Chapter 24

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 Dawnfire moved through the forest with ease, Turtleblaze was beside her and Brackenpelt behind them, Snowtail led the patrol. They had just left the AshClan border and were heading back to camp. The forest was lush and green and newleaf was in full bloom, everything was new and growing. Dawnfire, and many of SunClan's cats were hoping this would bring kits. Cloudkit was nearly an apprentice and he was the only inhabitant of the nursery with the exception of Willownose. Recently, Willownose had returned to warrior duties, but still kept Cloudkit company in the nursery.

The patrol pushed through the entrance of camp and Snowtail reported to Thornpelt while Brackenpelt joined Heatherflight and Squirreltail by the fresh-kill pile.

"Dawnfire," Dawnfire turned to see Flowerstar standing outside her den. "I'm glad you're back, would you mind coming into my den? I want to talk to you about something."

"Of course, Flowerstar." Dawnfire looked at her brother who nodded at her.

"Have fun with that," He said. "I'm gonna see if I can join another patrol." He padded quickly away and went over to Thornpelt.

Dawnfire was suddenly nervous, what did Flowerstar want to talk about? Was it Thornpelt, she had been avoiding the deputy as much as possible, maybe she had noticed, but without hesitation Dawnfire quickly went over to Flowerstar and followed her inside the SunTree.

"What did you need, Flowerstar?" Dawnfire dipped her head respectfully before asking. What was this about?

"Cloudkit is finally six moons old, and is ready to become an apprentice." She said. "As you know, Dovetail wanted you to become Cloudkit's mentor." She said, for a moment Dawnfire was excited before Flowerstar continued talking. "But, I don't want to make you a mentor simply because Dovetail wanted you to be."

"Oh," Dawnfire spirit's dropped. Why take me in here just to tell me I can't mentor Cloudkit? "I understand. Who are you going to chose for his mentor, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I never said I wasn't going to chose you, Dawnfire." Flowerstar added, taking Dawnfire by surprise. "I simply said that I wasn't going to just because Dovetail wanted you to be. Dovetail was my neice, daughter to Stormwind and I want her kit to be mentored by the best. Not only do I think you'll do an incredible mentor but I know you will teach Cloudkit how to be an honorable and brave warrior."

Dawnfire was nearly speechless, she figured that Flowerstar was mad at her for bringing up Thornpelt. "Are you sure?"

"I've thought a lot about this," Flowerstar continued. "And there's no other cat I would want to be Cloudkit's mentor than you."

Dawnfire dipped her head. "Thank you so much, Flowerstar. This means so much to me, I won't let your or Dovetail down."

"I'm sure you won't," Flowerstar rested her tail on Dawnfire's shoulders. "I understand your concerns with Thornpelt, and I did take what you said into consideration." Dawnfire looked up in surprise. "But, unless Thornpelt proves to me himself that he is a traitor I cannot take any action against him. I'm sure he is a loyal warrior at heart."

Dawnfire nodded, she didn't want to argue, Flowerstar was an incredible leader and if something happened, Dawnfire knew that Flowerstar would make the right choice.

"Now," Flowerstar's gaze softened with happiness. "Let's get to that ceremony." She purred. Dawnfire nodded and they stepped outside. Flowerstar turned and jumped onto the SunTree, climbing to the top branch. "Let all cats enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!" Her voice rang out through the camp, filling Dawnfire with a sense of safety and comfort.

Cats turned around from what they were turning and began heading towards the center of camp. Cloudkit bounced out of the nursery with Willownose after him. "Cloudkit, stop! You're fur is a mess!" Dawnfire purred, Willownose seemed like his actual mother.

Pebblestep and Poppyfur exited the medicine den and sat beside the SunTree, Pebblestep's eyes were glittering with happiness as her youngest brother was to become an apprentice. Cinderflame and Yarrowtail sat beside their father, all excited. Cloudkit pushed his way through the crowd to stand before the SunTree.

"Cloudkit," Flowerstar began, her eyes glowing. "you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed." She said, Cloudkit's eyes were wide and he struggled to sit still. "From this day forward, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Cloudpaw." The newly named Cloudpaw's eyes were bright and wide. "One of Dovetail's dying requests was that Dawnfire be Cloudpaw's mentor, not only that but I believe that Dawnfire will be able to teach this young apprentice everything he needs to know about being a warrior of SunClan. Your new mentor, will be Dawnfire."

Dawnfire stood up, feeling the gaze of the entire Clan on her. She moved to stand in front of her new apprentice, she remembered what she did when Sunstream was named her mentor. She also remembered her excitement, now she was feeling what Sunstream felt. Dawnfire leaned forward and touched noses with Cloudpaw. When she stepped back she the utter joy, excitement and eagerness in Cloudpaw's eyes, she would love having him as an apprentice.

"Cloudpaw! Cloudpaw! Cloudpaw!" The Clan cheered on their new apprentice, Dawnfire heard his family the loudest. Rockfur's eyes burned with pride, whilst Yarrowtail, Pebblestep and Cinderflame's eyes glowed with excitement.

"As a final note, just because we have an apprentice now doesn't mean that all of the work should fall onto Cloudpaw, I still want warriors helping out with apprentice duties." Flowerstar added. "We also now have no kits, and no kits on the way, hopefully newleaf brings us many kits within the next few moons." She dipped her head and jumped down from the SunTree, landing gracefully on the ground.

"Congratulations!" Lionclaw bounded up to Dawnfire. "You've got an apprentice of your own!" He looked at Cloudpaw. "Let me know if she's too mean, I'll put her in her place." He mewed.

Dawnfire swatted him away playfully. "Oh, hush," She laughed then turned to Cloudpaw who was purring with amusement. "Don't listen to him."

"What are we gonna do first?" Cloudpaw asked, his small body trembling with excitement. Dawnfire thought for a moment, her first day as an apprentice was spent collecting moss, but she didn't want to bore her new apprentice's first day.

"How about I show you SunClan territory?" She asked, and judging by the way Cloudpaw lit up, she assumed he was okay with it. "Let's go." She bid farewell to Lionclaw and began leading him to the back entrance.

"Why are we going this way, I thought the entrance was over there?" Cloudpaw motioned to the camp's front entrance.

"This is the back entrance, this leads to the moss hollow and the apprentice den." Dawnfire said. "Two places you'll certainly get used to." She purred and they pushed past the brush to get outside of camp.

"Wow!' Cloudpaw exclaimed running ahead a few mouse lengths. "The forest is huge!" He said, turning in circles. "Will I get to see the entire forest?"

"You'll certainly learn SunClan territory," Dawnfire replied, recalling her own excitement at seeing the forest for the first time. "And you will see the Gathering Hollow and the Spirit Woods."

"When is the next gathering?" Cloudpaw asked. "Will I get to go? How many cats will be there?" He was clearly very excited.

Dawnfire purred. "It's not that far off, and if you behave yourself as an apprentice I don't see why not." She told him, his eyes burned like a blue sun. "And there will be several cats from all four Clans. Anyway, let's go, we can't waste the day away by talking about the Gathering." Cloudpaw nodded and Dawnfire began leading him towards the apprentice den. "This is the apprentice den." She told him.

"Why is outside of camp?" Cloudpaw questioned, his ears twitching with curiosity. "I thought it was supposed to be in camp."

"It used to be, but when I was an apprentice, before you were born, the old apprentice den was flooded and the water turned into mud and hardened, we can no longer use it as a den." Dawnfire explained, she recalled the old den. At least this one had a lot more space.

"I see," Cloudpaw blinked then turned to Dawnfire. "I'm going to be sleeping in here alone aren't I?" He questioned.

"I'm afraid so," Dawnfire felt a pang of sympathy for him. "For a few moons at least, I'm sure we will have some kits born soon and a while after that you'll have some denmates." Cloudpaw would have to be alone for a while, even if a she-cat were expecting kits within the next few days, he would still be alone for at least eight moons. "You will get used to it, though." She purred. "Now let's continue." They moved on across the forest floor, down a gentle hill that led to the Moss Hollow. "This is the moss hollow, we get most of our moss from here. You'll be getting moss for the elders and probably Pebblestep and Poppyfur for a while."

"Boring!" Cloudpaw pouted.

"Yes, it's boring but it's work that must be done. A warrior's life isn't all about fighting, we have to help each other and that means getting moss for elders." Dawnfire laughed slightly. "Be thankful, we have rather kind elders, AshClan's elders have tongues as sharp as claws."

"I suppose." Cloudpaw shrugged.

"We also use the moss hollow to hide the kits and elders if SunClan's camp is ever attacked, wounded warriors or sick cats would also go here to be safe, and there's always a warrior guarding them." Dawnfire explained.

"Did that ever happen to you as a kit? You having to hide here?" Cloudpaw asked curiously.

"No, it has only happened once in my lifetime. AshClan attacked the camp, but I was an apprentice fighting in the battle. Your siblings were put here though, I hadn't been an apprentice long." That was when Sunstream died. Dawnfire remembered her old mentor with a claw of sadness. "Let's go to Jagged Rocks now." Dawnfire and Cloudpaw turned away from the moss hollow and quickly moved through the forest. This part of the territory wasn't as thick as the rest, Jagged Rocks was easy to spot. The red rocks sticking out like teeth from the ground.

"That's Jagged Rocks?" Cloudpaw questioned. "It's so big!" He looked up at Dawnfire. "Cinderflame told me that when you were all apprentices and AshClan patrol attacked you."

Dawnfire nodded. "It was me, Lionclaw, Yarrowtail, Cinderflame, Turtleblaze and Fawnheart, we were all apprentices and we were attacked by almost all of AshClan's warriors led by the former deputy Echoheart."

"Former? Did she die?"

"No," Dawnfire sighed. "That battle I mentioned earlier, she led it without Lionstar's permission, he demoted her from deputy."

"Wow, she must have really messed up." Cloudpaw said.

Dawnfire nodded. "Now, Jagged Rocks is not only dangerous for being so close to the AshClan border, but a clumsy apprentice could break their neck, and in Greenleaf, adders like to come out."

"Adders?" Cloudpaw cocked his head. "Are they bad?"

Dawnfire nodded. "We don't get them much here in SunClan, from what I hear LichenClan get a lot more, but one bite can kill a full grown warrior, not to mention an apprentice or kit."

"Wow." Cloudpaw's eyes looked all over the rocks. "Will I ever have to come here?" He turned his gaze to Dawnfire.

"Probably, it's a good place for herbs. If Pebblestep or Poppyfur are busy, they may send you." Dawnfire explained. "But don't worry, I would come with you." Cloudpaw's gaze lightened. "So what's next?"

"We will probably check out the AshClan border and if it's not too late I'll show you the MoonClan border and other features in the territory." Dawnfire explained, Cloudpaw nodded eagerly and they continued. Cloudpaw bounded next to the AshClan border, asking all sort of questions about the other Clan. Cloudpaw was a very curious cat, and he listened very intently.

Dawnfire couldn't remember a time she had more fun than guiding Cloudpaw around SunClan territory, her worries had vanished for a short time and she felt carefree and happy, almost as if Cloudpaw's energy had rubbed off on her. She would enjoy having him as an apprentice, and knew that he would make a wonderful warrior.

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