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"Are you really sure you like me?"

Mark furrowed his eyebrows at the boy who just confessed to him all of a sudden. Not just any boy, it's his seatmate and friend in Biology class named Donghyuck.

They're currently in class and doing a by-partner activity then suddenly, Donghyuck confessed out of the blue which made Mark to accidentally drop the test tube. They had to start all over again but it was kinda the boy's intention to be with the man more.

"Yeah...I just tease you for fun but I really like you. I get excited whenever I get to be with you in this class and sit beside you. I don't want to tell you about what I like about you here in class but I really am serious, Mark," Donghyuck whispered, not wanting to get any attention.

The man focused on the activity while he listened to the boy. He put the solution on the glass slide then he placed it under the microscope. It was Donghyuck's turn to do the task which was to look at the specimen under the microscope and write down the characteristics of it. Mark was able to look at the boy beside him who quietly does the task.

Mark wasn't really into boys, but surely there was an exception when it comes to Donghyuck. He doesn't know why. Maybe Donghyuck really has that kind of impact to other guys.

"Do you want to date?"

Donghyuck stopped writing and looked back at Mark. He blushed at how attractive the man was. Being him inside the grey hoodie with messy hair and glasses, Donghyuck literally felt his heart thumped.

"A d-date?"

Mark shrugged, "I just thought I should give you a chance."

"Really?" Donghyuck asked.

The man nodded, "So? Do you want to go out with me?"


Day 693

Mark stood up from the sofa when he heard someone knocking against the wooden door of the hospital room. He groaned as he made his way to get the door. It was too early for him to wake up but he needed to see who it was. Maybe it was someone important.



Jaemin jumped and tightly hugged the man. Mark huffed but he hugged the boy back as he knew he needed that. It's been so long since he hugged someone. Donghyuck was someone he needed but for now, he'll have to go with this. Soon, they pulled away.

"Come in," Mark took a step to the side to let everybody in.

Renjun and Jeno walked in and hugged the man. Mark sighed at how warmth can totally be the thing he needed. All of them went in and Jeno sat down by the sofa while Jaemin and Renjun went to look at Donghyuck. Mark sat beside Jeno who was looking at the sleeping boy on the bed.

"How are you guys? Everything good between the three of you?" Mark asked.

"We're fine. We should be the one getting all worried for you," Jeno uttered, "How's everything?"

The man shrugged, "I've been keeping him company since day 1. Just some seizures every now and then but everything's going smoothly...I guess. Nothing serious is going, hopefully."

"I'm sorry if we haven't visited you guys in a long time. We just got our leave just now," Jeno said.

"No...It's fine, Jen. But I'm happy you guys came."

"We're happy we came. It's time for you to get out of this room, bud," Jeno joked.

Mark chuckled, "Maybe."

"Why don't you go with Minnie? He's going out to buy some fruits," the man asked.

"Yeah, get some air. Let's go," Jaemin uttered.

Mark didn't have any choice since he was being pushed. He stood up from the sofa and took a hoodie to wear it out, putting the camera inside. Jaemin dragged him out of the room and building to get into their car with Mark.

They drove away and arrived at a nearby mall. Both of them hopped out of the car and walked into the building. Mark put his hands into the pocket of his hoodie while he walked beside Jaemin. He looked around and suddenly saw a pet supply store.

"Jaemin, do you know where I could buy a dog?" Mark asked.

Jaemin hummed, "Yeah, maybe. Why? You want to adopt one?"

"Yeah...Just for Donghyuck."

The boy nodded as he smiled, "Okay, we'll go there when I buy some fruits. I don't want you to eat those cup noodles."

Mark rolled his eyes, "I didn't have the time. Also, I don't want to go to the cafeteria. Their food isn't my type."

"Whatever your excuse is, you should call me to bring some real food even if it'll be once a week," Jaemin uttered while he looked at the fruits.

While he waited for the boy, he took the camera out and thought about filming. Donghyuck loves shopping so might as well film this. He started recording and randomly showed things.

"Donghyuckie, when you wake up, can you nag at Mark for being unhealthy? That's why I'm buying fruits for him. He's getting thinner. Also, when you wake up, you'll meet a godchild very soon now. I know you like kids. Surely, you love him...or her. We still don't know but see you soon!"

"Wait, wait. Who's pregnant?" Mark asked, filming the both of them.

Jaemin smirked, "Who else? Renjun just told us about it a while ago. It should've been a surprise but y'know, I just keep ruining the surprises."

"Then who's the father?"

The boy shrugged, "Maybe Jeno?"

"Anyway, congratulations. I'm very happy to hear that. Surely, Donghyuck will be happy if he heard this."

"I'm sure he is, Mark."

Jaemin placed his arm around Mark, being clingy as ever. They looked clumsy infront of the camera but they cared less. Both of them just wanted to hear Donghyuck's laughs when he gets to watch this mess.

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