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"Oh my god Are those scar tissue?As those bullet wound" He said.

"Yes from shielding Families of yo Kies that I was rescuing.Yeah, there's a machine gun behind.I too shield them with my bare body.No armor no nothing my body couldn't push out the bullets quick enough As they were shooting merciful aside at me.My body just got to keep up.You gotta understand i was taking Hundreds of rounds into my back now if he thinks that's not what I should see my Samurai scars the scars I got from There are swords while I was Sword fighting. I was pretty much involved with the wars Age of the same ride. And before that Since I could walk I have been doing combat wich is why I became law forcement. War and combats all I know Which is why to this day im still one of the top ten strongest elite warriors. To Date I work as number 6 But soon I'm probably gonna be 7 or 8.Maybe maybe even nine if she gets the Newest elite numbers up and going, but then I can't get there, so nobody else that there's no time.There's new porn so it's not like they're going anywhere. I
Might lose my spot all together amongst big ten all together. But it's o k it's time for some new blood so i'm training the New ones as hard as I can. No one deserves no 1's as hard as I can't cause he leaves. It had their S pot have had them first thousands. A year 60000 years. That was exactly how I wanted to get that title.I think it's about time.It's been passed down. Which is why he is not leaving. My side I want him to take my place. I mean, I've been doing this for 72000 years.I'd like to take a break at some point.Especially after we get married so we can have kids. Cause it's especially if we're going to start a payment I don't Want to fight anymore. I don't want to be in combat and I want to actually be able to solve them relax and have A normal a** life which I have never had my entire life.My whole life has been killer because one North dies survive for fight flight or type.Everything's always been alive in this situation.I'm never had time to breath. Listen somebody can only take her spot or our position if they're stronger And have to physically prove that they're stronger than us by overpowering us In a sparing fight. Cat just let any bumby be king over an entire species." Yuki said covering it back up. As Jin fixed her hair. Pushing back behind. Her ear. She just smiled at him and kissed his cheek. His dad just couldn't stop watching them.
It was entirely different now it was genuine. Like he had seen something that he reminded him of something that he'd forgotten. She was satisfied of the fact that his dad was showing genuine emotions.When her face went stone cold and her faded blood drained from her face. When she heard somebody angrily. "Yuki how dare you." She Recognize the voice as her face went from Smiling about her mate. Fuck with the hell. To not again and to fuck this shit out. Which she did whisper to her mate when she kissed Him and she made sure to give him a very Deep passionate kiss As she rubbed her arms around his neck and had him rub his arms around her waist. As someone Ran over yelling more angrily yelling "Yuki What the f*** you're cheating on me w**** The moment that that word reached his mouth Mouth Ezekiel jumped down and literally sucker punch him so hard he went flying. Throw the ground and into one of the walls enough to make a fucking In the wall Were he impacted. They All were All, for example, is different silent.When he jumped down he didn't have a full Demon form Manning wing's bangs, claws and all and His huge worms and black feathery wings all six pairs of them. His eyes Or a deep dark red like blood. Which only shows when he's Past, he even brought out his sword. Which is kind of like an angel played? It's a sword that only A.
Just like an angel's blade is only a sword or a weapon that only an angel can use.

Not on my watch, b**** If you seriously think about targeting one of Kings, but also one of our newborns who also happens to be a king. You're a real f****** hilarious on this flash of b**** You ever call my auntie a w**** again? And I'll f*** y** up. Oh, wait. I forgot. I just f****** did the next time. You aint f****** Morgan out.
Nobody calls my auntie a w**** and gets away with it. He aint got that and on top of that. You f****** target in the war and that's one of our kings and expect it as a not to send bodyguards.  Hey, dumb a**That happens to be the mother of falls for a hand woman raised her from a baby from one.She's 4 years old all the way up until she was an adult and still to the state.Look after her like she's her own. And that Supreme Queen that she serves if she raised happens to be my biological little sister. So unless you want to live your life by targeting our aunt. I suggest you re-evaluate your decisions because whether or not you know it. There are guards around in the center. Please. We don't trust that they're being so gay.
More than 3 of us, especially, they're a new one, but since he's a king. We sent a whole f****** a****** Say I even go f*** off. And number 2, how the f*** is it cheating? You dumb a** m*********** if you weren't even dating her. She was never waste you guys. We're never getting together romantically. You guys were just friends. You just became a overly obsessive to the wonder what you made of. That you are with her whenever she didn't even have consent, you just started f****** being delusional. Made a microwave relationship with her that she wasn't aware of that. You had until you wrote her a f****** really crazy a** f****** water. A f****** w**** and a player in the user saying that she was using you for her publicity and that you You didn't get any Sex like you tried to force the fuck out of her over So why the fuck should you show doorhouse and have any right to demand that she sleeps with you Which You had no business in my being there.Cause first of all she told you to go home and you broke an order.
F****** stab you with a Corona.Yes, right.My aunt's told me the fucking story and my sister and her husband and every single other being in Clan, which, by the way, is why we don't wait for by herself.Cause you're f****** psychotic and out of control.You're a delusional fucking mad man Never, once does she ever come up to you? With any suggestive or say anything to you of the sort to you think you get the misconception that she was more than just a friend.
Your words exactly were. She's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. Well, too late punk a** she's already got a faded partner.  She's already sold one and she already is engaged Do this s*** happen? Like 600 years ago, you just won't want to f*** go. She got a refrain when she'll cut all contacts with you and everything. But every time you pull this s***, you try to get pulled over and try apologizing. Forgive you 3 times but when you continuously got closer to her and started acting erratic. Man around her spearing out false accusations and accusing her of s*** that she didn't have or was supposed to be happened or something just some b******* you made up.  At that time, the rest of her life and told them to keep it with Shane Warner on you for ever. So says I'm asked or brother either one if he does it again You have no say I'm f****** killing this b******He's a nuisance, he's a problem.I don't know about his mayor and his name.He knows what her actual name is because it's stupid b******He's overall the history books because he said that she was. Narcissistic controlling vixen, who steals a heart's and men uses them to her emotions, makes them feel special and makes them feel loved until she gets bored of that.Then goes and sleeps around with whoever will pay her, which is a prostitute. Dude and my aunt has never been annoi. Don't know where the f*** y** got that from. The sexual accusations that everybody gives on making about you and thinking that You're a sexualized by your following.Where is and by anybody that worships you?That's not like you know.Red the actual religion Or her description or actually familiar with her as a person Yes, this is the guilty b****** that did it. This is the one that made your image so Worked from one it actually is.

"Oh hell the fuck now. I yelled, but before I could even react.My husband jumped down and had this m*********** by the throat.What was left of a start from my brother's sucker?Punching Him so hard I mean his job was pretty fucked. You said f******What about my wife?Oh, you got one help.The death Wish Wish for porn that was the woman Who is the mother of my children love my life And completely ruining her meaning. And what she stands for like. Are you seriously that disrespectful and where you're gonna do to A goddess seriously Give me one good reason, Washington. Show you how loving a husband I am for my wife. Beautiful gorgeous Phoenix.My precious baby girl I will fuck them Up beyond repair and that is a f****** promise. Cause I aint gotta be nothing f****** left when I'm done. My husband said getting up in his face He was scaring that poor man so bad that the point where he was sobbing and he pissed himself And he was still ready to fucking rub him in half Tell a young , not human fema siren , possibly started Singing a special lullaby , which only sirens do whenever they are trying to Well him because tyrants especially Ones that are familiar First and only one of his species that remained they had to Especially But they would send to him whenever he would lose his shit And normally it worked right away but he was not budging Like it took like five sirens to sing it to getting him distraught What the lullaby does?Is it puts him To sleep they are literally seeing him to sleep.

Which fury jumped down, catching him, scaring the crab out of them. Thanks, but someone who spread them and I seen the hits sex. They were well, they were getting, but they were like so on to the point where they couldn't speak because they realized what he was you think I'm told them that He was sorry that my husband caused such trouble.But that man really was asking for it and he was about ready to get it from Fury too if he didn't shut his mouth.

"Oh, any time anytime.So are you like In Ach angel. I'm not gonna lie. Someone came swooping in and literally planted themselves right in between him and the ladies. A windshield, an angel female. I divine like him.She literally stuck her hand up Saying back off sister that one's mine She was a very beautiful red headed angel. She had ginger hair and light freckles, green eyes. And a very beautiful bright smile. He was trying so hard to hold up my husband at the same time as for trying to grab him Babe babe when That wasn't normal divine , that was another Arc angel a not so well-known 11 is very few. That's depicted as a woman it was aereal. And then that's whenever her description and her face really sunk in and I realized I'm putting 2 together that no, she looks exactly as her description says and I should have noticed that Whenever she landed that I didn't , I Was someone transfixed and eagerly watching that? I leaned over too far over the edge. Children rate off the beam in the ceiling of the building. Luckily, Ariel was standing directly.Below me and heard me fall and was able to jump quick enough to grab me since Fury was holding my husband And Well he was too angry to focus on the fact that I just fell from the ceiling when he did realize that though he Did one over?Especially when he seen my wings come out which they all have to ask because they don't cause they don't cause they're not caught them off.Guariel was about ready. Ariel and my other brother were about ready to have a heart attack Fury and Even Ezekiel was freaking the hell out They all were frantically freaking out till they opened And They say that I was OK and that my children well.They were laughing like my little babies.My little infants thought it was really curiously trying to huddle in to see Where the hell They were hearing the babies laughing from. There's nobody around here obviously had a baby so I can feel the f****** everybody.

"Oh my god There is babies and there's 3 of them. Ah their baby babies. Oh my God, those are newborns.Are you OK?Is mom o k I mean i'm here in laugh and so i'm guessing they're fine" Somebody gasped from The balcony That was connected to the stairs Luckily, it was like a rate above where they were enough to wear.This person could see what was going on Because they announced us to everyone because obviously everyone who's curious. The woman that said it was immediately picked up by her date who literally picked her up bridal style and jumped over the fucking railing Really close to us. Luckily, not actually landing on anybody or hitting anyone.. He put her down as she squirmed out of his arms and over To us to check me out the moment that she actually got a good look at me.Her face was stunned

"Oh my God, this is No Mimic or I don't even recognize this Species are non-human and if I didn't know any better. I think you were a Phoenix but there's room possible they don't exist." The woman said and just believed to herself Thinking that I couldn't hear her when I totally fucking did.

Well, Am I then chopped liver.Then.I mean my wings Aren't made of super glue and thick feathers, honey, I mean Granny and I just fell from a freaking ceiling but I promise you my wings are real. I'm just weak, okay. I couldn't use them because I had it well. Obviously, I'm holding 2 newborns. You already know what's there? This is goi just popped out 2 twins. I'm obviously not able to raise my weight.  Right now.I mean , it literally just Popped these guys out so obviously I aint got no energy for s***, especially using the windows.Do you know how much energy I Use trying to use these sorry but I'm extremely fatigued and extremely weak right now.So excuse me, I can't exactly use my wings I noticed I had probably the biggest wingspan out of every wing being for God's sakes of course, I'm not able to use them if I'm weak and fatigued.OKI just popped out 2 and your more children Literally Earlier today I don't think I need to explain myself to you. Well they look like They weren't stunned when we fell. In fact, it looks like they actually gonna liked it crazy kids. You're just a f****** best s*** I'm crazy as we are. I just called from a ceiling or shouldn't have laughed in their books off. Mom could have broke her back, but OK, thanks for catching me Ariel.

No , any time sweetie I'm relieved I was I'm directly below you and notice that you fell. I mean, you literally fell right in my hands, honey And thank goodness you're OK.And of course the babies You need to be careful.What were you doing?How'd you fall? Were you rubber or not? Robert McKinnon be a nosy and watching what was going on. You're learning too far, weren't you?

Guilty OK, so yes, I was leaning too far over the beam.I was distracted.I didn't notice.I was too intrigued towards going on but the store.I mean, come on, I'm a Phoenix and don't exactly fall from s***I'm a literally a f****** flaming.Bird were made to purchase on s***So how is it that I fell off a fucking bean I said as I handed ariel my children as I jumped out of her hand she took them gently looking them over with my brother as I Had fury fly me up back to that beam. When I after he put my husband on the couch nearby. We may know that wasn't just a Beam or allege.There was a little bit of a copy brother immediately.Put me back to pull me back down as quick as he could handing me off to My other brother as he pulled out his sword and flew back up and put his finger to his lips before flying all the way back up in the mouth to everybody. Because they are being dead, silent watching them. He said very quietly.Don't make a f****** sound.There's something Up here there's a little cubby.There's something f****** hiding in it.Fucking ran back as soon as I saw my divine light at My divine energy has a luminescent light to it.What a f****** was didn't like it.That's not exactly a good sign.That means it's demonic." He said in a hush tone as quietly as possible. Maker sure as many people heard him as possible but also making sure not to say too long enough for the thing to hear him. They all nodded staying completely quiet as he pulled out his sword and pulled it back up quiet. Next thing you know, he darted did not cut me and all she heard was a bunch of rockets like there was a struggle. A massive struggle could sometimes start a square meter, screeching or something.  It wasn't my brother, it was. Whatever the hell he was trying to pull Out of there. Wedge started Making a lot of noise as he was struggling with it up there.And They got nervous as soon as they heard him yell.Though but as soon as they heard him yell they heard an airpit screaming and then it was dead silence The next thing you know he comes slightly out of here with Pretty nasty gash, few cuts you could these things that were really minor couples.Ofwhere is it from struggling in such a small confined space with something that he was trying to ever power?But as soon as we've seen what he'd pulled out of there I'm not gonna lie, I was even confused. I've never seen anything that looks like this. It looks like right. Once we succeeded, he was not in any mortal danger in the only world and Drake.He got was a gash on his shoulder from its claws when it was trying to pull out of his grip. But he landed bringing the thing down with him.And as soon as he put it better good look at it.I had to put me down so I could get a better look at it.

"What the fuck." I Said closely examining it without actually touching it with my bare hand. But with a pen that somebody had gave in me.

"Hey anybody got in medical supplies" I said as a man.
Older man walked over and handed me. What looked like a med? The Doctor carries around with his stuff when he's doing home visits.
I pulled out gloves. I got all the drawers and all the baggies. Some of his surgical lives to gather some samples, some blood, some tissue samples, some hair samples or anything basic as an identifier to figure. Out, what the hell This thing is next thing you No, my other kings were literally right there besides how he's so funny.I didn't have them as bodyguards with me here, they just slid it.We're that close to where they knew that something was wrong whenever someone was wrong They literally all try to get me away from it while they gather.For me trying to see if they could figure out what it was because they didn't want me like touching it or catching anything since my immune system was so weak. From just giving birth They made sure to clean his wound. Very good and very thorough. Because That were from the scuffle, not actually from the creature itself. Beheld instantly, but any crashes were injuries that were inflicted from the creatures bangs cheese.  Or clause did not heal. He did have one bite mark from where the thing tried to bite him whenever he Hide it by the neck. And let's try to suffocate it.
Then he tried breaking its neck. When that didn't work, he just straightened up, slid its neck with his divine sword. Which was probably what honestly.
Then in the morning, we looked somewhere that we realized that's no it what killed it was his divine and It literally was burning the thing alive even after death when he exposed his divine Eliminate angelic light to it. It burned its skin even after it was dead. Like the old filthtails on vampires but this did not look like a f****** vampire. I have vampires in my clan. They don't look like they're looking nothing like that. They're beautiful. They're not ugly and look like a f****** corpse like which made me very, very f****** Confused like somebody cut off half its head to try to kill it. But because pursuit of his brain was still there, it somehow lived. Couldn't seem to try to regenerate it though. But also I don't know if that was done by my brother.Or if that was already like.

"No for your information It was not the other half of its heads up there.You wanna cook at it?
Fucking kill as soon as it's headstarted slightly regenerating a sort of echo that I started freaking out and I started Letting my angelic lemonescent energy eliminate my hunter body which in turn burn.The woman chrisp Of whatever the holdest thing is which In turn killed it.What the hell is it.. Any ideas guys I need any at all." Fury said as he was As he was still pretty stricken up from the whole ordeal you could tell that Really left him Ariel had to walk over and calm him so he wasn't so distant.

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