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I swallowed my words back immediately, but it didn't go down smoothly at all...

Honestly, I'm still in shock. It was unexpected that the seemingly clueless guy could seize the 'throne' with such a composed expression. I can only assume that for him, this victory was as easy as candy... I mean, taking the top spot. But I still can't accept it!

At least show some joy, for heaven's sake????

Looking at him like that makes me want to stomp on his foot!

My big round eyes glared angrily, like a tiger eyeing its prey, at the pair chatting away attentively. I had tuned out the rest of the world, focusing only on them, as one wrapped an arm around the other, laughing heartily... Not realizing that the air around me had become disturbingly distorted with shades of dark purple.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

The tomboyish girl seemed to sense my "affectionate" gaze, and quickly whispered something to the annoying guy. In less than ten seconds, three pairs of eyes met. Two pairs looked confused, while one pair seemed ready to devour the other two.

Four eyes on me, but I wasn't about to be outdone. I rummaged through the small bag at my side, pulled out my glasses, and put them on, returning their stares with my own set of four eyes.

Want to fight?

Lost in my chaotic thoughts, our heroine forgot she was in a showdown with two new adversaries who might stick around for a while. Suddenly, the dark-haired girl was right in front of me, cheerfully saying,

"Hello~ Are you here to check the results for your sibling?"

What? Say that again?

"Yuu, come here. This little one is so adorable, already helping out her family at such a young age."


The more she talked, the darker my expression grew.

Either you shut up, or you shut up. Choose!!!

I glared at the short-haired girl irritably, but it seemed my look came across to her as 'a wary child eyeing a stranger'... She kept her stupid smile and waved at the blond guy. Great! Come here and take your friend away before I bite her head off!

"Rein in your temper, Rin. You're scaring the kid."

Hah? What's with this treating-me-like-a-kid attitude!?

I instinctively stepped back from these two crazies.

"Sorry about that. My friend can be a bit nutty sometimes. Don't let her scare you."

I wanted to say something, but the blond guy interrupted me!


"Have you found your family member's name yet? Need any help?" - The blond guy, Nagakawa, hadn't finished when the tomboy cut in, "So? Just tell us the name you're looking for. Don't be shy, we're happy to help a cute little girl like you."

I truly admired my own patience. Looking at the two of them, with one speaking and the other responding, so engrossed.

Oh I was so pissed.

I didn't want to argue, so before things got out of hand, I turned around and said,

"Nagakawa Yuuto, enjoy your short-lived happiness because I promise it will end soon! The top spot can only belong to me, Aeri! Hmph! See you at school."

Four eyes watched the small figure of the girl quietly leave the scene.

"Aeri... Aeri..."

The tomboy, Uehara Rin, mumbled the name of the departing girl with a thoughtful look. She'd heard that name somewhere before, it sounded familiar. "Nichiya Aeri, second place," Yuuto interrupted his friend's thoughts, his eyes fixed on the lines of text beneath his own name.

"You're kidding, right? I thought she was an elementary school kid-"


Aeri hadn't gone that far, still within earshot of their conversation.

So much for first and third place.

Turns out they're both idiots.

- - - - -

Yuuto's pov:

Maybe these high school years won't be as boring as he thought.

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