Day Forty-Five

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"Looks like you're gonna be getting some new neighbors." Sirius commented to Harry. He was looking out the living room window when he spotted the "Under Contract" sign in front of the house.

            "Yeah apparently so, don't know who yet." Harry answered sitting on the couch. As of then, Lily and James were both at school and Ginny was at her parents. After it hit the one month mark, Ginny started crying all day again so Harry insisted she went to her parents for a few days. She obviously didn't want to go because of James and Lily but Harry convinced her to go.

            Harry ran hand over his face so Sirius took a seat next to him on the couch.

            "What's on your mind?" He asked Harry he looked at his pa. Shaking his head, Harry let out a long sigh.

            "I'm a detective, a detective! I should be able to find my son or at least any traces there are of him but I can't. I can't find him and it pisses me off more than anything else." He told Sirius before taking a deep breath. "And then I'm stuck here tending to my wife and kids who are barely hanging on. I mean Ginny, she's inconsolable most nights and I can't make it better. I want to make it better and I can't."  Sirius studied his son intently before scooting closer and bringing him in for a hug. Harry always did this thing where he would pretend he was okay. He would pretend he wasn't sad or hurting and just go about his life. Being strong for everyone.

            "My sweet boy," Sirius started. "You don't always have to be this strong you know. You don't need to be so tough around me. You are allowed to show your true emotions to me, I'm your papa." Harry's hold around his pa tightened as tears started to fill his eyes. "Harry, your son is missing and you're doing everything you can to make sure he is returned safely to you. You're doing the best you can and I know you're bottling everything up but I need you to know, you can cry. It's only me and you." Sirius told Harry and that was the little push Harry needed. He started crying violently into his father's neck.  All his pent up emotion was pouring out, something he desperately needed.

            He had cried the first day to his parents and a little to his family but not after. They could not see him breakdown. He needed to be strong for his family. And as he cried, his papa whispered soft encouragements to him.

            He finally pulled himself together and looked up from his papa's neck. Wiping his eyes, he smiled sadly.

            "I don't think I cried that hard while you held me since my first breakup." Harry told Sirius who chuckled softly.

            "13 year old relationships are very hard," He teased and then sniffled slightly himself. "Look at you now, you have a beautiful wife and three gorgeous children." Sirius told Harry before cupping his face. "And you will always have three gorgeous children. You're going to find Albus and it's going to be the best day of your life."

            "I want my son back." Harry ordered and Sirius nodded gently.

            "I know and I know you want answers. They'll come to you soon love. Maybe even after you find him but the answers to all your questions will be answered." Sirius stated quietly causing Harry to sigh and swallow hard.

            "I guess you're right but I'm going to keep looking."

            "As you should and we won't stop looking with you. Think about how many people are helping you look Harry, you have an entire police team looking for him every day. You're going to get your son back in no time." Sirius encouraged.

            "I really hope so." Harry replied and then sighed glancing at the clock. "I gotta go pick up Lily from school."

            "Let me do it." Sirius answered. "I'll pick her up and we can have a nice meal, all of us. I'll tell your dad to come here."

            "That sounds great papa, thank you." Sirius nodded and stood up. He pressed a kiss against Harry's head before walking away and out the door.

            Harry got up and put some water on the stove to make some tea. James was due home at any minute as well. He rummaged through the cabinets before pulling out the tea. He heard the door opened so he called out to James.

            "James is that you?"

            "Yeah dad and I brought someone with me, hope that's okay." James' voice sounded like he was getting closer. Harry turned around and the two walked into the kitchen.

            "Rose." Harry mentioned and she smiled.

            "Hi Uncle Harry." She greeted and he grinned.

            "How are you doing?" He asked and she shrugged.

            "You know." She answered so he nodded.

            "Yeah I do," He replied. "Come on sit, do you want some tea?" He asked and they nodded.

            "Yes please." They answered so he grabbed three mugs before placing the teabags in them. "Um dad, shouldn't you be getting Lily?" James questioned.

            "Poppy is getting her, we're gonna have dinner, all of us. Poppop should be coming over too, Rose you're more than welcome to join if you want. We'd love to have you." Harry offered and Rose smiled.

            "Thanks Uncle Harry but I told dad I would be home by 6."

            "Maybe next time then." Harry answered and Rose nodded.
             "I would love to."

            They sat around the table for a little bit before Remus made an appearance. He was happy to see the Weasley's daughter with them. He knew she needed just as much closure as the other immediate family did. She was Albus' closest friend after all.

            "Your pa told me we're having dinner, what do you feel like having?"  Remus questioned as Harry handed him some tea.

            "I'll make some lambs chops, does that sound alright?" Harry questioned and Remus shook his head.

            "Nonsense, Sirius and I will make dinner tonight, you just relax." Remus told his son. "You want lamb chops?"

            "No," Harry answered. "I think that's all we have left though, I need to go shopping." Harry confessed and Remus chuckled.

            "Tomorrow we'll go shopping, tonight we'll have pizza." Remus told Harry who looked at James. He had been listening to the conversation and nodded in excitement.

            "Pizza sounds good to me, Rose maybe you can convince your parents to let you stay." James told her and she laughed.

            "My dad is on his way now but I'll try to convince him to let us have pizza as well." She told the family.

            "It's worth a shot." James answered with a smile.

            Soon after, Ron made an appearance and talked to Harry for a little. Remus had called Sirius to pick up some pizza and by the time he got home, Rose and Ron had left. So they had a nice family dinner, just the four of them. And for a second, it was a little break from the anguish that was going around.

            Scorpius sat with a blanket around his shoulders, sitting at his desk and looking at his computer screen. He had come home from school in a fouler mood than before. He hadn't found anyone again to sleep with and he's been taunted more at school. On top of that, he hadn't found Albus Potter.

            There was a knock at the door and then his father walked into his room. With a sigh, Scorpius closed is laptop and looked at his father. He watched as his father walked into the room and sat on the edge of his bed.

            "Yes?" Scorpius questioned and his father frowned.

            "Is everything alright at school Scorpius?" Draco asked and Scorpius shrugged.

            "Yeah, why do you ask?" He questioned.

            "You seem sad. You lock yourself in your room all afternoon and don't really speak with your mother or me."

            "No, school is fine... but would be better if I could drop out." Scorpius tried causing the older man to roll his eyes.

            "No Scorpius, you're not dropping out," Draco chided. "Is it a boy? Were you seeing someone?" Draco asked and Scorpius shook his head.

            "No dad, I wasn't seeing someone, I'm okay." Scorpius tried to smile but Draco was not having any of it. He raised his eyebrow at his son who sighed slightly. "There is a boy but he's not dating me."

            "Okay, is he bullying you?" Draco questioned and Scorpius shook his head.

            "No dad, I don't know him." Scorpius answered.

            "What do you mean you don't know him? Is it an internet boy?" He asked and Scorpius once again shook his head.

            "No dad, it's the missing boy from the news, I'm just worried about him."

            "What do you mean you're worried about him?" Draco asked and then looked sympathetically at his son. "Are you afraid the same thing is going to happen to you? That was miles away from here son, it's alright. You're going to be okay." Scorpius didn't answered, just looked down. It was no sense in trying to explain his obsession. He didn't even know himself. Instead, he just looked up at his dad and smiled slightly.

            "Thanks dad."

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