Chapter 9

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Cricketpaw sighed. She couldn't sleep before the journey. She tossed and turned, rustling the moss and bracken, which made Adderpaw mumble in his sleep and slap Cricketpaw's paw. Cricketpaw grimaced and exited her den. Maybe she could take a small walk.

She stared at the night sky. Small, gleaming stars dotted the midnight sky, lighting up her eyes. Small streaks of lights also shimmered beside the stars. There was no sound outside -  but wait! There was rustling, and they were sounding from outside the camp! 

Cricketpaw stalked out of camp, following the sounds. She hissed as she made out a scent. Rogue! She thought. Finally, she saw a shape in front of her. It was staring at the sky. It was small; Cricketpaw could finish it, especially with her powers! 

Cricketpaw yowled suddenly, raising her paw, lightning fizzling from her paw, like a small ball in her paws. She stared down at the rogue. The rogue was a small kitten, shuddering. The lightning lit up her fur, showing her round and wide eyes. 

"You're a kitten, aren't you?" Cricketpaw whispered to her. She still raised her paw, but only for light. 

"Are- are you going to kill me?" The small kitten stuttered, lifting her head slowly.

"I'm not. Just tell me what are you doing here." Cricketpaw stared at the kitten. She got a better look at her: it was an orange cat with blue eyes, but it was hiding her tail.


"Tell me, and you will be safe. I know a kitten can't do any harm."

The kitten looked up at Cricketpaw. "I escaped."


"Escaped from Rip's camp!" 

"Rip? Who's that?"

"Rip is like a pirate. He keeps cats who he thinks are precious and rare, and keeps them in a clan. He treats them horribly. Please! Let me go in peace! I do no harm." The kitten explained quietly.

"Why did he keep you in his camp?" Cricketpaw's ear tips stretched up.

"Promise you won't kidnap me?"

"I won't."

"Okay then..." The kitten slowly showed her tail. Cricketpaw nearly gaped in surprise. Her tail had rainbow colors on it! She was truly a rare cat!

"I... Wow." Cricketpaw shook her head in disbelief. 

The kitten quickly tucked in her tail again. "Don't kidnap me now, please!" 

"I won't!" Cricketpaw whispered. Then she asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is... Rainbow." The kitten meowed.

"Rainbow, hi!" Cricketpaw mewed. "Let's get you to shelter. Maybe the queens will take care of you."

"Queens?" Rainbow cocked her head.

"Mother cats are queens. Come to camp with me!" Cricketpaw started to trace her path back to camp, and then she turned her head back to Rainbow.

"Okay..." Rainbow followed Cricketpaw.

As soon Rainbow entered the camp, the camp was alive with hissing warriors. "I smell rogue!" Windblossom snarled. 

"Rogue!" Hazelfoot leaped, landing on Rainbow.

"Stop, stop!" Cricketpaw hauled Hazelfoot away. "Rainbow is with me!"

"What? Traitor!" Hazelfoot glared at Cricketpaw. 

"Stop, let me explain," Cricketpaw answered.

"Stop lying-" Sunheart started to yowl, but he was stopped by Dawnstar.

"Let Cricketpaw explain."

Sunheart snapped his jaws shut, glaring. 

"Rainbow just escaped from Rip's camp. Rip is an evil cat. He kidnaps precious and rare cats and keeps them in his camp, so they can be his always. He thinks with them, he can impress the other cats in the forest - that would be us - to give him leadership of the whole forest. Rainbow is rare because of her tail." Cricketpaw addressed the crowd. 


"Her tail? Let us see!"

Rainbow slowly let the cats see her tail. The other cats turned away, their eyes filled with disbelief and shock. 

"If she doesn't get shelter and safety now, Rainbow will still be hunted by Rip! We have to hide her!" Cricketpaw yowled.

Adderpaw and Rosepaw were already making friends with Rainbow. They asked each other questions, purred, laughed, and played. 

Some cats yowled their agreement, while some cats snarled their disagreement. Dawnstar thought and announced, "we will let Rainbow into DawnClan."

"What?!" Gorsestream screeched. "Dawnstar, you're crazy! We can't just let a rogue into DawnClan like that! She will lure Rip over! That will put us in serious danger!"

"Please..." Rainbow started to whimper. "I'll show you how Rip treats his clanmates..." She sounded tired. She lay on her side, letting the cats look at her side. There was a big gash. It was fresh, glistening with blood. 

"Blood! I smell blood!" Berrywhisker yelled, barreling into the crowd and starting to heal the wounds.

"She's injured, let her go back!" Haredusk hissed. 

"Would you just leave an injured cat like this in the wild, waiting for death?" Berrywhisker hissed, thrusting her nose at Haredusk.

"You're a medicine cat, of course, you would only care about the injured!" Haredusk snapped.

Berrywhisker thrust his muzzle closer until her eyes were close to Haredusk's and gave him the death stare. "Would you want to die of wounds? What would you feel if you were turned away when you needed help at that moment?"Then she turned back and continued helping Rainbow. 

"Very well." Dawnstar meowed. "Rainbow will stay with us."

Cricketpaw cheered and nuzzled Rainbow. "Rainbow, you're staying!"

"Oh, wow," Rainbow blinked, wincing. Suddenly she stood up. "Dawnstar?"

"Yes?" Dawnstar cocked her head.

"I would... like to change my name, so I sound like a forest cat." Rainbow meowed.

"Very well... what will you name yourself?" Dawnstar asked, guessing what Rainbow would obviously say.

"Rainbowtail," Rainbow announced. "I want to be named Rainbowtail."

The new name rang across the clearing. Rainbow stood straight and solemn. Dawnstar considered the name and meowed, "very well."

Then DawnClan yowled into the air, "Rainbowtail! Rainbowtail!"

Cricketpaw smiled at their new clanmate. She wanted to play with Rainbow, but she knew that they would have to rest now - they had a journey tommorow.

Moonwatcher132 This is proof to show that I am using number 2 in my story!

This is what Rainbowtail looks like:

Thank you Moonwatcher132!

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