Chapter 10

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Otterdawn yawned. Then a thought struck her mind - there was a journey! She stood up and walked outside. It was still dawn, and then was still hidden behind the hills, getting ready to do its daily job.

She could go on a walk before sunrise.

She walked out of camp, straying from the trees, and near to the lake, where the clans' lands were gathered around. Otterdawn sat down. What happened yesterday? Right, Rainbowtail joined her clan. It seemed weird trying to join a clan that barely knew anything about it.

Otterdawn looked at the ripples of the lake, overwhelmed by thoughts. Suddenly, there was a screech, and Otterdawn saw a cat lunging at her from the water. She whirled around and swiped at her attacker. 

The attacker reeled back and snickered. It was a rogue: its white fur splattered with mud and leaves, its silver fangs glinting in the moonlight, letting out a snarl of laughter. Otterdawn yowled, slamming its paws into the rogue's side. The rogue screeched, "the clans will fall beneath the rogues!" Then it fell limp.

"Really?" Otterdawn couldn't believe her eyes. One hard slam and it was over? She groomed her untidy fur, and then she trudged back to camp. 

She began heading for the leader's den, she heard yowling. Lots of yowling. She whipped her head around and saw a swarm of pelts barreling to camp. Fangs and claws shone outside the camp. 

"Dawnstar!" Otterdawn screeched, prodding her leader awake. Dawnstar stirred, but once she heard the yowls, she bolted up, and yowled, "DawnClan, awake!"

Otterdawn used her power to block them. She pushed some away, and she lifted some up into the air and slammed them up and down. They started screeching and hissing in annoyance as Otterdawn threw them around. 

But then claws dragged her down to the ground. Otterdawn gasped as a body pinned her down. A rogue snarled down at her and smacked her face to the dirt. She gasped as the rogue bent down to end her life, but then a zap of lightning roasted a whole hole in the rogue's side. The rogue shrieked, and fell down, limp, smoke curling from the gaping hole.

Otterdawn looked at the body, stunned. But Cricketpaw was zapping lightning everywhere. "Get up, Otterdawn! Fight!" Cricketpaw screeched. Cricketpaw suddenly swiped at the air and a giant lightning paw surrounded Cricketpaw's paw. Cricketpaw raked her lightning claws down a cat's side, electricity fizzing out of her paws. 

Otterdawn whispered, "can I also focus my energy somehow?" She looked at her paws and imagined her purple energy around them, and then purple energy fizzed exactly where she wanted them to be. She yowled and swiped her paws. Giant purple paws appeared in the air, copying Otterdawn's paws' movements. Otterdawn brought her paws up and slammed them to the ground, making giant craters, and flattening tons of rogues in the process. The purple energy went through the Clan cats, and the Clan cats were unharmed.

Duskrose flitted through the battle, flickering from visible to invisible within seconds. She raked a tom's side, then twirled around and slashed another. The cats looked around, searching for their attacker, but they saw nothing. They were completely confused. 

Suddenly a voice whispered in her mind, "quickly! Gather all of the prophecies cats! Cast the spell!"

Otterdawn yowled, "Duskrose! Cricketpaw! Get here now!" The two cats barreled through the battle, straight to meet Otterdawn. 

"What?" Cricketpaw asked, her paws fizzing with electricity. Otterdawn thought of stepping back. "We have to defeat those rogues!"

"Yeah," Duskrose panted. "We have to fight them off!"

"We have to unite our powers!" Otterdawn announced. The other two nodded, and together, they connected paws.

They didn't know how to cast the spell, but something deep inside them - their instincts, probably - lead them. 

Their paws glowed with energy. Suddenly, symbols of light blazed on the three cat's foreheads. The pain was unbearable, but Otterdawn stood strong. Then she was aware of a symbol of the word '魔' on her forehead. Cricketpaw had the word '电', and Duskrose had the word '隐'. Otterdawn realized that the characters meant their powers!

Audi, StarClan! Audite furorem pugnantium, moerorem dolorum. Exaudi cantum meum et audi me sicut inimicos vitae meae inflando vi! " She chanted. She didn't know what she was chanting, but it all came pouring out of her mouth. "Inimici, iram meam, et odium DawnClan affectus! Fortitudo quae cadet numquam ad te veniet; ad me veniet. Fulgura, Magica, et Invisibilitas viam tuam obstruet, ac miseriam tuam in via laboriosa finiet! Vale! "

Cricketpaw continued, " Audisti eam, horribilem! Sub ira StarClan moriemini! Audi nunc, hoc prius audi. Fortitudo astrorum est quam prius. Inclina, alioquin, ad te veniet astrorum magica, mortem et dolorem ad te ut te derelinquas. "

Otterdawn meowed, "audite et videte sertum meum. magia de caelo venit. Fores mortis intrabis, et faciem interiorem tuam! Immis, immitis! Utinam malleus energiae animas vestras frangat! "

They were a combination of languages, Latin and Chinese. Their marks glowed, hotter and hotter. A giant ball of magic was suspended in the air, glowing yellow, purple, and blue. And then...

BOOM. The ball exploded, Every rogue suddenly fell down, dead. The Clan cats were still standing there, gaping at them.

"Salve," Otterdawn meowed. Then she turned pale. "I mean, hi. Why do I just randomly speak this Latin language? Quomodo possum tolerare? I mean, how can I cope?"

"Okay, everyone is dismissed." Dawnstar interrupted, her face paler than Otterdawn's. 

" Usque ad momentum manere possumus?  I mean, can we stay up for a moment?" Cricketpaw and Duskrose asked.

"Okay," Dawnstar murmured. 

Then suddenly, the three cat's vision turned blank, and they fell backwards, only remembering the ground rushing up to meet them.

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