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"Talk about deja vu I think one of them is here or what is going on why do I know that we've had this conversation we've seen this before already babe can you erase some of these conversations without actually having to reverse time entirely Embrace everything that just happened cuz I want to keep on this timeline but just erase some of those conversations." Goliath

"On it come on baby baby you know I can do this this is like Child's Play to me I'm getting hang of this God power of mine I'm getting a real hang of it." I said, doing my magic. Actually baby daddy's want me to erase everything that we talked about before told them what. And Ezekiel are cuz if I can do that and then simplify some of the other conversations we had about for me Mystics and make it much smaller less information more dumbed down for it's not ruin them as much more vague details on how strong we actually are in the night May correct the error. I've noticed that always shows up originally going to deep detail on what our job is maybe just like guys said give them very vague information all right okay it's done I don't dumped it down to a mythological creatures we are giants and Titans and we are always stronger than mimics and guess they do have to look at they really want to know so there you go done and done error corrected now let's go back to the time flow." I said as I started time back up to where they were pointing out that period Fury and Ezekiel were behind them.

"Oh yeah sorry about that that those are actually my two biological older twin brothers." I explained rocking our little ham in my arms.

"And what are they?" One of his relatives asked.

"Well Ezekiel is a demon and fury is an angel but they're twins so they balance each other out and don't worry this big giantivers they're harmless in fact they're actually really super sweet most of my people are honestly I'll tell you which ones dangerous and that's executioner and that's if he's mad. Trust me you didn't know I made him or blood on a bad day they're not called for a reason" I assured them and they look back at them they just waved at them they waved back and just went and looked back at me. So are we response around and talk about Mystics all that mean I love Mystics you guys seem cool but we're on a time limit Darlings my winning needs to happen by the way Phoenix your dress looks amazing why is your rest of the Bridesmaids aren't you being in the bridesmaid lineup or whatever.

Yeah didn't you ask me to be the maid of honor or did you change your mind. I mean I don't care that your choice but if my husband's going to be in your lineup I would like to be his partner during the whole thing but hey that's not my call it's not my wedding it's the baby isn't it if that is the problem that's a little rude because that's your niece

Well it's not like I could exactly just tell you hey you got a kid that would be a little weird to had my maid of Honor holding a baby

Yeah I don't have feel about that just that type of attitude I don't like for one that you're amazed and my child no offense me being a mother comes first Court anything else so if you have a problem meeting with my kid all the time I really hate to say this for your family don't ask me for favors cuz do you realize how much I spent on your Venue and stuff I mean that's just kind of rude to do to me oh so wait so that's what this was all that you got me a nice rest so that way that whenever you told me I could be in the lineup with my husband my husband and that's another girl had to walk up with him and dance with him that I can't be mad because you got me an address well news flash honey I am a very hormonal very powerful Mystic who happens to be very pregnant so if you want to do all my f****** hormones honey go right ahead cuz you're making me any more normal right now thank you guys are so nice to me earlier so loving towards me earlier and now you're telling me that but okay it's your wedding you do whatever the f*** you want just don't expect me to bend over backwards and yes I have a right time my feelings f****** hurt I mean like I'm doing something nice for my sister-in-law I get told this crap oh and that's my fill babe I swear if you woke up with her I'm done I will go back to Japan and if you don't come home I swear to God I we'll make you regret that decision really quick

Babe all I got to do is do one dance and do one line come on

No not f****** come on I mean this is the first time I've ever met your family and she kind of told me that and yeah I had my heart set on it so yeah judge me you can call me Charles I don't get f*** but he's my husband I don't want no other female dancing with him if she even post so much as touches him I can promise you that would be the last thing..."

"Come on baby why are you doing that I did talk to her about it first I did tell her well she's going to be very upset she's pregnant and hormonal she will be upset about that cuz she really did like her"

"Yeah f****** did before she replaced me with some other chicks so much for her the other day like what the f*** like I tracked down the person that robbed her put him in jail did all the things that she asked me to do I even set up a tour at our honeymoon her dream honeymoon let me add even had one of my best of my best friend show to be hard I had one of my Kings do it I don't just let anybody do that and I even had her that was Mark all the actual places where these guys thought if and everything like do you know how hard it is to step an actual freaking faeTour I don't know if you noticed or not but they're not exactly the most gentle creatures in the world on the fact that wait malevolent most of them are not exactly nice either do you realize that they are actually really highly aggressive I even took care of her reception I literally took care of everything including her decorations boxes everything that she asked for yeah I don't expect anything on return except f****** respect. Like I said this is the first time I'm at your family I Sesame for wanting to be involved because I felt like I felt like family cuz I let my feelings get in the way. I've been backwards for anybody likes to think of as family and I will do and go anywhere for them to any length and for any m************ role and do things I know I'm not supposed to if that means it is for a family member I am willing to go against literally every single one of my instincts in order to make that family ever happy or she could feel something that they asked me to do I would never ask for anything over her except for respect so sue me for actually wanting to actually be involved this time instead of just you know but she's my sister-in-law I kind I don't know I guess I shouldn't have expected anything f*** guess that's what I get not all families blood I've ever once maybe I could actually have one that's blood. So sue me for being myself and making everything about the ones I love instead of just my damn self so yes I'm allowed to be a little selfish every now again especially after how much it pay for all the s*** not to be offensive yes it is beautiful but like I said I'm the one that took care of all this you do realize I have a Wonder species I have to take care of right yeah I'm going to be the richest person in the world but I have to take care of the whole entire f****** species they need me to and instead I put your inviting over my actual priorities do you realize how many more women are actually having babies right now so yeah no I didn't need to do this and I didn't have to do it I have over 1,000 females having babies and I put your wedding over my priority which is take care of my people instead I took care of your wedding and I set it up decorated it and got all your dresses. No I'm not shoving in your face I did all that but I kind of had a right to be upset because for one I put Family First and instead you put friend first you showed me where your priority is at which is not in your family at all I push you first because I put my family first and not to be rude baby I actually wanted to be best friends in my sister-in-law for once instead of not really knowing them like I shouldn't have to do things like that for you for you in order for you to treat me like family or friend like I get it you're allowed to choose whatever you want to do and stuff like yeah you are that's very much choice but it's just the concept I can do all this for you and you can pretty much act like I'm not even there or like I I didn't matter because if you f****** did you to put my feelings into consideration like I did yours like I said you don't have to nobody's forcing you but it's just the concept that you didn't. do you want from in my liver just because I'm pregnant you're going to be rude to me." I said, looking at this stupid father aggressive she got me up supposed to Phoenix feathers yes I just think it was moved to most beautiful thing in the world but now I think it's the most disappointing cuz she was using it to Prime me out of being in the lineup. "You weren't even going to give me a f****** choice for you you just gave me a dress and I expected me to Just Surrender without saying anything like that's f***** like that's really f***** marigold and you literally just used me for that I'm just say bye like that's that's rude you cannot just give somebody else's position to somebody else that like putting their feelings in a situation or asking them first they have to willingly do that especially if you asked me first I've been different if you asked her first but you didn't and yeah I thought me and you're cool like really I thought we were friends I thought we were and yeah I thought we were besties but whatever you didn't even f****** ask me all you had to do was f****** at least ask I mean now I've been so f****** pissed but this don't want to be as pissed as I am now because of the realization that you didn't even f****** ask me you just literally got me address and said here get off like what the f*** then you didn't even ask me if I was okay with random girl dancing with my husband you go to Voice ask me that too cuz I'm married to him more than seven he's getting like you could at least ask me those things are w**** f****** playing behind my back and then literally replacing me with some other... you really did not give a s*** did you that's my husband I'm married to him you asking me first sister are not you're not the one that has to watch them and you love more than anything in the world dance with another b**** how'd you feel that if I made your fiance do that." I snapped grabbing at the feathers because I was so mad I wanted to rip it off.

"Sorry sis been up since my wife this bad you know I can't do it but I'm not risking my marriage just so I can be in your lineup I'm sorry but if you choose a friend of her I respect that but I'm not going okay I will send with my life where I'm supposed to be cuz I get why she feels that she is pregnant she is going to be very insecure about certain things that normally wouldn't matter can you remind me all you want I get it cuz I agreed to do it but she matters more money than just I at least I'm pregnant at least I'm still here where you get what I'm saying at least I didn't leave I'm just not going to be in the lineup with you guys because I'm not going against her will if she asked me not to do I'm not going to do it I'm not about to upset her like that Andrew did abruptly ask her out of nowhere like you were fine with it the whole time and I even told you that your friends all the time but when you noticed her baby bump you did say something out of nowhere with no context so yeah I can understand why she's being a little insecure about it and you know I don't blame her either because those are my kids she has my babies you cannot expect me to use upset her and dance with another female after she asked me specifically not to I don't get with the deal with the baby bumps I mean like females are allowed to have baby bumps I mean yes I can kind of see the baby. But I don't exactly just trust anybody holding my kid either..." Goliath said I look down realizing that I was about ready to pop again.

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