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"Oh crap no way yeah I know you'd watch that stress can cause early labor and it caused some serious damage they Offspring too you're glad you got such a good doctor. Don't know why I didn't know that affected you like that." The old man said as Rin did a couple of exams like is ultrasound in a couple of other machines just put everything was okay and was it somehow damaged from when I went into labor prematurely.

"Yes I can but luckily she's in good hands people that love and adore her. And he would never let anything happened to her okay you're good everything checks out your highness nothing looks like it's of any concern mean you have a little bit of damage from women you know going into labor prematurely." Rin said giving me okay. To be discharged he just wanted to make sure that everything kind of whole wise was looked at before we just took off back home and knowing it they won't check be there but then the equipment and I have the doctor. Doctor walked over to the man looking after he had a weird machine hooked up to him. He looks better for a minute or as I find cuz he realized what it what.

" and they're letting you walk around with this that's severe negotes on their part if you're on this you're not supposed to be if you walk around

Yeah I know they tell me about all the time but they never stop me you don't have to tell this old man I know that I'm living off of borrowed time. Something my conditionism because of exposure during the war I'm actually a World War veteran I was believe it or not once believe it or not the five star general. I was born happy with him I never affected me once but because I have experience returning the war I got so much exposure to some s*** I really shouldn't have because I breathed it in and affected me when I had her older and I developed this chronic condition. Doesn't really bothering my wife said 10 years ago so at least I got somebody waiting for me there yeah not really have any other family and friends like I do but they just don't go visit me they don't call they just at this point waiting for their old man if I said they can have as will. Kids are so ungrateful give them life give them a nice life work your life away until my condition showed up and deteriorating my body. Had this problem I'm just having somebody to say hi to instead of staring at the hospital ceiling waiting for Sweet Angel of Death to say enough is enough. Or you know the version I hope I get my wife coming to get me I'd take her hand in a table week I'm actually trying to hold up until my only great job actually loves me and visit me gets home from deployment sadly my living relative that even bothers with me is in the military he's a servant I don't get to see him in office on leave and comes back out oh I'm the recently join the military because still no one ever thought the world with me my children were sweet and they were young very loving children but as soon as I started getting older being teenagers and started hanging out with their Buddies. They just started doing their own thing and became stupid to hang out with that and then slowly always had with my wife women's cancer took her I was done I only stuck around for that sweet boy. He always comes around that time tomorrow then hopefully I can rest in peace. I want to see him one more time." He said before His nurse from and came out with him to come over cuz she wasn't coming over to come get him. When one of the other nurse surprisingly actually did walk over to the doorway

Can I talk to you real quick I wouldn't bother you but when you're able can you please let me come stop by right now and again we don't have the heart to tell him or we did but he forgot and walking in the situation he'd be well we've kept you and walking in the situation it's really sad now I just told you about his grandkid well he's waiting for that grandchild forever 3 years. That man was not supposed to be on his death bed like they literally told us that he could go at any time that was 7 years ago he has literally the five all logic nobody can figure out how he's still alive at all he just want to go it's because his grandson well about 2 years ago we got to call soon as I found him after he went missing 3 years ago we don't I'm sorry to tell him because then I will have nobody and he'll know that he's alone Jeremy was his name Jeremy I was a sweet boy really nice really a big gentleman big ass teddy bear sweetest thing ever did see at all the nurses love them then he would bring in every one of the mom's flowers during the first day I need to come visit his grandpa and she has he got the chance to. Well one day on me when they were supposed to be coming back home he never showed up celebrated and waited we accidentally found out that there was report if I'm missing in action so we kept hush hush hoping that they were fine wishful thinking. I'm not feeling this weekend got that call it was the worst day ever because it wasn't a normal circumstance either and it just or something really good enough to tell her Grandpa because if you found out what happened and how it actually happened it would ruin him. " a short sweet little nurses running up to the doorway

"That's what we tell you guys you guys can not say a word but you seem to be nice or maybe wanting all might come over every once more like me whenever you get a chance I would say once for the week but I don't know what he's going to go I don't want to go by himself not after everything that has been through he's too sweet to me for so much s*** just to die by yourself." A second nurse. Said

"yeah like you guys cannot repeat this and never tell him because I'm telling you it's f*****." a third nurse said. Wheeling herself over and wheeling herself over in her desk chair.

"Why what happened it's okay we swear I won't say nothing we're all soldiers ourselves all my people are Warrior types" my husband assured them.

"Okay but don't say I didn't warn you it's bad. Like the woman that we heard it we all got sick stomachs." As the third nurse said.

" okay well he was out normal recon training it was just training and you know the boys they like to be stupid get drunk that night and Go pass out on the beach or go find a nice little forgein lady
You know how soldiers like to partake in the native women. And yes this would be very out of him if that would be the case cuz he normally only focus is on work he was all working to play his fellow soldiers used Tournament of all the time about it saying that he was going to be like his uncle have all the military honors in the world but no woman ever involved in his life he never did never had a girlfriend ever got married to my kids but there's his life to honest fullest. But despite being such a serious character he was actually very funny and very sweet like he was just the nice guy without me and so respectful. Well they did before he went on recon actually made a huge announcement that shocked the hell out of his grandpa and is the reason why he's so hard to see him he had met a girl that oxygen and guided attention is this man never liked any more interesting anymore how pregnant or what if you want a car or his military training or anything like that he didn't want nothing to do with it. He has the prettiest ladies coming up and tried is pension and he could care if you shift Plus yes he had just recently not this woman but he already wanted to marry her and on the day of his recognition of the day he was supposed to go into work because she was that native woman to the country he was deployed in. His cousin that was involved in some Navy SEAL s*** did warn him not in that native area don't need any of the woman you never know anybody he was like oh she's just really like don't date any of the native women were alone try to marry them don't do it it realize and him being obviously his nephew he didn't listen well let's just say you probably should listen to his uncle they told everybody that was a don't worry gone mission training the somehow some way some shapes and form by a freak accident stop loss but Annoying was him just wanted to and died at least possess the story they want spoon feed everybody but they told us the truth and we decided this not tell anyone but I think you guys will be able to handle it better since your soldiers anyways and you know not human nature probably a lot older than you look probably a couple hundred so obviously this is it going to hit you as hard I mean you're Immortal you probably seen it all anyways." The first nurse said to me I'll just look at her very intently.

"Oh no these guys some of these guys are ho ho they're way too old for you to get out honey one of my beings in here alone is 75,000 years old. We're true Immortal so we never done one do we ever age you can only kill a Mystic with another Mystic. And loss of the whole population of our species lives in one place and we all free to like family that's kind of an issue how long my beings is literally as old as mankind the one that's my doctor is literally as old as the first humans time is it ever walked there is curious what actually happened okay we can't just tell me that and not tell me what actually happened now I'm curious." I said.

Damn she's in the news with that old holy can only then maybe you can definitely hear this I'm it's probably I mean like yeah it's f***** up and it probably won't bother you but I know you're not going to get physically sick and you know we have people quit their job after they heard it let's just put it like that with that bad and that's because I personally knew that young man absolutely love him and what happened in was f***** up and shouldn't never happened if he had been more aware about why his uncle was saying that I knew the truth was saying that don't date and the native women I bet she would never touch that girl it was f*****. They said it was normally Recon training which means that also were doing was running through the woods okay they thought he was with them and she wasn't the beginning I normally you just like there's a voice as a group with your gun well when I got back he was no worries right that was not like him normally he was always bread with the group always actually not like the head of the verb but he said he wasn't feeling completely wrong he said this is my fault off since I got home last night from his well it was supposed to be the date of his proposal but when he proposed and didn't quite go away you wanted to and he was pretty heartbroken they figured he was just I'm sick and just want to receive home on leave so you can see his grandpa who gave him through his grandma's ring which is the best time to the family ever have somebody got married they passed along with their son well they never found it but I think I know what happened to that too. But because he was going to Recon they didn't think it was anything serious I figured you just sat down and take a break because he wasn't feeling well I mean but it didn't look like he was like deathly sick or anything didn't look like you even have a cold if you still like he was sick as in he was feeling heartache and only till later did we actually get the whole picture. He had been deployed there for a while and never single year he got deployed the same section I never realized why your turns out he had thrown something so one of the young Village ladies her name was Vena I know how stupid right it'll make sense later. Just make sure to remember this it says big significant piece later then. Vena stand for Venom Venom stands for Venomous. Is later found out but still even the does it sounds suspicious but no." One of the nurses said as Wren made a face that they all to for familiar with.

"Which country is this I said sign cuz I think I know where this is going already cuz as soon as she said venomous it triggered my flashbacks. I instantly sick to my f****** stomach." Rin said as him and Yuki keep both look like they were getting sick to their stomach.

"Well it was near the Hades River there's a place in Africa their a small village in Africa." A nurse said. " okayI'm going to start it right I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you're talking about and the expression on my face probably says it all as oldest man I've Been Everywhere including near there I'm going to tell you there's one thing that you as soon as you said venomous I already knew. Okay okay keep going I'm not going to spoil it I want to see if they can figure it out." Rin said turning away and putting his fist to his mouth like he was trying to keep himself from get sick. Yeah I'm starting to think that you didn't want to talk about cuz that face is basically we're all making it as soon as we f****** her the story and from your face I'm guessing you've had encountered it more than once because that face me looks like seen some s*** I can't answer when we heard some s*** we can on here and I feel bad for you cuz looks like you've actually seen in person"

"You're my face is at all cuz I have on several times in person I accident sadly cuz I was stationed in Hades when I was in the military okay like I had never been an African my life okay I am as old as mankind never been there I finally find a promotary in like 1560 I was in one of the platoons they picked to secure the railroad when they're making it and what was over van and his experiences in they figured I'd be perfect to be the perfect person to be present if something happened and someone just a soldier I was also a doctor a very highly trained doctor and I was supposed to surgeon and everything else so like I had the perfect resume for if somebody dropped off their arm I'm getting to know how to fix it so they don't get gangrene because we already know that back in the day if you got gangrene you were f*****. They would normally get a serious very serious infection and that's from said serious infection because I didn't know how to clean it properly I do as whenever he wants it did and I also knew how to save somebody if they were quote let's just say that they haven't gotten or something I know how to stop the artery and say they are you don't realize how many times back in the day that a man would literally cut off his own hand while trying to hammer down the tracks it happens a lot more than you think a lot more than anything also it was just really dangerous back then because it didn't have proper safety regulations or nothing so like nothing was ever sanitized either so on top of that they had to watch their food and make sure that they cleaned it properly before eating otherwise get f****** Ebola or something like that that's just an example you could get all kinds of s*** just from it sitting out because you don't know what the f*** touch that cuz no offense but you don't have any monkeys come through those camps and do you know how many of those monkeys carry freaking diseases and they're touching all over your food or your counters and they weren't exactly stand here back then say you get a whole entire epidemic of diseases just flourishing if somebody freaking forgot to wash their freaking food before eating it because these idiots of course back then we're not educated on food prep because they didn't store their meat properly either it's going to have a time to meet with a contaminated I needed with somebody with like f****** mad cow disease molasses has a point no I had witnessed what you're talking about by accident my parents accident because whatever I'm not going to do any spoilers but they don't like mistakes okay I think they don't like mistakes cuz they could tell I wasn't human right off the bed and I know that because one of them excellent cut there are days we're brought to me by the railroad men this person dropped off their own f****** arm just because I touched it and then ran away I don't know if they died or what I never seen him after that though and every time I got near the village they would avoid me like a plague my Superior started getting suspicious of me thought I was like a criminal or something to the house scared they were with me yeah oh no my colleagues were very very concerned when they seem that they very nice Village people that are normally also very nice started acting very aggressive at least we're really only seen me one of those two the other ones ever be all sweet and all hey baby you get it like yeah so remember to say back then they were more frequent though so I had like a new case every other f****** week so yeah I've never seen more than six times I lied but I'm seeing it through my whole entire platoon which means that they literally did that to everything one of my men I was the only one left so they thought that I like knew something that's how I didn't so I wanted to know that I curiosity yeah I regreted that one real quick cuz they actually went into the village into the village not just the looked at it I actually went into it I already did that as an instantly but I figured it'll happen all my men and all that it wasn't even better that was it actually was f****** way worse." Oh you you I was going to come over here and say hi to my new colleague but no thank you I don't want to talk about that that s***'s gross and answer I apologize for all that because you did not deserve to see that like I heard it and I was like I puked I could only imagine seeing in person in multiple times to a whole entire no no no pass okay well tell me when you guys are done I'm not sticking around for the rest of that story but it's nice to meet you." When it is doctor said whenever he wield over his desk chair trying to introduce himself while eating itself but he put that salad down real quick when he recognize what they were talking about I mean in fact he actually didn't even touch it his food for the rest all the time and you can tell me he was hungry But because his stomach is growing but he just did not want it cuz he got reminded or something I was going to really repulsive. They waited till he was out of eat shot to lean in and start telling the story again.

Okay well it sounds I mean yeah it doesn't sound really suspicious you know it sounds like okay that's what I'm saying she was a very sweet very pretty so she was the prettiest Village girls but they all seemed actually very sweet and very gentle okay very pretty very luring there's no already been out something's pretty nice and alluring and and y'all don't even speak the same language they're from an isolated part of the world where nobody from the outside comes in and nobody news about the village or what the name is just always run there's a reason why I never knows about it but anyhow they were so nice that like the military didn't think anything of it they were just like oh maybe they're just not marked or not okay so when she started seeming to take more interest than him and more interest when he hit his growth spurt where he shot up like a damn tree and got got really toned muscles for being in the army. Because for some reason he didn't shoot up like a freaking tree and so he was in his early twenties which is very very weird but his grandpa said that he did have relatives with something similar it was a genetics mutation which causes a big delay in their family tree when they hit puberty it actually instead of them heading puberty at like 15 to 17 they don't have it till they're 19 to 21 when you're busy growing all together will he hit his giant ass growth spurt at 21 and he did shoot up like really he really it hit his growth spurt with 7.9 by the time but they captured his last measurements and he was mainly all muscle and lean which is what they say when they mean barely or almost none." I started gagging when I noticed where this was going.

"Ewww gross don't say it your going to make me puke I hate cannibals." I heaved. Fury touched my forehead as it illuminated. Making me fall asleep so they could here the rest of the story and good thing I didn't.

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