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"The one and only. There will one ever  be one of me. nice to meet you brother. Yes Im her biological twin Goliath and this lovely lady is my Wife Phoenix. The little one is our daughter Crimson. Our first born and Phoenix is actually pregnant with our second child. Hope it's not a problem my twin sister invited us without telling you."

"No not at all Goliath I'm happy she invited you and your family.  Your  one of the most important people in her life. I just had now clue you were a non-human. I don't have any problems with mimics..." he stopped when Marigold covered his mouth. Pointing at  Goliath. " im not a mimic actually we're purebred Mystics we're true Immortals and Giants so our Giants and Titans are much bigger and stronger than any  mimic. Mystics are actually the most ancient and strongest and most powerful species of non-human we're actually very first species are not human so no we're not mimics we're way more than that a mimic. Can I stick my dear brother stand for mythological creatures do you know like shapeshifters like Camaros dragons werewolves vampires literally every single one of the things from your mythology does not even come close to comparing to the real thing we're a lot more complex creatures than that like for instance most of the other non-human species only have one non-human from we have multiple. we're true Immortal so we don't age and we don't die. Me and the wife are species that are deities. Meaning we come from the same releam as the gods and we're the only one who can go toe to toe with one. Me and my wife are the only two of our species. So theirs only one of each of our species ever created. Me and her believe it or not we're actually the two most powerful species of Mystics hers is technically the stronger so her is the most powerful. Hope that clears up some misconceptions since most mistaken us for them. And or are fearful of us because of how the other species treat them you would not understand other people I've met that we're actually legitimately afraid of us just because mistaken identity. Mystics are actually gentle and extremely affectionate loving and protective of human. They love humans and are actually designed to protect man kind from things nasty visious creatures that devour humans. Ancient, evil, and hunger. I read the book on their history. Types, ranks, and classications. And dictionary on different Mystic species. Including which groups of species of Mystics are from which region it's fascinating did you know that each different groups of different species are actually from different regions of the world.  Each region stands for the different countries. I decided to ejecate myself  since finding out our handsome strong sweet boy turned out to be a purebred because before he came back to us. When he found out he was actually kidnapped and he tracked us down himself. And I seen he had a wife and a child and one on the way of course I'm going to read up on what the heck I'm dealing with turns out there actually pretty damn amazing in fact. Do you know back in the day when the world was dark and full of evil back when the world was Young the humans that lived at that times faith and belief is actually what brought forth the mystics in the first place they can we do existence because they sensed our fear these creatures are made by gods so they're actually made to protect us not harmless which I find freaking fascinating and are imagination is what created all the different species because each different species is like a kind of like how the deities they are made from our imagination which means just like time as as are missing stories evolve as what we believe them to look like so do they they evolve to fit how we perceive them so yes they're way stronger than your was imagination cuz we gave them that power but they've always existed something getting up time so has evil but we are the ones that manifested all the different types into it species that they've evolved into. Which are then put into the six plane were the gods live which then the gods decided to give them to us as a gift to give us hope and give us light I love this book you mind if if I just kind of keep this one." His does it reading it while he had his glasses on as one of the older members of his family started trying to read it behind him as hey shut the book.

"Yeah Dad I'm glad you like it I didn't know you find that fascinating I mean it's just described it exactly what we are seeing you don't freak out so bad you don't understand how many humans freak out so I'm actually getting these batteries publicized so now I have a little bit more to go on then just he said she said because it's honestly really easy to mistake into an on humans if you don't know what you're looking for." I said chuckling as I handed another copy to the old man that I knew was obviously a relative Goliath but the moment he took it realized it was his grandfather. He did hesitate at first till I gave him a gentle smile assuring him that it was okay and he could keep this one. He hesitantly thanked me be opening it  and looking through it before he took it over to his other relatives as they all gathered crowding around so they could see it as he flipped through looking through it very entantally as they seemed to be looking for something specific. Goliath rubbed  his right palm discreetly. Signaling my twin brothers who jumped down behind them and looking down at the book to see what the hell they were looking for the guests that noticed them restrained themselves from staring at them and everytime one of them looked the girls who were brave enough to stand next to them would quickly look away pretending they weren't totally checking them out. Especially they two sisters that looked like they could be their gender bend of my brothers. Who were directly beside my brothers acted like they were  texting every time they looked like we're texting.  Wich made me video tape it with my mother in laws cameracorder wich she uses to video tape every special occasion and event. Which Marigold got their mother for a mother's day gift the year the authorities finally gave up on find Goliath and officially closing his abduction case as they gave up on. Officially Declaring him dead. Since they were unable to locate any clue or find any evidence or trace that he was still alive after 6 years of endlessly and extensively searching everywhere nor leaving no stone unturned doing one last massive search after aternal affairs. Did a three years of tracking and following any leads that the other agents and investor and different countries don't have enough cold cases or in our evidence Locker that might be tied or related to the abduction case nothing was ever clarified as viable for this case and since it had been 6 years and the abduction was a ransom which they left on the pillow when they abducted 5-day-old Goliath out of his crib where he was laying with his sister his mom used to put them in the same crib everything was going fine the babies were cool there was no sign of any type of problems from her dad's agents like they found no threat because they had gotten a note 8 days before the babies are even born saying that you took my know I will take yours. You put my son Behind Bars call him a terrorist no I will take yours they took in for evidence and everything had bodyguards that were armed and Military even involved the first one the babies were born and nothing happened but the terror that mother felt when she realized one of their children with boy on the ultrasound only did Marigold ever present herself so they thought there was only one baby so the opposite parent in their eyes when they found out they had twins one boy one girl because they had been threatened by a radical terrorist group for capturing their leader son holding him captive as a war prisoner since he came into their country to blow up their Embassy and they caught him right handed with the bombs in hand and everything when his father decided to put him on his first assignment as a radicalist and the one that was left in charge of protecting him literally abandon this 14 year old boy with a lot bombs and his possession when the other terrorists that were supposed to be guiding him to teach them how to do it since they wanted his first killed me why not a president himself so for some reason they targeted his dad Dimitri was in the army military so he was very well respected among the presidents and he was also very powerful and authoritarian of the presidents plus his military strength and power were most powerful in the world of course when after him he was a very beloved and fear to respect the president of course they're going to go after him nobody ever start up to him especially terrorists or anybody that was a threat to National Security how even his own enemies who would have a gun with his head written assassinated it without even going to miss hand he would always end up walking out with them tied to the chair and had their mouth he always managed to flip it he's always manage to get out of every situation they put them in and he's almost been assassinated so many different times and has also been held captive at one point because he went in to a foreign country to save some of his men from his country that have been hostage as for prisoners and one of them was his very own nephew he didn't care if you s*** he went in there with his own jet and he bombed the s*** out of them. We're going and got the Blazing before any of his men even got there because of course they're going to follow their president when they know that he's going to do something stupid he went in there going to Blazing and came back out with his nephew and the other reference order they had captured plus even other photos from other countries that they had used as warp prisoners that they have been torturing for months even the ones that were closed today that he went in there and retrieved his man came back to find him there was all them and with only a machine gun on his arm and a hunting knife wish you could tell Heidi has done some radicalist so the man later one of the terrorist groups decided that he was going to send his own son in with one of their best groups and have them teach him how to detonate and Embassy well that backfire because they chose Demetri to do it too and that terrorist had been threatening him for months to get back his son make her laugh in his face every single time but the moment that he found out he had a son what's the name of his blood rain cold still to this day he has that radical groups son in custody and also this day he still is making threats to him and he actually there's a lot of time with that boy says his actually an adult now but you understand he's had him since he's 14 so he says actually a lot of time with that kids trying to figure out where his dad's at and stuff because he wanted to get back at him for his murdering his son sent his Dad decided that on the day that they got that for her mom all week before Monday declare them dead that radicalist sent him the remains of a young child to devastated his parents. Which turned out to be not actually from a humans at all. Marigold gave. It to her to make all the memories he couldn't be there for. Seeing all that with my God's eye. As I video taped the girl snuck notes into her brother's pocket. Before my brothers who were watching trying to find out what their searching for when his grandfather stopped that one Goliath son can you tell me what it is.

"Of course grandfather I'm their supreme king. I know exactly which one that is. But one question why are you looking into a Basilisk?" Goliath asked.

"Basilisk thank you son it's a Basilisk! You wouldn't happen hand would you. My sweet handsome boy.

"As long as you tell me what you need him for. Of course I have one a really big powerful purebred male Titan one. Buy he's my closest friend my best friend. And his fated is a very strong purebred Hydra female who my wife recently ful.ly awoke. Not to long ago. He actually grew up with me and Phoenix. We Always called him our third Musketeer. Turns out his fated really clicked with my wife. They became instant best friend. We absolutely love our people so we like to know what their being requested for. You can understand our people our family we're not just going to throw them in I know Danger with our entire species it's made up of the most strongest and most powerful Warriors. Since we're all warrior types. So and no one ever just requests us on a wimb."

"The radical that kidnapped you we've been obsessed and warships it. And just over observation we can tell us as Achilles heel. His weakness. After you explain what exactly are maybe to see if you have one I mean I have a lucky because this man's getting impatient and nostal threatening your sister sensing as you can't but do anything since your technical dead much for his leverage for the past 23 years keep in tormented in your drive for the past 23 you're saying that you still got you as a hostage and then if he wants to still alive after saying you were dead so in your times it's saying that you're alive when he wants his son to live in your dad's been threatening him saying that his charger now empty because his son is now dead and he knows his son is dead because he's been gone for 23 years after that man made every promises saying that if he returns his son hello return you he told him unless he shows up to the Embassy with you in hand he is not tossing over his son his son likes your dad he's not working for him what do you think his dad's going to do when he finds that out. So when he us that's three days ago your daddy may have been brainstorming of anything and everything to do when we noticed that he had this on his shoulder only know that was everywhere on his places of worship. Now we've got 3 hours till that bomb goes off supposedly but if we bring something and we'll make him stop that bomb you might stop because his son refuses to go back to him because he seemed the crazy crap that he does to your dad and he feels like your dad is more of a father figure towards him because your dad was actually empathetic and actually I pray him like a son instead of like a detonator.. and this man is getting desperate and I'm in bad like he's getting very wrong at first I was like child's playlist they were like playing pranks on each other whenever it was in each other and try to kill each other which is why he never went after your sister not going to lie he got wrong one day this is your dad video chat apologizing for everything I ever did to make him lose his son and they just don't want to lose his which is why your dad turned off on his son cuz that man was a ball and cuz he missed his kid trying to ask him to call it off he didn't mean it and then he said something I got your death attention that made him call Pentagon recovery Internal Affairs in every country every FBI ever agent and tried anything with close to a little Easter egg he gave your dad when he was drunk not just a picture of you holding a starting that he had handed you to make history crying when you were a baby wearing their mom wrapped you in but he also showed him that was in a completely different country which is why your dad started looking through different countries trying to see what he took you because it wasn't his he said it look like America the map anyways cuz he left a map in the background and a very beautiful Scenic picture from a bridge from the new River Gorge downstate West Virginia we live in Rochester dad forever to figure out where the hell West Virginia is 5 years to be exact cuz he's looking on all Hemisphere or not that hemisphere he looked on our entire hemisphere for 5 years had every single FBI every single Bureau number and everything will cover your ass when he showed them the evidence and wanted to point out that that's the wrong hemisphere that's wrong for the planet and that you were on the other side and the US when they looked it up and looked everywhere else on that database I couldn't find s*** the only thing I ever found today child that was found orphaned at a truck stop named Jeremy Lockhart and an abandoned car with just with a note from one of our Undercover whistleblower for the trafficking at all of his papers including his birth certificate and everything and then they booked they realize that she never left the car there was a blanket over top of the body which meant that some new cover up and she was slump in her chair she had been shot I don't know who was after that kid but damn whoever the hell was after that kid was out for blood that was you wasn't it Damn it.

Yep dad that was me they renamed me Jeremy Locker when they snuck me in the country I somehow renamed myself Goliath after I ran away when I was 14 when they were going to kill me after asking you for a ransom cuz I figured I was kid I was and they figured out you had a lot of money and you're also the president of a country I figured that they would impersonate the people that were trying to use me for a hostage get done whatever the hell they were going to ask for and I'm never going to shoot me and blame it on him so you'd blame him instead of some two American thugs who just happened to figure out that some of the Russian president that they had in their custody and never had an adopt me either I wanted them criminals they can at me made me think I was their child and I had no clue I was adopted as her pictures over that family I was very betrayed to find out that they did that and they were going to kill me they just didn't because I literally run away when I made me stop being with Phoenix and Phoenix have been together since her kids but they found out how close we were and I seen that as an alarm Bell if anything whatever happening when she happened to me and that involved because we did everything together they didn't want to kill me in the accidentally get her involved together kill her and her parents catching their right handed by the who else am I going to turn to especially when are their kid know the Boy Troy their entire plans cuz then you would catch ones with it and they would be busted and then your dudes over here would be better for free to see if they wanted a car's car and age they wanted you to kill somebody else innocent or to start a war with a later that literally was innocent in fact the leaders actually the one that caught them stealing me and tried to get me back he actually saved my f****** life so you don't want to give him a pack of kid yeah one of his men was being chased by that freaking psycho but I don't I ended up with the family the other dad he's Mafia like he's really high up in the gangster regiment he's like the main Mafia leader and like have the US but I see that's why he's able to get away with it cuz he's a diplomat they're not going to look at him even if you looked at the family they look f****** normal you won't be able to tell the f****** difference. And those people were tapping in their phone calls the whole time because they were set there for an ambush to steal me but here's the thing that come on get me everybody else everybody ambushing everybody there was like literally six different criminal organizations trying to f****** steal me all at once off of that radical terrorist and he's literally threw himself in front of me several times when they were trying to shoot me because he was wearing a bullet for vest and he even gave me a stuffed animal and a blanket call me back so yeah call that man cuz he's not as radical as you think he's actually just a dad trying to survive in a world full of gunfire and Mayhem I'm surprised I don't remember that to be honest but I do remember it because I remember him cuz I remember his face when he was talking to me trying to calm me down telling me that everything's going to be all right and singing to me he said to me Dad that is a big giant teddy bear you just act stuff and to be personal I think he kind of likes you you just won't never f****** admit it why do you think he hasn't shot you guys have plenty of time more than once he disrespects you and he likes you cuz you never freaking slaughtered his kid I'm most people have put in that position would.

"My father did that. He's not a heartless called killing machine that has just trying to create wars let me let you in a little favorable man no he's not he has not done any radical terrorism and well since you got taken he's too focus on getting his son back to even give a s*** he said several different organizations already try to wipe his ass out because he won't he won't do any bombings or you know killing some people for no reason you just won't you tell them to leave I can't do s*** why do you think he's working pass off right now he quit he's no longer radical if you love that terrorist group like two years after you were taken and making his own group but he made it look like a radical terrorist group but it was not it was more of a cloaking technique so nobody would notice that he is no longer in that sort of thing but that doesn't mean that he's not going to have anybody that knows any information where your aunt because that is the only time he has gone after people my dad's been leading him astray making anything that he hasn't had you for a while that you got taken so Dad this one's on you you need to fix that he was trying to leave them away from our family so that way that your dad didn't go AK and literally Massacre my whole entire family you should be grateful that your dad loves you so much to take on not just one entire country but several including his own. Your dad is not part of Rebel group because of some of the terrorist found out he left Yelp That's All She Wrote and he started blowing them the s***. You know where Dad's going to act like right they totally do. Go take on the whole world as long as it means to get to know their own child is still breathing and I'll do anything in order to save them have smile on their face including take on the entire freaking world by themselves with ATM machine gun and hunting knife trying to say he loves you love him back go back to your dad and all this craziness and misunderstanding so our dad will stop trying to kill each other and stop trying to cause a dang war between their countries." Goliathan and his son nodded. As as I assumed Clinton now since I know he's obsessed with I'm going to have him to give him a little shout too for those kind of good faith so his dad doesn't try to pull us up after he leaves because his time might not be that amused and might try to do it.

Hey and I got your Basilisk meet Clinton he's our Basilisk going to show him a little good face so really doesn't blow us up cuz he might

Damn he's also a big brother are all of your men this big like those two I don't even know who those are but they've been standing behind me for like past life 25 minutes and I don't know who they are but another one of yours because one of them has red eyes and they look like twins.

Oh yeah those are my brothers whoops sorry forgot to introduce you that is Ezekiel he's a demon and then the other one is an archangel his name is Fury yes they are both your friends actually is he killed more of a fallen angel sense we didn't want to express me to anything that was derivatively evil phone angels are actually demons that were once once angels they don't carry the essence in the heart of an Angel which means that they're not entirely evil they've just been corrupted and turned into demon but they wanted one that would produce demonic energy so he's perfect they wanted someone that would more influence me to be on the right path but also be able to balance out my angelity and do not make energy cuz I produce both and if you don't balance them I can create too much chaotic energy and become evil their job is to stop that since I produce so much chaotic energy on my own already like they literally told me to be here and weapon of mass destruction I'm built to literally lay that entire species and then create entire world so yeah I am literally 11 a mass destruction I can create the end of days and the beginning of time. I'm designed to be able to cause a mass extinction event and kill off entire species but also repopulate them with them from my design and I can meet with any type of living organism. we picked up have fallen angel you know he is the equivalent of of Four Horsemen cuz they're all fallen angels as well and this big Guy Fury is the equivalent of Michael the archangel. These two gowns     are made to protect, give me guidance be my teacher and be my friend. Fury put archanging in me and raised me. They are on my older biological twin brothers and they're ask teddy bears they went harm nobody I mean yeah the ones have fallen angel but he's not like driving or not and he's not a normal demonic but is something evil that has never walked the Earth in human form doesn't demonic is and they live to pretty much cause they're the ones that position when you're ready to kill yourself okay babe demonic and know that doesn't mean that they're necessarily a demon either as long as it's not mean demon I mean something that is evil that's never like there's any reform and that will kill you in other words any evil entity that will kill you that is obviously any more human anything that would devour you or still your soul there's lots of ways that you can put it to be honest but that's also why I they chose a fallen angel for me instead of a normal demon normal demons have free will and can be neutral or bad they contribute to be whatever they want cuz they have that choice but that's why a fallen angel is more appropriate for me because they still were paying their divinity but they have free will which means they're more less likely to lead me down the road of evil but also can produce in demonic energy I need an order to balance out mine don't understand a creature of pure negative and positive energy I was in demonic and cholesterol permit means Good Vibes bad vibes that's what type of energy you give off everybody either gives off good energy or bad energy or harmonic or chaotic if you have chaotic that means you have too much one or the other that causes peer destructive energy which causes Mass national disasters Mass pandemics plagues famines severe droughts that killing her villages that's worship that's what type of stuff that I produce so yeah it's not exactly like my mother could exactly just leave me hanging with no guidance so that's where these two coming they hate me in line and they help me equalize my energy so I don't pray too much one of the other so yeah probably best if I don't tell you what exactly I am because what I am is way way more complex than even an archangela and the Fallen or a basilisk and a Hydra times that times like 1,000 is what you're getting when you get me that's why there's only one of me and that's why they're all only be one of me. And you know it just be a smart-ass I hope that one of my kids inherits my destructive energy oh God wait a minute that's a bad idea cuz their dad produces straight up chaotic energy my sweet little Goliath might be sweeter than Apple Pie might be the most strengtheless they never say I'm saying but beware he creates the most dangerous chaotic and destructive energy is way more built than any other being and it will shake the Earth because literally cause natural disasters which he does such as tsunamis earthquakes typhoons why do you think they take out entire Islands it's not just any being behind that honey you know that most of the things that you deal with on a daily basis are natural disasters and Misfortune are actually caused by the energies that are produced by humans why do you think we come in because we produce massive amounts of it way more than any human could ever imagine that actually equalize it from what you guys produce you do realize how the human population is right do you realize how much energy you guys produce a day so much distraction and destructive energy such as chaotic energy can also cause World Wars mass extinctions Mass acres anything that's ever by the revenue and guarantee was because of a little fluctuation energy in other words you need to have bad days in order to have her good if you only have good days that's not good if you only have bad days that's not good either and I do you're producing too much one or the other which can also cause you to have mental disabilities physical disabilities you come suicidal feel like self-harming feeling down and depressing down and dumps having bipolar or any of that can also be triggered by your f****** vibrations which means watch how your humans treat others okay vibrations can come from anything how you make one feel how you act I may just comes from one little simple thing you do everything is a vibration you just got to watch how much you let out or what type it can cause also cancers dementias heart disease Cardiac Arrest heart attack brain cancer all of that is literally controlled by what type of energy you got off the humans went off such a little bits at energy at a time but over time it does build up my care depression your sadness can build up over time and can make you suicidal that's an energy to work honey they're based off of how you feel why do you think they make meditation why do you think it would trust you use all kinds of s*** to make you meditate make you sit down and take a breather cuz if you're doing too much you're stressing your body out too much I know eventually humans to create a lot of chaotic energy because none of y'all know how too f****** chill like take a chill pill sit down and drink a damn beer or some b******* I don't know whatever the f****** kids like to do nowadays so why do you think I'm here haha cuz you did that I'm attracted to chaotic energy like a fly on s*** because my job is to evaluate detect and find the source of the problem because normally the energy and vibrations you let off or run the influence by something higher like a deity or a god or an entity anything from the six plane can literally influence how you are going to the best and my guess is I already know who's doing it so yeah we're not going to talk about that right now I'm already taking care of it I already got three of them on my side it's okay but yeah if I'm right you guys are dealing and let me just say this if it is what I can get it I already have three of them on my side but that's beside the point we got a problem because a lot of them turned into those and now I have to do with all of them at once thank I am much just put it like this your people better start praying again and I'm not just saying one Pacific religion I'm saying all the ends you need to start f****** doing it and speak Words of Love and Trust enough words of hate and anger understand because right now I'm in a doozy because one of y'all Or all of y'all's religions decided to say f*** over God we're not praying because now I'm dealing with a really big epidemic that there's only wanted me honey how the f*** am I supposed to do that means like you that I'm strong as hell and then I got one of the oldest and Strongest Ones inside of me oh okay well it looks like she's not going to talk didn't know that we are already mended together but okay that just means that my power is at full capacity that's good but that also sucks cuz I don't know how to f****** control this much at once yay I mean I'm already destruction and creation at once but then you spoke this big girl in me you just made a damn time bomb you just but it's at damn time bomb which is exactly why these two are here because they are to keep me in check because with all this inside of me if y'all knew exactly what was accumulate meant on my body right now let's just say you're probably just created the strongest one ever created in another problem cuz I don't know how to control this s*** which is exactly where you come in honey cuz you agree with this s*** on a daily basis.

Hey baby that's why they remember what they mean cuz they already damn laundry that you were going to do up to do this I mean come on their guts I know what's going to happen to worry happens or at least they were I mean you weren't just me and I actually think it was me already f****** know this and you are made because of something they foreseen was going to happen or was in the process of happening and you met here or they're preventive measure

"Wait a minute are they in trouble don't tell me the guys are in trouble if they're in trouble we are so screwed" a guest said

"No actually they are an actual very good hands right now I mean they are kind of in bad shape right now but considering that they made something as it preventive measure or another one okay I can't exactly explain it a full volume I wish I could but I can't give her away because she's pregnant and if I do they'll come booking it for my wife and I'm not confident enough that I can take on a all-powerful Almighty like that or what was once was okay well I'm just going to put it like this honeys this s***'s only happening because you all stopped having faith and stopped believing why do you think she was made because if what happens what happened without a safety net it would destroy the entire planet okay like you would you would literally be making a a world of evil literally chaotic energy makes Pure Evil that's what you be creating point is that you get a project for my point is is that all the started just because humans decided to stop believing and having faith in anything they started just falling into Despair and dismay and then just letting it go letting it pretty much run rampant so we're out there generations and their children. It's not that hard to have hope and see the better and even the worst situation it's not that hard to see the good in something even if it's bad or even if it seems like it's not going to get any better because it is exactly how you have to work at you have to look at it with a good idea naughty I'm going to just give up on the world. But the fact that we're present is a problem because we're only prison during well I'm not going to tell you because that would probably scare you because it would it managed to Irvine to a human but we're on the present whenever that happens because we're the safety net so you kill us you're getting right your safety net you getting rid of your trap card and you're leaving yourself wide ass vulnerable and why does it feel like I've had this conversation before." Goliath said. 

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