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Yeah, I guess it's no secret.That I'm a huge devote to the mother doesn't agree with it.But I love gaia and I knew that that's who the mother of all was but you just clarified it Oh my goodness you're Men are a pretty huge and pretty intimidating , but they Have a very comforting ora.

"Like the queen said ma'am we are here to protect. I'm Rin the one that she was talking about earlier. I'm the one that's as old as man and i'm a Kirin. I bring good Good luck and prosperity to rulers world rulers. Unlike my Queen, I'm the only one of my species and the only 1 like most of our people are like that. There's only one of them at a time. Or there's only one of them ever ones that are like that. You're like me are much shoulder. Our yokia are the oldest  Because our Queen is Yokia." He said kissing the girl's hand I could tell right away From the way he was being a little flirtatious.That was his partner She seemed to notice his advances quite a bit even though she was all younger than him She was a young woman and her method is early thirties But she seemed quite smitten with them.And she seemed to between the two Cause She was his fated.

"Oh I know My mythological beast I  know what you are. I gotta met your one handsome fellow." She said with a Slightblush her dad noticed big Time. Because as soon as you know how to see start an encouraging her. She apparently did not expect this of her father as she expected him to reject. His daughter.
's affections towards him but no, you actually told her.Why don't you ask him on a date? Which he did mouth to her so he wouldn't hear him. But Rin could read lips.

"I've figured you've begun set because of how much older I am compared to her. Not to mention the fact that we're two different species." He said confidently as her dad just gave him the biggest grin and laughed.Anything that stops that girl from soul.Searching these idiots anymore. I cannot Express how much I hope she does. I'd rather have a way more mature man anyway. Is way too wise and culture to be wasting.Her talent and energy on this one too literally Do not want to settle please with you.I know that you're old  enough. Do you read and do want to. So I'm guessing you 2 are so amazed or something."

Try or something.See our bonds a lot more deeper than just a soulmate.We have fated partners. We also have soul bonds.No other being does that other than us in soul , bonds are way more stronger than just a A bite on the neck where we claim our partner ours is way deeper.First of all we imprint ourselves on their sold to where it leaves an imprint on their physical body but even after deit doesn't leave it doesn't break. A soul bond is when you find your soul to your fated partner. When we do this so bond And we imprint on them.We are putting a foundation and Solidifying a relationship with that Individual forever even after they die cause even after one does And as we incarnate that they are still connected to our soul we can be Reincarnated when we die but as my queen said We can only be killed by one that is stronger than us An airplane does not allow violence betwher citizens in other words No matter what section origin , we come from , no matter what type we are , we are not allowed to kill one Another cause she will not allow it. And we are not allowed to speak or act against the queen if she says it is setting stone As in it can never be broken questioned or when against. And if we sold bond, even if it's a human, we're sharing our immortality or consciousness. And our lifespan with them so technically. As long as we're alive, as they will remain alive and remain untouched. By time like we so technically you would be.  A true immortal, even though you're human.Because you'll be sharing my soul in my spirit because technically you're not my soul mate you're my Fated partner. But please do let me know if I ever step.I might be old honey, but I'm willing to take my time as long as possible to your phone comfortable. I'm obviously willing to settle whenever. I mean, I've waited over billions a year's for me to meet my faded. I'm obviously okay with waiting a few more. Years till she decides that she's okay with it. Well, at least I hope she agrees because that would suck if she said no cause. I only get one feet apart and I mean. I could try again when it rained. Currently, but.  Baseball where you can be reincarnated from any individual. It doesn't even have to be human. It can technically be an animal even though it sucks. You know, went and wanna be so wanted to a animal that became weird. Even though I'm not human myself, I'm not an animal either.

I will you shush it?I am totally okay with you being a non-human.I am totally okay with you.Being who you are and your age does not bother me.I actually found the quite attractive that you're an older mand why do you think Any of that would bother me.Honestly, you could stop my aging right now and I wouldn't care.Are you kidding?I feel Beyond blessed to even find somebody and I know that I had a favorite partner that's even cooler.I know you can't cheat on me not to be offensive. All the punks my dad's talking about are the reason why I'm single because none of them ever stuck around that or try to knock me up to make me swhy. Do you think I got no kids? By the way, that's my nephew. That's not my son, I know. I'm older you probably thought it was my son but surprise, I don't have any children.  Wait control morals , half kids cause she just She just gave birth and I thought the term mortals couldn't have children.At least that's what I was taught. When learning about non human anatomy in genetics.

No baby you got unlucky or lucky in your case my species are Realtor mortals and one of the very few that can actually reproduce babies Naturally and even if you're my fated Partner, and we share an actual love because all my species when they're with their faded partner. It doesn't matter if they're faded. Partner like as long as they are in love with the person. They're so bonded too. And I mean, genuinely love them. They can reproduce babies because it triggers a warm own which causes our reproductive system too.  But if we have intercourse with somebody, we don't love even if they do all the steps for conception, even if it's like a liquid, save my situation, we're common on human and you're human see, we're some species that were created hybrid.  My species.Yes it does but in a way like you could still technically have a baby but The child would be more human would be more susceptible and weaker and vulnerable. Then like let's see me by a long shot. It be pretty much like the non. Humans are used to a much more diluted version And that's only if I love you because even if I love you and you don't love me just because the fact that I love you would make you have enough to conceive because I'm running off that hormone, but see, if I don't have any feelings for you, whatsoever you. Wouldn't be able to get pregnant and the child would be well. There wouldn't be one because the only way that anyone can conceive 1 of our species, even if it's a hybrid.  They are essentially If they have children there's would be dormant as then they would be human and that gene would remain dormant until it awakened again when it became strong enough to show through which can take well blake my queen probably centuries Depending on.How far back Her blood line goes. And i'm already loving what I can see in Do you emphasize like I said, I waited.You might improve my whole wife.I'm willing to wait for you as long as considering that you reacted the way you did.I'm Starting to think I'm not gonna have to wait very long, am I.

Nope now where's my ring You might as well put a ring on it while you're at it. You don't know how long I've waited for this. I'm just saying I am done soul-searching. Honey, if I found one that I like which I did, which was made specifically for me anyways, so why not just make it official?
I think you're Queen. Approves as well.

I don't know she does. I've been seeing her giving you the thumbs up the whole time. She's been trying to find me a soul mate forever, but I told her that I wanted to wait for my faded and it was worth it. So I'm OK with that. She was worth waiting for now. Can you stop harassing me, my Queen? I will propose to her when she is ready. I will mark her when she is ready. So bought her when she's ready. You already know where this is all going, my lady.  I'm not gonna force or anything i'm not like that. I'm a gentleman.You Know how I am nice Sweet child why do you have to be so forced?I practically raised you.

Yeah, which is why I want to be pushing. I want my gramps to find somebody that cares about and what we really don't care about age. Honey, as you can tell, we're pure immortals, we're of all ages, shapes and sides, as we really don't care that you're a lot younger than him, but or I could age you a bit so you feel more comfortable with them. We're just established having my finger, I Can control space and time.

Well, thank you for the offer.And i'm Ever enjoyed the era of k with me being human. That's me, he is handsome. He is fine and he is the best looking guy. I've seen in a while not gonna lie. You're exactly my type and I'm not going to pull any strings. I actually do have a thing for older men. And besides you're not that much Older than me. What are you like 39?

"I wish I'd actually am 61 and no, I'm not pulling your like. That's what I just stopped growing at. I just look young because I'm obviously a true immortal. We age differently. We don't age like you. Humans do we don't deteriorate?
Remain useful and vibrant even in old age. I mean, look at me, I'm close to 62.  You can't even tell i'm 61 years old can you A literally stopped growing rate like 3 days before.I turned 62." He laughed Showing her his id showing her his actual physical age.

"Holy s*** you do not look at honey.You look like you're barely out of your 30s.You look like you're honestly in your early 30s.Still just with Silver fox, look to you but honestly you can't even tell your age. I mean I wouldn't be able to sell your request at 50. I thought at most you were probably maybe 36." She blurted.

"Does it bother you." He said as she shut him up by kissing him.

"Of course, not you're a true mortal. You're not gonna grow your age, does not bother me.In fact, I think you are the most attractive man.I have ever think you're absolutely beautiful. And I mean that I think you're the most The most gorgeous creature ever.Of course I am Not bothered by your aged influence.I mean granite, as long as you don't mind.Having a women barely in authorities.I mean, I probably seem like a child.To you. I just hope you don't get tired of me because in the fact that i'm so much younger." She said as he kissed her shut her up.

"In fact, because you're so much younger.That just means that you'll be able to keep how these Women that are close to my age nowadays. Honey, they're Not both like how they're used to like back in my ears.Older women can do everything in the anger woman can now it is you're lucky to see any woman ever fifty That's independent and still you know mobile, most women my age, I'm not gonna lie. They tend to be a little bit more on me. Fragile said I'd be afraid that you'd break. In fact, I'd actually prefer to stop you at a younger age if that's okay. Sentiments are much weaker than they used to be in deteriorate a lot quicker.. Back in the day when age was young. Humans could live up to 500 years old. Maybe even 600 back in the day whenever they were healthier and healthier and the Earth was healthier. Plus humans could do a lot more than they can now. They call humans back in the day. You guys a lot more of their brain than they do. Now like they evolved to use a lot more. Their brain, which also made them tell Patrick to look at existing. Well, they had a lot of the powers that we do they were able to manifest stuff with their mind and make things happen just thinking.  Thinking it Now humans are only able to use ten percent of their brain when before we could use up to Even back then could use up to lake 50 to even 60%.Sometimes even seventy if they were going enough. One of them even reached the level of being able to use eighty percent of their brain although the only one human ever did and he was a smart philosopher in Human history who was the smartest philosopher and the most famous philosopher? Aristotle Aristotle. But the people that Are still being born able to use more parts of their brain thand their consciousness.Then the other humans, which are some are still warm with that capability.Yes it is a lot weaker than it was poor but they can still use it are actually witches. There are the only humans. The only genetic bloodlines that have evolved to be able to use these limitations with their brain and consciousness.. Sure, they've grown all hell of a lot weaker.Considering that a lot of them have diminished their power and abilities because they neglect to learn to use them and over time they do start to fade but they do still have this in their bloodline if they ever choose to use it."He exclaimed.

"Well, my darling, then you can do it at anytime.I am fine with that back.You can do it now if you want to just so I know that we are actually so wanted and just so I know that I won't and Die before you cause not to be rude.I'm not dying Without the person that my souls connected to. I hope you know that.I knew that something was between us What do you think I was Attracted.
To you. Don't judge me, I'm human.I'm not gonna know these things. You don't care do you daddy. Daddy." His daughter said as she seen her dad trying to hand him a ring from behind her..

"What he needs a ring, if he's gonna propose to you here.No trust machine, get any younger.She might be only 33, but come on.We've waiting for her to find somebody who sence well Since we know so she was gonna interest in falling love. She just never found the right person. Granite them might be young for you. But for a human that's weird to not have an actual love life at and she's never had one her entire life. Maybe she's tried having one a couple of times throughout her youth, but it never worked and they always turned out to be douches, so she went soul-searching for the past, like 5 years and there's all over. The world even looking for a partner.She even went overseas looking for a partner She went along a lot of spiritual escapes trying to find herself because she figures that it might just be like a flaw in. She decided to go on some soul. Searching to see if maybe it was something and her that was causing her to not have any luck with love. Since old saying is you have to love yourself to love someone else. She figured that maybe somewhere deep inside of her. She just didn't love herself. But now we know that's not the case at all. She just literally wasn't near who.She was destined to be with.It's been passed out of my family's third generations and generations so I'll be dambed with my Oldest daughter doesn't get proposed to with it. Now give me some grain kids as soon as possible.Seriously All of my relatives have been writing her butt about finding a partner. And I'm not going to lie.I really like you a lot more than any of her other Suitor so you bet you're a butt.I am going to encourage this relationship as much as possible.So yeah, whenever you're already married.Just tell me I'll set it up and I'll get you to marry right away." Her dad said seeing the chemistry between them. As ren literally took the ring from him before I literally dropping 2 one knee in front of his new soulmate. That poor woman practically was crying and she said yes to him.He marked her rate then and there's his soul mate and even had me Bond them as a fated pair. He had me soul bond. Which is more of where they're so bonded?But ivory enforced it by giving my blessing to them making their soul bonds unbreakable. Making her a true mortal in giving her his strength and Empower and connecting their subconscious.Their souls in their bodies in their minds. She enjoyed having him inside her head. But you could tell he enjoyed it just as much being able to share his thoughts in his consciousness with another finally after his won't her life awaiting. Next thing you know her aside with him And talking to them in private.While the rest of my people tended to my needs as I played with her a little nephew, he totally forgot that I was even holding him.He was too over the man with seeing his daughter.Find her love to even mind.The fact that a total friend was holding his Grandson that is until uh you know his mom called. And I It is my God's here to Used my. God's ears to ease. "Yeah , pumpkin , sorry , honey , we got distracted . Your sister and I had something come up.I'm sorry where you at.Oh, you're already inside s***Well, don't walk on earth floor yet.You Might freak just because I know that you're not familiar with them.I mean, they're completely friendly.I'll admit they're the friendliest group ever met.They're constantly harmless but and inner husband are familiar with them so I don't want you all to be like nervous and freaking out." He tried to say.
Reassuringly, as they told him that they were already in the hospital. And right as we heard the elevator click you heard the doors open and? Somebody walked out and she was quite frantic.She was a lot younger than her sister.Probably like early twenties actually run my age nineteen. She immediately yelled baby and I gave her the hands up telling her stop and calm down. I used my divine angelic. Energy which I radiated from my hand directing it towards her well technically shooting It at her which made her immediately calm. Which made the husband's demeanor like a Domino effect calm as well.Because that is how the angelic entered and them is vibrating.The same frequency as them a calm them too. My husband walked over to them and gave them a handshake.Real quick although the husband was very reluctant to shake his hand so was the wife vecchi didn't at all. Till he gave them a gentle smile telling them relax, it's totally fine. I don't blame you for not wanting to shake my hand I was just trying to be friendly. So you would feel more relaxed. I promise you, we're completely friendly.The one that's holding your son is my wife.She's my supreme Queen, so I promise you that child's in the best hands and they could be in and I'll talk about.She's just had to children herself, which is why he ran over her He just seen her being carried out.And what you know how children are.They're Rambunk just I shouldn't know. I have 3 of them. I'm the supreme king my name is glias. Me and my wife are both the king and Queen of our entire are the original and oldest species of not human.We are actually the ones that humans Originally come from So we protect my guide humans. We do not know in fact we nurture them, so, we are literally the safest species of non-human for your son to be around.
Look at my wife's hands. There are 3 very young babies in harm, 2 of them brand new horns that were literally just born an hour.Ago and then Our oldest daughter is only maybe not even a month old.My wife got thrown in early labor that's the only reason why we stopped at the hospital.Your son just happened to have no distress when we were dragging her out.And we found out that your sister is actually made to one of our people.So yeah, that's right.Your dad said There was something going on because, I you just proposed to your sister.So that's right.He's our oldest living mystic mystic.He's as old as Mankind never had a partner in his life.Your sister's fated. We can only Have a soulmate if we actually love them. We can only conceive with somebody that. We love but when I saw bond, which is what your sister just did. Since that's her favorite partner, she will share a sole body of consciousness in mind and power with them. So technically he'd your dad knows about A. He didn't freak at all. In fact, you told him to do it.  Because we only sold bonds. We only sold bonds with 1 person and that's even after death. Even if they're reincarnated, we're still connected by soul. She asked him to do that so no, it was not against her, will she asked him?

Yeah, because he's my Soulmate and says, I promise he's a complete sweetheart.He's a Kirin I'm sorry.I just unnoticed that me and him had I got closer to him.The more ister noticing it and that's when he told me that we were
A fated And don't say any.
Thing, I know what you're gonna say.You're gonna say something about his age, aren't you?But I don't care?He's sweet as can be and he's all mine.By the way , i'm never going to age When I sold bonded, it technically made me a true immortal like him, so I'm still human. Andrew Hypothesis was wrong, the original non humans. They can't have babies naturally so I can still get birth to a child for him. And it will still be a full-blooded mystic. As long as he loves me and trust me. Since our subconsciousness, as are connected.  I can tell how much he loves me

I mean, I'm happy for you.R sister, but you're just mad at marchester's.That marriage is a little, you know, sun or a soul bond that's unserious.I mean , I know that you really want to be loved by someone and to have them love you but don't you think he should have at least given a mean no offense when i'm very sure you're Probably a very nice guy, but you're gonna do just ...

She shut up when her sister walked over to her and touched her head with her hand putting it on both sides of her sister immediately shut up because the moment that those 2 connected their power and stuff. That means that she pretty much gained the power of a very powerful sorceress, which meant head. She could technically talk to you to tell pathetically or connect your consciousness. But whatever she showed her made, it made her sister.  Silence all of her worries.Cause she just immediately smiled and helped her sister

Wow, I'm so happy for you.How in the f*** did you do that though that was cool? And you brother in law come over here Thank you for loving my sister so much. You better keep her happy. I'm serious. She's ending up hurting in this lifetime. She's had people hurt her that none of business hurting her. Then she gave her whole heart to and they just stopped on. It also manipulated her by making them think that she was somebody that they weren't. She's just too kind. Hearted, and I hope you can.  Show her that not all the world and all love is shitty. I don't want her to see just the dark.I want her To be happy she's mailed her sister and she deserves it." Thank you , dear I appreciate it I've waited my whole life to meet your sister.I obviously i'm not gonna mess it up in any way I am literally as old as man.Is self since the very first man walked the Earth?That is how old I am I've never met once met a woman as amazing as your sister.Or That i've had more chemistry with but it's not just chemistry like I explained to you I And your sister's failed partner faded partner meant the person that That she is destined to be withe person that Is and will be her destiny, her fate.. And as I said, I've waited millennia after millennia to me, I'm not gonna f*** that up.I promise I will treat Like a Queen that she is.And thank you for not minding my age

Why do you all keep on mentioning age? I mean other than the fact that you're a silver fox you literally look like you're barely over 30. And not to be weird and don't take this wrong way.Babe, cause I know that he gets low jealous.Remember , babe , this is my Brother and lost i'm just giving him some words of encouragement

Don't worry, babe.I'm not gonna take it the wrong way we have a kid together.I'm literally not gonna take it as you flirting And i'm gonna say it before she does My brother, you are a very handsome man.You are very Good looking and not to mention built.And no I mean that in A very platonic way.I promise I don't swing that way I'm just saying you're very well built and you're huge You're just really Refined defined muscle build.You gotta really nice bod and all no you're very tall.

"Thank you Sign in sweetie but I assure you, I am not that age.I am way past that Add 31 years onto what you just said." He said giving them both a hug and Both of them aren't disbelief as they practically dropped their draws. And had to pull away and had to give him another double take before saying anything and even then I still hesitated.

You're sixty one holy fuck he's sixty one. I am so sorry I mean no disrespect for you do not look like you were 61. There is no way that a 61-year-old is built like a A d*** samurai, there's no freaking weight like you're built like almost like you're not built like a Gladiator but you do have the muscle like a samurai.Did you just have way too much muscle?To be that age like normal.It's 61-year-olds.Do not have A six pack no never mind that's And 8 pack even worse.What's 61-year-old has an Apocalypse.They exercise and work out and left with everyday.Or do extensive training on a daily basis?You look like you have the body of a freaking marine. And i'm not gonna lie you look young and youthful as hell You do not look like your age damn I hope I age like you. I'm definitely not saying anything about your abecause.There is nothing to say there.I mean d*** I mean, if I was to rage.I'd be flawn that s***I'm sorry, excuse my language.But I'd be slaughtering the fact that I have such a young useful body I would.I'd be late.Okay , look at me , guys , I can do things you cant. Especially since my wife works Works with the elderly , so she knows how deteriorated most Sixty one year old door you were nothing like the patient she is. Sad part is as if she works in her sister's clinic.Her sister's clinic is for non humans.So I've seen 61-year-old non.Humans And let me tell you none of them look as good as you do and I'm not gonna lie.You are very handsome in the face. Like as a platonic no homo. What do you want me to call you uncle dad brother grahams. Although I'd feel weird if I called my sister-in-law's husband-to-be grams.

Go ahead.Everybody in my clan, does it literally.You can literally call me dad father.Uncle grams grams is everybody's favorite though.I mean, I'm the oldest living mistake.So I'm honestly that I'm used to being called gramps.I'm the one who everybody comes to when they want to advise. And well wait what type of clinic do you own honey Honey, I'm a Doctor a surgeon technician. I also do mental health. I've had my psychology degree if I've been a therapist. And I've literally been everything in the medical field. And I'm also a geneticist. I'm maternity obviously. Because I'm the one that keeps track of my Queen's pregnancies and development in.  I'm Pretty much my mom's hair cleanse doctor which means I take care of over Almost thirty billion people In counting because I am literally all their baby doctor do I'm literally the one that takes care of my Whole species health. I could you know, help you out?I mean i've been doing this since the beginning of My first job ever on this Earth was literally a Doctor.. I'm also a chemist biologist and pretty much. Everything in the science area. Cause I learned to corrupt an assignment so I could be a geneticist and learn how to alter DNA and manipulate it in any way shape. Or form that I need to I can't even technically make clothes if I need to I know how to do a lot of advanced.  Medical procedures that a lot of other doctors have never removed.Because I designed them myself.And i'm the only doctor that ever knew about them Like for one I can manipulate DNA to literally. But we know what trades from which parent the child takes and know what eye colors they're gonna have now, what hair color they're gonna have and know what mental health they're gonna have. Their physical development mental development are going to develop. I can do all that and way more just by manipulating the embryo and uterol. When it's conceived.

Oh my god babe Would you Being my partner I'm at besides my favorite partner. I meant like. Would you partner with me in my clinic? I'm the only Doctor there because I'm the only one that work on on human subjects. And because I'm the only Doctor that actually agrees to work on non-human patients. I have a lot of them and a lot of them. I don't know how to deal with. And all of my staff are all family members. Because I can't hire anybody else.  Cause nobody wants to work with non humans.Because of how much more stronger they are just than us and because of how many my Past employees got hurt literally within the first date because of Not knowing what they were doing and what well getting hit while we were trying to restrain said.Patient it'd be nice to have an actual like non human members of my staff

What you mean, I'll do it. I'll be one of your nurses. I'm also a Doctor I'm also a Doctor I'm also AFB ICS I. A cop attractive a lot and one of the main leaning F phi agents. What was in the u? Yes. And China for over 7 years, so yeah, you got the best of the best of the best to yourself. By the way, I'm over 75,000 years old I'm also From the same group as him i'm a Yokai I made a 9 tailed fox and every single one of our members, especially the older ones, have all been through military training. Like your dear man over here ever seen. One of us have opened the military lease once all of us have had military training.
More than once in our lives because we're all Warrior types, so we've all been in service.  By the way, Jessie, you know, the Queen is the youngest member of our clan, so everybody else is most of us are over thousands of years old. The 2 youngest members are a Queen and arcane. She's 19, he is 23. No, they're not done growing yet, but that just shows you how young they are. They haven't even stopped growing yet.  He's gonna stop growing around like 28.She'll stop growing around like twenty six. I'm the Queen's right hand man.I'm her assistant secretary Enter auntie I raised her with Rin. We were 2 of the first yokai. She made and that she found when she was born, so we raised her. Cause he asked even though she wasn't creative like we've explained.She's a god so she can technically create a thousands of thousand to years and even at the beginning of time Thought of her maid because she's a God.She defies space and time true God's.They can elist and create way before they even were born. Or came into existence. You can call me auntie or Sis, I'm 47. So yeah my dear brother over there we do call him granps. Because I am the only older one other than him.And other than a couple of other members number and many of our members go past the age of 45.In fact, I'm almost close to none.Do.That's not a very pretty sprint pretty young Some of them will have the Queen alter their age to make them a bit older if they don't like how young they stop dating at.It depends she can even request their aging and reverse it make them younger depends on what they want to do. God, no seriously.If you want anything done, you ask her Queen, okay.Her Queen s Phoenix.Yes, I know, funny, haha.Ha, her name's Phoenix and she is a Phoenix, but she's literally the sweetest woman ever and she will bend over backs for you.If she thinks of you family. And since her husband is your president's son. Of course, anybody from your country has are full support. No fact that your sister is marrying one of our people and is soulmated to him.  It makes you family which means that she will litruly. Do anything and everything for you like. If you asked her to literally destroy a continent, she would probably do it for you and RB. You gotta understand our lady loves every single one of her people. They are her family.  Her family comes first.She will literally destroy an entire universe for her family And create an entire new one. Just that they would be safe. Trust me, I should know. Cause I've seen her do it. I've seen her literally cause a massive extinction. Save her people.
And create an entire new universe for us to live in. So we'd be safe grant. We didn't know We were in dream which is a dimension that the sandman runs granite. It was pretty much like a test. Run to see how good she would do. No, she, she way of her did what they thought she could and that's not even a quarter of what she can actually do so could you imagine what she can do now? She has an actual physical body. And she's not just in a dream consciousness but an actualawaken consciousness.. I mean, you're literally talking to a living.God who has the soul and power of the oldest living god ever created animals powerful on top of all the power that she has from the Pieces from my brother, God that she had put inside. Of literally the end, the beginning, the destruction. Whatever you want her to be, she can be, but my point ISIS that tincture family. Anything you ask, she will do and if she knows that the end is coming or that you know there's no turning back with this planet.  I'm just saying at least you know that she would keep you alive. And by that I mean, she'd bring you with us if we would have to evacuate for any means of circumstance, but don't take that to heart we've talked to her, she told us that this planet is completely healthy. Okay. She has healed it for the most part from all the damage of the pollution and the overbreeding the overpolluting over fishing over hunting, everything that's done damaged this planet. She has pretty much been trying to heal me in her time and is doing an excellent job at it.  So she should be able to reverse and endanger. That has been done, but it's gonna take a while before. It starts to show in your species. Another word your lifespan will be extended. Your life expectancy will be extended and will flourish a lot. Better diseases will start to diminish and will start to disappear from your species and will actually not show at all. In other words, be eradicated because all this is.  A result of corporating poor life choices, poor decision-making and just not caring for one's human life. Humans are delicate. One little thing can cause them to become a fragile. But a reality humans made us. Humans are a lot more complex than what you think. But because your brain has been trained to only use certain parts of it. Your consciousness is not full.  Do you know that a fully healthy human-like? The ones that come from our Queen can not only live to 6500 years. There's their life expectancy is a lot. Bethere lifespan and way of life is a lot more healthy.  And on top of that, they have no cancers. No diseases. No old-timers know nothing. The only reason why they dad was literally old age and they had no reproductive problems. Sure, they didn't have as many children because, for one they live so long and they live such full lives that back then. It wasn't really a big deal cause they lived long lives. But nowadays you guys live such short life. Spans that you don't live that long. You don't fully understand how strong your consciousness is. Humans have the consciousness that strong enough to create an Empire. God, I mean, you guys have enough consciousness to bring the mother of all into reality.  Didn't even realize that you had that type of power. The human mind is amazing. You can do all kinds of things with it. You can literally alter space and time if you don't want it to, if you could reach that amount of consciousness but it does take extreme focus and lots of discipline. And sadly, we're the only creatures that know how to do other than the angels and we have one of those. We actually have an archangel our brother.  She's got 2 twin brothers. Once demon, because he equals out of her chaos, you don't understand she is a weapon but not against you, not against humans, not against anything. She's actually a weapon to save humans. She's actually a weapon to pretty much. Save Mankind because anything that threatens Mankind threatens her existence.  Her pure existence is to make sure that man lives. Or pure existences to create humans say yes, the ones that are from her are a lot more healthier. So if I gives you any recollection of who you're dealing with? I don't think you're clinical to worry about anything.  Because we have plenty of employees for you to pick from another words. If you don't like working with a certain one of us you can react to getting another 1 and she will put anybody in your position that you want..

Wait a minute that's the mother of all, oh my, God, oh my God, my, God, oh my, God, oh my, God, oh my, God, oh my, God, oh my God, oh my, God, oh my God, oh my, God, oh my God, oh my, God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my, God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I'm sorry I did not mean to forget like that.I'm just I'm a devoting , i'm one Of her biggest followers other than my sister in Russia. We literally go to the monasvery, one of the very few ones that's in Russia of hers. That ofinally worships her embraced her. She is so pretty. She is so much more prettier than I thought and I'm glad that she's not like they said today. She was on the other countries. Cause I'm sorry but that was a little inappropriate. If I got a kid and whenever I was listening to the other countries with my sister to go visit her. I seen how They were devoting themselves to her and I did not agree with that there's very Is sexualized.

Yeah, I don't know where they got that from like I explained to your sister. I really don't know where they got that from cause. Honey, here's the thing. I'm a goddess of war wisdom destruction creation. I'm young and young pretty much. That's what I am. I'm mother, Earth. Nothing about me says anything about being sexualized and wanting to ask people. For God knows what for an offering. Could stress me as soon as they're offering? Start to coming to me whenever I awoke.  In my physical body cause I was absolutely separated from it. I smell like some. I smell like my body. It looked without a soul in it. Yeah, I didn't know they were doing that or else. I would have corrected it beforehand I promise I would have never let it go the far left. I'm telling you what, honey, I'm not sexualized. In any way, shape or form, OK, I'm not no offense to this particular demon.  I've got nothing wrong with Succubesses are incubuses but i'm not sexualized. Yes, I literally don't know where they got that from. Nothing about my description. Says anything about. I want you to offer me your virginity. Which, by the way, was one that was popping in a lot and it kind of disturbed me as well. Because I am 19 years old. Do I look like I want that? No, this is my first actual life that I've lived. This is my first time actually being born in the physical body. Yeah, I know, I am not a very sexual person. No, thank you. I am a weapon of mass destruction a creator.  Of worlds and universes and species.I do not know I have nothing to do with that.I mean not to be t.M.I but the only person i've ever been with is my husband i'm over A 1049 years old and this is my first actual life that I've lived and he is the only person I've ever loved or ever went anywhere past kissing with so you gotta no, I'm definitely not over sexualized, and we do have children, but they are not even year old. Our oldest isn't really like not even a month. Old and are 2 twins that were just born. We're not even supposed to be born until 9 months from now. But somebody stressed me out and I let out my rage.  Which Cause them to rapidly develop a lot quicker than supposed to and caused me to go into early labor. But the children are fully developed.There's nothing wrong with them.They are perfectly completely healthy in every way shaper's form. I had Had your sister's fiancé?Look them over really thoroughly, including making sure that they were fully developed inside.And out heart lungs, reproductive systems in all Just to make sure that nothing was underdeveloped whenever they were born like you know , make sure that everything's developed properly because you know I mean , they could have been born without the proper Gender or something mean cause you gotta understand the hat twins of 2 differen.What sex is?I had a son and a daughter so like you know, them.Being twins that could Have been born with the wrong one.Like he could have been born with And Been born male genetically but not had the right. Yes, so I had him look him over. I know it's overdoing it, but with how early they were and how rapidly they developed so rapidly within hours. I wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong. He said genetically blood tests, everything. Everything came out clear and they match. So it's not like that and since we haven't had a natural birth.  And so long until my first born was born, which caused a ripple of factor which made a lot of my females who had faith, Partners.End up Popping out babies like crazy because it also caused them to go on a hyperdrive when they realized that I went in the labor which meant them rapidly.
Develop and going to early labor but luckily none of the babies were harmed and all the babies were okay. See, I didn't know. I could do that because I'm a newborn. Of course, not gonna know that it's my first time having a physical body. I'm not gonna know what all I can do. And what type of effect that's gonna happen to my people. I learned real quick no. That can cause rapid effect.  Because I'm telling you.I ended at two twenty three billiand ended up with over sixty by the time they were gand that's just because my second pregnancy also calls the same thing All my women that were expecting had their babies and all the ones that We might be expecting.We're told that they were pregnant ended up being a lot further along than what they were supposed to be like.They cameid they might have an inkling.My doctor told them it was all too soon to know Obviously without early, they conceived and within them. They came back after I gave birth. They were already like 3 to 5 months pregnant. Get, my people are greatly influenced by everything. That's going on with me emotionally and physically. And it shows because it causes ripple flexible, flexibility. Tire clan, and that's because we're also close to the point where our females are in sync. Just like how certain females who live together.  Menstrual cycles become insane.Yeah, apparently it's not humans.It's the same except it's with birth edge and pregnancy as soon as one of us gets pregnant especially if it's me i'm a mass amount of my population ends up pregnant, Having baby fever, and giving birth Due to an early labor. Which is triggered by me going into an early labor. And I've noticed that anytime that my pregnancies.Or births are Rapidly accelerated. I've noticed that it doesn't seem to them.. So I really am trying to watch how many children I have and how close together. So we are going wait a little bit until these ones are a little bit older. Before we try again, see, we were not expecting to get this Spring at this quickly. We were playing on having another baby. But we figured that like a human. It would take a while no, it wouldn't happen within the first try. And by the way, it was an accident, we weren't trying this timthat's another thing. We weren't trying it was an opsy. We didn't think I was that fertile.  We figured like any Normal mail it.Would you know have to take place during a certain time of a month like ovulation?And apparently it did not apparently my people ovulate as soon as they start selling really intense motions of love for their causes them to Triggers the hormone which causes them to go in heat.Which by the way will affect your sister even though she's a human but because of her consciousness being attached to her fated partners she will have the tissue now. Anytime that anything triggers or sets the mood as You humans put it.He will go and heat she will conceive. But that's only because he's already marked her as his faded.He's already so bonded with her.If they weren't soul bonded it wouldn't be as easy. In fact We can't conceive or have our heat triggered unless you're feeling intense.Emotions of love which are not only triggered by or somebody that were soulblonded too. You can technically still be soul Bonded to somebody that can technically still not be you're fated But when you're so bond with somebody , that's not They're fate It's not like the same as if it is their faded If it's defaded and their soul Bonded them they Don't Alaska even after death. But if it is then even after their death and name and after the report is rank are needed, they will be connected to that person, no matter how many times
They are reincarnated or who they're reincarnated. It too, because a faded. Is somebody that's made for you, your soul?  And there's old are like you a nang. They're 2/2 of 1 hole. They're who you belong to. They're who you're made for or who is made for you and you can meet them at any time of your life. But see, humans don't live long enough lives to meet thei mean, look at poor rent here.  Took him over well since the beginning of time to even find Anyone.Maybe he's been in life for billions and billions of years since the beginning of man and he's never once found a partner that What's his fated until today. And I think of him Almost as a father figure, even though nobody will ever take the place of my actual father, he is an amazing man and he loves me very dearly and you're some amazing person.But but the first father figure avenue in my terrible life Was your sister's fiancé?So I do think of him very much as a father.He's always treated me like I was his own and he's always taking the underneath his wing.Or any one of our other clan members.When they've needed it he's always active like father hen to everyone. So, yes, he is one of my most important clan members and he is also the head of my council for my clan. My clan is run by a council of kings and a council of elders group group. My species are all divided into group. Some different regions of different types.  Of different races and different breeach.One is ran by a king that I pacifically made the first king and then I put in that place.Yuki is the king of all My o k because she is the most trustworthy of all my people while ivy is the king of all my fae. Most of my kings do not have Partners yet. 2 of my kings do a couple of my kings are dating but they're not.They haven't found their I don't even know if you technically.Got that updating , but since you're Sisters with the mainhead of my counsel.I don't care to share Anything I have No or Have my disposal for you to use We'll be open for you any of you That are close family to her Like any of her close family members that are closely related You her sister, her dad.Any of you need any help?You ask me directly My name is phoenix and if you ever need to get a hold of me I am going to give you my info or my husband if you can't get a hold of me , get a hold of me , get a hold of me , get a hold of him I am a full time mom and a full time supreme and a obviously full time god So I'm not gonna lie.Sometimes my hands are pretty tight but for family I put them first above all wells which also includes you So just name how many non humans you need and what types you need and forth I will assign the very best ones to help you at your clinic.And they're all great with humans because they're all mystic Not mimics and their old pearbraids.And I'll even give you access to all my Documents knowledge and anything else for anything that you need to know about our species or any other species From their genetic makeup to their bloodlines to anything else Like I even know every single genetic makeup of her single animal so you need it you ask." I said handing the child back to his mother who had walked over to me when she seen how young I was.She could not stop staring and she also got a huge just kick out of my little ones.As soon as she seen how tiny they were her eyes wshe couldn't , she couldn't stop watching them like she went and assured up my mode to Straight up mom mode and she started cooling Adam and just loving a lot of autumn.I even let her hold them and her sister was shocked.Her sister.Did not hesitate to take that opportunity to come over to me and hold.My baby's too.She told me that she was honest.I just were late for her to ask me because of that.
Being on human she didn't know how friendly I'd be about her Holding my baby since they were so young.I literally laughed with my husband before saying I'll say you are a family you don't have to ask What did you not get about? He practically raised me. He's practical in my father. So yes, you can see them whenever you seem really good.At kids so I guess everyone a babysit.I'm i'm fair game until I could use some pointer since i'm a new mom and we're kind of close in age.

Yeah, but see, that's what I'm so shocked about.I mean, we're the same.Age I got pregnant I'm gonna be honest by accident way earlier than I ever expected.Which yes, ended up getting in the way of my career and what not cause I was signing up for college and stuff when I found out I was pregnant and had the first dear.Yes, I did Finish school, but I had to do it from my sister's clinic.Luckily she owned her own clinic from when she graduated Due to her focusing so much on school and putting her Life on hold just so she could get off her schooling done I'm not even joking to help me with my pregnancy. As soon as my sister found out I was pregnant. She literally stopped everything that she was doing cause. She was actually gonna get more degrees and get a higher education. Since you already had such a diverse education and such a advanced schooling and already had her own.  Company started. She shut down most of her major company that she had just started opened up her own clinic in our place which she did actually have clinics throughout the entire hemisphere and different countries and everything, but it was new and non humans were kind of a new thing.  So it was just starting to take off and she had to stop it. She had to go on a bankruptcy because it's a fact that I will became a mom as she had to stop come back here, which is why she has to travel so much. She's not actually just sole searching. She's actually working too cause she's a traveling. Doctor since she's the only one of the very few in the world that actually work with non humans and actually.  Have knowledge of their anatomy, body, makeup and physical trace and everything.She's the only one that can really work on.That knows your genetics enough to fix them and you know make mimics she's one of the very few that know how to do that too. Well, she's actually gonna came up with it when she was like 15, what she accidentally did while she was with my dad is my dad.Did Genetics d n a analyst doctor That could even like create Then on humans that you see that we make today. I mean, they can't exactly have children. So we have to artificially make them or create them. In other words, we can do either or but before we were able to create them. We had to make them from once humans.. Which they still do to this day until they can build up the population. My sister was one of the co-founders of that.." She explained to me as I looked at her sister.

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