Chapter 23

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 Dawnfire rose from her nest and stretched, her claws digging at her moss. That was the first peaceful sleep she had in a long time. Poppyfur encouraged all the cats injured from the MoonClan battle to take an extra day to rest. Dawnfire's wounds weren't serious, but her body had taken quite the beating from Ebonywing and Mosspaw. The worst wounds were Applespots who was still in the medicine cat den, but would recover in a moon or so, Turtleblaze who couldn't patrol or hunt and Snakewhisker who had a twisted paw, but was back on light duties. The three newest warriors were also able to complete vigil and all was well in SunClan. Mostly, anyway.

Ever since the battle Dawnfire was getting more and more death glares from Thornpelt, he was not happy with her for yelling at him to let Tawnytail go. Dawnfire couldn't let it bother her, she had to continue without the fear of Thornpelt looming over like a storm cloud. Dawnfire exited the warriors den and saw that life was busy in the camp. Adderstrike was having a conversation with Snakewhisker, Flowerstar was in the sun, sharing tongues with Stormwind. Hawktalon and Nightwing were also relaxing in the sun, Nightwing appeared to be asleep while Hawktalon's blind eyes gazed up at the sky. Dawnfire heard happy squeals and turned to see Cloudkit jumping on a very exhausted looking Willownose.

She let out a purr of amusement and went over to the two. "Having fun?" Dawnfire asked the queen. Willownose looked up and let out a sigh.

"Loads of fun," She purred. "This kit is wearing me out, never ending playtimes. I only wish he had littermates to play with."

"I have siblings," Cloudkit flopped down on Willownose's back. "But Cinderflame and Yarrowtail are on patrol, and Pebblestep is doing her medicine cat stuff." He pouted.

"You know, Willownose," Dawnfire said. "If you wanna go rest I could probably take Cloudkit out your whiskers for a while."

"Really?" Willownose's gaze instantly lit up. "That would help me so much, I don't get much sleep with his restlessness."

"Absolutely, most patrols are out right now so I could keep him busy," Dawnfire purred. "I could use some kit playtime."

"That sounds fun!" Cloudkit stumbled off his adoptive mother and bounced over to Dawnfire.

"Thank you so much, Dawnfire!" Willownose stood up and yawned. "It means a lot, thank you."

"No problem," Dawnfire purred as the brown she-cat went into the nursery. Cloudkit jumped around Dawnfire.

"What are we gonna do? Will you take me out of camp?" He questioned, his blue eyes wide with excitement.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Dawnfire laughed. "But maybe I could show you the hunter's crouch?"

"Oh, yes please!" Cloudkit squeeked with excitement, suddenly he dropped to the floor, sticking his rump high in the air.

Dawnfire let out a mrrow of laughter. "You're not gonna catch much like that I'm afraid." She said before placing a paw on his hindquarters, gently pushing them down. "You want your entire body low to the ground, but not so low that you disrupt the forest floor."

"Understood," Cloudkit was determined, he moved forward, very clumsily but keeping his form. He leapt forward and pounced on a stray leaf. He turned around, blue eyes flooding with excitement.

"What's going on here?" Dawnfire heard a deep voice and turned to see Rockfur, she was suddenly nervous that he wouldn't want her teaching his son how to hunt.

"Dawnfire showed me how to do the hunting crouch!" Cloudkit released his leaf prey and bounced over to Rockfur.

Rockfur looked down at his son for moment then back up to Dawnfire, his eyes soft. "Well that's very kind of you, Dawnfire. Did you thank her?"

"Thank you, Dawnfire!" Cloudkit said, Dawnfire admired his energy. He was a very lively kit, Dawnfire could see why Willownose was so exhausted.

"It's not a problem at all." Dawnfire purred, twitching her tail with amusement. "He's a fun kit, he'll make a great warrior."

"Oh, I know." Rockfur purred, wrapping his tail around Cloudkit. "Much like his mother and siblings."

Dawnfire remembered Rockfur's treatment of Pebblestep, still only an apprentice at the time, when Dovetail died. Perhaps losing his mate softened him up, he was no longer angry with Pebblestep, or at least he didn't show that he was. He loved his children, all of them, and that's what mattered.

"When I'm apprentice I want Dawnfire to be my mentor!" Cloudkit said excitedly. "She's so nice!"

Dawnfire's pelt burned slightly, "Well, that's up to Flowerstar." She said. Dovetail said when she died that she wanted Dawnfire to mentor Cloudkit, but Flowerstar wasn't happy with her after she accused Thornpelt of murder.

"I hope she picks you!" Cloudkit squeaked, before pouncing in his father's tail, Rockfur looked at Dawnfire.

"I feel like you would be a good mentor to Cloudkit," He mewed, eyes showing a hint of some emotion that Dawnfire couldn't place. "He really likes you, and I know Dovetail did too."

"She was an amazing cat, and Cloudkit, all of her kits, are wonderful. Yarrowtail and Cinderflame are wonderful warriors and Pebblestep is an amazing medicine cat."

"She certainly proved herself by saving the Clan from greencough, and I could see Cinderflame leading the Clan one day." Rockfur mewed. "And of course, Cloudkit will be an incredible warrior. Dawnfire noticed with unease that he said nothing about Yarrowtail, it's true that he was smaller than most warriors, but he was quick, a great hunter and an amazing tracker.

"Hey, you," Dawnfire jumped slightly as Lionclaw brushed up against her. "Having fun with the kit?"

"Yep," Dawnfire purred. "He's a handful, but he's very eager and energetic." She watched Cloudkit return to his leaf and bat it around.

Lionclaw's voice lowered. "You'd make a wonderful mother." He said. Dawnfire jumped suddenly, her entire pelt burning.

"Uh, what?" She stuttered. "A mother?" She hadn't even thought about having kits of her own.

Lionclaw laughed. "Relax," He touched his nose to her shoulder. "We don't have to worry about kits for a long time, and if you don't want any that's fine too."

Dawnfire relaxed, then glanced at Lionclaw. Did he want kits? She suddenly pictured him playing with smaller versions of himself, laughing and teaching them the ways of a warrior. It made her heart warm up. I know he would make a wonderful father...

"Dawnfire!" Thornpelt shouted from across the camp. "Make yourself useful and join the next hunting patrol. Adderstrike is leading it." He turned away and appeared to go to the medicine den. What did he need from there? Dawnfire sighed and looked at Lionclaw.

"Cheer up," Lionclaw mewed. "He's just a bit strict, you had him for a mentor you should know."

Dawnfire nodded and headed over to Adderstrike. I know a lot more than you think...

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