mistakes of poor blood lines like you. I'm sorry. Dude, I hate to tell you nothing but you come from a very low bright bloodline.  I mean.
Come on, you're guys gonna patch your bloodlines. So delete it to the point where you're practically human. At this mean, at least compared to what you are. Trust me, if you say what we could do. Since the mother of all woke up you would be f****** surprised. She picked all the kings in our armor not only that, she made us really, really hard to kill. And by that, I mean it's impossible unless you have another mystic. That's a stronger than the other one.  And we all live together.So that's what's goingna happen.Because all the mystics, the real mystics live with the Queen and serve her, which is why we're so powerful because she involves us.Power and makes us grow.
But I don't think you understand what the mother of all can do I don't think you can comprehend half the stuff that she can do. It's a literal God. She's Gaya. She can create any species of anything populated. Entire planet's creative entire plants to industry and entire universe and create an entire universe. You told me, do you want to muscle? The God that can do has evolved less than a 100 hours.  In such ways that what happened again?She altered us in such ways.Raven the most powerful source or nobody except a god can reverse what she just did because she made us unable to Be touched by any one other than her another resume that can kill any of us really is either 1 that is stronger than the other. Which we need anybody in our clan? That's more powerful rank or best answer are Queen. Because even against one stronger than us, trust me, she designed us to where we can still overpower. Let me even if I are a lot more stronger than I see, even by a huge?  Percentage, she may ask where we can havever power.Even something as powerful as A living Daddy, so I'm pretty sure that the UK no longer have to worry about those pesky. Sourbecause ourselves no longer reside outside of our bodies and in Are dense cause if you know that none of the new kissiness are using dense.So, as we don't have to my little Phoenix fixed that which made pretty much every single yoke.I go extinct.She fixed that 1 little c****She made it to her.Nobody can touch Or capture our soul and let's say you wanna be dead. Because it's all never that's in the body. Meaning my fox fire mind inside my body Nicole my innermost parthat's the only way to kill me.  How do you think They're gonna kill 9 tails now or another. OK they won't let me give you a little demonstration of what Phoenix. Mother called it to every single Mystic oh, she evolve does and adapt to doesn't search ways that even.
Fatal way to kill us doesn't do s***You can literally cut off our heads.We're about to hurt and burn our bodies and we're gonna still come back. So I think you and my darling a little apology.I'm very disappointed to hear that.You can talk to your grandson like that.Because I absolutely adore in the open.He's my fated partner.We're so botted.Of course I love him And I would do anything for him.Including punch you in your place I love you.Your family and your family doesn't mean everything to me but you gotta Phoenix taught me a whole new meaning to family and much more deeper.Meaning doesn't matter if your blood doesn't It's a matter what breed doesn't matter what species as long as you stand as a unit Work together you learn to cooperate with one another You learn to work in sync and in notion.You can get a lot more done honey Working as an entire unit and working together and learning to bond with one another as brother and sister Or is antonym called just to be able to learn to bond with another And with so many at once Granite she did build our numbers over time But yeah when we started flooding in with numbers and we had to start learning how to Work with people.We've never had any contact with but are around or same age and Other Race and other regions Culture's background of bringings.How do you think that worked when we all When we all started working together as a family as a family unit My queen runs over six billion sixty billion Individuals as and that's how many members we have in our clan and Regardless of what race?What species are any of that?When you know it's funny, we all live together.We all I'll go exist with one another in a pack Is an entire population And trust me , there are nothing compared to the shit that we can do if you think that you're people And your best soldiers are impressive.And you thought I was impressive back in the day.You should see how a bit i've gotten since i've got one of this girl Because my queen over there my mother of all was raised by a A housing As in the housing as in the housing that every single one of the non-human species feared because they will slaughter them out the hood. My claim was trained by their best hunter bayton. He practically took her in his his daughter and he absolutely loves her like one. So you better have a yes when she became his companion. Our little In front of took over the entire population of non humans that they were training as companion.S she put them in line.She organized them and she had what was a very chaotic and dangerous setting with the ones that they Raised, they had saved that we're young, but they're using his companions. Let's just say they don't have to use transit. No more, you're obedient. They listen for she showed up. They couldn't even pull them out without having a muzzle on the d*** things because they won't even change humans. They would just stand there not in human form and attack them every time that the gods of chance, they had to cover most of their claws and Miss their bangs.  She got them to work they were.They all work as an organized team like a military unit like Navy seals.She got them to work like that with The hell sings and She took over that facility and under a year.She had that b**** running smoothly.She became a later funny joke on you.She's the youngest one.They brought in as a companion.All the ones they had were all adults.Yeah, they were just now bringing in young ones, but they were too young to even like be a threat.Really they were no older than 9 and she had them to wear even the older ones that they couldn't even get the shift back.She had them working and organized assassin groups Warriors and everything else that you can name. She trained them and disciplined them and disciplined them and disciplined them very good. She was 16. Mikey makes your ancestors look like polymgranted. I love your ancestors. They voice be familiar to me. But she makes there discipline and training that they Did as girl sergeants to train the new troops when the yoke high worked underneath the king.Before you know, we all got hunted down.To extinction and we actually did have a king. She makes them look like tofu.They did look like child's pland what she's moulded us into is she makes They're protesters that they trained to be those champion warriors.She makes them look like little Aunt literal aunt. How about I invite you after I'm done fixing you. How about I bite you to our actual facility? And lets you see how it actual working OK works. I think you'll have a reevaluation of your life choices or at least what you said to your grandson. Because none of that is true, your grandson is the sweetest and most kindest man I've ever met.
Not to mention he is the most gentle assault. I have ever coming across, but he's also very strong and very valiant, even in the face of my actual mother of all in the face of an actual God that's literally the disparable actually more powerful than Gaia, combined with every single other guide.  He would not leave my side.
She almost killed me just because she was playing around. Your grandson's the one that came to my side and aided me the entire time that they were trying to save my life. Cause somebody decided to punch for my lungs. Grant it, I'm just messing, my Queen. I know you did it by accident.  I don't get emotional see now.That's a Queen somebody that actually gives a f*** about their people, not just about what they're making hashstrong their people are no.No, she knows is that 1 of her people are scarcely sure.We'll literally stop everything.As she's doing she will pull them off to the site and she will help them Till they are up to the capacity of everybody else. She does not let anybody fall behind. She's 19 and no I don't trust me and like she's gonna turn 20's in. No, like she just turned 90. She's a mother of 3. She's got so many degrees. I can't even name him, which, by the way, she has so much knowledge in her head that she was able to get that Within not even a month because this woman who literally has all been alleged of everything I ever was, she's a f****** genius. She's a goddess of war wisdom protection, children, women, men, humans.
She's also a goddess of. Gratitude practice Combat creation destruction the beginning of the end, a creator of all things as well.Little word little worthy device for anybody thinks that they're being funny because i'm I'm a little irritated by how he was treating my beloved granite. I do love him. He is family, but that does not give him. No d*** right to be treating his grandson like that and his grandson not to be weird, not to be an a** He's so bonded to me which means I feel all of his f****** feelings. What I tell you is really f****** hurt. Why do you think I'm being so aggressive? Because this what you told him? What you think of all of this?  Is complete in other tar sauce and I'll prove it.Cause I'll show you what we've done with the mystic species since it.You know it was a Obliterated to what the f*** it is now because what she has done with all of us.Will make everything you know Your whole point of view and everything else changed you guys. Trust me, she's even dumb. Founded the gods themselves, the exact date is God's. The goddess is any one of the higher powers that create a car which is everything we want and I'm serious and 1 of them has a piece of their salt and hurt, which makes her have a piece of their power from each of them and her. So yes, she is a technically a God of everything.  You know what she can do with honey? Don't ever question authority is. Let me tell you that I can not big young butt. She is one hell of a spitfire. She is a tyrant and I mean a real tyrant. Not a tycoon, like your pathetic, son.  But like a dictator tyrant granted, we all love her. None of us have anything to say wrong about her, but she doesn't really want to hear this and we're all very f****** afraid. The ones that have known her whole entire life. No f****** better than to talk back to her. Especially me, I practiced the Racer. She is practically my daughter. Yes, I could literally say anything to her and she would never harm me. I could literally stab her in the throat and she would never harm me.  But just because it's simple fact that you've been scared hurt and she will literally take a full-blown Oney and break his back over her f****** thigh like a d*** twig.And we've been f****** paralyzed as enough to make me walk away.And I don't mean like he actually scared her like he walked behind her under.She didn't see him And he tapped her on the shoulder because that is actually happened 2 One of our strongest onies and it is literally just because he caught her off guard, she didn't hear him. She was still learning how to hunt her senses and he just happened to have caught her when she wasn't making a judgment. She reflectively threw him over her shoulder over her entire body with one f****** arm. And a where we've banged him. You know how Alex.  Batman and guess his back broken on Bain's knee when he reached them.Yeah that's pretty Much what she did accept just break his back.She f****** shattered it.Like she shattered every single spinal plating.In that man's back.If you don't believe me , you can ask Giro yourself

Yup And don't you f****** forget it answer? I'm a force to be f****** reckoned with just saying. Sorry, I got my dad's potty mouth.Can I get up now?I'm really bored in this thing.Do I still have to be carried?It's boring i'm bored.

Phoenix, for the love of God child.You get bored way too easily and judges had two twins You really want to see what happens if you work? The stitches out that a orange hand to put in. Sorry she just gave birth to twins. Well, you're nothing wrong and by permature. I mean, somebody p***** her off. She let on her raging, though. Yet they kind of rapidly bro group and they weren't supposed to. They won't supposed to be ever another time.  It makes her offspring rapidly grow.
This causes them to grow so rapidly. With a second shake him up.
Which ones again makes me want to hit? Your husband's sister upset the f****** head for doing that. She's such a b****  No offense.By the way, you're welcome.I set her up.

Well, thank you, auntie see, I knew I could count on you.You always take care of all those bad b****** for me.Yeah, did you get her in real legal trouble?That's f****** hilarious.I just got to just want to see your score.After being such an asshole I gotta go on a physically harm more because she's my husband's biological sister But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna flex my power at all.That doesn't mean I'm not gonna flex that I can literally destroy her entire life without even touching her or even being near her or even having any contact with her.Cause i'm sure I have nothing to fucking use against me bitch Like I said, excuse me, I'm my dad's point, though I promise I'm friendly for the most part. Yeah, I'm a tyrant. She's not lying. I am oh I show everybody. That my d*** dictator I'll give a f*** look. My people have been literally driven to extinction. I have been pretty much boycotted as being a sexual goddess, which, by the way, is f****** grows. Do you know how many people I have saying that they want to give me their orgies like that's f****** disgusting?  Like.
You now there was. I've had my name ruined ahead my whole meaning of what I am as a goddess. Flip-flopped into something some f***** u* pervert, made up, say yeah, you b****, you're happy a** and wanna be an a****** about it. Cause this is what the f*** I woke up to and besides I had to wake up and literally create over 2 billion.  F****** non humans far different spaces. They're genetics and they're makeup. And how far I evolved to them. Lucy, do you know how much that takes anime to create an entire population like that and like I said, especially with as powerful as I made them pitch for me. I have did myself these bad boys.  They are so much more better than they were in.The test out the gods already.Have me do a test run.But they had me do it in the dream world.So that way that it wouldn't actually leave any physical traces of what I actually did in the dream Ralph wilmettelia, my influence seemed down to the waking world. So yeah, here we are, but the factor that they came up with The Swan tire on my sexual goddess thing still don't know where the f*** that came from. Cause even if my employees didn't see out of the waking world the dream world or whatever there's no f****** way that I should have came out as a dream. God is Cos 41. I'm scary's bed visual overmade. I'm not gonna lie. I'm definitely f****** terrifying.  Especially since I released my full essence which meant I put all my chaotic energy back at me. All my rage on my anger cause I did have half of it taken out and replaced by an archangel's divine energy but I said f*** that s*** I want my anger back. They did that to make homeward also, because they thought it was too aggressive and I said square that c*** I'm not getting nowhere being nice. I'm gonna be an a******, so yes, here we are.  And that's all because My birth mother is a b**** and had to give me up at birth.Because I'm not going to be rude because I look f****** english.Yes, I'm half f****** english.She Got rid of me because my face looked too english as another word.My favorite feature was a more like an Englishman.'s yeah, because her grandfather was a f**** an Englishman.What the f*** did she expect genetics to do?And I was thrown into an abuse of household was sold as He's a traffic gang, so yeah, they can go f*** off. Do you know how much abuse neglect and f***** u* Trauma had to deal with when I came to and I fully awoke my human body was on f****** drugs. I'm annoyed you but I don't need f****** dress. I should don't work on me. Why the f*** would I ever do that? I'm the mother of all? I don't do that s*** Do you know how hard? Do you know how hard it is to win a non-human body off of a paradise drug that your body has never been exposed to, because you've never got it and that you can't even win yourself off up because of the fact that it has no effect on you because you're non human.Yeah , that's what I had to fucking deal with when I woke up that was not fucking fun In fact, it absolutely f****** sucked. It was the most painful f****** thing I've ever had to do.
Depth on how I think of humans because the people that caused all this s*** For me. My husband and by the way, my husband is the President of Russia's sun. You gotta have ducked in a human terrorist granted. The terrorist is actually really nice.  And actually tried to save his life. He just got kidnapped by mafia in the process. Cause they somehow found out that he had the f****** president's son. He got f****** exported, sold views and collected same s*** that I did the same problem that I did without even knowing who are his real background. Is he need anything to be spoken in Russian? So we took a blood test and find out who's purple in a Russian and the DAD no test and found that he was a f****** president's son.  The missing one and then they changed his f****** name.They were calling him Jeremy.My husband's name is Goliath, just like how they change my name to f****** baby and we're calling me baby. My whole life without telling anybody that my real name was. Then there is one that couldn't return me down was because I was brought to the US I'm from China.China, if you have 2 daughters, you have to get rid of both well my mom thought get rid of one and I get to keep the other. My mom sold me like cattle. Just because it's a fact that she thought nobody wouldn't notice that I was trying to use because of the background looked english so she sold me to my father, can never find mehow f***** app is that when I actually got to meet my father in Hong Kong and I realized that was my biological. Father, because I how much we were all like and we actually had AD and a testing confirmed it.  Yeah, I'm a little disgusted with a human race. Because my dad who's absolutely destroyed when you realized it was me. He had no idea that I was even alive. He was told I was dead. They buried an empty casket. Instead, I was dead same with my husband they've erred an empty gasket and said he was dead. Nobody gave a f*** and look at who I am turning out to be a f****** goddess and he ended up being a f****** Leviathan. Not to mention the supreme king of the entire f****** Don't judge a butt's f****** cover. I'm sorry but I still have pregnancy hormones and me.I just gave birth.I am getting the f*** outta here.No I gotta hear, but I'm getting off of this.I'm sorry.I'm too stiff to sit here yuki Can fight me.You know i'm gonna be fine.

So wait, you are the mother of all.I'm sorry I expected you to be a lot older.I mean you're a Kid , I mean , like you're a fucking child Honey, you look way too young to be the mother of all mean, Granny. You're absolutely gorgeous, but you're way too young.

Didn't even if you didn't hear her say that I'm 19 years old as an. I just f****** turned 19. Yeah, I'm f****** young. We get it. You do realize I'm over a 1049-year-old. I'm not actually this young. It's just that most of my Asian was done without a body. Therefore, in direction ahead of physical body until now, so yeah, I'm nine Ten , i'm not even twenty yet And guess what?I don't give a f*** judge me by my age.Judge me by anything way.I look the way I talk whatever blah blah blah.I don't give a shit o k i'm not a tiny Type like she mentioned.I'm fucking And Verna, and if you all f****** remember how the rumors went about how and Bernard and Kane worked, then you'll need to keep your d*** mouth shut cause trust me, I'm just as aggressive and person, I'm nice as hell as long as you're nice as hell to me, but you. Say one thing to f****** Disrespect me, disrespect my family or harm my family or threaten them in any way shape or form. I'm a terror of your f****** legs. And I'm gonna stick them up your a** That's just blind and simple.  I'm gonna f*** who you are what your status is blah blah blah, I'm the Queen of an entire species and I gotta say.I will It's alright you're asked to ask plan in simpleIt's alright, you're asked to ask plan in simple.. Unless makes this very clear, it might have a no-kill human policy or no harm a human policy. But that does not mean that I will not scare the living f*** out of you to get p***** yourself. Or scare you to the point where every time you even hear. My name mentioned you tremble.. If you thought you were afraid about a thirty figure when until you meet me Honey's i'm fucking ten times worse I may act like a straight up dictator because I fucking do But I'm not being a cruel or unfair to my people.In fact i'm the kindest Ruler, they have ever met.You wanna know how I get them to work together I work when I'm home with them.I build up trust and I make them do the same and build up.Trust one another And I did that with an entire species of every single different race.And breathe you can think of And they're all the word spaces , honey , if a nineteen year old can fucking do that with an entire species Of different races and breeds and make them work together And add in the fact that they're the most dangerous and most violent species of Not humans and manage to get them to all shut the fuck up and listin Do as they're told to work the f*** together in harmony. Yeah, I didn't get. There doing the easy strip, honey. I got there the hard way through blood sweat and tears and lots of f****** frustration. Do you think it was easy? To bring in this, many democrats being so different sregions and cultures together.  It's like bringing up a bunch of different cultures and countries together of different.Ethnicities and getting them to get the fuck over their prejudice and their racism It's f****** hard. And takes a lot of time and patience. Patience was slimmy add to you will be very, very frustrating because you will feel like giving up every single f****** time. But you know you can't because if you do. All your heart will cool. Talk forever and everything you've worked. Your d*** a** for will go to s*** See you learn to set aside your differences. And you learn to set aside your petty.  Obligations are being nice to those who you do love.And you do think our family and do its best for your clan.By putting aside your emotions in your feelings for the specific individuals by training them like every single other Clan member by treating them as you treat the others, giving no special treatment, giving no special attention.
I disciplined each of them equally and which means one of them did something the same as the other 1 got in trouble for done matter. Third Yuki no offense, anti. I love you to death. But she'll have a hard way. It doesn't matter if you're anti.  Or mom to me or dad, one thing that I don't agree with and then I told you not to do I will correct your a** with disciplinary. It does not matter how old you are to marry me or what you're family. Oriented relation to best towards me. Could stress me ever since one of my members of my clan? Every single one of the 60 billion are my blood and my flesh. I don't care we might not be from the same general. We might not share the same Jeans and genetics or whatever.But in my eyes we all Have the same blood sweat and tears.We all Believe the same colored blood same Tears.
We all feel the same pain in the same happiness.
We all know how to feel. We'll have a beating heart. We'll have a mind that can think for itself. But that's also can learn empathy and compassion.  But only when it's broken down to it's nitty. Grisay. Yes, to answer your question. I got my clan to work together because I broke them. I made them broken be on prepare. So they're clean to each other and learn To not only comfort one another. I learned how to work together.
I don't have to think of a unit. Learn how to communicate as a unit without even speaking. I haven't so trying to worry. They don't have to use the law, but they don't know they had once thinking to know exactly what strategy to take when in combat I was like I gotta do is give each other a look and they aren't know what's up.  Because they practically know how to review each other's minds for their eyes. Mind's emeaning that they got so close. They got so close and got such a strong bond to wherether empathy grow and grow and grow to where the other one can feel and stand with the other. One stinking and feeling without even being in the same vicinity. Because I'm just that d*** good. Do you think I enjoy informing the f*** out of my people to make them work together like that? But it was either that or had them slaughtering each other because they don't know what to f****** do.  I was doing well. I was doing with every other training session happening to separate them. But I don't want to first roll them in like they're already till they're throat like I had them trying to murder each other left and right good thing I fixed all their kinks and their chains. They couldn't murder each other. D*** good thing, I put those little designs that I added into their genetics as a natural.  Defense system. Oh, honey, I pump them full of rage. You've never seen nothing yet to be seen. When he's b****** like over the rage hole. Now that's a nasty little nasty little booby trap I left on every single mistake that I made. I gave them a hormone in the brain. That is released like a stash, brown or every other chemical that you release.  In a bowldering rut pretty much. So in other words, when they release their rage, it puts them on f****** steroids. Types, Ted, could you imagine? But when I use bad boys on steroids time stand it makes them have such a power. Output in a strength output to where It's essentially the same concept as pushing the override button On a i'm a power Grid, trust me makes their power outlet. And there aggression and violence go from 0 to 50000 world f****** quick. I guess that I made them to where they're, if they pushed that rage and they got enough built up, they could literally take out a God if they wanted to do I made them literally as strong as they it is granite. Some of my people are technically daddy's like dragons.  But no I made all of my people on that level. Actually they're on the same level as the gods now because I'm just not f****** good and then you wonder why the gods say that I overshot. By 50 miles and granted, I was sent this to / 1 of the oldest. Most powerful guys who let her look me in the face and said that I ever shot all their expectations way on their comprehension like I went way further than they ever imagined. I would go and that was just a lot test. Fine, honey, I've only been here for 3 months. I've only been awakened for 3 months.  And I've already managed to later at leastake back the entire mystic clan. Get them in order make them run better than they ever have in their entire existence. I am pretty much reversing every single f****** flaw. That has accumulated all this.  Misfortune and despair to my people say yeah, if you think I'm gonna give up on what I've accomplished so far for only being there for 3 months you're f****** hilarious, I'd rather die than let somebody ruin the. The name of my clan, let alone my name from my name and the dust like they've been doing and you're gonna find out real quickly if how quickly I'm gonna make a demonstration out as b****** is. Trust me, I've already got a whole crockpot. F****** sitting underneath them for I'm sending those bad boys up and they're going to not like it when I put them in their m************ place.  A whole new definition and walk on the mother of all, but it shows that the mother balls were all made of and drop my leg out while I get you're me Good, let him be scared. I'd rather people be scared of me than think. I'm adorable at. Do you know how many people think I'm a doormat just because I'm a kid. Do you know how many tons the council is trying to overthrow me? Just because I'm a kid and my test run. I'm not trust me. They tried to do it for any times when no one I f****** did it on. I overthrow the entire council every single king. Ever single ruler and I overthrow every single clan.  I took control of every single one of them and I took control of the entire species like I did tear. I didn't have to do that here. Cause you want to know why you should have let your girl species and bullblinds get so weak. Does a point where I didn't have to? You already f****** did it yourself. All I had to do was gather all my little Easter eggs. I had created when I created this f****** planet.  Which you're ever single. Being that lies before you that I had set all throughout time. And also I did was go fat and cause. I already knew where the f****** button honey. There's a reason why there's a result. As they are in this PowerPoint there. Because I designed them that way. I'm the beginning and the end. Just because I didn't have a physical body. Doesn't mean that I have not existed since the beginning. D*** i* And I don't just mean in the beginning of your Galaxy or a universe or whatever. I mean, every living planet Galaxy anything with a wife on it. I think assistant is a very beginning since the very beginning since the very beginning.
Created me on purpose because it created the perfect weapon because jokes on you. I may weapon of mass destruction.  I don't want this cute little face is cute.Baby face distract you or make you misinterpret.How much of a threat I actually am because I assure you I am way more threatening than you will ever comprehend.I can make an entire world been to their knees by just simply Making my presence be known and making a demonstration because I have done that before too but I just do it within a world's honey. I did it with an entire universe. I mean, n******, they're in blood at every single one of us m************ So imagine what I can do in the waking world if I can do that in a dream world. I can turn the entire world upside down or I can make it the most beautiful Oasis you've ever seen. I could make it the garden of Eden.  If ISO please which is the f****** goal? I want this world to be a paradise, not a prison. Not a trash pit, not a poverty ridden. But calling July, whatever the hell you want to callet's. Be honest, and this world is really going to f****** s*** But then again so as ever rolled so hi, how are you doing? That's what I'm here for why do you think? I was born in this time of thiser because I was born to create a massive shift. Fate created me to keep fate. From happening the way, it's supposed because if I don't intervene.  And I don't do something and I don't let myself be know. And you know do. My f****** job as a God, but also as a Queen and as a mother. Sorry, but my children were born and they are going to be raised here. So therefore, you bet you're happy a** From the inside out before I ever let anybody turn it into a f****** s*** Si want my kids to ope it's safe loving.  Kind environment and nurturing environment. Where they can flourish where they can become powerful and reach their full potential like they're supposed to. Yes, I have children involved, so now.My resolve is a lot more stronger.
I'm a lot more fierce about it.My resolve isn't excuse me, I mean anybody who stands in my way.I don't give a s*** you are.I will work your guts out and feed them To you so who thinks I'm a sweet little sexualized? Little b**** now the eviction meanthat's actually a metal. When I'm actually awabecause, you do realize I'm a God which meant as soon as she told you that I'm the m*********** I hope you know everything when he realized you f****** know. I can read your mind, which is exactly why I'm showing my authority.  Because you need to get your f****** hat out your a**OK, I'm none oft a little sexualized, old Deviant, and that's sucking this.Okay, you can't seduce me.You can't sleep with me Got it answer b****I aint your mother.I ain't your sister and that'd be kind of fucked up if you wanted To seduce a female family member anyways. But just the factors that some of you, little f****** pervert automatically mind, went to the f****** gutter as soon as she said that, I was the mother of all and it's actually into how young I am and that I'm a mom and I'm a married, you need to be f****** castrated. And hung by your f****** beat. I'll f****** beat. I'll f****** air or balls into a f****** vbecause. You're f****** disgusting. You disgust me. You're a Rose.  You're repulsive and you need to fucking Get your s*** together, stop f****** being a nasty f****** disgusting. I don't even know what to say that because first of all, if you're willing to say about a 19-year-old and you're that much older. What the f***'s gonna stop you from being a f****** pedophile? And I'm sorry but I got kids if you're willing to look at somebody. That's particularly a child like me. Yeah, remember the age and your eyes. But technically till you're 21, you're technically not fully developed enough to make your own decisions. So therefore, you're technically not at all cause mentally. Your brain is not fully developed. And you are looking at a person with an knot. Fully developed brain and are thinking the most nasty is pulses. Sexual thoughts about a kid cause. I am practically kicking her to most of you. I mean, I'm a literally a shy.  Of being 18 I just turned 19. So yeah, you're f****** disgusting. You need to be f****** locked up. By the way, overcome near me and any appropriate manner and I will personally burn off.Your f****** face.You think I won't let my fnames?Burn the flashlight off your skin.Because I won't, I'll let it blaze even higher. My brother Phoenix. So whatever damage I did to you. I can heal and do it all over again repeatedly. Making you feel the sensation of me torturing you overn over without leaving a scratch, but that doesn't mean that it's not gonna leave the mental f****** drama on your brain from feeling all that physical pain. Could you bit your have a yes, I'm gonna do it to you if you f****** touch me..

Oh, my God, that's disgusting.Yeah I know any of you touched my queen and an appropriate manner or even look at her the wrong way and I will personally Gauge out your eyes with my claws. Like what the fuck dude I hope you know that we're new employees.Which are she assigned to you?To help you By the non human patience , which , by the way , world fucking certified Doctor.
S surgeons geneticists and anything else you could fucking name in the medical field And customers are over more than ten thousand years old so I'm pretty sure that we've got way more experience and way.More shit underneath our building you do. Not to mention our queen major than never single one of those.

You're fucking These guys are on license and certified Say yeah they're legal to work here And since my lovely grams happens to be made 21 of your top surgeons and the person that's Which now that i'm looking at that doesn't look like the case even though i'm still one on So why the f*** is the main person?I see running this show is fucking very winkle over there And yes, I'm attacked about that, like that.Because 41 you're one of the fucking pervert , see , i'm a call At you're a f****** perv and probably should not be working here.Because what if they bring in children. Cause you can not tell me that I didn't ask you.What went through your head as went Straight to the gutter I am not going to repeat what the fuck went through your head It's pretty fucking disturbing and I refuse to work with somebody like So you can either beat it or lose it.Or I could kick your ass out on the way out Your choice or I could have one of my brothers.Do it.By the way these are my twins one demon one's an archangel Who, by the way, I designed after Michael's archangel himself.So who do you think my brother that I designed as a demon is based off of Lucy?I'm home try lucifer. I don't know if you're gonna go baking.My ass will go all the way I made if you're Going to make When is powerful and after my favorite arrangement?If I can't make one based off of my favorite demof course I picked the biggest baddest 1 I could find.Strength power and all honey. See a f*** with me f*** with these guys. By the way, demons and archangels, they're not supposed to be on this plane. I made them physically exhaust here. If I could make something that powerful physically exist here. I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be f****** with me. Cause I'm the real deal are too powerful to exist on this plane, especially with the physical body that's built to handle the power of an archangel they can inherently pretty much take Uber a human body for a short period of time, but they cannot fully take them over like a possession.  They cannot live in that body. They cannot use their angelic power in that body. They can't even use any power in the body. Here is weak as a human when they're in it. So how bad do you think it's gonna fucking suck that I made one that not only have physical bodies which are literally built for what they are and to harness power that they have twitter they're going to actually use it in full volume like they wouldn't they're Well, I suggest you repent.In other words, good of f****** confession.Get bath the ties before.I basically myself and I'll fucking ass at the lake.

Dear sister dear sister. I think you've made your point. Sorry, she's just very disgusted with people thinking that she's a very sexualized person. She's not in fact. Our sister is the most purest and most innocent person. Should I ever be kissed a boy before? Sir, you really think she's gonna be okay with somebody thinking about boning her and visualizing it and being a f****** pig.  No, she's not.She's gonna be disgusted with it. My sister is all about real love. So unless you actually really love somebody. She's very against Sex sex. She's very against people sleeping around like, unless you genuinely just are a worthless piece of s*** in a waste of space, don't do that. OK, it's not? It's not OKOK, you damage people you cause drama. You cause miss metal and physical trauma and damage to someone every time you do s*** like that. Because it's pretty much playing with their feelings.  OK as an airplane believes. I'm not what should be pure and in it. Not a while ago.
I mean, you're not my people. Her age are, but if she f*** no, I'm afraid of it, but trust me, she's not. She is actually really against all that s*** She's against childish. Things Christopher, if you're just having sex for pleasure, then you're a f****** fucking disgusting ratchet pig that should probably be buried in the f****** dirt. OK I mean like yes, okay. I guess if you do that s*** on your own time but late.  Too late.Let's see walk up to me and try to push those views on to be.It's f****** disgusting.I know who I am as a person I know what I stand for I do not stand for anything about having meaningless sex with a bunch of fucking strangers and O***'s cause I didn't even know what a f****** orgy was. And so yeah, no I started got to figure out what the f*** they were talking about? And you want to know why? Because unlike these other ungrateful children. I was too busy growing the f*** up. I didn't have a childhood. I didn't have a childhood. I need a girlfriend for the fast. I know, but he'd take care of me and I hadn't no live as a child. My childhood was adulthood from day one.. Which then you wonder why my physical body couldn't f****** make rational f****** decisions, probably because my childhood growth in all of that.That's what we're f***** from the very start.I was unwanted Am rejected by my birth mother from day one. Was baked my own death and literally. Where's human traffic as an infbitch? Who the f*** does that? I mean, I was technically still on diaper so.  Or barely out of diaper.S so yeah, I know I was technically stole baby.I was a toddler. Pretty can F****** f*** off if they think I'm being too harsh because I'm not.I was giving the Porsche's childhood and the most unloving upbringing lovely clan members.I have that actually fucking raised me. So, yes, far as I'm concerned, nobody else is f****** opinion.Abuse on me really f****** matter.See, I'm gonna be as harsh and as f****** mean as f****** cruel as I possibly can until you understand what the world's quail meaning of f****** hardships are cause only in your deepest despair.And at your weakest point do you actually truly awaken to your full fucking potential. And your life is given the full fucking meaning of fucking Living. What a 1/2 of you are doing.I will 100% guarantee was not f****** living.
O k at living means dealing with hardships means knowing how to deal with them knowing how to deal with them being able to overcome them without foreaking without giving up without banking out. How many of your men can do that?You can answer that I do not want to hear anybody question my authority. No fucking talking back to me and wishing you made good argument." Although I feel like my son was too scared just because of my war in my presents. That's a kind of related. Because the other were obedient and listened And we're very cooperative with my request or with what my people were trying to teach them whenever they were looking at his Grandpa. They were easily able to property start all the treat all of his health Problem the conditions. They observed as they were watching us work this time Because they were more.Like trying to learn trying to figure out what we were doing when they realize that the reason why they couldn't find anything was because they were doing it all The wrong Well, they realize that they're Entire comprehension of the mystics.Anatomy was entirely Wrong end was not even close to what the real. An out of me is because the more they see in us, working on him, the more they Seen me As I messed with his genetics as And his genetic makeup triggering his full genetic biological makeup. Should I go part of his brain that were dormant? That shouldn't be dormant that a prayer bread is supposed to have fully functional. They realized that I did that.I had shorter his Dormant traits and characteristics. And his brain to treasure trigger physical alterations to ocher, causing his whole body to go to the potential. It's actually supposed to be at which part of which makes him look like he were almost as age too because It made Immature mortal again, which he hadn't been for a while.He was slowly beginning to age for quite some time but I was able to pretty much.Reverse that to what he was like in his prime or what his ancestors were like in their brain pretty much.I got him to the level that my people were. Within not even a full 3 hours after we were done.Was he getting up and walking around like nothing even Even happened and I showed him his results from Before & After I treated him and then to show them examples.That is soon as I did what I did.
All the damage that she was able to do with all that poison from his blood being Dormant and diluted All but ceased to even exist once.I fix it in fact I was like shit that she put it in Him to make him so sick to where he was pretty much on his death Bed Had literally disappeared within a flash like it never happened without a winter trace that it wasn't even there. A new feeling as bright as good as ever he was.
And Eugene and his grandson as soon as he got the chance, telling his grandson, how proud he was of him and that he really did love him and that he was wrong about him and he was nothing like his father.  I need a apologize saying that the only reason why he thought that was because, while he seemed to have his older brother's act and didn't they activity psychologist dad, but he's the only one that physically looks like his Fathe's the only 1 that's identical to his dad and could be his twin. They forgave each other and they made amends, he can't. Welcome.Do you keep into the family with open arms He was Overjoyed as if he was given a new lease on life.I don't know, it's like something woke up in a moment As if you've seen his grandson for the first time for who he truly is instead of just making assumptions. That he was gonna end up the same as the rest of his family. It was like he finally found someone to live for His grandson. His grandson ended up inviting him to come back with him to his house till they get all the b******* with his ex. Wife settled and then he proceeded to ask Yuki. And me, if we wouldn't mind taking out the trash if you catch my drift another word he was pretty much asking me to put a head on her f****** head.  Especially when you realize that she Was equipped and was impersonating one of our people , just so she could feed off of that. I told him to consider it done and I Sick to you kiana as I went back with them To Hong Kong while some of my people stayed to help them after I made a teleportation portation. Door from the hospital facility to facility in Hong Kong that that the Chinese President opened for my people so they had their own.  He happened to be huge facility and just for us.So he didn't have to use his apartment building.Because there are so many of us. But also so we had proper working space for our training.Grounds Our council room are meeting areas and just any other space that we would need to properly and an organized fashion Run our clan. I decided with my husband to go with Yuki 2. Just assess the situation.Know it's more like because I was nosy and really wanted to see her kick her a**But sadly her fiance would not let me. Neither would his grandfather. And after his father compounded his son all that shit was funny.

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