Day Thirty (One Month)

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            "Today marks exactly one month since young Albus Potter has gone missing. Police still have no leads yet they remain hopeful. They urge you to call-"

            Harry turned off the television hastily and ran a hand through his hair. One month ago his baby boy was taken. One month ago he took his eye off his son and he was paying for it. One month ago, he let his family down.

            "Dad?" He heard so he looked up, discretely wiping his eyes.

            "Yeah Lily?" He asked and she sniffled slightly.

            "May I stay home from school today?" She asked.

            "Are you feeling okay?" He replied and she nodded, sniffling again. It was then when he realized she had been crying. "Come here baby." He told her and she walked over to her father, hugging him tightly. He hugged her back just as tight and gently patted her back. "Your mother is still in bed if you want to crawl into there with her." He told her and she pulled away nodding.

            "Thanks dad." She smiled shyly.

            "Of course, I'll make some breakfast and I'll bring it up." He told her and she nodded. He kissed her head and she walked away.

            He decided to get up and start cooking. He made some toast, bacon and eggs before putting them all on a tray. Even putting some coffee and juice on the tray, he walked it to his room. He was pleasantly surprised to see James there with them too, cuddling with his mother and sister.

            "I take it you're staying home today too." Harry stated, placing the tray down and James nodded. "Okay well I made enough for all of you." He told them before starting to leave.

            "Wait Harry." Ginny spoke so he looked at her. "Please stay here with us." She pleaded. He wanted to get out of the house, go looking for Albus some more. He and his dad went looking at the youth shelters but it was no use.  However, he wanted to look other places, maybe places Albus wouldn't go to.

            "I have to leave." He told her but before she could retort, James spoke up.

            "Please dad, we need you to stay." He pleaded so he took a deep breath before nodding.  He kicked off his shoes and nodded.

            "Okay, I will stay."   James got out of bed so Harry could lay next to his wife. After Harry crawled in, James laid back down and rested his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry kissed the top of his son's head. "Eat up guys, I didn't make it for nothing." He told his family so James reached over and grabbed the tray. He placed it on Harry and Ginny's lap causing Harry to get a flashback of Mother's Day a few year prior.

            "Are we making mummy breakfast?" A jumpy nine year old Lily questioned and Harry nodded.

            "We are Lily pad." Harry grinned and leaned down kissing the top of Lily's head. At this moment, the two boys came barreling into the kitchen.

            "Mummy is still asleep! We have to make pancakes!" Albus declared, rushing over to his father.

            "Okay come on," Harry beckoned them to the kitchen table. "Now what kind of pancakes should we make for mummy?" He asked and the three of them pondered before James declared,


            "No it should be chocolate chip!" Albus retorted.

            "No blueberry is better, mum doesn't like things that are too sweet!"  James shot back.

            "Okay Lils, this means you're the tie breaker." Harry told her and before the two boys could protest, Lily burst out,


            "Yeah!!" The two boys agreed causing Harry to laugh.

            "Okay both it is."

            He pulled out all the ingredients needed to make the pancakes plus the morsels.  He gave each kid ingredients to put in the bowl so Harry could mix it. Once it was done, Lily got to put the blueberries in one batch while Albus got to the chocolate chips in the other.  James got the job of cutting fruit to put on the side since he was the oldest.

            Harry cooked the food and then plated it allowing the kids to add their final additions. James added a flower, Albus added his card and Lily added a drawing of them all. Harry allowed James to carry the tray up the stairs as Albus held her tea and Lily held her juice.

            They made their way up the stairs and quietly opened the door.

            "Wake up sweetheart, it's mother's day." Harry whispered as he made his way over to his wife. He leaned down and kissed her head before stroking her hair. She opened her eyes to reveal her family and she grinned.

            "Happy Mother's Day!" The kids sang and Ginny smiled, sitting up. James placed the tray on Ginny's lap and everyone got in bed with her.

            "Thank you my loves, I'm so lucky to have three beautiful children."

            "Dad?" James called and Harry looked over. "Are you okay? You zoned out."

            "Oh um yeah I'm okay," He shook his head. "I do want to go out looking though,"

            "Dad, you promised you'd stay." Lily pointed out and he looked at Ginny. She was silently pleading with him. He looked back at his kids,

            "Come with me," He told them. "Six eyes are better than two." He told them and they looked at their mum who nodded.

            "Okay we'll come."

            Scorpius sat in the lunch room, alone at his table while eating lunch. During lunch, he would usually be alone with someone in the bathroom but he hadn't found a newbie and he didn't feel like recycling.

            He took this time to check up on the missing boy. He had seen on the news that it was exactly one month since the boy was missing.

            This drove him crazy. A month into the search and they had found absolutely nothing. Scorpius felt the people searching for him were useless. How could you not find anything in a month? They must be looking in all the wrong places.

            "Hey slutty Scorpius, figured you'd be eating ass for lunch." The kid from his class sneered and he rolled his eyes.

            "Fuck off Randall."

            "Oh a bit testy are we? Haven't had a good fuck in a while hmm?" Randall taunted and Scorpius sneered.

            "Get lost you moron, I'm not gonna fuck you again. Like I said, you don't give me enough pleasure." Scorpius stood up and stood in the guy's face. "And unless you want me to tell the whole school you can't last longer than a minute, I suggest you fucking leave me alone."  Scorpius threatened.

            "You wouldn't dare." The guy stated causing Scorpius to smirk.

            "Hey everyone!" He yelled and everyone turned to look. "Randall over here has trouble-" Scorpius' was cut off by Randall's hand.

            "Fine," Randall narrowed his eyes. "Point proven." He shoved Scorpius slightly before walking off. Scorpius sighed and sat back down. He started picking at his food and reading on his phone.

            Thankfully the bell rang dismissing them to their next class. He walked to math class and sat down in his seat next to the window. He placed his head down on his desk and closed his eyes. That was until someone bumped his desk so he opened them to glare at them but the boy was smirking at him.

            "Some show you put up in the lunchroom, Malfoy. Lovers quarrel?" The boy chuckled.

            "He was bothering me and he is certainly not my lover Avery." Scorpius spat and the boy took a seat next to Scorpius.

            "Well that's what he's telling people," Avery began. "That you two fuck in the bathroom almost every day."

            "He wishes, maybe he wouldn't cum so early then." Scorpius scoffed causing the other boy's eyebrows to raise.

            "Oh is that what you two were fighting about?" Avery laughed and Scorpius scowled.  "Well if it's any consolation, I didn't believe you were fucking him."

            "I don't care." Scorpius told him. He rested his head back down and then closed his eyes.  He cracked an eye open and the boy was still looking at him. "What?"

            "I just wanted to know if you'd want to go to the bathroom with me." Avery mentioned and Scorpius shook his head.

            "No not today, I'm not in the mood."

            "You're not in the mood?" Avery asked and Scorpius shook his head. "You're always in the mood."

            "How would you know?"

            "I've heard stories." Avery answered causing Scorpius to scowl once more. He didn't say anything, just turned his head to face the opposite direction. He really just wanted to quit school.  His phone vibrated in his pocket so he pulled it out and saw it was a text from his father.

Dad: Hi Son, Your mother and I have to go out again tonight. Mum is gonna cook you something before we leave.  Like I said before, no boys over while we're gone. I'll see you later, love you.

            Scorpius sighed and wondered why his parents were going out so much all of a sudden. Without him not to mention. It rather upset him but he tried not to think about. Instead he filled his mind with green eyes and wonderment of where that boy could be.

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