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"How 'bout we have a reunion with the team? It's been quite a while since we played," a man uttered.

Some agreed and chattered while Mark just sat there, listening to them. He was waiting for specific call from someone. It was getting dark outside so maybe Donghyuck would be out of work any minute now. It's not that he didn't want the reunion, he just needs some permission from his boyfriend.

It's Donghyuck first before everything else since he started dating him.

"What do you say, Lee?"

Mark looked at them. He pointed at himself since Jeno was there. Jeno laughed and nodded at him. He obviously wasn't in the right mind. Before he could even answer the question, his phone finally rang and Donghyuck's caller ID appeared.

"Excuse me. I need to answer this," Mark uttered and walked out of the cafe.

He accepted the call and placed his phone against his ear.

"Love, am I going to pick you up?" Mark asked.

"Are you busy with your friends? I can just get a cab--"

"No, of course not. You go first before them."

"You're suddenly cheesy. What do you want?"

Mark chuckled, "I don't want anything. I just want to cuddle later."

"Really? Just a cuddle?"

"We'll talk about it."

Donghyuck chuckled, "Alright, love. See you soon?"

"Yeah. I love you."

"I love you too."

Mark ended the call before he went into the cafe again to go to the current table.

"I need to go, guys."

"What? Really? Anyway, are you going to the reunion?"

The man shrugged, "I don't know but I'll let you guys know."

"Still Donghyuck's decision?"

"Of course."

After Mark said bye to them, he went out of the cafe with his car keys. He hopped into the vehicle and drove away. He was excited to see Donghyuck. It felt like days since he last saw him when it's just hours. Well, he'll always miss the boy.

He doesn't know it but Donghyuck misses him so much as well. The boy barely had a break just to finish his work so he could go home early today.

It took some minutes before Mark was able to arrive at the company building. He looked around then his eyes went over the ambulance by the entrance. He furrowed his eyebrows as he immediately parked his car and hopped out of the car. He wondered what happened.

Mark ran straight to where people were looking at. But he stopped when nurses pushed a hospital bed with someone on it. Then he felt like he was dreaming.

He wished he was dreaming.

"D-Donghyuck?" Mark immediately went over to the unconscious patient on the bed and cupped the boy's cheeks.

Donghyuck looked lifeless.

"Sir, we need to rush him to the emergency room. He's in a dangerous state," the nurse uttered.

Mark hopped into the ambulance as he cried quietly with his hand intertwined with the boy's.


Day 781

Days went by and Mark never slept that well anymore. He feels restless. After Donghyuck had gone to a serious seizure that night, he never took his eyes off of the boy. It traumatized the man even more. It made his friends to worry about it. He was never the same and felt miserable. Mark regretted leaving Donghyuck that night.

Renjun couldn't anymore leave Mark alone so Jeno and Jaemin made an effort to bring a portable bed for the boy. It would be bad for his back if he sleeps on the couch. Mark appreciated it but he was beyond upset right now.

Donghyuck was stable, which Mark was thankful about. But the doctor did talk to him that the seizure was a bad sign. Though he is stable, the boy's brain might be in a bad state. Mark couldn't literally do anything but to hold onto Donghyuck's hand.

"Hey, it's dinner."

Mark looked up and saw Renjun giving him a bowl of hot soup that Jaemin cooked and brought. The man smiled and nodded.

"I'm not hungry," the man uttered lowly.

Renjun sighed, "Minnie will get mad. Just a few spoons will do, Mark."

Mark didn't have a choice and just grabbed the bowl to have some hot soup into his system. Renjun noticed he was still holding onto the boy's hand. He felt sad just seeing the man struggling.

"Mark, you need to eat properly," Renjun uttered.

The man bit his lower lip, stopping himself from crying. His hand tightened its hold on the smaller one as the other one went to cover his face.

"I-I might lose him, J-Jun...I can't lose him..."

Renjun rubbed Mark's back and carried the bowl out of his way before he makes a mess. The boy felt tears pooling on his eyes. He doesn't want to get stressed just because he has a living being inside. This was making him breakdown. But he needs to be strong for his friend. What happened that night did scare and wanted to help but all he could do was to watch the doctor and nurses stabilizing the patient.

Donghyuck could've given up that night.

Then the doors opened with Jeno and Jaemin bringing a box of brownies for the boy and some other stuff for Mark. But they immediately went over to the both of them. Jaemin went to look over at Mark while Jeno calmed Renjun down.

"Jen, you need to take Jun out please," Jaemin uttered.

Jeno nodded and kissed Jaemin's forehead before he gently pulled Renjun out of the room with a heavy atmosphere. Jaemin hugged Mark tightly and rubbed his back.

"Everything's okay, Mark. Everything's going to be okay. This will be over soon, I promise, okay?" Jaemin pushed him away from the man, "Mark, look at me."

Mark cried but he let his teary eyes went to look at Jaemin's. He knew the boy was stopping himself from crying but Jaemin was such a strong guy.

"Hey, stay strong for him. He doesn't want to see you like this. You've gone this far, Mark," Jaemin uttered softly, "We can do this. I know Donghyuck will wake up. Just believe that it will happen, Mark. Please...I want you to stay strong with us."

The man swallowed as his eyes trailed to the boy. It took his a while before he hugged Jaemin. The boy didn't mind. As long as the man wanted his company, then he'll stay.

"We're here for you, Mark. We're also worried for him but I know things will be better. Do you hear me, Mark?"

Mark nodded, not uttering a single word.

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