Day Twenty

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Scorpius sat at his desk doing some homework. He absolutely hated school and really wished his parents would let him just drop out. He didn't see the reason anyway other than socialization which he claimed he didn't need.

            There was a knock at his door so he called them to come in.

            "Hi sweetheart, I brought you up a snack." His mother told him carrying a plate. She walked over to him and placed it on his desk. To his delight, it was deli meats with some crackers.

            "Thanks mum." Scorpius grinned as his mother took a seat on the edge of his bed.

            "You're welcome honey, working on some schoolwork?" She questioned and he nodded before taking a bite of his food.

            "Yeah unfortunately, if only I could not attend school." He told her causing her to sigh.

            "Scorpius dear, why do you want to quit school?" Her mother and he shrugged. "Do you just want to be homeschooled? Because I could homeschool you if you'd like."

            "No mum, I just don't like school and would much rather quit it all together." Scorpius confessed but Astoria shook her head.

            "I'm sorry honey but that isn't an option. Stay in school, you only have one more year left." She told him before getting up and kissing his head. "I love you."

            "I love you too." Scorpius mumbled as she walked out of the room. Sighing, he resumed his schoolwork, trying his best to stay awake.

            A little later, he got distracted on his laptop as he started searching again for Albus Potter. It was now about three weeks since he went missing and the news were already reporting he could be dead. Scorpius hated that side of the media. They couldn't just presume him dead, the boy was missing for God sake.

            When he heard a knock at the door followed by the opening of the door, he quickly shut his laptop.

            "Scorpius?" His father questioned raising an eyebrow.

            "Dad please next time just wait until I say come in." Scorpius scolded and his father's look made him think he thought he was looking at porn. He didn't mean it like that, he just didn't want his father seeing he was looking the boy up again.

            "I will," Draco promised walking further into his room. "Scorpius your mother has been telling me you don't want to be in school anymore, did something happen?" He asked and Scorpius shook his head.

            "No I just don't like it, I hate it in fact."

            "But you get such good marks."

            "I'm tested on my memory not my intelligence dad," Scorpius scowled inwardly. "I just don't like the people."

            "Do they bully you Scorpius?" Draco questioned. "Is it because of your sexuality?" Draco asked him and he shook his head. No that wasn't it. In fact, his sexuality is the only reason he had any type of human interaction. "Are you lonely?"


            "Are you lonely Scorpius? Your mother and I don't hear you talking about other people from school rendering us to believe, you don't have many friends."

            "I don't have any friends, dad." Scorpius confessed.

            "None?" Draco questioned. "All these years you've been going to this school, you haven't made one friend?"

            "No, like I said I don't like the people." Scorpius told him adamantly. Draco sighed but nodded. This was only further supported his decision on moving.

            "Well it's gonna be okay Scorpius, you don't have much longer there." Draco squeezed his son's shoulder gently before leaving his room.

            Scorpius sigh and opened his laptop again. He was close to his parents but he never really discussed the school situation with them. He only ever told them he wanted to drop out. He thought that if they found out what he actually did in school, especially in the bathrooms, they would be horrified.

            Sighing, he decided he had enough of reading bogus articles about the missing boy. He decided to look up any social media the boy had, maybe it was easier to look for him that way. And after he looked it up, he couldn't find anything on the boy but found a link to a Twitter that was dedicated to finding him.

            Three weeks ago my brother went missing, the cops can't find anything and no one has come forward. If you hear or see anything, please contact me. –Lily

            "Dad?" James knocked on the door of his father's bedroom. Harry looked up from his desk.

            "Yeah James? Is everything okay?" Harry questioned and James shook his head slightly.

            "C-can I... can I talk to you about something?" He asked and Harry noticed the quiver in his son's voice.

            "Yeah come in, what's wrong?" Harry inquired turning his seat to look at his son who was now walking into the room.  He took a seat on his parents' bed and looked at his father wide eyed.

            "Do you think he's really missing?"

            "What?" Harry questioned. "What do you mean by that?"

            "Like do you think he's missing or do you think he's hiding?" James asked his father who looked more perplexed.

            "Hiding? What do you think he would be hiding?"

            "Because he's afraid you won't accept him for who he is." James explained and Harry shook his head gently.

            "I'm not following."

            "Dad, Albus told me something about a week before his disappearance. And I'm afraid he's hiding because he doesn't think we could look at him the same way. I mean there isn't a reason we should accept him but I feel like he gets that vibe."

            "James, what did he tell you? Is he sick? Or is he... did he get a bad grade and he's afraid we're gonna kick him out. Because you know that was over a year ago and he's been improve-" Harry tried explained but was cut off by James.

            "Albus is gay, dad."

            "What?" Harry stopped and looked at James. He looked ready to cry so he shook his head.

            "Albus told me he was gay. He told me he's been having feelings for guys but he was afraid to tell you. I don't really know why because of Poppop and Poppy but then he disappeared." James expressed. "It may just be a coincidence but I'm not sure." James' eyes started to fill with tears so he blinked quickly and stood up. "I'm gonna go to my room now." He told his father before leaving.

            Harry didn't get a chance to acknowledge him leaving before he left. He just sat there, thinking about his son... Albus was gay? Could he have run away? Could he have a secret lover that he ran away with? Thoughts flooded his mind as he tried to figure everything out. His son was gay and now he was gone.

            "Harry?" Ginny knocked on the door of their bedroom. "Sweethear, are you okay? You're ghostly white."

            "James... James told me something just before." He muttered and Ginny started walking into the room.

            "Yeah? What is it?" She asked standing in front of her husband.

            "He... he told me that um... He told me that Albus came out as gay." He informed her before looking up at her. "My son is gay." He told her. She could tell from his voice he seemed uneasy about the newly found fact.

            "Harry, I will take my son anyway he is. I don't care that he likes boys or girls, I just want him back." Ginny chided. "Besides your parents are gay!"

            "Yeah but they were gay before I met them." Harry defended. "I just can't imagine my boy with another boy."

            "Well stop imagining it and accept it Harry. Albus was born gay just like your parents were. It's not something we did wrong or did right, it's not something he was persuaded to be..." She paused and looked at her husband. "He was gay before you met him too. Like I said Harry, I do not care who he is attracted to, I just want my son back." She told him, the tears once again sliding down her face.          Harry looked back up at her and nodded his head. She was right, he shouldn't be uncomfortable with it, and he should embrace it. He stood up and gave her a big hug before kissing her cheek.

            "I love you so much Gin. We're gonna find our son alive, I promise you that. And we're gonna make sure he feels as comfortable as possible." He promised her and she nodded. "I'm gonna call my parents, I'll be right back." He told her before planting another kiss on her cheek. He walked down the stairs after leaving the room and into the kitchen.

            After dialing his parent's phone number on the landline, it only rang twice before his dad answered.

            "Hello?" He answered and Harry took a deep breath.

            "Dad, it's me, do you have a minute?" He asked.

            "Of course Harry, what's going on?" Remus asked.

            "Are there any LGBT youth shelters in the area?" Harry questioned.

            "Youth shelters? I'm not sure Harry, why are you asking?" Remus asked his son who took a deep breath.

            "James just told me Albus was gay." He paused taking another breath. "And he's worried his brother is hiding somewhere."

            "Well why would he do that? You'll be supportive of him, I mean you had two dad after all." Remus pointed out.

            "I know dad but I was just making sure maybe if he were hiding, he'd be at a youth shelter. Somewhere safe."

            "I don't know Harry, I have feeling that if he were at a shelter, they'd definitely return him home since he's been all over the news. Not to mention all types of police people." He mentioned before taking a deep breath himself. "But if it makes you feel better, I will do some research and get back to you, okay?"

            "If you find anything, could you and papa come with me to look?" Harry asked and the pitiful voice reminded Remus of when Harry was a toddler, asking why he didn't look like either of them. He swallowed the lump in his throat and took a deep breath.

            "Of course Harry, we would love to."  Remus answered and that's when Harry broke down. He tried his best to pull it together and with Remus' encouraging words, he did.

            "Thank you," He managed to utter. "I love you." Harry told him and Remus' eyes filled with tears. Taking a deep breath, he told Harry he loved him back.

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