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Never in Mark's life that he'll be able to give flowers to Donghyuck. The boy wasn't fond of bouquets but today, the man just decided that he needed to. He has mixed emotions about it but it for Donghyuck. Hopefully, this will make the boy happy even though things didn't go the same way they wanted it to be.

The man knew he did everything to make the boy happy since they met each other. He was happy that he asked the boy to date and it was the best decision he made in his life. Donghyuck was the best thing that ever happened to him and the boy thinks the same way to the man.

Donghyuck did enjoy every year, day, hour and second he had with Mark.

Mark has the bouquet in his arms with Bomi. They walked down the sidewalk and made their way into the hospital. He was still hiding the puppy and he immediately went into the elevator. They arrived at the right floor and made their way to a hospital room.

"Took you long enough."

Mark chuckled softly when Jaemin softly shouted at him. He placed the puppy down and waggled its tail to his daddy. The room was in a birthday party setting. His friends went to help him with it--Well, it's was more like Jaemin's doings. Jeno just do everything what his boyfriend says to him while Renjun was the one trying to make it look pretty.

While they were fixing the last few touches, Mark saw the boy on the bed moved and groaned. The man just has the bouquet in his hands while others hurried and took the banner. Slowly, the boy opened his eyes to see his friends looking stupid in their party hats.


Donghyuck laughed softly, "You guys looked stupid..."

Mark chuckled as he walked towards his boyfriend who woke up yesterday before his birthday came up. It was such an emotional moment and imagine Mark down on his knees.

The doctor already told them that Donghyuck has a fifty-fifty chance of living. Mark was definitely in such a bad place since he has the choice if he wants to pull the plug or not. He thought it's much better to stop Donghyuck from suffering, but in the back of his mind, he wanted to wait.

He did, the good thing was Donghyuck finally woke up.

"Hey, love," Mark softly uttered.

Donghyuck smiled sweetly, "Hey..."

"I just ran out and thought about buying you a bouquet."

The man leaned down and pecked on the boy's lips. Mark then picked something up from the floor which made Donghyuck to furrow his eyebrows.

"Time to surprise papa, baby," Mark uttered and pulled up Bomi.

Donghyuck's jaw dropped, "Oh my god! Really, Mark?!"

The man nodded. The boy tried to sit up with Jeno's help before Mark placed Bomi down on Donghyuck's lap. Donghyuck didn't get to see Bomi yesterday just because he was resting and trying to regain some strength. He's much better now but he still have to stay in the hospital for monitoring and recovering.

"You named him Bomi, didn't you?"

Mark nodded, "Yeah, you asked me to."

Bomi was even wearing a cute tuxedo. Donghyuck played with the puppy and doesn't have any plans to put him down. Mark got fond of watching them. It's been two years. Who wouldn't miss watching their partners with pets?

"Time to blow your candles, Hyuck," Renjun uttered.

Donghyuck nodded, "Okay. But I'll let Bomi blow them."

"He might burn his nose," Mark uttered.

The boy pouted, "What if I burn my nose?"

The man chuckled, "You won't."

"Thanks for coming and...for staying, as well," Donghyuck uttered.

Jaemin nodded, "Yeah, no problem. We're glad you're back, Hyuck."

The boy nodded, "Alright, I'll see you guys soon."

"Okay, good night."

"Congrats on the baby, by the way."

Then they went out of the room, leaving the couple inside. Mark closed the door for them before he went back to sit down on the chair beside Donghyuck. Bomi was asleep since he had fun running around the party. Good thing Mark filmed it. He was happy that this happened. He doesn't even know what he would do if he ever gave up. Maybe he would regret it. Mark might even end up killing hi--


Mark shook out of his thoughts and looked at Donghyuck who spoke and held his hand.

"Anything bothering you?" the boy asked.

The man shook his head and smiled, "None. I'm just...happy that you're back..."

"So do I."

The man stood up to get on the bed and hug the boy tightly. Donghyuck became flustered when he heard the bed creaked.

"M-Mark, the bed!"

Mark chuckled and propped himself up on his elbow, "It'll be the least thing you'll ever get worried about, love."

The boy blushed with his eyebrows furrowed, "W-What do you mean?!"

"Whatever you think what it meant, Hyuck."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "You never changed."

"Why would I change?"

Mark didn't let his boyfriend answer and just leaned down to connect their lips. Donghyuck was surprised by it but he did just kissed back. Their lips moved in sync, obviously they missed each other. The boy opened his lips that made the man enter his tongue in to taste more. Donghyuck hummed with his arms wrapping around Mark's neck.

Mark couldn't help but hover the small body with his arms supporting his weight. He leaned down even more to deepen the kiss. They pulled away from time to time just to get some air but they just couldn't keep their lips away from each other. Donghyuck even wrapped his fingers around his boyfriend's hair and tugged on it softly.

Suddenly, they heard someone knocked on the door which made them to stop. Before the nurse could even get in, Mark immediately separated himself, resulting his ass against the floor.

"Oh, dear, what happened? Are you alright?" the nurse asked.

Mark nodded and stood up, "Y-Yeah...Don't worry about me."

"Okay," the nurse uttered and looked at the boy on the bed, smiling at him, "It's good to see you awake now. Your boyfriend has been waiting for you."

Donghyuck chuckled nervously and nodded, "Yeah, I heard."

She placed the tray with medicines before she got a closer look on the pretty boy.

"Your lips are quite reddish. Did you bite them?"

The boy looked at the man before he blushed, "I-I tried on a lip tint that my friend gave to me...M-Maybe it was quite too red f-for me."

"Hm, maybe you could go a little more natural..."

The nurse talked for a while Donghyuck looked at Mark. They won't speak about this ever again.


A/N: it ain't gonna be angst ending, but if u want let me know fam

i hope i did just fine ;_;

Love lots ♥

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